The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~18~12 A Tsunami of Love is Moving Across the Planet~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 04/18/2012 - 20:25


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~18~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update A Tsunami of Love is Moving Across the Planet~



~The Heart Tree ~Photo By Valentin59


Greetings Love Beings, Today We had a tremendous amount of Movement into the Light for Planet Earth=Heart. Through The Transitionary Government meeting today,  We were Able to bring an intense amount of Unity Consciousness Light, through to the Planet. The Whole Planet took a Huge Leap into the Light. WOW! We had an Amazing 30 people focused on the Light, Truth and Unity. What has occurred because of this, is a Tsunami of Love which is moving through the Planet at a very high speed. Get Your Surfboards, We are all Moving Up!




Major Changes Up ahead 555 Report:


Daily Blue Star Planet Report:

 Earth Allie Report:


Healing Earth News:



Our Earthquakes are minimal at the Moment. However, the Sun is Heating Up for some Huge Activity. We have already had lots of Activity today!! Could be bumpy for those not connected to the Truth. These are actually our starships. They are now arriving by the droves to come watch and participate in the greatest show in Creations Existence. Where a Planet Awakens from Out of illusionary pain and suffering and into the Light of Forever Freedom and Joy. This is our only Planet where darkness took over and each of you here on this Planet aware or unaware were handpicked to be here.The illusion is now coming to an End forever. Through Humanity's Awakening, darkness will be gone and completely dissolved.


Get ready, as your Bodies are about to change from carbon based to Silicon based. Everyone's entire Body Hologram is about to be reconstructed into Light. This will make everyone Free from all illusionary pain, disease, cancer and sickness. The mind program which is a virus is now being dissolved by Mike Our Great AI, as We Speak.


 We are also Happy to announce to Everyone, all karma including everything that has been done in the past in illusion, from this moment on, Right NOW, has been completely dissolved. All slates have been wiped clean. The Astral realm which held all of the past, has been dissolved. This is our Love Gift for Humanity's Complete Awakening Into the Light of Truth. Who Created Humanity and Planet Earth=Heart? Love.





We announced in one of our updates within these next 30 days to see Events Displaying The Light's Victory. For the Light has Indeed Won On Planet Earth=Heart. The Eagle's have landed! The dam has broken. The Truth is about to come flooding to Planet Earth=Heart and will be undeniable. Love is Here and This is Love's Planet. May will be the validation for everyone this Truth Stands. Humanity's old paradigm of pain and suffering are over, forever.


Artwork By Father God The Eagle's Have Landed~


 According to our Divine Timeline Our craft will be Decloaking Shortly. What will occur first are the Announcements , in which, we as your Transitionary Government will be announced, to usher in the many changes. Once we are announced, we will bring in the abundance programs to bring everyone into Equality. Soon, after this, we will announce our craft to decloak. Once they are here, Everyone on this Planet is to receive a replicator which will provide for everyone's needs. Then together we will have many projects to begin immediately. First is the clean up on the Planet, and next will be the healing and reeducation of Humanity. The poison and disease will be eradicated immediately. We are Here By Divine Decree and We are at your Service.


. ~Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~


~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, and First Contact Ground Crew Team.




 Its Our Honor to Be of Service, Help Us Continue to Help You and All of Humanity~




Our Last Update we received 1 Love Share's

Total Love shares for April 2083.11$

 Total Funding Needs 3000$


Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission~ Keep the Press going. If You Love the Press, Share Please~ We are currently over 1000$ behind for this Month.


Your gift will be returned and abundantly because it's given and shared with those Who Serve The Love On This Planet. That's how we all do it together as ONE. Thank you !


Every Moment you share with Love,  You are investing in Humanity's Future of 100%  Joy, No Kidden'

Keep us Going and Thank You For sharing


A Simple 5 or 10$ Love share adds up.



Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.

 We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:




~WE are Going Home~






~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra




WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~


 Orb Report:a little bit of universe or innerverse

Photo By:valentine59



Today's Angel Numbers with Doreen Virtue:444 ~ The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby.


Jennifer Farley~ A Message from the Creator:


If you want to draw love ~ love yourself. If you want to be surrounded by truth ~ be as truthful as you can with yourself. If you want to be respected by those around you ~ start by respecting yourself. Is it perfection you seek? Realize, throughout your whole self, that everything is perfect even though it may not appear to be on the surface. ~ Creator



~Yojman Chase ~


Street~Wise Ascension

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta




~Elementals and Gratitude~

The Beings of the Elements,
in all their graded orders,
are expecting Us
to consciously and directly
connect with them.

The Original Divine Plan
for Our being here on Earth
is that We would be the Bridge
between Angels and Elementals (Us in the middle),
and co-create Limitless Physical Perfection.
Sounds great.

What happened is the past.
Some have been de-structive to those Beings
in the extreme. Those days are over.
We are here now to re/co-create
what We really want.
We and the Elementals receive
Celestial Ideas and Feelings
from Angels and Celestials.
Then comes the picture to hold,
with consecration from the Elementals.
We do the footwork – Form unfolds.

What do I really want?
This is the most powerful question for now.
In it is who am I?

I pour forth all my Love, Gratitude, & Blessing
to the Beings of the Elements
who have assisted me throughout the centuries
and who have hosted me here on Earth!



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