The Galactic Free Press Update: The First Visible Changes Appear, Full Disclosure Activated

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/06/2013 - 11:37

Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth


Protesters In Turkey, The end of tyranny and oppression and the Beginning of Peace



Greetings Love Beings, WOW, we are only in the first few days of June and it was as if We were shot out of a cannon, energetically speaking. AS Anticipated, June started in Intensity and we are seeing this energy work its magic across the Planet with the sparking of protests and Truth revealing itself within many who are now awakening. As this Occurs Sparks Of Light Ignite The Higher Grid which triggers many more into awakening and Love on the Planet Expands which then triggers many more Miracles and Magical Synchronsotic Events.  Energy is Definitely on the Move and many visible changes are Now beginning to surface. Full Disclosure of many Multi~ Dimensional Truths have been activated. Love has been ignited on this Planet and there is no going back. Love within Humanity is Now Standing Up In the Truth. Yeehaw!


Quoted from John Smallman" Here in the spiritual realms, where we truly are not separated from you, excitement is building; in fact, we are bubbling over with it!  I know you have been told this countless times over the last few years, but it is incumbent on me to tell you yet again, humanity’s awakening is divinely ensured and the moment for it to happen is very close. ....Within the illusion signs of the breakdown, of the crumbling away of the systems of so-called civilization established on Earth are visible everywhere, and even your mainstream media is beginning to report on it.  Confusion and disbelief are growing as the numbers of whistle-blowers, shaking off the fear of retaliation for their actions of disclosing and releasing information which has been hidden under the tightest of security, continue to build inexorably.  They can no longer be contained, silenced, or ridiculed; the truth will out.  Therefore, I promise you that some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed which will make a return to the old and secretive ways of running society impossible....The tide of Love now surging across the planet is irresistible, and daily more and more of humanity is surrendering to its warm embrace. Humanity is firmly established on the path to awakening, the path Home, and nothing can divert it...." End of quote


Quoted From Cobra " Our conference was a huge breakthrough. Our location was the main anchor point for the vortex which activated the Portal. This is one of the main energy breakthroughs needed before the Event can happen. Victory of the Light is near." end of quote



SOLAR FLARE AND CME: Southern sunspot AR1762 erupted today, June 5th, producing a long-duration M1-class solar flare that peaked around 0900 UT. The explosion hurled a right coronal mass ejection (CME) into space, shown here in a coronagraph image from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory:


Because the sunspot is approaching the sun's southwestern limb, the blast was not squarely Earth-directed. In fact, it might miss us altogether. Stay tuned for further analysis of the trajectory of the CME.

Meanwhile, more eruptions could be in the offing. AR1762 has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-flares much stronger than the M1-class event that occured this morning. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.



Sunspot 1762 has a beta-gamma-delta magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI


We are In an Intense Energetic Gateway with powerful energies arriving to us on a 24/7 basis with Alot of Help from Our Sun. Simply Amazing, what is now unfolding and everyone can feel the changes in the Air as Love and Truth Move IN. These Intense Energies are Igniting Humanity into Action and Humanity is awakening!


Quoted from James Gilliland" .....As many know we are getting bombarded by gamma ray bursts, solar flares, cosmic rays and other magnetic influences due to the alignment with Galactic Plane. Many are observing the unprecedented increase in earthquake, volcanic eruptions along with severe weather. What we are not seeing is how these energies affect human consciousness.

The earth is expanding – busting at the seams. We are expanding as well. These energies affect the bioelectric fields surrounding the human body all the way to the DNA level.

We have subtle (more refined) bodies – a body within a body – and these bodies hold consciousness and energy. What is held within these bodies or your fields is being activated. Energized. And there is nowhere to hide from this process. .....Nothing will be able to maintain the lower frequencies as the vibrational lifting continues. And it is increasing exponentially. The hertzian or physical world as we know it will collapse (phase out) as the new world phases in. "


 Quoted from sandra Walters "...Blessings to everyone experiencing this profound frequency shift. It feels like pure Source – pure lovelight intelligence – available 24/7 at last. We have crossed a threshold which anchors an accelerated collective timeline. It speeds up our ascension...

Accept the profound effects of this new level of light intelligence ~ we are creating a galactic legacy of love and transformation. Galactic legacy is our responsibility – the awake, aware, out of the spiritual closet, willing to show up and do whatever it takes to assist and co-create a Spiritual Sun with a race of Cosmic Christed HUmans from a planet and collective formerly steeped in density and darkness. It is incredible what we are doing here.

There are many personal aspects to this process; the experiences, DNA evolution, dimensional shift, ascension of consciousness, body vehicle transcendence, interdimensional communication … all of that is fun to explore. Be diligent in your duty in service to the light as this new level continues to grow through June. Predictions and updates are still helpful to some, however Light Servers will be called into the boots-on-the-ground co-creation of service with the planet, elementals, kingdoms and the collective. Your skill sets and connection to your Higher Levels determine your level of assistance and the timing of what to do and when.

There is no dimming down at this point; we have given the galactic go-ahead to accelerate the Shift..... Cosmic triggers have been turned over to the light, and we use them with integrity and in the highest interests of all concerned. June is unfolding with pointed acceleration for the wayshowers – stay focused, stay true, stay in your highest integrity." End of quote



Since, we went through this last portal this has Sparked a Fire In Humanity as events on the surface have began to unfold. These visible signs are showing up from The Truth about the Monsanto appearing On Mainstream Media to The Protests Happening In Turkey and In New York City and Many More Now walking the Path of Light. Tyranny and Oppression will be no more on Planet Earth=Heart and Beings are commanding this to end. In May We announced the Liberation of Humanity and the end of the powers who were was close and these events unfolding are your validation.



Quoted from by SanLeoSol...."The times they are changing and not only in our spheres anymore. It is NOW becoming visible for all people on Earth. Look at the mass demonstrations in Japan and Turkey. Look at the spastic ways the governments are trying to keep control over their vanishing power. What do you think about the enormous increase in UFO sightings? The mass media tries to get that news away from you, but due to the power of social media you are now able to see the TRUTH in full light.

What can you expect in the months to follow? There will be more and more chaos. More protests from citizen all over the world; because they don't want their governments and old belief systems anymore. More and more the truth will be revealed: people that used to have a hidden agenda will find their own inner Light and are now willing to share their secrets with the public. Due to that knowing the Movement of the Light will stand up as never before. Yes my Beloved Ones, you will see what your true power is. Not only within yourselves but also as one Human Race. You are witnessing the sunrise of the New Earth my Beloved Earthlings. You have waited long enough now. So share your excitement and start manifesting your true heritage: a new era of love, peace and abundance. Stay in contact with your heart space...." End of quote


Something Wonderful is Happening, as Others Begin Standing Up peacefully to tyranny and oppression as well as demonstrating the True Human Spirit of caring and sharing with others. What is occurring in Turkey is the First Physical First Domino for the Real Truth in this New Earth Energy which will truly mark the end of the powers who were and they know it.  There is absolutely nothing they can do about it.The Oneness Energies are On the Move.


Quoted from Gülay Ateş...."We have a little over 80 million citizens here in the republic of Turkey… and something wonderful is happening here. Millions have not slept over the past 36 hours; we are all really on the streets. Large cities, small cities, suburbs are full of people who know how they will be treated. Jung and old people, professors, actors, writers, workers all know that they will be beaten bloody, be bombarded with teargas and agent-orange. This is not stopping anyone from helping those in need.

This was not planned, we did not organize this. We were all siting in our living rooms and saw in Halk TV and read on Twitter what was being done to peaceful demonstrators.

None of us thought long about this, we simply put on our shoes and ran out to help. Not even in my years as a student, have I ever taken part in a demonstration. But this is so natural that you don’t think of yourself and your own security any longer. It is so strange to experience this sort of thing… ALL ARE ONE…

Dear friends, I and many millions of people are experiencing this here and now and I tell you it feels absolutely wonderful… The POWER and ONENESS… and it is all so simple and it all went so fast… only when it has been awakened, do you realize, that the power was there all along and that we simply forgot it… WAKE UP… what is happening today here will be happening tomorrow in your country, the game is the same… what is fascinating me and probably baffling the powers that were – is that their system is as easy to bring down like a house of cards when you just stand as one." End of quote


Quoted from İnsanlik Hali"....I am writing to let you know what is going on in Istanbul for the last five days. I personally have to write this because most of the media sources are shut down by the government and the word of mouth and the internet are the only ways left for us to explain ourselves and call for help and support.

Four days ago a group of people most of whom did not belong to any specific organization or ideology got together in Istanbul’s Gezi Park. Among them there were many of my friends and students.  Their reason was simple: To prevent and protest the upcoming demolishing of the park for the sake of building yet another shopping mall at very center of the city. There are numerous shopping malls in Istanbul, at least one in every neighborhood! The tearing down of the trees was supposed to begin early Thursday morning. People went to the park with their blankets, books and children. They put their tents down and spent the night under the trees.  Early in the morning when the bulldozers started to pull the hundred-year-old trees out of the ground, they stood up against them to stop the operation.

They did nothing other than standing in front of the machines.

No newspaper, no television channel was there to report the protest. It was a complete media black out.

But the police arrived with water cannon vehicles and pepper spray.  They chased the crowds out of the park.

In the evening the number of protesters multiplied. So did the number of police forces around the park. Meanwhile local government of Istanbul shut down all the ways leading up to Taksim square where the Gezi Park is located. The metro was shut down, ferries were cancelled, roads were blocked.

Yet more and more people made their way up to the center of the city by walking.

They came from all around Istanbul. They came from all different backgrounds, different ideologies, different religions. They all gathered to prevent the demolition of something bigger than the park:

The right to live as honorable citizens of this country....." end of quote


Quoted from Celia Fenn"In the last two years, I have been working intensively in Turkey. In fact, I have spent more time in Turkey than any other country, in what I call my “Middle East Mission”, working with Archangel Michael and the Masters of Light in this volatile and crucial region. I have travelled in Anatolia and spent time in the major cities of Istanbul and Izmir. I love Turkey, and I think I have come to know it quite well in the last two years. I am not there now, but I was two weeks ago! And, when I was there in March, I spent a week in Istanbul just exploring the city and reading up on Turkish history.

I don’t claim to be an expert by any means, but I do understand the basics and, also the Spiritual aspects of the recent unrest and violence. And, when I was doing a seminar in Izmir in March, Archangel Michael did say that there would be a clash between the “Old and the New” in Turkey, that this would occur in the summer, and that it would bring fundamental change to the entire region…and ultimately the Global balance.


Yes, Turkey is what Archangel Michael calls an “Alpha Creation Point”. This means that seeds are planted in Turkey and they affect Global Civilization. After the Atlantis events, Turkey was one of the first places to nurture the new Human civilization that would emerge without any interference from extraterrestrial life forms through the Stargates.

There are remains of settlements in Turkey that are estimated to date back 15,000 years before Christ. Also, because of its position between Europe and Asia, it has been the focal point of many empires including the Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Today, it is one of the most successful economies on the Planet, and Istanbul is a vibrant and busy city that straddles the Bosphorus between Europe and Asia. This is a picture of me taken last year on the Bosphorus, when I was enjoying a sunset boat ride on the busy waterway with some friends.

Many people have been taken by surprise by the events in Turkey. In this case, the uprising or “revolution” is not about economics, its not about the poor versus the rich, although that may be an aspect of it. It’s not about politics or religion per se, although these may also be issues. It’s about a generation of Indigos standing up and saying: “This doesn’t work for us!”...

Well, I guess what they don’t fully understand is that this is the Indigo Revolution. It is young people who have said “no…it is enough” and who will stand calmly in the face of aggression because they are light warriors and systems busters. That is what they are here for.

Turkey, and most Middle Eastern countries, have huge populaitons of young adults, millions of Indigos who know that they are here to make changes. When I wrote my book “The Indigo Crystal Adventure” with Archangel Michael, he stressed that it would be the Indigos who would be the “engine” of change on the Earth, and that they would be fearless in their missions. This is not to say that they advocate violence.

I think even the Turkish government was slightly taken back at “rioters” who cleaned up the mess after them and left it all neatly tied up in blue plastic bags to be collected by the Trash Collection! This is a photo taken by a friend who lives in Taksim of the Gezi park area after the first “riot”. There are many images of “protesters” cleaning up the mess. Looking after the environment is a central part of the issues here:


And, the protest and resistance includes all levels of society….here a Crystal Child covers her face against tear gas…and an Elderly couple join the crowds in Taksim Square.


And in a picture taken this morning…some protesters get in some early morning yoga in Taksim Square:


As you can see, this Indigo Revolution is practically impossible for the government machinery to deal with. It is not radicals intent on violence, or extremists tryng to disrupt society. It appears to be young people, joined by others, who want to be able to live life beyond the control of Economic Conmsumerism that destroys everything in its path.

The actual Indigo Revolution began very quietly here over an incident of protecting the environment. As you may know, Gezi Park in the Taksim area was in danger of being taken over by a shopping mall development. It is apparently the last green area in Taksim, the commerical and business heart of the Europe side of Istanbul.

This small protest began like Zucotti Park in New York, with protestors camping in the park to protest the decision of the government to go ahead with this development without consulting the people. The governmant sent in the Police who responded as if there was a “radical threat” and used water cannon and tear gas…on everybody. This was the point when something exploded in the Turkish Indigo consciousness and the young people took to the streeats of Taksim and Besiktas, another big commercial and business hub on the Europe side.

At this point the government tried to dismiss the protests as violent riots caused by extremists, and this is when everybody started to join in and it become something of a “Love Revolution”, with people joining together in non-violent protest. The government backed off, and the Deputy Prime Minister issued this statement: “The excessive violence that was used in the first instance against those who were behaving with respect for the environment is wrong and unfair. I apologize to those citizens,” .

And so, as the government struggles to define the nature of the Indigo Revolution, there is something of a party atmosphere in Gezi Park as the people join together to celebrate the Unity of the Turkish people.

[For video, go to Celia's site - ]

So, when you ask what exactly is this all about, I think you will find many different points of view. But what is emerging in this Alpha Seed Zone is a new consciousness of Unity and a desire to live in Freedom and in a true Democracy that supports all. It is indeed, an Indigo Revolution..." End of quote


 Quoted from Cathy Lynn Pagano".....people are... standing up to the powers-that-be[ were], already gathering together to show that we are many, and that we will overcome in the end.   (Just watch as we complete the 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto in March 2015.)       While each of us came into this lifetime to do something about the state of the world, we also need to stand together to create societal change. Because at this time of the changing of the ages, we have to make a conscious choice to evolve or we doom our children’s children to a hard world.

Our work is to align ourselves with our inner Spirit and follow our destiny....."


  We Knew June was going to Be Intense. And We are getting reports from across the Planet from many who can feel the change in the air as Energies of Pure Consciousness Energy Bombards this Planet. We are indeed In Some Changes On Planet Earth=Heart.


Quoted from The Arcturian Group....."More and more Light is pouring into the earth as many sacred portals are now open to assist in this momentous time of awakening.

We hear many of you say that nothing is changing. Do not look for world changes based in third dimensional concepts, for these are simply ideas of what you believe should happen based in limited knowledge of the world as you have known it.....

Some are choosing to remain in what is old and finished. These dear ones are struggling, for the sand they have build their house of cards upon is crumbling and they are going into fear and panic. Living on earth at this time is not for the faint hearted. You are experiencing a changing of the guard and the old is putting up a great fight. Send them Light dear ones, that they may move out of the shadows of fear that hold them in bondage and into unconditional love.

Gaia too is moving forward in her ascension process and you are seeing the results of this in the violent weather many have been experiencing. However, the storms are not just about global warming or Gaia’s ascension, but are about a spiritual leveling–neighbor talking to and assisting neighbor, strangers stepping in, and the birthing of universal compassion. It is about a higher sense of love and oneness emerging among all who up to now considered themselves separate in some way (racially, economically, intellectually, age etc.) from each other. This leveling process has been necessary in shifting large groups into a deeper realization of oneness.....

This is an extremely powerful time to be on earth. Understand that you are privileged to be here at this time for there were many souls wanting to be a part of this process. Never falter dear ones through comparing your lives and experiences to what the 3D world would have you believe is how things ought to be in order for you to be content and happy. The third dimensional concepts are dissolving, leaving those ignorant of truth very frustrated in their attempts to reactivate that which is finished.

As the higher truths enter world consciousness, the resulting clash of energies appears as chaos. Remember this dear ones, as you faithfully, silently, and secretly, live moment to moment out from your highest awareness and understanding. This is how you grow and evolve into a deeper and deeper awareness of your true self....." End of quote




photo by Rafał Krauze amateur photographer from Poland



The Signs are showing Up everywhere Of the Changing moments we are In. There will be no way to deny an entire Huge Paradigm Shift for Humanity into The Real Reality of Love, Peace and True equality. The Truth and Full Disclosure is at hand and through this the powers who were, cease to exist.

Love WIns!


Photo By Earth Ally Coco

Earth Ally Coco "About two weeks ago i noticed a RAINBOW around my sun and i did take some good pics but someone told me they were just sundogs. for me to witness in which i have never seen this before was magical for me. i know it was much more then just a sundog.

i brought this up to my gramma who is a tribal elder here on my reservation, she told me something that resonated with me greatly.

"corrine this is a sign for you from your angels letting you know its time you partake in your part of being one with the rainbow tribe"


...For some traditional native people, the Sunbow or Whirling Rainbow is considered to be a sign from Creator, marking a time of great change, or transition on the Earth. This full-circle rainbow around the Sun, some elders say, can be understood as a sign to people of the necessity to live a life in respect and harmony with all the creations that make life possible: plants, animals, waters, minerals, fires, winds, and other human beings.”

There’s also this said about the Whirling Rainbow

“The Whirling Rainbow – Prophecy

There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go. Many creatures thought to be extinct or mythical will resurface at this time; the great trees that perished will return almost overnight. All living things will flourish, drawing sustenance from the breast of our Mother, the Earth.

The great spiritual Teachers who walked the Earth and taught the basics of the truths of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy will return and walk amongst us once more, sharing their power and understanding with all. We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner. Men and women will be equals in the way Creator intended them to be; all children will be safe anywhere they want to go. Elders will be respected and valued for their contributions to life. Their wisdom will be sought out. The whole Human race will be called The People and there will be no more war, sickness or hunger forever”....


We Announced last month the Energies from the opening of the portal would be climaxing at this Years Solstice. Its The Moment for a Planetary Awakening and Everyone has a role to Play. The old is dying the Moment has come to JUST JUMP! Events will be manifesting much more quickly in this Energy.


 Quoted from Meg Benedict...."The upcoming Solstice on June 21st welcomes a phase of inner reflection as Jupiter’s annual transit moves into Cancer at the same time that Mercury Retrogrades thru Cancer till mid-July. Get ready for a ‘touchy-feely’ summer, as the cosmos shines a spotlight on our deeper sensory Self. We have at this particular time the healing balm of compassion and strong water element to dissolve the past. Any remaining emotional attachment chords to the past hold us entangled in the dying 3D Matrix. This summer is the perfect opportunity to cut all emotional chords.....

Humanity has reached a choice-point…the transition from 3D into 5D will take place between 2013 and 2015. We can choose to do nothing, and wait on the sidelines…or we can jump in now and pave the way for the Souls behind us. We can be the Trailblazers and Wayshowers, or the rear guard. It all comes down to this simple choice…are you going to be actively involved or passively waiting for the transition to complete?

The longer you wait, the less you will have to work with. The old 3D Operating System is collapsing and breaking apart, falling by the wayside. It has become unsustainable and will not support humanity going forward. Do you want to hang onto a sinking ship? Or take the leap into the newly forming 5D world that operates in unity consciousness?

Each global shift leading up to 2015 will become more and more difficult to assimilate if you choose to ‘do nothing’ and wait. Each global shift increases the planetary frequency and bumps up into a higher level of consciousness. If you passively wait, the world around you will elevate way beyond your capacity to comprehend the new operating system. Your recovery time could be overwhelming and drastic!....The next global shift is coming in September, so take this Summer to prepare and position yourself into the 5D realm. Spirit is calling you to take action now…to be the highest version of yourself with fearless integrity!....." End of quote


 Quoted from Sheldan Nidles"....Be advised that the time arrives for what we have so long been waiting for: namely, the long-talked-of changes which will allow us to meet you and begin the proceedings to return you to full consciousness. This is a most auspicious time in our joint histories!..."


We have Energy arriving from all directions and this energy will Intensify all throughout this year, out with the old and In with the New. Its Happening.


Decreed by Heaven~ Full Disclosure of All Truths has Been Activated. THOSE OF LOVE ARE SPIRALING INTO PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION TAKING THEIR PLACES FOR THIS NEXT FACET OF THE DIVINE PLAN WHERE ALL LOVE IS MANIFESTS. The Energies Continue Moving at a quick rate to Align for many Divine Events to manifest for The Highest Good Of All On Planet Earth. The complete surrender of the powers who were is truly here. Love Has Won and All not in alignment with Love and The Highest Good Dissolves immediately as a result. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.



 Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!


~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


  Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!


  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

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Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!

Total June Donations 55$

Total Goal 3000$

Thank You for sharing


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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~

 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~


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