~ The Galactic Free Press~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/29/2012 - 13:12

Thriving in the Heart of Sacred Awareness - Message by Gabriel




posted on February 27, 2012


Dear One,

Your heart will provide the guidance you are seeking when you blend the worlds of spirit and matter within your life. As you claim Unity in a world of polarity, it creates an empowered connection to the Source of all Light. Increasing frequencies of Divine Love are elevating your consciousness in ways that allow greater Truth to surface from your heart, the seat of your intuition. To consciously empower the energy frequencies in which you live, create clear intentions that let the Divine know what you are available to experience in your life. The fields of potential around you will then begin to expand exponentially.

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HEAVEN #4114 Living in the World


HEAVEN #4114 Living in the World

February 29, 2012 


God said: 


When I said that your cup runneth over, I did not mean for it to run over with discontent. I do not give you discontent.

Discontent is something you help yourself to.

Tell yourself to be contented. Think of it, beloveds, you live under a sky that is referred to as the Heavens. You always have it. There is always the sky above. The sky is bright blue or it is gray.


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BREAKING NEWS: James Murdoch has stepped down as Executive Chairman of News International!!!!


BREAKING NEWS: James Murdoch has stepped down as Executive Chairman of News International!!!!


2:20pm GMT Wednesday 29th of Feb.




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light message posted on Dr. Phil's Facebook


February 29 2012: Dear Dr. Phil, we are moving into a time of love of light now .... your persistent highlighting of the darkness in every show, every day, negates the light. You have a tremendous opportunity to help move millions towards healing .... pure water, food, loving nature, animals. We are being told to remember who we are - to move into the light. Fear on mainstream media is ending. You have a choice of going either way Dr. Phil. Love & Light. Dawn Ford ~ freelancing for the light.


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Staying Balanced ~ Love Reporter Ute Posegga-Rudel


Staying Balanced

by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Written Message Here


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~Space Weather Update~ END OF FEBRUARY AURORAS


MARS AT OPPOSITION: Mars is approaching opposition. On March 3-5, the Red Planet will be up all night long, opposite the sun and as close to Earth as it will get in 2012. Mars shines overhead at midnight 6 times brighter than a 1st magnitude star and looks great through a backyard telescope. [sky map] [photos: #0, #1, #2, #3, #4]


END OF FEBRUARY AURORAS: February is coming to an end with a flourish of auroras. A CME impact followed by a gusty solar wind stream have combined to produce bright lights around the Arctic Circle on Feb. 26-28. Photographer Nenne Åman recorded the scene last night in Revi, Sweden:



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A very POWERFUL message


Do yourselves a huge favor and visit this lady`s channel.....


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Invitation to Take Part in Film - Love Begins With Me





We welcome you to the ‘Love Begins With Me’ project, a film which we intend will reveal the heart of humanity for all to see.

We want to reveal that love is alive and well and is being shared amongst people throughout the world, and how much better the world is when people are sharing their love.

We are the co-producers of this film and directors of The Love Foundation which is a not-for-profit organisation based in Florida, U.S., and whose mission is to inspire people to love unconditionally. For more information about The Love Foundation please visit our website.

The film will be released on May 1st 2012. We are now in the production stage and we are inviting you to take part in the film.

We are inviting people from all over the world to take part in or contribute to this film, by making video with your video camera, cell/mobile phone camera or Skype, etc., in which you can show the world how you, or others, love from your heart and give from your heart to others in the many ways you do.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/28/12



These events we speak of are not events that can or cannot happen, these are events that can happen and will happen because you made them happen. We of the Galactic Commands have said to you time and again that the events that so many of you wish to experience are within your grasp, but it is you as a collective that must choose to experience these events, and it is you that will make them a reality. How this is done has also been explained to you, but certainly bears repeating here.


The events you wish to experience such as the arrests of the leaders of the criminal Cabal, as well as a reunion with us, your Star Families, can be manifested by your consent and your intent. Action is then necessarily applied and the reality you wish to experience is yours. This is how it works. Simple enough, is it not dear ones?


We at this time are asking for your permission to join you in your world and we see many of you welcoming us warmly. We also see many of you taking action to make your wishes a reality by helping to spread the word of our arrival. We also see many of you who have made your intentions clear that you wish to see the arrests of members of the criminal Cabal, and many who are also taking action to make your wishes a reality by assisting to spread this news as well.


As your efforts continue, the reality you wish to experience begins to manifest. If you stopped your efforts in this regard today, the reality you wished to create would begin to un-manifest and dissolve. The reason for this would appear to you to be a mundane reason, legal reason, technical issue, political issue and so on, but the catalyst behind these apparent reasons would be nothing but mundane, it would be because you as a collective chose to no longer manifest this reality.


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~Ascension Symptoms~



Ascension Symptoms

rainbow line rainbow line

Some of these ascension symptoms are ones I’ve lived with for many years now and have gotten familiar with how they cycle in and out, year after year, becoming less intense the more I transmuted and released. As I’ve said elsewhere over the past few years, your mileage may vary, because we each are dealing with and transmuting slightly different emotional energies, karmic/polarized energies, past life energies, and varying degrees of lower negative vibrating energies across time on earth. Some of us have been processing not only our own stuff and junk from this life, but ALL of them, and also doing transformational bloodline family work, and also planetary clearing of specific lower stuck (dark or negative) energies done by people across time on this planet. That is what Starseeds do, and more.




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Spectacular "UFO Cloud" Appears Over Russia by Debby



Spectacular "UFO Cloud" Appears Over Russia


MessageToEagle.com - It's huge! It's glowing and it is an amazing sight!

A spectacular UFO-like cloud was captured on film in Russia in February this year.

This cloud is different than many other UFO clouds, mainly due to its glow and colors.

The video shows its bright, changing colors and movement. It is really astonishing.


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by Galactic Love Reporter Brenda Kelly
27th Feb to 4th March

 *This is an interesting card to come after 2 weeks of focusing on our power centre and our individuality through having a 'non-conformist' attitude.
Now we come to the Crown chakra, almost feels like a right of passage and this week we are rewarded through our deepening connection to our spirit and our sense of one-ness and deeper connection with Pure 'Source'.

As I write these words I feel I am guided to say that we are NEVER apart from Source. It is an illusion this sense of alone-ness we may experience in our lives.


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The Revolution of Consciousness - Uranus in Aries



by GLR Szuson Wong, Ph.D

Director Seven Hills Health 
14 February 2011
from StarSeeds Website




March 11, 2011


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Message from Archangel Michael and Yeshua ~ 2.28.12 ~ Be Reborn ~ As channeled through Fran Zepeda


Greetings beloveds, we come before you today to speak of Love. We are your comrades in this beautiful undertaking to which you have become so committed since time without beginning.


The quality of Love is transforming. You have probably noticed it, dear ones. It has taken on an essence you have not seen for many eons. Take a moment to feel the quality. Bathe in it and absorb it. Be very cognizant of its nature. By now, you are experiencing Love in a different Light.


You know now that Love is your essence, not just something that you feel or give out at will.  It makes up your whole being. It governs your decisions; it colors your world. It Is your world; it Is you. It is everyone around you if you choose to see it that way.


Enter into that world now. Let it color how you look at things, how you react to things, how you take action. It is the essence of you. No one can convince you otherwise anymore.



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SaLuSa 29~February~2012



SaLuSa  29~February~2012

If anyone doubted that time has speeded up, you have only to consider the speed at which the first two months have passed, and so it shall continue right through to Ascension. The call for freedom from your oppressors has been answered and their ability to cause further problems has been addressed, and they no longer have the powerful bases that maintained their hold over you. They may seek to change matters, but it is now beyond their scope to reverse the affect of the actions against them. Their roles have been reduced to ones of only a nuisance value, and soon their activities will have all but evaporated as their power structure is taken apart. Having come thus far it only remains for us to remove the Illuminati, and a major part of our mission will have been completed.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light All Events will happen


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/28/12





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~ Extreme Weather Warnings~


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~Note from the Press~


~The Press will resume in 2 hours, We are in Meetings~

~Thank You, Your Earth Allies In Love With You~


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Let the past go


Release unhappy past experiences




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American Kabuki ~ 101 Resignations From World Banks ~ 29 February 2012


American Kabuki ~ 101 Resignations From World Banks ~ 29 February 2012


(Lucas: The updated list of Kauilapele by American Kabuki)

UPDATED 2/29/12



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Action on Federation's Request




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Socrates Berlin ~ James Murdoch Steps Down At New International ~ 29 February 2012


Socrates Berlin ~ James Murdoch Steps Down At New International ~ 29 February 2012

James Murdoch is to step down as executive chairman of News International, it was announced today.

Parent company News Corporation said in a statement the move would allow him to focus on expanding the company’s international TV businesses.


Mr Murdoch has faced intense scrutiny in the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal.

The company said Mr Murdoch, who is its deputy chief operating officer, was stepping down from the role in NI, which is its UK publishing unit, following his relocation to the company’s headquarters in New York.


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Creation Energies - by Branda Hoffman




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Visionkeeper ~ Stay Alert!



Visionkeeper ~ Stay Alert!

One World Rising | February 29 2012


As a general rule I try to stay positive because I firmly believe in the premise that our thoughts create our reality. Because of this belief I do not like to dwell in fearful areas such as what the dark ones may do next to bring everything down. To think in those terms is to give those thoughts your energy thereby giving them strength. By the same token, I also believe wholeheartedly that we must remain aware and awake to what is taking place in this country and not shut out that reality. Be aware but do not dwell in fear is what I am saying. As I mentioned yesterday knowledge is power.



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2~28~12~Greetings from Starship Athabantian ~ Embracing Change






Embracing Change

Posted on February 28, 2012


Greetings from the starship Athabantian, I am Bren-ton of Andromeda. We are most pleased to be communicating with you. From our vantage point many thousands of mile overhead, we observe that everything on planet Earth is progressing toward the great transformation. While it may not appear so to you who are involved in the middle of these events, there is progress toward the day when we can announce, “Earth has transformed. The humans of Earth have ascended to the 5th Dimension.” There is no question that the transformation will take place.



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The Magnetic’s of Your Life and Riding March’s Energy!


The Magnetic’s of Your Life and Riding March’s Energy!




Here we are on an earth that is currently allowing every viable frequency be visible.  One of the hardest things I find to write about is the sheer variables within these frequencies.  We think and look in a linear way.  Yes truly, life is all a quantum state of energy.


So when I talk about the frequencies one is aligned too… I do talk about it as if they are all in a nice slice of frequencies one above the other.  Not so at all.  It just makes story telling much easier to paint a picture.


There are so many different frequencies all walking around on earth together.


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~Very significant dream~ Starships Landing


Hi everyone ! 
Galactic Love Reporter Marco~
This morning, I had a very exciting and significant dream which I need to share to you. I woke up just after the dream, at 9 AM, then I powered on the computer to write the dream on word processing, before I made my donation to have access to the forum.
In this dream, I was with my mother, in the kitchen of my house. I looked by the french window which leads to my garden... and, in the sky, wide but covered, I saw an allignment of moving stars, which was in fact the lightings of a Ship (I thought it was what many call a "Cigar ship", but it wasn't). I heckled my mother who was at my side, and I pointed the finger by the moving lighting dots then we went out from the kitchen to go in the garden.
Then, at my great surprise, the Ship appeared, suddenly, in melted. He was very near the ground, away from my neighbor across, approaching the top of the high trees. His matterial was matte as plastic, unicolor, of a pure and clean white.


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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday February 29 ~ Thursday March 1 2012



Oracle Report ~ Wednesday February 29 ~ Thursday March 1 2012


Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase

Wednesday’s energy brings out the pioneer in each of us. Where do events lead you today? Are you ready for an upgrade? The planets are squaring up to make an imprint on our destiny – “stamping” new energy – so follow along closely. Be open to new possibilities and don’t be overly concerned about letting other people down. In order for this energy to properly work, it requires each of us to consider what is best for ourselves.



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Mahala Gayle ~ Planet Alert March 2012



Mahala Gayle ~ Planet Alert March 2012


Mahala Astrology | February 28 2012


Here we are in March already; time has definitely speeded up. Did any of you have heart challenges, or back problems this past month? The moon was in Leo this past full moon on February 7, 2012, and Leo rules the heart and back. Many people experienced some physical challenges during, before, or after that full moon, which was on 18 degrees Leo. This is the degree of Christ Consciousness. This consciousness is now open for anyone to experience. It is time to think with your heart.


On February 3, 2012 a Doorway to Heaven opened in the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar. This was on the glyph of the White Electric Worldbridger. This particular glyph is about death, release and surrender. This is the glyph of freeing yourself from the desire to be in control. This was the time to surrender your limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. This was the time to look for new ways of being, new people, new ideas and new directions that move you to where you want to be. It was the time to forgive, transform, surrender, and release.


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~Update by Sheldan Nidle~ The freedom we have worked toward for millennia is, at long last, to be manifested



4 Kan, 17 Zac, 8 Manik



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2/28/2012 -- Severe Tornado outbreak occurring -- multiple states -- NWS warnings issued


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Rats Leaving the Ship: Banking Families Are Disappearing



Rats Leaving the Ship: Banking Families Are Disappearing


Rats Leaving the Ship: Banking Families Are Disappearing | in5d News











At the 52 minute mark in this February 8, 2012 interview from Project Camelot of Jay Weidner, Kerry Cassidy states, “One thing, which is we got word, is that the contractors in the Boston area are exchanging among themselves that houses are starting to be emptied, and what are in essence banking families are just disappearing, altogether, they’re just abandoning their houses…”

Kerry also mentions John Kettler, who has been making some accurate predictions.

John Kettler’s website


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~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!~


~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!~


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


Inner peace is fundamental in a human being, be it of this planet or of whatever other inhabited planet. Calm, inoffensiveness or non-violence, tranquility are common qualities in evolved souls of illumined planes, but difficult to see in terrestrial beings.


You have been conditioned to live a life full of strong emotions, aggressive sports where what counts is to win, when what is important should be to play and have fun doing it well without that concept of competition, which is so widespread in everything you do, be it practicing sports or also in the work world between some commercial enterprises.


They don’t look towards the common good, they don’t make an effort to achieve the welfare of their community; rather, primarily they compete with one another so that, that which they represent will be what brings them the most benefit.


But it is not your fault; it is the system you live and were raised in which is at fault and is preventing you today from enjoying inner peace.


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No explanation for mysterious ‘lake music’ reported by many Yellowstone visitors



No explanation for mysterious ‘lake music’ reported by many Yellowstone visitors


~A MESSAGE from the Pleiadian Council of Light~


Message to the Universe from The Pleiadian ring of 500 affiliated of the Pleiadian Council of Light



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Expect HUGE Changes With Upcoming Rare Astrological Alignment! Valuable Repost


~Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~

 We just went through this alignment..and Here we GO~ We felt this Information needed to Be shared Again~ All our Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff



Expect HUGE Changes With Upcoming Rare Astrological Alignment!


A rare astrological alignment that hasn't been seen since America's Revolutionary War will be influencing many upcoming events on this planet. If that wasn't enough, we are also heading into a Mercury Retrograde coupled with a New Moon. Fasten your seatbelts, folks, you're in for the ride of your life!



This is the second part to the article that was titled ‘It’s only Castles Burning.’


We spoke of Mars and Saturn being retrograde at this time, and things will continue as discussed, but now we have to pull retrograde Mercury and retrograde Pluto into this puzzle.  Pluto has been lurking quietly in the background in Capricorn since 2008 and has, in this sign of worldly power, been the silent pot simmering on the back burner, ready to destroy the established world orders.  It represents changes that take time, but leaves nothing standing after it passes.



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It’s Not a Fairytale: Seattle to Build Nation’s First Food Forest



It’s Not a Fairytale: Seattle to Build Nation’s First Food Forest



Forget meadows. The city’s new park will be filled with edible plants, and everything from pears to herbs will be free for the taking.



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~Hall Of Mirrors~


~Hall Of Mirrors~




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Wes Annac: Purging and Cleansing Update~ Day One


Wes Annac: Purging and Cleansing Update~ Day One

It's a New Beginning! Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image


February 27, 2012: Day one of attempted purging

1:17 PM – This is day one and the purging has begun, and as anticipated it is difficult. Been feeling really strong urges to do exactly what I am purging myself from, which was anticipated as I knew there would be those parts of myself who want only to continue the old paradigm; and in this case ‘continuing the old paradigm’ means indulging in exactly what I wish to get away from.



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~AA METATRON on Earth Ascension~


~AA METATRON on Earth Ascension~



Archangel Metatron on Earth Ascension

through Beth Trutwin Original Posting 12/1/10


Greetings. This is Lord Metatron. All of you reading this are Members of the Ground Crew of the Ashtar Command. You are witnessing the vast wide sweeping Ascension of Planet Earth. It is unfolding before your eyes.



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Human-Rights Lawyers Pursue Corporations for Abuses ~ by BZ Riger



Human-Rights Lawyers Pursue Corporations for Abuses

2012 February 28
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter BZ Riger


If corporations have rights, why don’t they have responsibilities as well? Human-rights lawyers continue to use the Alien Torts Statute to prosecute corporations that promote human-rights abuses.


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Message from Sananda by James McConnell



Message from Sananda
by Galactic Love Reporter James McConnell

As you sit idly by going to and fro in your daily activities, many changes are occurring at many levels throughout the planet.

We are entering a time of cleansing unlike anything that has ever happened here.


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~ The Galactic Free Press ~ 2~28~12 ~Energy and Event Update~ Prepare for the Upcoming Changes~ We All Stand Up~



~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~28~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~
~Energy and Event Update~
Prepare for the Upcoming Changes~ We All Stand Up~




Greetings Love Beings, energy is on the Move preparing everyone for the Inevitable upcoming events that will assist In Humanity's Freedom from the shackles of illusion.


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra



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2/28/2012 -- Earthquakes in Illinois -- New Madrid Seismic Zone plus quick Global outlook


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An Urgent Message from Mother Vesta about the Islands of Japan ♥ 日本



An Urgent Message from Mother Vesta about the Islands of Japan ♥ 日本



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Laura Tyco – Private Message from My Higher Self 28 Feb 2012 ~You Are Disclosure


Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.

Message channeled by Laura Tyco

********* ******** ********


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Life on other Planets


I was blessed today with this wonderful video... I am happy to share this with all my beloved brothers and sisters... Enjoy!!! Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! :) <3 NOW!


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The Astrology of March 2012 - for Everyone


Two kites, a partial mystic rectangle and *two six-pointed stars* in March!!! 

A rare and complex set of aspects dominate March's chart. This chart takes us close to the frontiers of astrological understanding. It also takes us over a threshold into a different kind of energetic space, one with a distinctly spiritual component. 

The focus changes from big, headline-making aspects and major events to a dense, highly charged primal energetic blend aimed at individuals and isolated processes. The focus will be on countless small events and opportunities affecting countless lives separately. A deeply complex energetic atmosphere in which trends are hard to spot and predictions are hard to make.


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From Mother of Creation


A Beautiful Lullaby ... for when we rest awhile


My dearest new family of Angels!  We, the creators, you Mother and Father are so proud of you...


Remember to take time to rest...


As we gently tuck each of you into a gilded cradle of love remember we are always watching over you...


As your home Gaia rocks you gently, may ascending stars circle your heads while visions of paradise fill your dreams.


And tomorrow will be a brilliant new day!


grailheart magi, in the Center of the Ring of Fire, honoring Madame Pele and all Life!







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THE MATRIX UNVEILED: Slavery VS Liberty - Kerry Lutz



Kerry Lutz ~ The Matrix Unveiled: Slavery Vs Liberty

2/28/2012 -- Midwest Tornadoes -- PLUS damaging winds in the South USA -- be aware !


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FBI Building Insider Trading Cases On 120 People ~ Herald Sun ~ 28 February 2012


FBI Building Insider Trading Cases On 120 People ~ Herald Sun ~ 28 February 2012

(The FBI is investigating suspected criminal insider trading on Wall Street. AFP)

FEDERAL authorities are seeking to build insider trading cases against roughly 120 individuals on and off Wall Street in an expanding criminal insider trading investigation that has shaken the financial and corporate worlds.


The disclosure – the first time authorities have quantified the number of people under scrutiny – comes on the heels of a string of successful prosecutions of insider trading.


Since late 2009, prosecutors have charged 66 individuals at hedge funds and other companies with insider trading and won 57 convictions or guilty pleas.


“We’ve identified them, and now of course we have to build a case around that,” David Chaves, a senior FBI agent, said Monday in an interview following a presentation to reporters at FBI headquarters in Manhattan.



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Jafree Ozwald ~ Enlightened Beings ~ How To Access Your Magic Inner Genie ~ 28 February 2012


Jafree Ozwald ~ Enlightened Beings ~ How To Access Your Magic Inner Genie ~ 28 February 2012

“One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe.” ~Abraham Hicks


Everyone has access to a magical power inside them that goes beyond all the limitations of what our rational society knows to be true. We each are able to tap into a world of infinite potentiality, where anything is possible and our dreams really do come true. Most nay-sayers out there would scoff at this perspective, yet little do they know that they too are creating their own reality by the negativism they hold. Once they loosen their grip just a bit on the tightly wound point of view they are clenching, they will see that there is room in this amazing Universe for all sorts wild things.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Stay Optimistic


Keep your thoughts positive


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2/28/2012 -- Threat of a LARGE earthquake looming in Asia -- Taiwan, through Japan to Alaska


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Grandfather #10


By Love Reporters Sanat Kumara and Peter


Grandfather #10
Sanat Kumara and Peter
[ Brilliant Reshare]


Peter: Grandfather, Thunkashila, it's me. Grandfather, I ask you to look this way for a moment while I'm making prayer ties. Please Grandfather speak, if it is your desire to do so.


Grandfather: Aho Kholá, this is I, Grandfather Sanat Kumara. I come in the light of the One.


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~Ascended Master El Morya~





Dear ones, many souls are finding it hard to adjust and cope with the radical changes that are taking place throughout the earth plane.


Many are harbouring deep wounds of the heart from this life and many before, they are struggling to live their daily lives as they wish to do so. Many more are trapped in thier own thoughts and minds, storing and replaying past events that are no longer reality. The mind has no emotion but what the mind creates the heart feels. It is healthy to reminis of the good times in your life, but as for dwelling, and living in the past it can be both regretful and painful and this will not help you move forward. Looking to far ahead can be both exciting and daunting but neither are reality, we ask that you detach from the illusion of what your reality is as it holds you back and lowers your vibration dear ones. it is living in the now, that is your reality and where you create it. As the energy you put in is what you get back. So what can you do now to make tomorrow that much better?



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I am Mother Mary. It is such a great honor for me to be here today to speak to all of humanity. I am here today with the greatest of respect and the greatest of love for each and every one of you.



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HEAVEN #4113 ~ WHEN YOU SEE LAMPS UNLIT ~ 28.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff




Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

When You See Lamps Unlit

Heavenletter #4113 Published on: February 28, 2012

God said:

You are My own True Love. This is to remember. When you are out in the world and your feelings get frostbitten, remember Me. Remember Our Oneness. Remember overwhelming love, and remember that you are love. As much as you may try to foist away love, no matter how successful you may feel at withdrawing yourself from love and the hurt you may feel accompanies the giving away of love, love is ever-present. That goes for you and everyone.



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Oneism - Oneness fundamentals of Oneism and Noetic Science at Oneism.org


This Oneism film clip is a collection of extracts of quotes from many famous authors, scholars and spiritual personalities and the first film clip ever to putt ALL of Oneism oneness in a true clear perspective. It is an open source video so please do a good deed and copy and duplicate this movie on your own youtube account.

Oneism Author of The Hidden Records who cracked the Solomon Key cipher code, Wayne Herschel confirms the source of his human origins theory and it is not of this Earth!

In an out of body experience he believes he has literally seen the Cosmic Tree of Life and what can only be explained as the place of God!

He presents the source of all his evidence not only for his book's Hidden Records Solomon Key theory that humanity originated from celestial visitors from the stars, but for proof of his experience with The Creation... the nucleus at the centre of the universe, the cosmic Tree of Life. He has spent the last 20 years finding all the hidden records proving his life-altering experience.

Apart from showing that all religions carry separate pieces of one big puzzle, his experience also shows what humanity is doing drastically wrong, and that we will soon face something very catastrophic we do not change our ways urgently. See the full story on the Cosmic Tree of Life and the UFO visitation evidence and the oneness of Oneism at...



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