The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~17~12 We are Just Heating Up~ More to Come~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 17:27

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~17~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ We are Just Heating Up~ More to Come~


Over the Rainbow, Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

Greetings Love Beings, Our Brilliant Sun is sending in some very good vibrations. We are getting reports from across the Planet, everyone is feeling a bit lighter and more Joyful. Well, this is what we call the Love Blast codes, coming from the Sun to the Planet and all on her, not to mention our Craft are continuously beaming energy into the Planet. Be Prepared for Lots More!! Incoming~




You Simply cannot stop Love. We are just Heating Up as we Prepare for More Blasts of this Love Energy to enter into this atmosphere. These will occur around April 21st and April 23rd. We mentioned we have a unique Alignment coming On April 21st. This Alignment we can be sure, will really get our major events which need to occur underway. These energies of Incoming Love are like the bow of the icebreaker boat, where the bow goes, the stern soon follow's inevitabley so. What this means is there is nowhere to run too and nowhere to hide for those wanting to continue the illusion. Cause we are all On the Same Ship, Called Planet Earth=Heart. With Our Sun becoming active again, as well as the many quakes which have occured in the past week. We are all headed for a Major Vibrational Upgrade and a shake up where required.


All of these energies will culminate on May 20th with a Full Solar Eclipse and another unique planetary alignment. This day a Starship Portal will Open in the Mt. Shasta Area, Just a heads up.


Mt. Shasta Spring Photo By Earth Allie Yojman Chase


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-17-12:



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:


 The Light at the End of The Tunnel:


Earth Allie Report:


Healing Earth News:



Earthquakes continue to rumble with 3 Large quakes.These release's have been powerful assistance to Mother Earth=Heart's progress forward and without causing to much damage and no loss of life. The More who are awaken and aware the smoother all of this releasing will be. There is plenty more to release, so Be Prepared not afraid. Mother Earth=Heart is Being as gentle as she can. She Love's Humanity and is waiting for Humanity to realize they Love Her too.




As Your Earth Allies, all reports and information we share Here at the Galactic Free Press is reviewed by us. Only Posts relevant to Current Present Moments~ events and The Highest Light Information is shared. This is a Part of our Uniqueness here and dedication to the Real Truth.




Its amazing for us to find some information floating around which is giving Humanity 3 years for the ascension to take place. This is false information. If Planet Earth=Heart herself does not have 3 years, why would everyone else on the Planet have 3 years? Ego's want more time to awaken, Love say's Your outta time buddy! This is a non stop train up. We are Already well on our way to Humanity's Destiny, at full speed ahead.


Scout Craft Painted By Father God


The dinosaur's are not the offspring of Planet Earth=Heart, however, Humanity is the offspring. 65 Million years ago. WE were going to terraform a Planet. We sent a small speck of dust toward Planet earth moving far faster then anything that is flying in your sky today, except for US. This small speck of dust Hit Planet Earth, 65 million years ago. Does Humanity get the message yet? God Cometh, from within as a being of Love Equal ALL. Got Your's? Message delivered to Humanity Equal all. There is another big rock heading towards Planet Earth and the ego's sink, while Spirit Flies. Welcome to 5d Everyone, The Eagle's have landed.


~Eagle's Landing coming from the Sun~ Incoming~

Artwork by Father God


A Blue Star Nation is our Legacy to Humanity within the Now, and HOW. Do You know what a Native American was quoted saying, HOW with is right hand up and his palm open? How is EveryBody being today? Is Oneness where you are? Or are you still debating your ego=zero? Let us Know when You get to be Oneness, We will be right there, Landing Starships. All Aboard Awakening.



~Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~


~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, and First Contact Ground Crew Team.




 Its Our Honor to Be of Service, Help Us Continue to Help You and All of Humanity~




Our Last Update we received 1 Love Share's

Total Love shares for April 1843.11$

 Total Funding Needs 3000$


Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission~ Keep the Press going. If You Love the Press, Share Please~ We are currently over 1000$ behind for this Month.


Your gift will be returned and abundantly because it's given and shared with those Who Serve The Love On This Planet. That's how we all do it together as ONE. Thank you !


Every Moment you share with Love,  You are investing in Humanity's Future of 100%  Joy, No Kidden'

Keep us Going and Thank You For sharing


A Simple 5 or 10$ Love share adds up.



Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We are now preparing a new way to Have these Meetings that will allow for many to join us.We are asking only those that are ready for this experience with complete service to Love, to contact us. If you are interested this email us at and we will give you all the details. For the Moment connect with us via skype at father.mothergod.amon.ra

 We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:



~WE are Going Home~






~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra

WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~


Today's Angel Numbers with Doreen Virtue:1's and 9's, such as 119 or 991 ~ A new door has opened for you as a product of your thoughts. You have the opportunity to stare your thoughts in the face and come eye-to-eye with your own creations. Let the old fall away, as it is replaced with the new in accordance with your desires


Letters to The Editors, Response By Earth Allie Will Harader



 Anonomous:Oh, I DID feel it. I was absolutely convinced. But days went on and the channelers kept saying "soon", "any day now" and "imminent". So the feeling died.

I hope I'm wrong, but I'm sick of not seeing proof of a god damn thing.

look, we are a lot of ppl who wants to believe this, but so far we have only been let down by all of this.
This sounds too good to be true.
I really really hope, we do ascend and a natural state of being is implemented. Untouched nature, a new chance for our children....

The one thing i fear most is that nothing happens and hundred of souls will be crushed out of disappointment

Until I see a UFO landings outside the cities of the world live on TV, I'm calling all this suspicious nonsense.
Less talk and act now....................

Indeed, less talk, and act now.


Response from Will:

What if your "ascension" is your own responsibility, and you could live in a natural state of being right now? You sound like you're waiting for someone or something to come and fix your problems. Nobody's coming to save Humanity, though there are Beings already here that are assisting those who are ready.

What happens when a parent gives a child everything they demand? The child becomes lazy and spoiled, they have to learn personal responsibility before they can really evolve and grow. That's why Hu-mans incarnated on this Planet, not to have everything handed to them automatically, but to be forged in Fire. Humanity will be given what they have earned, not what they demand.

The Higher Dimensional Beings that have come to this Planet are already in contact with thousands of people, and they extend their invitation for communication to everyone here. One simply needs to let go of all the fears, beliefs, and desires in their mind, to quiet down the noise enough so they can really Hear.



Editorial from Earth Allie Will Harader about fear propaganda:

It should be obvious to people by now how the elite control the populace. It's through fear and division, making other countries, races and religions into the "enemy". It keeps people distracted, and willing to accept oppressive laws. 9/11 is a perfect example. One of their best tricks is to convince people they want what they don't actually want. Then foolish people will fight against the things that threaten the elite, while believing they're fighting the elite themselves.

Those who fight darkness become darkness themselves. Those who see darkness for the illusion it dissolve's the darkness completely.



~Yojman Chase ~


Street~Wise Ascension

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta




Extensions of Love to this World,
I, like you, am the Heart of this World.
Though I, being of the Volcanic expression,
am also the Mind of this Mission.
Volcanoes are “a piece of my Mind,” so to speak.
As the Essence of Holy Spirit, Mother God/
Cosmic Love “takes over,” be aware of,
or think about, great Grand Triangles.
Always in the act of creating Permanence,
from Source do we use the Triangle.
It is the first manifest thoughtform
of Elemental Perfection around a Heart Flame.

We have shared a few triangulations
that our Love Forces to the Earth have wished
the awakening ones here to energize.
This Mission is vast and has many aspects
and areas of life participating.
It could be visualized and felt that
Mount Shasta is the Heart of the Crown Chakra,
that Brazil is the base/bottom of the Heart,
and that France is the dance of the Flames.
Or, whatever comes to Mind for you, beloved.
Also, for the Light that must come
through the North Americas,
see the great Rays of Light from Me,
over to the east, to Montreal,
then down, over to the Royal/Grand Tetons.

Though you are the Master,
so whatever you choose to energize is perfect.

I Am the Forcefield of Love’s Victory,
causing Humanity to Remember.


Last Update In Video Format



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