The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~29~12 The Final Codes and The Green Light~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/29/2012 - 20:11


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~29~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update

The Final Codes have been released, the Green Light has been given

Greetings Love Beings, Yesterday we announced a Message from Our Craft which we received very clearly of a 24 Hour Notice. What this 24 Hour Notice means is we have been put on alert for Upcoming events to soon manifest. We have Been advised as to be ready in a Moments Notice to take Our Places. Everyone is Now to move into their Roles for this Facet of the Divine Plan.


From Cobra's Last Update Operation Omega Phoenix "The infiltration of the Positive Military group has been completely removed. The Positive Military is now ready for action. Also, the Resistance Movement and the Pleiadians are ready to back them up with their support." End of Quote


Morning has Broken



Mike Quinsey and Salusa " The hot topic that occupies most of you is the commencement of the arrests so that you are in no doubt that the final days of the cabal have arrived.


Needless to say, it will cause a sensation across the world and the media will have to respond. They will be inundated with calls asking for an explanation, and eventually even those that are conservative will be forced to give the true reasons for what is happening. There will be official announcements in the US, and careful steps taken to ensure that people have the correct understanding of why the arrests are taking place. Doubt will exist until it becomes clear that the actions are in the interests of all people, by providing a scenario whereby they can be released from the hold of the dark Ones..." End Of Quote


Here is a picture of a storm that rolled into the suburbs of Chicago today.




ACTIVE SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR1513 is crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares.

Daily Sun: 29 Jun 12

Sunspots 1512 and 1513 pose a threat for M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI



Our Sun is Quite Active Now with Strong Chances for More M Class Solar Flares. We have had One in the Past 24 Hours already. We have some solar wind to Be arriving from a Coronal hole On Monday July 2nd. We have had several earthquakes today one was out at sea a 5.8 and China had a 6.3. There was no reported damage from these Quakes.


Our Entire Team who are placed across the Planet, received the Same Telepathic Message of a 24 Hour Notice, in the Same Moments we did here in the United States. This was a Shared Feeling of Love and Gratitude which has now Triggered the Final Codes to Be Released. As Your Transitionary Team, these Final Codes will be shared in these Updates to Everyone On the Planet. If You Can Hear these, this Means You Are Awake and are Participating In your role In the Divine Plan. If you cannot yet hear these, this means you are still in the programming. The Entire Population On this Planet Has A Contract with Love to release the programming and Remember They Are Love.


full rainbow - toonewewillreturn -


We Grounded these Final Codes as Directed by Our Craft through a Surprise Internet Love Party yesterday. Through what has just occurred, Synchronostic Events will Now Begin Manifesting at a Quicker Rate. All of Our Events will Unfold Through Synchronostic Events this Means they are Real and this Is How The Oneness Energy Functions. We can Say the ball is now rolling and The Green Light has Now Been Given.

 Micah TheGuardian ~ 29 June 2012 Please Stand By~


"Last night as I received one of my Pleiadian downloads (I know it sounds preposterous, but it's true) I was shown that The Green Light EVENT is underway NOW and will continue through the weekend and on to July 4th to a Real Independence Day!

Today if you will look closely the military is moving on our behalf to remove the CABAL~! Our brothers from above are standing by to ensure all goes well!

The positive energy around this EVENT will rise to a heightened level tonight as we come together and by tomorrow (Saturday) we will see the proofs we have desired as all this manifests into our reality!...

 I was assured that all of this is happening NOW in a stealthy manner and will succeed!

The people of EARTH will be free shortly!
What I was shown was all very positive and very effective so please Standby...." End of Quote

Sheldan Nidle in His Latest Webinar shared very confidently the powers which were are to be removed any day now and possibly could take a couple of weeks.


What this Now Means is any Moment Now, up to to the next weeks or so, we are Ready to Take Our Places. We have Been Put On Alert and so we will be reporting all events as they Unfold.


Some of The Allies are having experience's concerning the last of our cabal. The cabal are sharing with us they will not give up. The Truth is They have already received their removal Papers effective immediatly. Their Removal is inevitable as Our Craft and Crew Have received the go ahead.


Sunset, Sarasota F.L June 18th-2 - Sergio Carrasco


 More From Mike Quinsey and Salusa "The first real action now enables the next part of our plans to go forward, unimpeded by interference intended to delay progress. There will be a pressing need to set up a provisional government of representatives that have proved they are trustworthy and honest. Ones who have already been primed of their responsibilities to you the people. So at last our promises to you can be shown to be genuine and your rights will be restored. First things first and when we are satisfied that no further dangers exist, we can go forging ahead with other aspects of our plan.


Do you do not need to rub your eyes as what you see and hear about is really happening, and is the Lightworkers taking charge of your destiny. Even those of you who live outside of the US are part of the plans, and the cleansing will spread across the world...


In the distance there is of course the long awaited contact with you through disclosure. With everything that is taking place those personnel under oath of secrecy will be released from that responsibility, and free to tell you of their own experiences that support our existence. You know quite a lot already but when it is made public, it will reach those who have not normally followed such matters or in some cases are in a state of disbelief. There is clearly much work to be done to convince people we are not just your friends, but your family. However, we believe that our presence will soon be seen for what it is, and we will be welcomed to land on your precious Earth. We do of course need that contact to establish working groups to be part of the cleansing forces.

All will happen in good time, but it will speed along once we get started as their is much to do in just a few months. We sense that the excitement is growing at the thought of your liberation from the controlling powers, and your lives being lifted up into the Light. The end times for this cycle were planned many eons ago, and in spite of any thoughts to the contrary when you needed help it arrived. Our efforts and that of the Spiritual Hierarchy have guided you to this point in time, and now you are about to seize the wonderful opportunity to ascend. "End of Quote


Everyone On the Planet who has a beating Heart, is about to Experience their Dreams In Waking Reality. Where Love is Everywhere Present. Where Life is always a Living Moment of Joy. Where Laughing is a constant Experience. Humanity has truly been Living upside down, and now the Energy of Love and Life is Arriving turning everyone Right Side Up. This is the Event and The Surprise.




Decreed by Heaven, The Final Codes have been released, the Green Light has been given. The Joy of Loves Reality is to Be Made Manifest On Planet Earth=Heart.This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


~Thank You for Spreading These Message's to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~



~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


Live Internet Love Party Tomorrow Saturday 1:30pm Pacific You Can Join us at this Link



 If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team. 

 We have Made Our Funding Goal!!


Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.


Join us Live Every Saturday for the Internet Love Party.  At 1:30pm Pacific.To Help Bring in the Higher Energies. This will Be Announced On the Press Every Saturday. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~


Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:



~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~



~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~




~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra

 WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~


Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~ 888 ~ A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition it means, The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them. In other words, don’t procrastinate in making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labor.


 Washington Post Amazing images from space, including this ring-shaped solar prominence (below).
See them all:


Shared By "The Golden Rule" Everyone seems to feel an acceleration, a quickening of events so it’s important to step back and fit the puzzle pieces together.  Some call this the “big picture,” and we’ve been hearing some lofty claims of very positive shifts happening…SOON. ... All I know is that the anticipation in the air is so thick you could nearly cut it with a butter knife. Whether you are fully conscious or still very much asleep, a momentous point in time is now undeniable for the majority of people. " End of Quote



~Yojman Chase ~


Street~Wise Ascension

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta




Family of Light,
It is a miracle to be walking the Earth.
Souls are lined up from here to Arcturus
to participate in and get the experiences
from the Quantum Leap, the dimensional shift,
on a planet that has gone this far and long
into separation with so many billion souls…
back to the rule of Love.
Part of the desire of the many
who wish to be here with us,
is the fact that in all of creation,
nowhere else has any planet
received so much help
by so many of the greatest forces of interstellar,
big behemoth Cosmic Beings of Light.
It is good and powerful for our evolution
to contemplate and express our loving gratitude,
back to this actuality.

It is a miracle to be walking the Earth
and no matter what the appearance
of the outer world,
“I Am” so grateful to have been given
a privileged embodiment at this moment.
I Am so grateful.


Time to shed all 3 dimensional coverings and metamorph into our true 5-D selves. It has been worth everything we went thru ;-)

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