~The Galactic Free Press~ Stay Grounded In The Truth~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/28/2012 - 08:57

New Petition: And NOT To Our Governments This Time! ~Lets Shoot for the Star's~


~Lets Shoot for the Star's~


Fractal Art By Will Harader


Everyday I read the many blogs and messages that are delivered to us, and I'm  reading that we need to have more people aware of our Brothers and Sisters in the skies in order to have our Star Family land on our shores and intervene on our behalf. 

Also, I continue to see petition after petition for disclosure being turned down or rejected by our governments for one reason or another.  We All know why...  the Truth hurts.  So, I have created a petition and directed it to the Galactic Federation of Light.


If this idea resonates with you, please visit "www.change.org/petitions/we-give-you-permission-to-land" and sign this petition to the GFL.  I'm shooting for the stars this time by asking for 1 MILLION signatures!!!

And, if compelled to do so, please feel free to email this petition to all your family, friends and websites. 

In Love and Peace Always,


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We Are All Divine Creators: Urgent Message from Kiesha Crowther 'Little Grandmother'


Inspiring message from one of the 12 wisdom keepers of the world Little Grandmother.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/27/12



Your new paradigm is being created through your interactions throughout your online social networks. This was the vision decided upon by those who design and build new worlds throughout this universe. You have been told all along that you were co-creating your new Earth by your thoughts and actions each day, and this was not merely poetic license. You, each of you, are literally creating your new world with the building blocks of creation you have been given. The tools with which you are utilizing to build your new dream world are your computers, your social networks, and your visions, imaginations, thoughts, intentions, words, pictures, videos, stories, and most importantly, the manner in which you interact which each other.


As each day passes, we see your new world being created by you, even as you cannot yet see the progress of your blossoming creation. We can say to you that your new world is coming along absolutely beautifully, with gorgeous colors and breathtaking landscapes, and we can hardly wait for you all to see the child you are co-creating together.


Your new home will be a wonderland, rich in its tapestries of natural treasures, pure in its life springs of water and air, and will ever remain unpolluted by those of the dark nature. Your new world will be yours to cherish and safeguard from harm, to enjoy and to prosper, and it will be yours in the days ahead upon your ascension into your new beginning. Continue into each and every day with the understanding that you are building your new home with each interaction with each other, and your new world will continue to blossom into the gorgeous paradise we see growing before our eyes today.



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A Message To: The Galactic Federation Of Light...Welcome To Earth!


     Greetings To The Galactic Federation Of Light!



     First, I just want to say, the meer thought of this message reaching you is way beyond thrilling for me. 


     It's been said that it's now time for Light workers to step up to the plate, and that WE, as a collective, are very powerful, and most likely more powerful than WE can possibly imagine.  And, it's also been said that One person can make a difference, like ripples in a pond.  Well, I'm here to manifest a WAVE.  Since our governments won't welcome you, WE WILL!!!



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Message from Yeshuwa by judithdagley




 Message From Yeshuwa

by GLR judithdagley on 2.27.12






Beloved, this is Yeshuwa.


Do you hear, do you FEEL our frequencies as you read these words?  We have been transmitting them to you through the celestial team for over a year of your time. We have asked you to open your heart to them, and have taught you how to do so. To the extent that you do, you become aware of our Presence immediately as a rush of indescribable Love not only around you, but within you.  That is when you becomes YOU.



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Kauilapele ~ ”81 Resignations From World Banks” (And 12 From Just Today), From American Kabuki ~ 27 February 2012


Kauilapele ~ ”81 Resignations From World Banks” (And 12 From Just Today), From American Kabuki ~ 27 February 2012

Well, here’s that broken piggy bank again. This time it’s a big one.

This list from American Kabuki has an extensively documented and categorized list of these resignations. 12 of them are from today’s news. I don’t know who American Kabuki is, but looks they did a great job of putting this list together.

Lots of piggy banks breaking all around the world. Or maybe it’s just the piggies (found at RMN).

[Pardon, but you'll need to copy and paste the links; there's so many of them to fix up I chose not to do it]


Monday, February 27, 2012


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/27/12


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/27/12







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Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock Comment On Ben’s Latest Post (And A “Leowanta” Response To That)… (And My Response, Too!) ~ 27 February 2012


Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock Comment On Ben’s Latest Post (And A “Leowanta” Response To That)… (And My Response, Too!) ~ 27 February 2012

Just found this here, at RMN. This comment by David Wilcock on Ben’s latest article adds some validation to what Ben is writing about.



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Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God & Gabriel ~ You Are No Longer Bound By Your Ego ~ 27 February 2012


Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God & Gabriel ~ You Are No Longer Bound By Your Ego ~ 27 February 2012

God & Gabriel

[Hello God & Gabriel.] Hello Suzy, we have a message we would like you to share with your readers. [I am happy to!]


We would like to relay to all reading this message that the aligning of the planets yesterday (2/26/12) was an opening of portals so that your frequencies and vibrations could institute the necessary planetary and personal changes for ascension. This is a universal decree and the alignment is now set to support you.


However you imagine your heart and mind opening, know that now you have access to love and joy in a most unprecedented amount. Life is now supported by a force-field of openness and assistance.

The intuitiveness that each of you possess is now rewired so that you can access your truth with greater ease. In your experience as a light-being, before you made the transition of an incarnate of third dimensional frequency, you instinctively knew how to tap this source of truth. In your awakening to your true High Self, you have cleared lifetimes of karma in preparation for this moment. Give yourself some time to assimilate this news.


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Feel Like You're Losing Your Mind? ~ by Ornesha De Paoli



Feel Like You're Losing Your Mind?

 26 February 2012  
by Galactic Love Reporter Orneaha De Paoli

For the purposes of understanding why our memories may not be functioning the way they used to, and to help halt the worries that are surfacing of Alzheimer’s setting in, I want to share a little about the side-effects of balancing, neutralizing or clearing old dense emotions out of the body.



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Common Dreams Staff – Monsanto Wins Lawsuit While Food Justice Advocates “Occupy” Food System



Common Dreams Staff – Monsanto Wins Lawsuit While Food Justice Advocates “Occupy” Food System

– 27 February 2012 -


(photo: Ian MacKenzie)


On a day that ‘Occupy’ groups, environmental and food justice organizations have called for a global day of action to resist corporate control of the food system, news comes that a federal judge has ruled in favor of seed giant Monsanto Co. in a lawsuit filed on behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations challenging the company’s seed patents.

Reuters reports:


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Be The Peace You Carry In Your Soul by Molly McCord



by Galactic Love Reporter Molly McCord

"Peace is your natural rhythm and existence. It is the place you know as Home and the way you are accustomed to moving. Peace is the existence you are here to create because it is what you carry inside of you effortlessly. Peace is your birthright and it is your place of ultimate destiny, but only if you choose to be this energy intentionally. Often it is against human nature to respond with peace when one is attacked, embarrassed, upset, and moving through periods of darkness. But peace is always waiting for you when you are ready to detach, surrender, let go and come back to its eternal embrace.

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Call up for mass meditation to protect our Love Reporters~ Those Standing Up in the Light~


~Call up for mass meditation to protect our channelers [Love Reporters]~ Those Standing Up in the Light~




 Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~This was Originally Posted from The Extra Terrestiral Site.. 



We are asking all our Members and Readers to daily take 5 minutes and focus Love and Light, to Assist those, who are Standing Up Every Day in Service to the Light and Love on Planet Earth=Heart. Through this focused event, we Join Energies to Facilate and Quickly Bring in the Changes needed for the relief and Healing of Humanity~ Thank YOU! Love Mother and Father God and The GFP STaff


Dear soulmates,



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Earth Council Embassy Trust calling upon the 100%



We have talked with him before many years ago... we thought we would forward this to everyone.... to see if its a possible collaboration or not. Love US


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Be Ing ‪<dreamtankgateway@gmail.com>

Date: Moht  n, Feb 27, 2012 at 8:56 PM

Subject: Earth Council Embassy Trust

To: MotherGod Amon Ra <mothergod1111111@gmail.com>




Dear Sir or Madam,                 


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Laughing is Praying


Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods. —Japanese proverb 
Audio reading from "Laughter is Prayer"-- chapter excerpt from Strike a Chord of Silence

Full text for this chapter from "Strike a Chord of Silence" by CG Walters

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~ Your Right To Preferences ~



 ~ Your Right To Preferences ~

by Galactic Love Reporter Laura Bruno

 February 23 2012


This theme keeps coming up in coaching and intuitive sessions, so I thought I’d mention it here. If I hear it so often in private sessions, then lots of others are likely experiencing it, too!


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~Standing in the Smoldering Embers of February~ Lisa Gawlas


~Standing in the Smoldering Embers of February~

by GLR~ Lisa Gawlas



I had noticed an interesting theme to the readings yesterday... it seems everyone is at a pause point.  That moment of deep inner reflection of where you have come from and where you are heading.  There was both a stillness and an anticipation within the air of each reading.


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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Melchizedek ~ 28 February 2012


Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Melchizedek ~ 28 February 2012

Beloved Lightworkers,

In these days you are coming together in peace, love and harmony and as you do this, the feeling of sublime joy permeates all that you do. This is most auspicious, for it shows that those who have done the work of clearing are truly beginning to emulate the energy of Love that is being beamed to the Earth from the Galactic center and other areas of the Creator’s vast oceans of life. As this continues, more of your higher aspects may align with you upon the material plane. As your diamond Light shines everywhere you go, it reflects the purity that is the true state of Being of every Human incarnated upon this Planet.


Purity is the focus in these coming months and we encourage you to continue in your efforts to cleanse every drop of all that does not resonate with the diamond light frequency from your four body system. You are becoming a Being of full spectrum Light. You encompass all the colors of the rainbow and are now acquiring the more sublime Cosmic Rays. As you continue to align with your Divine Essence, more of these glorious colors become a part of your auric field and you become a Rainbow Light Being. As you continue in the completion of your old paradigm agreements and intentions, you are blazing a Path that enables others to step firmly upon it.



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Allow TRUTH to show you that the heart is the key to the SOUL by Karen Doonan



Allow TRUTH to show you that the heart is the key to the SOUL 

Dear ones we are here to guide and to support as the energies now heighten and that which has been hidden in plain view becomes more visible for you. We are the Shimmering Ones and we are here to guide you in matters of the heart, for when you begin to clear the heart you allow your vision to clear. Do you understand our analogy?


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The Ascended Masters~Love Keeps us Connected at all Times~


~The Ascended Masters~ ~Love Keeps us Connected at all Times~





Hello Smile I am increasingly enjoying channeling our advanced friends, and here I have more words from our Ascended Masters. They give this message in Love Smile




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Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa Feb 27 2012


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UK’s Rothschild Loses “Puppet Master” Libel Case: Rare Legally Documented Insight Into The Conspiracy Of The Richest 1% NWO Puppet Masters



UK’s Rothschild Loses “Puppet Master” Libel Case: Rare Legally Documented Insight Into The Conspiracy Of The Richest 1% NWO Puppet Masters

LONDON, Feb 10 (Reuters) – British financier Nathaniel Rothschild lost a libel case on Friday against a newspaper that depicted him as a “puppet master” who used his friendship with a European trade chief to impress a Russian oligarch and help close a business deal.


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Angela Peregoff ~ One’s Energetic Magic



Angela Peregoff ~ One’s Energetic Magic


The Morning Blessing | Feb 27 2012


“There are two great days in a person’s life-the day we are born and the day we discover why.” - William Barclay


The softness of February love is [finally] accentuated this week with a profound sense of peace pooling just beneath the experiences of our daily lives. As many are accomplishing clearing out the illusions of drama, chaos, and unbalance from our realities we have set the space for something more profound to enter our experience. The flow of Magic and Miracles is set to descend upon this plane of existence and its presence is whispering to all who have ears to hear. It sits just beyond the veil of the astral field and waits for us to notice. Don’t wait for the journey of sleep to take you into this realm of Newness, ask in the waking hours to connect with this energy of expanded Love.



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UNFOLDING GOES ON - Anonymous - Fed Reserve Caught Red Handed




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Just from personal observation and knowing what 2012 portends, I can say that this year will be one of emotional ups and downs. Today I woke up with the exact opposite feeling compared to yesterday. Yesterday, my cup was running over. Today, the feeling is more akin to being drained. I suspect this is how it is with many as we go through transformation.


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~Space Weather Update~ AURORA OUTBURST:


AURORA OUTBURST: Last night, for the second night in a row, sky watchers around the Arctic Circle witnessed an impressive display of auroras. "I've never seen anything close to this," says Aaro Kukkohovi, who photographed an eruption of light over Lumijoki, Finland:



"What a fantastic burst of energy--like something blew a hole into Earth's magnetic field just above us!"


HIs rhetorical flourish isn't far wrong. The cause of the display was the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tipping south and opening a 'crack' in Earth's magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in and fueled a G1-class geomagnetic storm. This was a high latitude event; the lights were brightest over Scandinavia, Iceland and Greenland.


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The Manuscript of survival ~ part 93 An Update~


We have come today to give you all an update as to what will be transpiring in these next few days and weeks. As always, we will refrain from giving you too much details, as this will only serve to confuse you, but we will state the fact that for some, this will be days of confusion, no matter what kind of advance notice we could give you. You see, so much will take a sudden and unexpected turn for so many of you, and later, you will indeed look back on this period as one of the most important – and indeed – transformational ones of your whole existence. We know that so many of you are hankering for details, and you are eagerly awaiting some sort of confirmation of global events. Well, let us just say to you wait and see. For soon, nothing will be like it was before, not only you, but also your surroundings, as the forementioned changes will indeed be on such a scale that no man will be untouched by this in some ways.


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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday February 28 2012~ Cloudy



Oracle Report ~ Tuesday February 28 2012


Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase


The keyword for today’s energy is cloudy. It tells us that we need to transcend difficulties by sailing over them (like an aviator flying above the clouds) and that we will see things from two perspectives (which will cloud our understanding). By knowing that clarity will be hard to come by, we can avoid becoming frustrated by an inability to accomplish, complete, or properly analyse things. There is no point in trying to figure out or decide something because it isn’t really possible to gain a clear picture under this energy.



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Sounds of The Apocalypse Solved & World's Pyramids Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud


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by Galactic Love of Truth Reporter Julian Assange



On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.


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Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ Message From The Divine Light




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About Your Ascension - I AM MAITREYA - by Lady Master Venus



This message was received on the morning of 27th February 2012


"There are many of you who are making much progress with your ascension. I am indebted to you for your efforts which have given you untold gems of mystery and love and that is enough to bring you forward to the point of ascension, and for some, beyond. Ascension is not a goal but a moveable process whereby even the Ascended Masters grow with every heartbeat. Once you have ' Ascended ' you do not stop there by any means. And ascension is different for each and every one of you, but there are things which help us see our ascension more clearly and shine a light upon our path, markers if you will. Some of these are :


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That which you hold onto is not TRUTH - by Karen Doonan




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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus And Hatonn ~ 27 February 2012 NOwhere to Hide


Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus And Hatonn ~ 27 February 2012 NOwhere to Hide



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John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Letting Go And Allowing Is What Makes It Possible To Reach An Inner Place Of Peace ~


John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Letting Go And Allowing Is What Makes It Possible To Reach An Inner Place Of Peace ~ 27 February 2012

It is difficult for you to understand the levels within yourselves to which you can ascend while you are still embodied.  Your religions and cultures have taught you that knowledge of the spiritual realms is only available to the most highly evolved ones among you, and that very many years need to be spent in meditation, prayer, and ascetic practices to reach a level that will bring you the experience of peace and love of which your enlightened teachers have told you.  However, this is not the case.  Anyone can reach inwards and attain the experience of the knowledge of God.  The reason that so few do is because you are mostly caught up in the distractions of the illusion to which your bodies seem to direct so much of your attention.


Your bodies were designed as limiting factors to convince you that the physical environment that you experience through them is the one and only reality that exists.  If your bodies (that represent you while you are experiencing life in the illusion) are unable to be aware of something through those bodily senses then “hey presto” that something does not exist.  Over the last few decades some of your scientists have become aware that this is most definitely not true.  And of course in ages past this truth was accepted even though not many had direct knowledge of it.


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~Lightworker responds to The Latest Montague Keen Message~The Light consists of Unconditional Love.~


~Lightworker responds to The Latest Montague Keen Message~

~The Light consists of Unconditional Love.~


Fractal By Will Harader






I want to first say that I appreciate your messages Montague, however I must say that I completely disagree with a statement that you made today in your most recent message: “There will be no place for their kind in the Light.”  That is a pretty low consciousness laden statement.



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Remove the Clutter, and Discover a Most Perfect YOU Message from Archangel Haniel




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All is well, all is well, all is well. by Rachel Goodwin




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LAUGHTER is a powerful tool. It has been given as a gift only to humans. No one has heard plants or animals laugh at any time. Laughter is infectious and when someone sees you laugh they are also motivated to laugh, and when they laugh their stress level is reduced, and you have given them a gift of wellbeing in their life.


Laughter provides great physical and emotional release. Laughter is a higher state of consciousness, and when one is able to hold that state of being, the person becomes lighter, and can vibrate in a place of absolute well being.


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BE the Joy You Deserve - DL Zeta



BE The Joy You Deserve
By Galactic Love Reporter DL Zeta

You don’t have to know everything about your spiritual purpose to be true to your path in life. Undertaking endless studies and traveling to the world’s sacred places may add to your experiences, but these aren’t guaranteed to help you reach self-realization.

Cultivating and following the path of joy, however, will help you reach new heights of spiritual insight.


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Brown Mountain Lights, Mysterious Orbs In NC, Are Decades~Old Mystery


Brown Mountain Lights, Mysterious Orbs In NC, Are Decades~Old Mystery

Thanks to BZ Riger

Brown Mountain Lights, Mysterious Orbs In NC, Are Decades-Old Mystery

Tom Breen   02/26/12 04:46 PM ET  AP



RALEIGH, N.C. — Two orange orbs, just about 10 feet off the ground, floated past Steve Woody and his father as they hunted deer more than 50 years ago. The mysterious lights passed them, then dropped down the side of a gorge in the Blue Ridge foothills.

For at least a century, the Brown Mountain Lights have confounded residents and tourists in a rugged patch of Burke County, bobbing and weaving near a modest peak. Are they reflections from automobile headlights? Brush fires? A paranormal phenomenon, or something natural not yet explained by science?


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Galactic Love Reporter Julian Assange





[fr] the gifiles (fr) 
[sv] the gifiles (se) 




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Light Body Transformation ~ Living with Light



Light Body Transformation ~ Living with Light




Daily Life with a Developing Light Body


Many of us on the spiritual path are not aware of the process of light body transformation. We may feel called by our heart's desire to be closer to God, by a strong inner sense or purpose, or by a deep longing for healing, but we don't expect that our entire physical, energetic and cellular structure may change!

Energetic changes are happening to everyone on the Earth right now, even though most people are not consciously aware of this. For people who are actively pursuing a spiritual life, this process of light body transformation is happening in a stronger way and may even be creating lifestyle changes out of necessity.



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WIKILEAKS ~ THE GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE FILES: RE: Random Business Idea - Network Security ~ BY JULIAN ASSANGE ~ 27.2.12


by Galactic Love Reporter Julian Assange




WikiLeaks logo 
The Global Intelligence Files, 
files released so far... 


The Stars This Week:by Amanda Owen February 27, 2012 The Stars This Week: February 27 ~ March 4, 2012 Walk a Tightrope


The Stars This Week: February 27 ~ March 4, 2012


by Amanda Owen February 27, 2012


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The Law Of Opposing Polarity ( Economic Shift 2012 )


The Nine speak through the channel Magenta Pixie on the New Economy, the Law of Opposing Polarity and the Quantum Leap moment. 2012

All images by Stock Xchng

All Music by Kevin Macleod of Imcomputeach.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Energy Work


Your body is a remarkable energy field


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~ Make Every Day One Of Rebirth And Renewal ~ by Gerald O’Donnell




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Benjamin Fulford ~ U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Arrested, Questioned And Released; Asian Negotiations Continue



Galactic Love Reporter Benjamin Fulford


U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Arrested, Questioned And Released; Asian Negotiations Continue




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I'm very happy having Sue's permission to post this.Thank you Sue!



Releasing the Habit of Being Third Dimensional
Dear Ones,

We the Arcturian expression of our many grounded ones wish to assist you in releasing the habit of being third dimensional. This habit, like all habits, is a set of behaviors that originate in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you are not consciously aware of these habitual actions, thoughts and emotions. Hence, you do not know the reason for these habits. To change a habit you must bring up from your unconscious mind and into your conscious awareness. Once you can consciously observe your habit, you can begin to change it.



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This Little Light of Mine - Addison Road


This song by Addison Road is found on their "Stories" album. Let your little light shine. 
John 16:33 (New International Version, ©2010) 33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

John 8:12 (New International Version, ©2010)


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~ Your Divine Spark by Natalie Glasson ~



 ~ Your Divine Spark by GLR Natalie Glasson ~

Sacred School of Om Na | February 27 2012




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Massive Galactic Federation Cigar ships over Boston,Bluehill,Baltimore,NYC 12,13.02.2012


Massive sized GFL Cigar ships over Boston, Blue hill and Baltimore, New York City on 12th February 2012 / 13th February 2012.


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~Walking The Path of Love in 2012~


Walking The Path of Love in 2012


by Peter Melchizedek






Peter – 16th January, 2012

Dear God I Am of Holy Incorruptible Matter, of Infinite Speed, from my Heart and in the deepest gratitude for the Divine Love and Light in my life, I wish to call upon my Christed Over Self of the Light to share with me some guidance or inspiration for the coming year of 2012 so that it may offer me and those who may read and feel it, some insight to its importance to Walk upon the Path of Love.


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The White Hats Call For Joint International Criminal Investigation: America Demands Its $15 Trillion Dollars Back!


White Hats Report 37 ~ 27 February 2012


The White Hats Call For Joint International Criminal Investigation: America Demands Its $15 Trillion Dollars Back!

If you have been following the news, The White Hats have called for Leadership in America to stand up and be counted.  In fact, we would have expected our current President to stand up for America.  We only asked for one person to stand up for America, for 308 millions Americans, the ole’ girl in the New York harbor, the tattered ole’ flag and the fine men and women that serve or have served our Country proudly – just one person that has the Heart of a Lion, willing to walk with a genuine swagger and the intestinal fortitude to deal with very corrupt people and very corrupt situations.


Amazingly, no one person has had the guts to answer the call, to call it like it is, to recognize and to expose the criminality and stand steadfast for truth, honesty and integrity as a human being and for America’s moral fiber to have a significant voice in the rapidly changing world we live in.



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