Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

Greetings Love Beings, We announced Yesterday we were in very exciting Energies which are on the Move across the Planet. These Energies are preparing us all for the Grand Events which are happening NOW. These events will be shocking for many as the Energies from Heaven=Love must Manifest as Decreed.
Quoted from Sheldon Nidle" Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this date with some good news! We are now allowed to explain to you that a new banking system is very close to manifesting. Major banks around your world are currently preparing for the implementation of numerous new rules. These regulations are to alter the operation of international transactions and to prepare for the series of announcements introducing a new hard-backed currency. The governments of your globe have been advised that an international version of N.E.S.A.R.A is to be implemented, and this will precipitate a rapid change in your global political systems. Accordingly, the Galactic Federation has placed several defense ships in position to ensure that these changes happen as agreed to by the dark cabal. The time has come for these dark ones to surrender their power to the Light!
These changes can allow our sacred secret societies to begin to disburse the prosperity funds to the world. We have also advised our associates to prepare a number of special teachings which will explain a great many truths that have been either greatly modified or completely hidden from you for millennia. These circumstances made it necessary for us to hide this information deep within the vaults of many temples and cathedrals until such time as we could release it to you. You may be somewhat shocked at first, but these sacred Truths need to become part once again of your spiritual knowledge of this physical realm. It will begin a process of clarification regarding the wonders and miracles of the state of full consciousness that you are returning to. This subject matter will move to center stage in your lives during the weeks ahead because you are needed by Heaven to resume your sacred service to the Light.
We the Ascended Masters have a divine duty to bring you through the sacred veil and return you to your true Beingness as physical Angels. Thus we welcome the arrival of our kin and the means in Inner Earth for restoring you to that most precious state. All that is being set in motion is done with the aim of fulfilling Heaven's mandate. You have wandered around in a state of artificial amnesia for far too long, and it is time to reinstate your former wisdom and abilities.The societies cooked up by the dark and orchestrated by the Anunnaki are to cease. Your innate Oneness will be reestablished, allowing you to develop a wonderful prototype of galactic society. This new realm of yours is to welcome the former dark empires of this galaxy and transform them to Light by providing them with a full Lightbody, along with the techniques and etiquette that Spirit requires.
Today, we supplied you with more detail about what is clandestinely happening around your world. These preparations will enable big changes in banking, which in turn will result in the ousting of the dark. The Galactic Federation and its defense ships are supporting these actions and thus the end of this obstructive cabal is near! Be in joy, and ready to accept the gifts of Heaven...! " End of Quote
The Energy of Truth is Now Everywhere, flowing out from everyone's Hearts aware or unaware as The Unification Energies take their Places for Manifestation. Because of these Energies, Many are now noticing and feeling the change in the air and indeed this is the TRUTH. The old is falling quickly and just as quickly as its falling, so are the Higher Energies replacing the old as this is how Real Energy Functions.
Méline Lafont"You are now in the thick of the creation of the new paradigm and there is no way back! Rejoice that this is so and enjoy to the extent that it is possible for you; that is, each of you undergoes his or her own specific individual process of transformation depending on what has to unfold in it. So it would be really loving if you were to support each other in this transformation process and to give assistance whenever possible. In the latter context I am referring to the physical transformation as well as to the Earthly changes in general. Love is the answer in all things!" End of Quote
Important Earth Allies Messages:

This Planet has Been Decreed By The Creators and All Of Creation, as an Awakened Blue Starseed Nation existing In Love Everywhere Present. This is the Original Blueprint of this Planet and All Her Inhabitants. We are Now in the Process of Expressing these Truths as a Family United as One In Unity Consciousness.
Great Changes are Up ahead and the Angels are saying "ITS TIME". With Yeehaw's, WooHoo's, and High Fives Coming from Across All of Creation. All Eyes are ON Planet Earth=Heart. What we are Accomplishing right now and in the Moments to Follow has never occurred in Creation Before.
Decreed by Heaven, All Atoms are to Move Directly Into Unity Consciousness for this Aspect of the Divine Plan.
This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Join US Live for the Internet Love Party Beginning at 10:30am Pacific tomorrow Wednesday August 29th.
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Its Because of your continued Love and Support through all avenues which is bringing The Truth to the Forefront. Thank You for Honoring us, as We Honor You Every Moment in Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Love You! Thank You for Keeping US Going and sharing if you can~
We did Make our Funding Goal for August!! Thank You ALL for Your Love and Support in this Mission!!! If You would Like to share, we are trying to get a new computer since our screen keeps fading in and out and a better computer will assist us with the Love Parties and a faster service to post on the Press.
Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.
Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party. Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:
~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~
~We Love You Unconditionally, US. Love, Mother and Father God Amon Ra
WE are Here~ It's US and Your'e Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~
Your Song Elton John
Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~ 333 ~ The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you.
Connections to portal locations are being completed
Connections to portal locations throughout Gaia are being completed for the 9-9-12 event. Such as those who are aligned with Gaia are being opened, in a sense, to receive and transmit the Higher Energies through, and into the planet.
Those selected for the 9-9-12 in a physical and possibly “traveling” sense, know exactly their role, although instructions come moment by moment. We convey to you that these Hue-people are to be honored and supported by the Higher Realms in all they need to do.
Preparation for the upcoming Grand Event are ongoing. The 9-9 is one step in the leading up to the 12-12 to 12-21 Ascension window. 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, 12-12, are exponential increases in Cosmic-consciousness and Cosmic-awareness.
This planet is that Being of Light spoken of in the so-named Holy Books. And she is progressing on schedule, into becoming fully the Light Being that she is.
Gaia is grateful for all participants at this time.
Street~Wise Ascension
From the Joy of Mt. Shasta
Eternal Friends of Freedoms Love, Ahh, , We arrive at this precious point Together Standing in the Light, shoulder to shoulder ~ the pioneers of the entirely New Age of Spiritual Freedom for this little corner—this little button—of of the Universe that has been, up till now, on a long arduous journey of confusion and ___ , ___ ....
What is most vital for our happy Victory and Now Moment of knowing is that you-we come into the room or place of y-our Truth of what we do for the whole. That is: Choose ans Choose again and Choose again , The Perfection of Being. The Perfection of thinking, feeling, acting and re-acting ... As an individual of Unconditional Love;
Universal Wisdom and Spiritual Power. No more being "put through the ringer" or suffering in any little way ~ due to your choice of Choosing to Live y-our I AM Presence—Present. You/We have lived through many Nows but never a Now as vital and supported as "This Now" There is more to share but not in this comment section.
Remember: Who You are is The I AM , (((( and your name is OM (((((....
This Magic Moment...
... is like no other since your Love began lift'n me Higher. OMG I Love You, my beloved Self out there. I am so awed in the knowing that there is only one of us here. I Am.
I thank you my beloved Self, with all of my-our Heart!
Good news
It is not good news that NESARA soon will happen. It is no information at all. You have said so for many years now and nothing has happened in our outer world. It would be much nicer to be spared of this ever returning message of would happen when nothing happens.
I can certainly feel these changes. I've been achy and tired lately.. but throughout it all always trying to stay HAPPY and LOVING!
Thank you for the information!