~The Galactic Free Press Up and Down we Go, where we end up...

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/22/2012 - 08:46

~Greetings Love Beings... What a Wild ride we are all in together on!~ Up and down we go, as the Energies fluctuate everyone into the Higher Frequenices. It will be apparent now, that the old cannot be clinged too. Let everything go, and you will have a more easy journey. We will continue our daily update this evening. We had to take 24 hours to recover ourselves from working with the energies so intenstly. We Love YOU, Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff

"Enjoy The Ride" Morcheeba - featuring Judie Tzuke (includes lyrics)



Caricato da  in data 02/mar/2009


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Interview: Hawaii, October 1998 (Terence McKenna) [FULL]



Terence McKenna describes Novelty Theory to director John Hazard with an elaboration of its core principles involving hyper-complexification and the compression of Time. He holds forth on the correspondences between the structure of the DNA molecule and the Chinese I-Ching, then shows how his notion of an Archaic Revival leads from the theories of mind and the art movements of the early 20th century to the Shaman as the quintessential figure of the 21st century, with psychedelic substances being the bridge between these worldviews.

By way of explaining why he's finally releasing this footage, Director John Hazard has the following to say:

"On meeting Terence: I had just finished shooting a film which profiled George Wallace for American Experience, and I was looking for a subject for a film that I might make that would engage me in a compelling way. I stumbled upon Terence and Novelty Theory, and I liked the correspondences between his work and the Mayan calendar.

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Private Message from SaLuSa and Allendale to Galactic Love Reporter Laura Tyco



Private Message from SaLuSa and Allendale to Galactic Love Reporter Laura Tyco

21 Feb 2012




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NewsAlert: NASA Discovers a Water World –A ‘New Species’ “Unlike Any Planet We Know Of”




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Transforming Physicality~~Update by Sheldan


Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy





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~Quick Update from the Press~


~For the Last 24 hours, we have had some events, where we had to halt the daily updates. We will resume them this evening. We are assisting the Planet in releasing alot of built up energy, and we are sure many of you are feeling this as well, as we are all connected in this Journey!! Thank You for Having Patience and For Your Love and Support~ Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff


~We send all our Love~


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Marlene Swetlishoff – Melchizedek 21 Feb 2012



The Rainbow Scribe: Melchizedek 2012


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John Smallman – Saul – Release Any Remaining Needs For Self-judgment – 22 February 2012



John Smallman – Saul – Release Any Remaining Needs For Self-judgment – 22 February 2012













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UFO appeared twice on live news.


Those cheeky E.T.'s out for a joy ride:)


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/21/12



More is happening behind the scenes at this moment than is being reported to you either through your worldwide media outlets or even through our trusted channels of information. We wish at this time to relay some of what is transpiring to you, but due to matters of security and safety concerns for our allies in the field, we must resist the temptation to share with you some of this rather exciting information. Let us just say that more is happening beyond your perceptions at this time and that these matters are of the nature of what we have assured you would take place. This information will be shared with you, you can be assured of this, as we do wish to keep you informed every step of the way and you have certainly earned the right to be included in all our discussions, however, as we have said we must protect our many men and women in the line of fire and as such must for now maintain an air of secrecy. This will not be for long however, and in time this cloak of secrecy will be removed for all that is transpiring to be revealed to your entire world.


We are continuing to apply the pressure to all those yet stubbornly aligned with the Cabal and their oppressive agenda, and the screws are tightening all around their leaders, officers, and soldiers throughout the world and even throughout space. These forces that remain to continue their resistance to your new system will also be taken into custody when the time is appropriate, but for now, we have them safely bottled up where they can do no further harm to our forces of light or to you, the citizens of Earth.


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HEAVEN #4106 ~ MOTIVATING POWER ~ 21.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff



Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

Motivating Power

Heavenletter #4106 Published on: February 21, 2012

God said:

Will follows desire. Desire first. Will will follow. There has to be an idea first. There has to be something you will with all your heart, and, therefore, Mine. Thy Will be done works on both sides, as if We have sides. There is no other side but Mine.


To will is not meant to be something hard to do. In fact, will is not something you do. Will doesn't mean working hard at it. Determine what you will for, and then let it be. Let it come forward. Let it reveal itself.



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HEAVEN #4107 ~ THE YEAR OF THE HEART ~ 22.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff




Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

The Year of the Heart

Heavenletter #4107 Published on: February 22, 2012

God said:


You have picked up that glorious peace is on its way, full-steam ahead. A union of hearts is on the march. Hearts are on the rise. Hearts are surpassing the mind. Thoughts are following hearts. Hearts are leading. You exemplify My heart and My thoughts. You have picked up the beat. You are drum majorettes of love. Hear My heart. You hear the rumble of My thoughts. You are listening for it. Hearts bow down in love as hearts rise up in love.



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Benjamin Fulford – Second Update – 21 February 2012



Benjamin Fulford – Second Update – 21 February 2012




It would appear, Mr. Stone, that your investigative work ( http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/fukushima1.html ) is gaining some traction on the Net (below… and your letter to Mr. Rense).  It is becoming more difficult to dismiss your comments.  Your photos and supplemental information are looking more like a strong testament to the high level of technical care that the Japanese exercised in reinforcing the Fukushima facility.  


The camera bomb would have been much more destructive if the Japanese had constructed a weak facility.  It looks like they did their homework and they knew what they were doing.



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Ascended Masters - St Germain and Violet Flame Alchemy By Terrie Marie




Ascended Masters - St Germain and Violet Flame Alchemy

By Galactic Love Reporter Terrie Marie






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~Space Weather Update~ Solar Wind Speed 532 Slight Chance of M~Class


SUNSET PLANETS: The brightest planets in the night sky are aligning for a must-see show in late February and March 2012. Start looking tonight. [video] [full story] [New images: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8]



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Visionkeeper ~ Living From Your Heart



Visionkeeper ~ Living From Your Heart

One World Rising | February 21 2012

Can you feel the world-changing beneath your feet? Look around you, open your eyes and really look deeply at what is going on around you. Step out of auto pilot and take notice for once of what we are doing, what we are feeling and what we are seeing and hearing. Life is very different today than what it was six months ago, six weeks ago, six hours ago. If you make a point to observe it all you will see the subtle and not so subtle changes unfolding. The big shift really began with the occupy wall street phenomena. People were suddenly realizing they were being had by banks, corporate America and our own Government. The truth about what was being done to us was first leaking out in dribs and drabs and now it is beginning to pour out. Sticking a finger in this dike will not stop the flow of information from spilling forth and opening people’s minds to the truth of what is going on. The end is near.



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Beaming in from Spacefam 2~22~12



Beaming in from Spacefam

22 February 2012
Love you all




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~We're Amazed at Your "Daring Do"~



Welcome to Brenda's Blog

 GLR~ Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Summary of Brenda’s February 20, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: You are rapidly learning how to ride the waves of earth & spiritual energies. Think of it as building your earth/spirit muscles – from an 80 pound weakling to a superb athlete.


Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at www.Life Tapestry Creations.com: ”2012 is Your Year of Spiritual Puberty”




Dear Ones,

New moon. New direction. New life. That is what you are hoping for, but dare not believe. Such is possible – in fact, inevitable. Will it happen during this February new moon? For some. But most of you Lightworkers are just beginning to flex your earth/spiritual New Age muscles.



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Pleiadian Message 2012 ~ A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light



This Pleiadian Message was communicated through Barbara Marciniak in 1992! From the book "Bringers of the Dawn"

Lia Shapiro channels the (pleiadians), bringing New Messages of Hope, Light and Spiritual Growth. Accelerate Your Evolution now by opening yourself up to ...

Nordics - (pleiadians)

The (pleiadians) are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system Pleiades. ... The (pleiadians) reside on the planet Erra, which is almost as large as Earth, ...

(pleiadians). The (pleiadians) are alien beings from the star cluster in the constellation Taurus known as the Pleiades. Barbara Marciniak claims

The (pleiadians) are said to resembloe humans in form. (pleiadians) are extra-terrestrials whom originate from the planet Erra. Pleiadian Aliens have a unique

The Pleiadian Times Newsletter

Barbara Marciniak and the (pleiadians). Books ... The Pleiadian Times. Feel free to read the following articles from a sample issue of The Pleiadian Times:

The (pleiadians) Book - A Collection of Channelings

"The (pleiadians) Book" doesn't exist as regular book with ISBN, it's a collection of texts Don Showen posted to Usenet-News. Please consider the text for

Hand Clow 2012:

Read AstroFlash! by renowned astrologer Barbara Hand Clow at each New Moon for free. Includes personal forecast, plus analysis of political scene and global


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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Alot Happening



Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oracle Report

New Moon Phase

The last couple of days have been rather challenging, calling on us to practice the skill of moving fluidly with the flow of events. This continues today, but there are a few things to be aware of that may help. The energy is like being in heavy traffic. Patience is required, and so is give and take.



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Conundrums, Choices & Clinging On!


a message from Sarah-Jane Grace


Energetically speaking, these are tumultuous and somewhat rambunctious times. In fact, on most levels there is a sense of shift, movement and change! It feels like everything is speeding up but slowing down at the same time, and it can be hard to know if we are coming, going or are hovering somewhere in between. Yet, despite this seemingly uncertain and unknowable climate, deep within there is a strong sense of certainty beginning to rise and surface! A true time of paradox and conundrums!


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~Dreaming the Shift~ Aluna Joy


~Dreaming the Shift~


Dreaming the Shift

By Aluna Joy Yaxk’in & the Star Elders

February 19, 2012

http://www.kachina.net/ ~alunajoy/2012-feb19.html




Way back, when I was still living in Mt. Shasta, I had a powerful dream that has never left me. The dream was so surreal . . . and familiar . . . and odd that I never thought to share it until now. Let’s face it. It is hard for us visionaries out in the world. We are either labeled psychos or geniuses. But at the risk of either title, it has come time to share this dream now, because I am seeing clues in our world that this dream was not some random strange dream; but a prophetic one.



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~Mars is Retrograde by Lyn Dalebout~


~Mars is Retrograde by Lyn Dalebout~





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The manuscript of survival ~ part 90~ The Separation from the Old ways~


Today we would like to delve deeper into the feeling of separation that so many of you experience at the moment. As we said in a previous transcript, this period will probably count amongst the most challenging ones, and this feeling of being lost will be a part of the explanation.

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SaLuSa 22~February~2012~You have spoken out loud and demanded beneficial changes that are now taking place


  SaLuSa  22~February~2012


You the people have achieved the seemingly impossible, by reversing the fortunes of the Illuminati. You have done so by focusing upon the Light, and bringing into being a great grid of Light that now surrounds the Earth. No longer do they have the negative energies to feed upon, that have enabled them to come close to taking over the world. Wherever the lower vibrations exist, they are being transmuted and taking away their ability to superimpose their will upon yours. You have spoken out loud and demanded beneficial changes that are now taking place, and so shall they continue until those of the Light take complete charge. Although the cleansing has only just begun, you are to be congratulated for your unyielding support, and you will soon see some tangible evidence of your success.



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Council Of Twelve ~ You are Alive Now to Transform & Soar



Council Of Twelve ~ You are Alive Now to Transform & Soar

Selacia | February 21 2012

There is no time like the present to forgive and let go of the past. More than any other time, right now is a pivotal moment for clearing up past grudges and feelings of victimization. People must do this, countries must do this.


The borders you have erected are only in your mind. These borders must be dismantled before the new light-filled Earth can materialize.


If you lived 100 years from now and could look back on the crossroads humanity faces today, you would know how important these moments are to you and future generations. You would be able to see the choices on the table and the decisions needed. You would have a clear understanding of the awesome potential humanity has now to shift into an existence based on love. You would see the alternative choice options, too, with their dire consequences.



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Kauilapele ~ Tolec Report… Massive Reptilian Undersea Base Destroyed ~ 5.1 Quake Nicobar Islands Area ~ 21 February 2012


Kauilapele ~ Tolec Report… Massive Reptilian Undersea Base Destroyed ~ 5.1 Quake Nicobar Islands Area ~ 21 February 2012

Found this at this RMN page. I may write more on this, but now I just send the report links from Tolec.


Other links:

Tolec writes:



“Nicobar Islands, South East Bay of Bengal.
“Extensive Reptilian ‘pencil’ shaped undersea base destroyed
Prior notification of next strategic Reptilian undersea base to be taken out and destroyed.”



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Mother earth is very gently, having as many earthquakes as possible, to give those on the surface a bit more time to get their shit together… however to completely cleanse she will, leading to major surface configuration triggered by a big planet changing earthquake, as our solar system going through a photon belt of high gamma radiation, which may involve three days of darkness at the end of 2012 and is triggering the jump from our human carbon-based dense form, to one of silicon-based which is activating ‘dormant’ dna and the full capacity of our holographic brain, and at any time during this ascension to higher frequencies… a possible and likely planetary evacuation for a possible 3000 year resting period depending on how it all goes.


Training aboard the spaceships will allow earth to eventually be repopulated with 5D humans and the new atomic reality leading up to full on light… no dark… no more shadows… everything will glow.



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GLR~ Lisa Gawlas~ ~A day of Integration.~


GLR~ Lisa Gawlas~

~A day of Integration.~





I swear it feels like I am in an intense divorce with time.  I could have sworn the new moon was today and not yesterday…dah!  But, good thing the universe that swims with me has a clue what is happening in the skies!  But truly there is a gift in what ya don’t know.  Granted, I said this yesterday… but man it has been in my face (lovingly of course) as if to expand the contents of itself.

Gotta love being schooled!


I really went into meditation thinking about the melted heap of human we have become and my ever burning question… but now what?


It is funny, I cannot remember most of the details of my meditation that was well over an hour long… except what I am about to share.


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Message from the Galactic Federation Light 2/20/12



Ready yourselves for the changes, for they are coming soon. All along we have advised you to prepare and to help spread the table for the many changes that needed to be accomplished, and the time for their implementation is upon you. Prepare yourselves by stocking up on a few household essentials to last a few days or even as much as a few weeks, as it is difficult to predict whether services will be down and if so, for how long. Much of the inner workings of your systems are controlled by the Cabal, and it cannot be ascertained for certain whether any sabotage may occur. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, will do all we can to get your systems up and running again if they should be affected in any way.


There are those members of the Cabal who, of course, are not happy with the news that they will now face justice for their crimes as they arrogantly believed they were above any law, earthly, karmic or universal. They were wrong, as now they must pay the piper for their misdeeds. There is a lesson in this for all of you, that no matter your station in life you exist under and within the laws of karma, the balancing force of this universe that will bring all things back to you that you release outwards. This is one of the designed mechanisms of this wonderful universe and you have all abided by this law throughout all of your incarnations whether you were conscious of it or not, as this does not matter.



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Your life is this very special moment


Your life is this very special moment, embrace it. Your divine right is to joyfulness of true prosperity in the full spirit of knowing who and what you really and truly are. Claim it with the power of your Heart. Dream your Highest Dreams and Passions and Let them Live within your Heart Now, as if SO. May the Light of all Divine truth and Divine Love expand throughout this planet and beyond in all dimensions to Fill, Bless and Free all Hearts and all Souls of all Life.

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/your-life-is-this-very-special-moment#ixzz1n43ir7lU



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13:20, (02.21.12): The Wise Ones Planted Starseeds that are Blooming Now. Wow! How Beautiful!


New Moon

Earthstar Peace Calendar: Mars, Red-Tailed Hawk Day, Blue Throat Star, Essence of Harmony
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love): UNIVERSAL LAW OF JUDGMENT and TRUTH with Holy Boy. Moon in HOGAN IYOTAN TANKA OYATE The Whale People, Heals Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Imbalances in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF MOVEMENT AND BALANCE, “Karma greets at third gate; clearing and forgiving before Judgment’s Council and Throne” 3rd Dimension, Blue, with SHEKINAH Invokes Spirit of Healing. Stargate of RENEWAL, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF SYMMETRY. Season of TATANKA Buffalo, North, Door of the Heart, with HUPAHU LUTA, OMAKA Ladybug, Rays Healing Energy, Opens Healing Portals, Invokes Spirit of Healing in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF HEALING
Code for the Day: http://tinyurl.com/7sxu65g

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Old Global Power Structure Now Collapsing - Jelaila's Weekly Messages




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As I keep on saying, and as Spirit keeps reminding me, each individual and each grouping of individuals is playing a specific role. Not all roles have the same function, and often they may appear to be doing opposite things. However, there is an overriding principle at work that will ultimately prove very powerful. That is that the entire cosmos manifest love. It is only from the heart of love that we can change ourselves, and thereby, the world. Some think unity is a new age concept. Actually, it is the goal of Divine Love: a cohesive power that opens the eyes to reveal how things really work; in other words, to actually see the bigger picture.


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Message from Jim Carrey


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Moving through Darkness ~ The Places We Go


Moving through Darkness ~ The Places We Go




Often it takes something major to wake us up as we struggle to maintain an illusion of control.


In life, most of us want things to go to the places we have envisioned ourselves going. We have plans and visions, some of them divinely inspired, that we want to see through to completion. We want to be happy, successful, and healthy, all of which are perfectly natural and perfectly human. So when life takes us to places we didn’t consciously want to go, we often feel as if something has gone wrong, or we must have made a mistake somewhere along the line, or any number of other disheartening possibilities. This is just life’s way of taking us to a place we need to go for reasons that go deeper than our own ability to reason. These hard knocks and trials are designed to shed light on our unconscious workings and deepen our experience of reality.



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Here comes the Sun little darlins!



In this now and over the centuries, ignorance has become so pervasive, the hearts of men/women so cold that we were stuck in time, but the rising sun saves the day. Let me explain, In science we are aware that there are three states of matter:


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Dear Friends,



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~Humanity is Coming Home Sweet Home~






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Expect HUGE Changes With Upcoming Rare Astrological Alignment!

A rare astrological alignment that hasn't been seen since America's Revolutionary War will be influencing many upcoming events on this planet. If that wasn't enough, we are also heading into a Mercury Retrograde coupled with a New Moon. Fasten your seatbelts, folks, you're in for the ride of your life!



Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDBIsQ7-CcY


Expect HUGE Changes With Upcoming Rare Astrological Alignment! | in5d.comThis is the second part to the article that was titled ‘It’s only Castles Burning.’


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Kryon ~ Changes on Earth


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Elisa - Forgivness



Caricato da  in data 05/dic/2010


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Lucifer: Please, ask your self these questions?... by Predrag/Saint Germain




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Ben Fulford (Feb 20 2012) ~ A March 31st Deadline Has Been Delivered To The Committee Of 300 By The Gnostic “Illuminati” Faction



Ben Fulford (Feb 20 2012) ~ A March 31st Deadline Has Been Delivered To The Committee Of 300 By The Gnostic “Illuminati” Faction

Posted on February 20, 2012 by 

Benjamin Fulford | February 20 2012




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Accelerated Movement and Joyful Abandon ~ Archangel Gabriel ~



Accelerated Movement and Joyful Abandon ~ Archangel Gabriel ~by Galactic Love Reporter Shelley Young
posted on 18th february 2012

Greetings, Dear Ones! We are so pleased and honored to be with you today. We are dancing with joyful energy for the reunions that are happening within the energy of the group today, and of course, when we mean group we mean not only the people in the room at this moment but also those who will enjoy this transmission on your internet at a later time.


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Heaven out of hell -Elisa -


by Glactic Love Reporter Elisa



So are you turning


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Lisa Gawlas – Starting New In the Air You Breath – 21 February 2012




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Council Of 12 Message – Creating A World Without Borders – Your Role As A Divine Changemaker




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Graham Dewyea – An Hour With An Angel – Linda Dillon and Geoffrey West – 20 February 2012




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Transcending the Timeline Convergence Paradox


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The sacred Heart



In the cultures of the west that we all find our beingness, we have been taught to be in the brain, constantly! There is a VERY good reason for this and also, what lies within holds the key to your "salvation" as it were. The mind games have been played are played to keep you there-in playing them and moving you further away from yourself. In this world of the mind, all the mind games are being played to distract you in order that you may play this game more deeply and become more hypnotized by its(the game)effects. For within this world of affects you are not the master, that which is creating the game for you ...IS...and that is why you feel powerless to stop the game and get off. However, thankfully some of us have and have now come back to show you how to do it, as well.


Here is how, if you seek to know....THE HEART!


You see the heart IS a brain, really it is THE brain, it is in the orders more powerful, has brain cells within that match the ego's type of logic but takes it to GOD mind status. It does not see division like the brain for it is whole and not divided by separateness such as the corpus collosum.


The healed heart is unconditional love and power....PERIOD! The silly powers that be could only create the game for you because you fell out of your heart. When we fell as a consciousness group, we fell out of the heart and into the primitive brain...we fell out of love with life...this we remember as the fall of man. We are the children...ALL of us regardless of our cultural differences, we are the descendants of the heart=earth and that fall. this is not to say that the brain is bad for it is part of GOD as well, what I'm saying is that it should not be in the lead...that's the hearts job.



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Conversation on fear at GLP




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DREAMING THE SHIFT By Aluna Joy Yaxk'in & the Star Elders Mt Shasta





By GLR Aluna Joy Yaxk'in & the Star Elders Mt Shasta,  2/19/2012



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Space Weather Update~ Growing Filements~



SOLAR ECLIPSE: Today, the new Moon passed in front of the sun, off-center, producing a partial solar eclipse. The only place to see it was from space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) sends this picture from geosynchronous orbit approximately 36,000 km above Earth's surface:


Using a bank of 16 megapixel cameras, SDO observed the event at multiple extreme ultraviolet wavelengths. Scan the edge of the Moon in this 171 Å image: The little bumps and irregularities you see are lunar mountains backlit by solar plasma.


Beyond the novelty of observing an eclipse from space, these images have practical value to the SDO science team. The sharp edge of the lunar limb helps researchers measure the in-orbit characteristics of the telescope--e.g., how light diffracts around the telescope's optics and filter support grids. Once these are calibrated, it is possible to correct SDO data for instrumental effects and sharpen the images even more than before.

Stay tuned for an eclipse movie!





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Fat Tuesday~~Dark Star~ LOL


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2/21/2012 -- 4.0 magnitude earthquake New Madrid Seismic Zone -- Midwest be prepared


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light ~ People Get Ready~




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~The Dream Of Love Coming True~


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~ THE COSMIC BREATH OF CHANGE~ The Promise's Are Being Delivered~


Watch on YouTube

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©.2012

Dear friends and readers of my blog,
where are we right now?
I think we are in a great place! Although not always comfortable. 
The light-frequencies sweeping earth ever more frequently and powerfully, are very pleasant when we let them do their work on and in our body, or better: bodies, as we have a number of them, from gross, subtle to causal, all with a different function. I am not going into details about them, if you need to, I recommend you look this up in other places that are dedicated to this matter. 
I can see and feel an incredible orchestration and pouring down of energies, dancing, expanding, pressing on and directly targeting our bodies and everything on this planet, bringing with them the breath of change.


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~ Humanity's Prayer of Love has Been Answered~ We Are Here~


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