~The Galactic Free Press~ Pressing Forward~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/24/2012 - 08:02


Now, there is no denying that the Light has arrivied in full force energy and causing upheavels across the Planet. The iillusion is crumbling before everyone, who has eyes to see. WE are on a Divine Time line and we have been informed to Now put Extrme pressure on those that would like to cling to the old. Hanging on by a sliver of a pinky nail is all they got... We will just give a Good Blow.. that should do it~ LOL..  WE will Have More in this Morning;s Daily Update Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff

Transform Fear Through Core Belief Work by GLR Judie Miller




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Connecting the Dots, 1 of 14: Why Everything (financially) Has Gone to S#!T




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"Change The World" by One Million V-Star Children & Howard McCrary



Caricato da  in data 02/gen/2011


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Shifting Paradigms Toward Divine Wisdom and Understanding



by GLR Julie Miller








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UFO Flottillas a Calcinatello - Brescia



Caricato da  in data 22/feb/2012


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HEAVEN #4109 ~ THE GREATEST POWER THERE IS ~ 24.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff




Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


The Greatest Power There Is



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Why Earth Pole shift is needed at these end times?... I was considering and thinking a lot for last couple of days since 11.11.11... Not intentionally, as it just came to me as one of so simple analogies and storyline descriptions as most of my writings and messages...


Let go to the story of frog and scientist who performed different experiments on this brave frog...


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by Predrag Bracanovich on Friday, September 24, 2010 at 3:19pm ·






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~SpaceWeather Update~ CME~


RADIATION STORM HITS MARS ROVER: En route to the red Planet, Mars rover Curiosity has experienced the strongest solar radiation storm since 2005. The rover is okay. Researchers say this is a normal part of Curiosity's job as 'stunt double' for human astronauts. [full story] [video]


SUNSET SKY SHOW: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west. Jupiter, Venus and the crescent Moon are forming a broad line in the sky. Daniele Gasparri photographed the arrangement from Bologna, Italy:



From upper left to lower right, the lights are Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon--all three bright enough to beam through thin clouds.


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Oracle Report ~ Friday February 24 2012



Oracle Report ~ Friday February 24 2012

Oracle Report


New Moon Phase

The intensity and severity of events and circumstances that have transpired during this New Moon phase (since Tuesday) have surpassed my expectations. You will recall that I discussed how we would be honing our skill of surrendering to the flow of the Universe.There is a lot taking place to move things in different directions. This is happening at such a high level that there is really no way we can reach out to it and influence it.



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Acts of Love ~ 2012 February 24 ~ By Chris Hedges




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Bases 13 John Urwin Part 1 Ver 002




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De~Light~Full Food ~ De~Light~Full Sex …Part 2 GLR~Lisa Gawlas~


De~Light~Full Food ~ De~Light~Full Sex …Part 2 GLR~Lisa Gawlas~



Phew… the things I thought I knew but really didn’t.  I am officially swimming in the greatest wonderland of understanding…


I think… for the first time ever really… we have moved beyond what we think we see (the tip of the iceburg) and have been pulled under the see to really explore what has been hidden for eons and eons.

I feel so deep in my heart the greatest gift you can give to yourself right now is saying “what I thought I knew, I don’t.”  This allows what you don’t know to be revealed.  For as long as we think we know something, we don’t get beyond it.


Let me tell you… I know nothing!  LOL… my god I know no-thing!

When I say the word “intimacy” what is the first thing you think of?  How often do you simply think of yourself… just yourself.

When you hear the words “twin flame” how often do you think of just yourself?


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24th Feb 2012

Hello up there, or over there, or through there …. Wherever you actually are … Hello!


We welcome you into the space that is known to you as your heart space. We are excited to be speaking with you in this heightened form as it requires less manoeuvres.


(I am on day 10 of a 10day watermelon fast!)

Yes, I have to say I certainly feel Lighter!! Wondering what you would care to share? There appears to be much going on with banking resignations and lots of things that are not yet in the mainstream media … what would you like to speak of?


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Accountability ~ Hold On To Your Hats! The Dominoes Are Falling…and Falling and Falling


Accountability ~ Hold On To Your Hats! The Dominoes Are Falling…and Falling and Falling

2012 February 24
Posted by Stephen Cook from 2012 Scenerio~


Last week, when I posted the story here on the site that World Bank head Robert Zoellick was about to take his banking president hat off and had suddenly tended his resignation, I thought to myself: “Ah, at last! ‘they’ are starting to fall like dominoes – just like SaLuSa and Matthew Ward and others have been telling us they would”.

But little did I know at the time that, in fact, ‘they’ weren’t just “starting” to fall; ‘they’ had been literally tumbling down, like a giant deck of dominoes – all around the world, and for several weeks now.

Zoellick may have appeared to be the first big banker (at one of the really BIG banks)  to make me sit up and take note. But he wasn’t the first, or the last, by a long stretch. As we are all coming to see.


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~SaLuSa 24~February~2012 Strong Pressure to Now Be Applied~




SaLuSa  24~February~2012



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Ashtar: Celebrate Your Financial Freedom as Golden Love Abundance!


Ashtar: Celebrate Your Financial Freedom as

Golden Love Abundance!



Ashtar Teleconference - February 21, 2012


"Well, greetings, Beloved Family! Is everybody ready to celebrate tonight? Yes, this is a huge moment. Events are finally coming forth that there can be no mistake in anyone’s Heart or mind, or discernment, that that which we have spoken of all of these years is finally coming to pass. We are so grateful to you, Beloved Ones, because you have created the opportunity for all of this to take place!



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The Manuscript of survival ~ part 91 24 February 2012 aisha north~ Today is an auspicious day indeed


Today is an auspicious day indeed, as much is changing on so many levels. Not much is visible on the outside, therefore it will be easy to dismiss the news we would like to impart. However, let us just say that nothing could be deemed as less accurate, as you have no idea as to just how much is happening at the moment. A quick perusal of the news would at least give you some tidbits as to what is going on. As usual, upheaval, violence and other forms of drama are getting more and more prevalent.

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HEAVEN #4108 ~ AND THERE IS GOD ~ 23.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff



Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

And There Is God



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~Note from The Press About the Daily Update~


~ We have been informed that, we have to go into a meeting on the Starships before the Daily Update can be Shared. So, today's Energy and Event update will be released Friday Morning~


~Thank YOU~ We Love YOU~


Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


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Puna area on Hawaii Island Shaken by Mysterious Force


Puna area on Hawaii Island Shaken by Mysterious Force

2012 February 23
 Thanks to BZ Riger

BZ: There are two sources for coverage on this “Mysterious Boom” in The Puna area on Hawaii Island.  The first one focuses just on the boom by a local video news outlet does not allow video embedding, you will need to go to the link to watch the video. The second is a CBS affiliate covering the story.


Puna area on Hawaii Island Shaken by Mysterious Force

Civil Defense says a number of agencies have no explanation for “quake” before 9 a.m.


Video by Daryl Lee




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BOLE: Stronger than You Know ~ Getting Ourselves Worked Up


Often we get anxiety for no reason as we are almost always stronger and more capable than we believe ourselves to be.


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Seeing Life Through The Eyes Of Love......Joshua David Stone.....


Seeing Life Through The Eyes Of Love......Joshua David Stone.....



Seeing Life Through the Eyes of Love
By Dr Joshua David Stone

Font size: Decrease font Enlarge font

The title of this lesson sounds a little like a cliché; however, I tell you my friends, it holds an enormous “Divine Truth” within it. Everyone is searching for Love. Everyone wants Love.


An enormous number of people are searching for romantic love. Almost all people need more self-love, but do not realize it. People are always trying to find more love in friendships as well as family, and with their children or parents. All Spiritually minded people are always trying to generate love and devotion to God and the Ascended Masters, as well as wanting to receive it as well. Love in truth makes the world go around. The entire infinite universe is just a “Play of Love of God!”


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Q&A: How Can I Hear & Trust my Angels & Guides?


~GLR~ Jennifer Hoffman~


Q&A: How Can I Hear & Trust my Angels & Guides?


 Photo gbcdecatur.org


Question: I have been working with contacting and listening to my guides. Can you tell me if the guidance sent our way is ultimately from our higher self or from other spirit beings? How do they know what is best in a situation when I’m stumped and don’t always know if I can trust what I hear or whether I am hearing the right thing.


Answer: Our guides and angels are in constant communication with us, although we tend to be in listening mode when we ask questions or need something. One way to fine tune that process is to have regular meetings in which you dedicate time to be still and listen for their guidance and talk to them about what is happening in your life. This helps you become familiar with the type of connection you have (your guides will have their own way of talking to you) and gets you in the habit of listening.



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It’s Not a Fairytale: Seattle to Build Nation’s First Food Forest


It’s Not a Fairytale: Seattle to Build Nation’s First Food Forest



Forget meadows. The city’s new park will be filled with edible plants, and everything from pears to herbs will be free for the taking.

Seattle’s vision of an urban food oasis is going forward. A seven-acre plot of land in the city’s Beacon Hill neighborhood will be planted with hundreds of different kinds of edibles: walnut and chestnut trees; blueberry and raspberry bushes; fruit trees, including apples and pears; exotics like pineapple, yuzu citrus, guava, persimmons, honeyberries, and lingonberries; herbs; and more. All will be available for public plucking to anyone who wanders into the city’s first food forest.


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~Its Our Honor to Be here everyday for You~


~Special Request from The Galactic Free Press~




~Its Our Honor to Be here everyday for All of You. We have been working 24 hours a day 7 days a week now, for 5 years in complete Service with the Highest Love. WE would Like to Continue doing so and see this Mission to Its Grand Finale this Year~~~ AS soon as Our Ships Decloak our Mission will be Over, and Humanity Completly Money Free~


Thank You for Keeping US going. We have over 1800 Members here at the Press. If even half of our members shared a dollar, this would cover the remaining funds we need for this Month. We are currently 1080$ from our Goal and we only have 6 days left. For those that can share, thank you for sharing and caring for those who work every Moment for Humanity's Complete Freedom from the chains of illusion.~




 Monthy Funding Goal 2000$

Total Shares this Month 910$



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How 2012's Full Moons Got Their Strange Names


How 2012's Full Moons Got Their Strange Names

by Joe Rao, SPACE.com Skywatching Columnist

Biggest and Brightest Full Moon of 2010 Tonight


An enhanced image of the Moon taken with the NOAO Mosaic CCD camera using two NSF telescopes at Kitt Peak National Observatory. The Moon is superimposed on a separate image of the sky.



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Children, Pets & Ascension GLR~ Greg Giles~


Children, Pets & Ascension

GLR~ Greg Giles~



My American Eskimo and best friend Rico 'ascending' 
from Los Angeles in his own seat like a big boy. 



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Space Weather Update Solar Tsunami


SOLAR TSUNAMI: Tangled magnetic fields on the sun's NW limb erupted today, February 23th, producing a solar tsunami. You can see the shadowy yet powerful wave rippling away from the blast site in this move from the Solar Dynamics Observatory:



You can watch it Here at this link http://spaceweather.com/

The wave is subtle. If you didn't see it the first time, watch the movie again and look for regions on the solar surface that light up as the wave passes by. The nearly transparent ripple of plasma and magnetism was probably ~100,000 km high and, racing outward at a typical speed of 250 km/s, packed as much energy as 2.4 million megatons of TNT (1029 ergs). On the scale of the sun, it doesn't look like much, but you wouldn't want to run into one on Earth.



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Kauilapele – David Wilcock, “Financial Tyranny: Defeating The Greatest Cover-Up Of All Time”, LAST VERSION


Kauilapele – David Wilcock, “Financial Tyranny: Defeating The Greatest Cover-Up Of All Time”, LAST VERSION With All Updates; PDF, Complete Web Page, HTML, TXT Versions Available For Download – 23 February 2012

[UPDATED 120223 0023: Whoa... Thanks to JLG who sent a link to a fully indexed pdf of this]


Here is a link to this first part of Financial Tyranny, Sections 1-6. As of 2-9-12, David wrote that this was the final version, with all updates. So…

This web document (all pages) was saved in four forms, and uploaded to my own storage area, for you to download. Here are the links. (NOTE: the date-time format I use is yymmdd_hhmm HST).



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Lisa Gawlas ~ De Light Full Food ~ De Light Full Sex ~ Part 1 ~ 23 February 2012


Lisa Gawlas ~ De Light Full Food ~ De Light Full Sex ~ Part 1 ~ 23 February 2012

Before I start, I so want to thank the new moon for serving up some hearty food of understanding yesterday.  There is a whole new octave in the air, a whole new vibrancy to the field of Light.  This…. is going to be a very long sharing!! (smile)


The first reading yesterday was given a message so relevant to each and every one of us.  The importance of it cannot be underscored enough.


But first, I notice a huge, significant change in the field.  The “platform” I refer to as the 5th dimension went form being black (unforeseen potentials) to a vibrancy of white like I had never seen before.  It literally reflected light back up to the person I was reading… and the details are becoming so much clearer! Hurray!!


Own Your Mastery 

She was standing  just outside the dome of energy I relate to the 6th dimensional energies/potentials and above.  She was radiant.  On the gold mesh like structure of the dome appeared a full length oval mirror of pure white light in direct alignment with her.  I understood this to be her mirror of entrance into the field.



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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 23 February 2012


Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 23 February 2012

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called caring. This quality is one that is felt deeply within the heart space as One radiates this to another. Caring involves the ability to think about another’s greatest good without thought of Self, taking joy and pleasure in giving to them that which lights up their eyes with pleasure. This quality constantly puts the well being of One’s loved one’s first, as a demonstration of Love and affection. Caring is about emitting love energy from and through the heart. This quality has sustained more people upon this Planet than can ever be known at this time.


One of the highest attributes of Love, caring is an action oriented quality that requires the physical doing of something to add blessing to the life of another. This quality is reciprocated in kind between grateful hearts. When One Being casts aside the shields of protection long enough to open their hearts to others and allows them to see their inner goodness and beauty, their capacity to give nurturance and support, what is created is an acknowledgement of that inner radiance and Divinity and the other responds from the same higher place. Caring begets caring and opens up the way for the higher frequencies to uplift the Souls of all.


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PRG Update - February 23, 2012 White House Censors Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller Initiative


 PRG Update - February 23, 2012

White House Censors Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller Initiative

Relevant Web Pages

Notice of Censorship

We the People feedback form:  http://www.whitehouse.gov/feedback-petitions

Petition Information:  www.disclosurepetition.info


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Celebrate The Times......



Celebrate The Times......



There seems to be alot of focus now on nitpicking each other with what are you doing and are you doing enough, which on one hand is a good reminder to make sure we are living our best lives and completing our missions, on the other hand it can deflect away from us celebrating how far we've come and just where we are NOW. More and more is coming out in the mainstream, the veil is being lifted, are we stopping to appreciate that fact? Do you smile more, shine more and walk with a bit more bounce in your step knowing that manifestation of hard work of both terrestrial et's and our star families are coming to a climax?


Are we encouraging people or are we focusing on ourselves? Are we screaming Whooohoooo here we go at the tops of our proverbial lungs or being caught in the matrix of ego, debilitating us from feeling joy, pure unadulterated joy at the events now occuring and about to occur? Which better will help Gaia and humanity? Joy or the game of he said/she said my opinion, your opinion?


Keep in mind no higher vibrations brings us closer to light and love than Joy, Hope, Faith that we are living in the most special of times and the best is yet to come...go on, spread it around, you know you want to. :)



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Thanks to Faith Lubitz for emailing this to me,I popped that picture up but it is not from Mt.Shasta

blessings Kerrie (Zoolithe)


From Antera and Omaran



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Veronica ~ Being Positive Will Be Worth It



Veronica ~ Being Positive Will Be Worth It

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | February 23  2012


“Being physical is not an easy journey. No matter who you are there are often difficulties in achieving your goals.

It is important to pay attention to your creations. Keeping positive energy as the main ingredient while looking over the walls of difficulty will lead to a better understanding of yourself and others.


You are always a contributor to drama in your lives. Being a victim is a choice. By owning your involvement, it empowers you to have a say in how it all unfolds.


Placing the blame totally outside of yourself disables your ability to turn the energy in a different direction. Take a good look inside to find your positive self. It is there. Waiting to reunite with you.

There will always be challenges. Be bold enough to climb over the walls of your self doubt. Take back your life. By being positive one can hope to change anything for the better. Allowing yourself to go along with negativity erases all hope.



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~Photo By Dawn Christine~



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The Second Phase ~ Sarantia




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Creation's Perfect Alchemical Force Utilizing the Power of the Cosmos and the Dynamics of Quantum Consciousness for Gaia


Creation's Perfect Alchemical Force Utilizing the Power of the Cosmos and the Dynamics of Quantum Consciousness for Gaia

February 23, 2012

Judith at the hospital in Denver at 6:30 am MST and Sean at Stephen's in Kelowna


The aspect of consciousness is placed in an orchestration of Divine Alchemy that is truly a blueprint.


There are specific frequencies generated from the harmonic heart light resonance of each individual on a soul link now. Sufficient number of humans have awakened the sensitivity of their conscious capacity to communicate beyond the linear reality. Each individual, who communicated through the harmonic of holograhic light harmonics, through the holographic heart, light and and sound harmonics, enhance the capacity for the collective to resonate with a constant field of energy that is the pure vibration of love.


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