~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-15-2012 – We're all Living it together~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 05/15/2012 - 11:13


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-15-2012 – We're all Living it together~




Greetings Loved Beings,

Be it snow or wind, hail or increased temperatures... we thank for each and every change that is happening as we send Gaia All Our Purest Love and Blessings for Her/Our ascension.

We know that these changes are to happen for the Best Good of All, so we’re not concerned, also knowing that all those that will transition from this reality are already safely Home and following their personal contract.


Thank You for Seeing only Love.



Updated 5/14/2012 @ 22:00 UTC

Solar Update

Solar activity remains at low levels with only C-Class flares detected. Sunspot 1476 continues to decay and is no longer a threat for strong solar flares. Sunspots 1482 and 1484 both are showing signs of growth, but so far remain stable.


Sunspots 1482 and 1484 (Tuesday) – SDO

Coronal Mass Ejection: A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is seen in the latest Lasco C2 images off the southeast limb. This was caused by a prominence lifting off in the southeast quadrant. It does not look to be Earth directed. Video is below.





Winter returns to Bosnia: Sarajevo hit by latest snow storm in 50 years

Posted on May 15, 2012

May 15, 2012 – SARAJEVO — The Bosnian capital and its surroundings were covered by snow on Monday, the first time in half a century snow has settled in Sarajevo at this time of year, as temperatures plunged to just above freezing. “The snow was nine centimetres (over three inches) high at 0500 GMT. It is the first time in the past 50 years that we have snow that remained in Sarajevo in May,” Dzenan Zulum of the national meteorological institute told AFP. Zulum said snow had previously covered the capital in May in 1962 and 1953, adding that it also fell in Sarajevo in May 2005, but immediately melted. Temperatures have plummeted in the past two days from 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit) on Saturday to 0.3 degrees Celsius on Monday. Farmers have reported that many orchards had been damaged by the unseasonal cold snap, as snow also fell in central and eastern parts of Bosnia. However forecasts for the next few days predict temperatures soaring back above 20 degrees Celsius. Like much of Europe, Bosnia suffered a harsh winter, with snow falls up to two metres (over six feet) high. -AFP


Dust storm in the Middle East


n early May 2012, a dust storm blew over the Middle East, particularly east of Damascus. The storm covered most of Syria, and extended into Iraq, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. The dust was thickest in the west, especially over Jordan and northern Saudi Arabia, and thinning toward the east. Source points for this storm aren’t obvious in this image, but the vast sand seas of the Arabian Peninsula provide plentiful material for dust plumes. In addition, impermanent rivers and salt lakes occur throughout the region. The fine sediments from these features, as well as from the Tigris and Euphrates floodplains, can feed dust storms.


Pacific Mystery: What's Killing the Dolphins and the Pelicans?

Mon, 14 May 2012 13:28 CDT


© Wilfredo Sandoval/AFP/Getty Images

Two men measure the carcass of a dead dolphin on a beach near Chiclayo, Peru.

The article says they have no clue, it could be for all and any reason. If there’s a man-made reason or not, we deeply thank these souls as we know that each one of them is helping All to release low vibrational consciousness by their transitioning. Also, we know that their spirit is still assisting All of Us in this amazing transition.


Three Forest Fires Burn Out of Control in Alberta; Fire Ban in Effect



CBC News

Mon, 14 May 2012 00:00 CDT


© Edmonton journal

Aerial photograph of a wildfire near Lodgepole taken by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development firefighters.

Canada - As firefighters work around the clock on three forest fires burning out of control in northern Alberta, officials issued a fire ban on Monday for most forested areas in the province.


"The wildfire situation in most of Alberta is serious," said Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Minister Diana McQueen in a news release.


"Unfortunately, most of the wildfires we are fighting right now appear to be human-caused and therefore were 100 per cent preventable. It is very important that everyone take precautions to avoid starting fires - it is so dry and windy in many places that fires can start and spread very quickly."

Read more at: http://www.sott.net/signs/list_by_category/4-Earth-Changes





5.1    2012/05/15 05:19:56    NORTH INDIAN OCEAN



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All our Love, ANdReA

~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


~Thank You for Keeping the Press Going and Supporting Your Earth Allies~


We’re actually 2’200$ behind our May goal~

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