~The Galactic Free Press~ The Breaking Point~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/19/2012 - 09:43


These Incredible energies continue.... and Now we have reached the Breaking point. In Yesterday's update we shared that the Separation between the Planet and the world of illusion is unfolding now. This was inevitable. We also shared something had to give, and it was not Love.. it was the unconsiousness on the Planet. No longer, can these energies of fear and separation be utilized to distract the Reality unfolding. The Love is Here and The Love is Strong. We will Have More about this in todays Update. We Love YOU, Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff

INCREDIBLE! Giant UFO over the Antarctic station, Neumayer-Station III ? - January 31, 2012.



Caricato da  in data 31/gen/2012


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~Space Weather Update~ Grand Filament Growing~ wind Speed 433~



AURORAS OVER THE USA: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field during the waning hours of Saturday, Feb. 18th. Although the stream was expected, the bright auroras it produced were not. Northern Lights spilled across the Canadian border into several US states including Wisconsin, Michigan, North Dakota, and Minnesota:


Travis Novitsky took this picture from Grand Portage, MN. "Last night, my girlfriend and I were just settling in to watch a movie when the auroras made a surprise appearance," he says. "A quick look out the back door of my house revealed that, yes indeed, the lights were out! We jumped in the truck and drove a few miles inland from Lake Superior. For the next hour and a half we were treated to a green glow peppered with dancing curtains of green, purple and red. It was a spectacular night."



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John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Intend To Accept That All Humans Are The Divine OffSpring Of God ~ 19 February 2012


John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Intend To Accept That All Humans Are The Divine OffSpring Of God ~ 19 February 2012


Photo by Dawn Christine~

Love binds us together, gently, sweetly, and eternally, because it is the field in which all of creation has its existence – at one with God.  In the illusion hate, violence, conflict, suffering, and disagreement are endemic – a consequence of the choice to be separate from God.  Choosing to be separate from God is also a choice to be separate from one another, and that is why those experiences occur; they could not occur if you were at one.  But, of course, you are all one, and so choosing to engage in those damaging behaviors directed at others is inevitably a choice to damage yourselves.  You think that by attacking or defending you are protecting yourselves against the attacks of others, but it is really only you attempting to protect yourselves from yourselves by attacking yourselves.  It makes absolutely no sense at all!



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The Journey Out Of Dispair




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Caricato da  in data 19/feb/2012


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Grid Transmissions this Tuesday ~ Updates! ~ Children of the Sun Foundation




 Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 


The Planetary Grid Transmissions

New Moon - Tuesday, February 21  



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Spirit Food Menu Ch 5-6


Children Menu

Selection 5

Escalloped Potatoes and



Served with:

A glass of Chocolate Milk

Mixed veggies in warm Milk

A touch of Salt & Pepper for seasoning

The previous selection dealt with out of body experiences of Robert A. Monroe. In that selection we touched upon, but did not elaborate on a subject best left for the stronger appetites among us. I mentioned Monroe having identified different “Focus” areas outside the earth’s environment. And I mentioned, in passing, the discarnates that populate those areas. You might well ask, “What is a discarnate?” According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a discarnate is one who exists having no physical body.”

Monroe, in his many travels in and through the lower Focus areas like Focus 23, encountered many discarnate entities. In fact, during the last years of his work out of the body he was unexplainably drawn to discarnates, and helped many find their way to the higher realms. He would feel an urge immediately after “rolling out,” and would find himself in the presence of one of these souls who seemed disoriented and lost. He would then talk with the entity and offer to take them to a place of beauty and peace where they could meet with their loved ones who had passed on before. Usually he would then lead them to the area described in the previous selection as being Focus 27.

Focus 27 is the reception area. Sometimes it is called Nirvana or Heaven. It is a place of serenity and beauty. Souls rest in this area, and do indeed meet loved ones who have arrived previously. But not all Souls end up in Focus 27.

One time, after “rolling out,” he was drawn to a large old house where he met an elderly discarnate lady.

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2012 Dna Changes | Secrets of Carbon 7



Uploaded by   on 30/mag/2011


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Lisa Gawlas ~ The Last Of The Muck Coming Up! ~ 19 February 2012


Lisa Gawlas ~ The Last Of The Muck Coming Up! ~ 19 February 2012

It seems, since the moment my rock man Jorge came to shake me awake, I have been deep within my own processes… ummm… gunk ever since.  For the last couple days I have been flipping between just crying (yes those sad tears) and then moving into a place of melancholy until the next wave of tears came.


Those fears and worries laying deep at my ocean floor, completely disturbed and moved up to the surface!


Funny how we don’t notice the sediment at the bottom.  Those tiny specks that fell to the bottom of the emotional ocean thru all the clearings.


Yesterday within me was the most intense, I suppose.  My own energy field must have been pinging to beat the band, my computer kept completely turning off.  Finally, I checked the plug to see if something was the matter, it was so freakin hot.  I decided, not going near the computer for the day.  I took myself to the couch, put on Netflix, picked up solitare on my phone… and purged for the entire day (well, after my appointments of course…smile.)


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Blossom Goodchild ~ 19 February 2012


Blossom Goodchild ~ 19 February 2012

Greetings! I FEEL its fine just to let you go straight ahead. So … off you go … full steam …


We choose in this excerpt to willingly acknowledge that which has come to pass over the communications that we have had with you, to be something that is allowing ones calibre of knowledge within themselves to be opened up and brought forth … so that the constant vibration of Love that has always been within the self , can now be considered to be that which shines out on a Higher frequency. This naturally prevents measured undertakings to pull this vibration under, from achieving its purpose. This is of such great value to the Earth and those upon and within it.


If we may point out … stimulations to the soul are activating such rapid progress. We would ask you to ‘take on board’ also the fact that the energy that is now emitting from each individual that has ‘seen the light’ is coercing in a magical dance with Higher energies that our coming through . This, added to the mysteries of what unseen energies are capable of … that are now merging with your particular energies … is indeed causing an effect that is nothing short of Enlightening.



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Twelve Insight ~ Why Would You Avoid Anything At All?



Twelve Insight ~ Why Would You Avoid Anything At All?


Photo by http://jeffschauss.com/5.html


Twelve Insight | February 18 2012


Guest: On this topic of accepting what is, I have a question. I see other people trying to avoid things they don’t want. So if it’s really all for the good, why do I avoid things I don’t want? If everything is well, as you say, then why would I avoid anything?



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I Surrender My Soul...to the GREAT I AM By unknownlightworker


I am no longer able to straddle two worlds…to ground two worlds…I read the same information…going in circles…There are some great changes that are going to happen(month or two) I see it…I can’t explain it…This blog (statement) is for my advisors or my “invisible assistance” they have been with me before I came to this world…and they will be here until I leave…They ask me to write something…I told them I didn’t want to because…”Actions speak louder than words”…They say but you wish to say something…I say “yes”…but what I am is beyond words…what I know is beyond words…They say…just write….So I did…This is my declaration of independence…I am no longer a soul that dwells in the 3rd density…The longer I hold on to it the more it strains me…I am no longer a soul of the 4th density…The longer I remain the louder my souls screams…I make pea

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Hilarion's Weekly Message, February 19 2012


February 19-26, 2012
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are finding yourselves with a feeling of sleepiness that comes on in the early evening and you have no choice but to go to sleep, for the feeling is so strong. This is a period when we are working on adjusting your energy fields and this is best accomplished while your physical body is at a deep rest. If you are experiencing this symptom then know that it is your turn to be attuned and adjusted. Each and everyone of our Lightworking Family is being given this personal attention in order to accelerate the process of transformation.


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2/19/2012 -- Explosive eruption @ Sakurajima Volcano - Japan



Caricato da  in data 19/feb/2012


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Kauilapele ~ Is Any Of That “Stuff”That’s Supposed To Happen Really Happening Out There? Look At These Bank Resignations… ~ 18 February 2012


Kauilapele ~ Is Any Of That “Stuff”That’s Supposed To Happen Really Happening Out There? Look At These Bank Resignations… ~ 18 February 2012


I[UPDATED 2-18-12 2000 HST] I found this on an “unrelated” site (seemingly unrelated, but thanks to that person who uncovered this in-the-public-domain news). I did verify the links. Now, I absolutely spend extremely NO time watching banks. And the most I’ve ever read about the “banking system”, is with David Wilcock’s Financial Tyranny articles (article 1, article 2). But this series of articles, none of which I fully read, but the titles give the gist, indicates to me that there really is a lot happening along the lines that David (and others) have talked about. Whether it’s arrests or resignations, it appears to be a pulling apart at the seams of the old (cabal) system.


So I am just going to list these articles. No particular order. Date of publication, then the title (with link). So here goes. (I’m leaving comments open 2 days on this one; feel free to add your own links and comments)



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John Smallman ~ Saul ~ You Truly Are Greatly Honored ~ 19 February 2012


John Smallman ~ Saul ~ You Truly Are Greatly Honored ~ 19 February 2012


Photo By http://jeffschauss.com/9.html


Humanity’s intention to awaken is intensifying as the divine energy field enveloping the planet continues to spread its loving influence among all nations, all races, and all religious persuasions.  The rhetoric that is reported on the mainstream media does not reflect what is really happening, nor does the constant attention being paid to the areas where war is being waged.  Wars are obviously ongoing and extremely painful for those involved in them, but the growth in love planetwide far outweighs the negative energies that wars support and encourage.  Focus your attention on the growing influence that this love field is having on humanity, intend that it continue to spread its influence, and make a point of being loving yourselves at all times.  You cannot see how effective you are when you do this, but I assure you that the effect you have when you behave lovingly is huge, and it is felt by and influences everyone on Planet Earth.



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Below the Surface ~ Finding Deep Strength


Below the Surface ~ Finding Deep Strength



When we look back on our lives we see that we have survived many trials and often to our own amazement.


We have all faced moments in our lives when the pressure mounts beyond what we feel we can handle, and we find ourselves thinking that we do not have the strength to carry on. Sometimes we have just gotten through a major obstacle or illness only to find another one waiting for us the moment we finally catch our breath. Sometimes we endure one loss after another, wondering when we will get a break from life’s travails. It does not seem fair or right that life should demand more of us when we feel we have given all we can, but sometimes this is the way life works.



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Feb 20 ~ 26, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading


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DO I NEED YOUR HELP?... poem by Predrag



Dear Friends of Light,




I feel we know each-other through eons of LIGHT,

in the SPACE where day does not exits,

In the time where time is of non importance,

In the Heart where Love heals everything,

and where Everything is Love,


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~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~18~12 ~The Separation of the World and The Planet Begin's~


~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~18~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~

~Energy and Event Update~


"Love does not wait for change, Love is the Change, sometimes with Ruthless Compassion."


~The Separation of the World and The Planet Begin's~



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Using Science To Change The World



Our entire planet is all sharing the same consciousness As I have spoke to HERE, we come from the exact same source, just different vibrations, or you could say frequencies, that make us and everything we see around us unique. However, at a deeper level we remain connected to everything.

There was a man by the name of Cleve Backster who stumbled on a way to offer tangible proof of this back in the 1960′s. Cleve Backster was the worlds foremost polygraph expert, set up a school in San Diego California that trains numerous intelligence agencies, and proved over 35 years ago that plants can respond to our thoughts. One day Backster hooked up his office plant to a polygraph machine with the intention of measuring how long it would take for the water to change the electrical resistance the plant would have. What he found was the plant displayed a response that would be the same as if a human was hooked up to the machine and experienced happiness. 


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IRAN: Follow the Money (with Foster Gamble)


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2/18/2012 -- Possible Tornadoes in Puerto Rico - Tornadoes in south USA -- LA, MS, AL, FL



Caricato da  in data 18/feb/2012


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13:20, (02.18.12): Mama Earth Births Unity. Always. It’s ONE LOVE.


It's been a WiLd rIdE lately, and for a while I had limited computer access again, so I'm just repeating what Grandmother SilverStar said:

"Evolve. Become Conscious. Your Choice. Your Work."
-Grandmother SilverStar

I've provided the links for five months now for the 13:20 Calendar. 

~ I share because I care. ~

Earthstar Peace Calendar: Saturn-Owl Day, Green Heart Star, Essence of Unity

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Fear Is A Handicap ~ A Guest Post by Michael Brine


Fear Is A Handicap ~ A Guest Post by Michael Brine


Fear Is A Handicap

In 2004 I wrote this to a friend with whom I was having an exchange. In 2006 this was later published on a web site who had asked permission. I have decided that perhaps the time has come to give it a wider audience given the times we are living through. Also, may the wisdom of the poetry of Baha’u’llah touch your heart. Enjoy – M.B. 

“Oh Son of Spirit!
I created thee rich, why doest thou
Bring thyself down to poverty?
Noble I made thee, wherewith dost
Thou abase thyself? Out of the essence of
Knowledge I gave thee being, why seekest thou
Enlightenment from anyone beside me? Out of
The clay of love I moulded thee, why doest thou busy
Thyself with another? Turn thy sight onto thyself,
That thou mayest find Me standing within thee,
Mighty, powerful and self-subsisting.”


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Open Letter to all Channelers[ Love Reporters] and those that follow them.


~Commentary from The Galactic Free Press: WE do not refer to them as channelers here. We refer everyone as Galactic Love Reporters. Those who have not accessed the Higher Energy information will become compromised at this time and the Staff Here at The Press is Observing all information that is being researched and posted at this time, to ensure the Highest Possible thoughts of Love and Truth. Enjoy Solene's Message~ Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff

Open Letter to all Channelers[ Love Reporters] and those that follow them.


Photo By Will Harader


It is with much excitement that I share my insights about the new roles we are assuming.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/18/12 Paving the Way for Our Arrival~



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Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels And Ann ~ 18 February 2012


Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels And Ann ~ 18 February 2012

My dear friends, we love you so very much.


How would your lives change if you experienced the reality that the God loves you so very much that he wants you to be healthy, happy, abundant, and to understand your beautiful interconnectedness with life and one another. How would your reality change if, every time you had a worry, you want to the creator of universes, and said, “I need help. I have done everything I know to do. I can’t change anyone else. I can’t change the situation. But you can. You are the power that lives and breathes within us all. You are the one that loved the idea of ME so much, you created ME. You imagined me into being, and I know you imagined me happy, healthy, and operating in cooperation with the rest of your creation. I have a challenge God. Help me solve it. Let me know what to do and when to do it. Let your love rise up within me and show me the way.”


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Detach from the Drama


~Surround situations with a loving light~


As you expand and heal yourself and become lighter and more sensitive to your environments, you will find that you are more receptive to the emotions of others and therefore feel this energy in a different way. Since humans evolve at different rates, there is usually a variety of issues and dramas taking place. When you find yourself in situations that include others sharing their stories with you, infuse the conversation with loving light as they share, just smile and listen.


Offer them not your advise unless expressly asked for, just send them loving light. Most often others share to gain their own clarity. As you become a more compassionate being, open yourself up to more compassion, but most of all access the wisdom within that recognizes the Divine in everyone and everything and all that is. This action spreads much light, joy, and freedom and is an energy that empowers others.



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~ Breaking the Illusion of Limitation ~


Thanks to

 BZ Riger and Kay

BZ: Thanks to Kay. Limiting beliefs, illusion,the locks of doubt are all breaking up and falling away. Its a time for going inside to stand in your core, your power, your truth. Use the time to sweep away all the remaining illusions that stand in your way of seeing the truth of who you are and the magnification Nova Gaia we are co-creating together.


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~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~


~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


~Galactic Love Reporter Mark Kimmel~

"Greeting from the starship Athabantian. My name is Taugth. I am a celestial of the highest order and am androgynous. I am currently stationed aboard this exquisite Andromedan vessel along with several thousand other beings. Although this starship is close enough for you to see with your human vision, it is currently cloaked from your view.


We are here to assist the transformation of this planet and her human residents. We do so out of love, a sense of service, and the knowledge that we are creating something wondrous, for we are not only helping to restore Earth to her former brilliance, but also raising her humans into the 5th Dimension.



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~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~



~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~


Thanks to trunity.net



Hello all,

Here is a topic that keeps coming to me to talk about, and it is about sharing! Not just sharing for which most know as sharing with strings attached or with-conditions, but sharing with-out conditions. The same goes for what most know within the collective as love with conditions instead of knowing and sharing love with-out conditions.



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Photo By Will Harader


Alexandra & Paul Walsh~ Roberts


Welcome dear ones. Blessings. There is much to consider in your times of transmutation. But above all, may you consider surrender as a guiding theme through the adjustments that you are all making. It is surrender to receiving as well as surrender to releasing. It is surrender to change as it is surrender to continuation.


It is not possible for you to know or to comprehend what is taking place. For it is a process, a process with a purpose and a methodology, but not with a known system or with a known result in terms of your world.


The form that shall ultimately be taken by these changes is uncertain. However the qualities that shall ultimately prevail in your world through yourselves is with great certainty. A principle of harmony, of thorough comprehensive awareness, and of love is certain. However when you look at your world and at your own lives, the form that those qualities would take are definitely uncertain.


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Lord Ashtar Sheran: The Emerging of YOU


Lord Ashtar Sheran: The Emerging of YOU


Photo from jeffhurtblog.com



We start at the beginning, and the beginning is you, how you have formed from the mould of your selves to become to perfect representation of Love and its divinity, is that not beautiful DEAR ONES? That you ascend, in your own divine imperfection, to PERFECTION, the perfection that was always there and will always be there, and in that own perfection, you have found peace. I is not an allowance, that you allow yourselves to emerge, and what are you withholding from your selves, dear ones?

What is it you hold back?


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Oracle Report ~ Saturday Feb. 18 – Sunday Feb. 19 2012 ~ by Gillian




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Walk The Earth As A Living Master ~




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Choose Unconditional Love! by David Icke


So simple and very true!!! Recorded on the 20th May 1996

A brilliant excerpt from a series "The Turning of the Tide" thanks to AntiVirusXVI



I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant -- Martin Luther King 1929 - 1968


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