The Galactic Free Press Update: Massive Energy Movement Occurring

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/12/2013 - 14:55

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~





Greetings Love Beings, For those Who Are Awake and Aware this coming Week is Going to Be Very Powerful In many ways. The Energy of Love is Going to Be Rising On this Planet in such a contagious way many will become overwhelmed with this Much Intensity of Light. Whats fascianting about this all as well is the Amount of tornados in the United States since the Beginning of 2013, over 100 documented, including several this weekend one an F4, that is a powerful One! This is alot of wind[ energy] movement. Here in Mt Shasta Its Been Beautiful and Sunny with Alot of Wind Movement as Well!!! Our PrayerFlags which hang on our porch have been blowing The Energy right out to All of You! The Intense Wind is just one example of How Much Energy Movement we have, coupled with A Swarm of Quakes in the Santa Cruz Islands. As Anticpated the Energy Movement has Definatly Kicked up Quite Significantly since Our Kick off Into Febraury!


 Quoted from  Sandra Walters"The upcoming week holds many opportunities for acceleration of the Ascension process. If you have done your homework and prepared well, February is going to be amazing.

Energies may have felt very strange last month because we were – and still are – adjusting to Zero Point time.This is why so many felt like everything stopped in January; barely any movement forward. If you attempted to plan things, you may have felt like forces were working to keep you in a stand still or suspended state. If you surrendered to it, life was much easier....The collective sense of anticipation is accurate for this week’s accelerations. February is already delivering the 5D blissy frequencies, filling up the space that we cleared along this long path to Ascension. This is a great payoff month for Masters. DMT is kicking in – the natural kind – which can leave you grinning all day long. Gratitude is on overdrive. The love – oh my goodness – I AM so in love with everything, everyone. Unity consciousness is supreme light intelligence, and now we understand why....

Kindwhile, back in 5D …

Adjustments may include huge expansion sensations in the chest, heat, golden light visions, star or Sun-birthing visions through the heart, tightness in the high heart or feeling like you can’t take a deep breath, thymus fluttering, burning eyes, singing ears, leg and arm zings, more head shape changes, sharp poking sensations or pressure in the skull, and blasts of 5D bliss radiating out of your heart center. Throbbing or vibration through the spine, disc by disc, is associated with golden solar disc activation. That is just the physical sensations, and I don’t need to repeat how vital it is to keep ...clear, calm and rested[ if you need too]. Let’s move on to the multidimensional symptoms....

Some may be experiencing the heart-center-as-star sensations. It feels overwhelming sometimes; the grace, love and light is magnificent. The Sun gods, return of the Christ, all of this is birthed through the heart. The core of your beingness is gold ~ the HUman genome and all of its codes and templates reflect that, however the heart center is the only place this magnificence can enter through. Any other organ, chakra or system is incapable of bringing in that higher light. It’s like a safety mechanism – that frequency can only come through an open conduit – a heart aligned with the highest interests of all concerned.

As February delivers supreme light frequencies, breathe them in. Welcome forth the Master, the Crystalline consciousness. Share your gifts ~ we now get to show Humanity what is possible...." End of quote



EARTH-DIRECTED ERUPTION: On Saturday, February 9th, around 0640 UT, a magnetic filament in the sun's northern hemisphere erupted, hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the UV flash from the underlying C2-class solar flare:


The CME, which was captured in flight by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, billowed away from the sun at 800 km/s. The bulk of the cloud looks like it will sail north of Earth. Nevertheless, a glancing blow is possible as shown in this 3D model of the CME prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Flight Center. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on Feb. 12th[Today] when the CME passes by. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.



Solar wind flowing from this coronal holes could brush against Earth's magnetic field on Feb. 12. Credit: SDO/AIA.


Daniel Borden: Earthrise report is Here " It has been a long time since I have done a Earthrise Report. Many things have happened since the day I woke up. After December 21st, 2012, I have come to realize we create our own miracles. We save ourselves. Much clearing happened in January. My 17th birthday has come and past. Several days ago, I received a vision of the Sun of full Christ Light. On the 13th day after my birthday, I saw the Sun as all of the colors of the “Current Light Spectrum.” After wanting a lot of snow in my area for a long time; it happened. A major blizzard occurred in the North East from February 8th, to February 9th. My area received over a foot and a half of snow! I was so happy that my wish was manifested. Recently at the Solomon Islands, there has been several big earthquakes with many aftershocks. There is so much clearing going on. On February 11th, there was rain to melt the majority of the snow. There is forecast to e more snow this week and even a chance of another major snow storm in the North East based on how the developing storm goes. I want more snow and this time for it not to melt for a while! The weather in New England is nice. New England can represent the wind of change. From the Revolution of 1776 to having Four Seasons in one day. This year of 2013 is something of change like the Revolution of 1776. I refer to this year as the Revolution of 2013. Both years are aligning perfectly with each other. Everything is coming together as one. Unity is coming. From freedom, to liberty, to justice, to love, and to everything else for the higher good of Humanity. This month is a clearing month to get focus on what is happening. It's time for a grand awakening!"



"I’m Wes Annac, and I’m happy to begin taking responsibility for the condition this world is in, so that we will be that much closer to working toward fixing it. I have committed myself and given my Life over to serving this planet and bringing in the New World in the ways I have discovered I can best do, and I invite you to do the same.

The best thing about this revolution is that everybody’s invited!"



In the past 48 Hours We have been Experiencing Very Intense Energies with alot of movement. Many Others Are Feeling the Exhalation from These Energies as Well. Some also Have been experiencing Heavy Clearing. The Transformation is clearly Underway. With this Much energy Movement at a Quick Pace we Highly recommend Staying Grounded, Centered, calm, clear, and Remember to Breathe. Being Present Requires a Complete Surrender to the unknown which is the Love Energy every Moment. As You choose this, Love Chooses You as Well. The dance of Creation has begun!


 Quoted from Valerie Donner"...We are living in such profound times! Although for many the desired manifestations of December 21, 2012 failed to reach their expectations, I know that a huge shift occurred. I have never felt so close to Prime Source. The love that I feel for the Creator and for myself continues to keep me in awe. As one of my students said,” We are creating heaven all around us.”

Other ways in which I experience the shift is timelessness, the ability to instantly manifest when in prayer or meditation while being in touch with Prime Source, loss of desire for certain foods, a closer relationship with the Masters when channeling (We are becoming more of our authentic selves and they are too in relation to us.), the need for more rest and sleep, the importance of watching our thoughts, more love connections through the heart, greater transparency of self and others, an inner calling for doing more of what I came to do but still waiting for the guidance, a sense that nothing is happening yet that everything is coming together, and the observation that the old 3D world is continuing to fall away.....

On February 6, I we had the Master Djwal Khul for our Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class. His energy was powerful and present. “There is a big explosion of Light across the land. You cannot escape the truth. All of us Masters are with you coming and going and helping where we are needed.  We are helping calm Mother Earth. We are holding her steady. There are new rules to play by and the old no longer exist. I am coming back to help give you strength and courage. You know me.

It is your underlying duty to serve your Creator. There is much more for you to do so use your telepathy and see where help is needed. There is a strong fraternity of Lightworkers that are coming together to do good deeds. Be as straight as an arrow on your path. Follow your inner directions explicitly.  Surrender as the world turns.”..."


Lightening Struck The Vatican The same day Surprisingly The Pope Announces His Resignation?!!! Was that a Reset?


Just as we anticipated events are beginning to unfold in the 3d illusion, which are victory's for the Light In the Bigger Picture. Yeehaw! The First Domino has Now fallen!!!! An Example of this was The Pope resigning in a surprise announcement,  we feel due to the increased Light on the Planet and The New Earth Energies. We understand he is old and they have to choose another one, but its been 600 Years since the last time this occurred. It is odd that he is doing so On February 28th. Why did he not do this in January or even wait till After the Most Highly Anticipated Event of Easter For the Catholic Religion. Although, we did hear they were going to try to get one in before Easter, but it remains that they meet for 40 days to choose their new pope. From the Bigger Picture this Event Matches all of The Information many of us including many other visionaries, energy receivers, have been receiving and Feeling about This Month. You Can Feel Change In the Air we do have massive energy movement happening.


Quoted from Bill Ballard "Well, The Pope Resigned Today and his last day will be February 28, 2013. Carl Boudreau [Renowened Astrologer] stated Feb 18-28 will be a time of Great Shift. Again, My messages 3.5 years ago was that February 22 would be a time of Great Shift... The Mayan Elders state that February 19 something big can come forth in the energies as to looking at their calendar system. Well, so much for the lull we were in. That certainly has shifted this morning. There are some very dark prophecies that are linked to this last pope that will be taking Benedict's place. It does not have to happen as foretold. Just like the Gulf Oil Spill being the Biblical Bottomless Pit (Revelations 9 and Hopi 7th Sign), the original visions I had was far worse... Together we can hold the energies to ease this shift and that Great Dark Focus that so many unawakened persons hold of the End Times... It's time now we need everyone awake, aware, and ON BOARD for shifting into NEW EARTH! The time has finally come! YES! LOVE!" End of quote



 Quoted from Lucas from Lucas Info's: "The wonderful news of the resignation of the Pope has reached us. I have personally spoken the last 2 months about this pre-luding the change of the governments and the exposure and breakdown of the financial institutions. We may celebrate the planet soon will be cleared of the old system and control." End of quote


Its Happening Everyone and this cannot be denied. The Collective Of Light which has grown extensively is far grander then the illusion on the Planet which is why we are now shifting so quickly. In The Coming days, weeks and months this will become increasingly apparent. The old is dying and this includes all of the entire old paradigm.


~ Solara An Ra~ Message from the Star Councils of Light "Trust that you are the change, Light people of Terra[The New Earth], and that your world is changing as you read this. The old structures are falling, old ways of deception and control are collapsing, and the new children of Earth will no longer allow ways of being which are not in integrity to hold sway. If you choose to blunder along, complaining that things are difficult and that nothing has changed, then this will be your reality – but your path will be rocky if you obstinately keep your blinkers on. Simply step through the fear of what might be if you choose to take chances, and to believe that it really is true that the Age of Light on Terra[For the New Earth] is dawning – and you will step out of the shadows of your own creation and into the Light of what is. And so it is." End Of Quote



If You are going through clearing right Now, This is Preparing Your Energy Fields for The Upcoming Alignment with The Asteriod and the Largest Planet Wide Meditation this Planet Has Ever Seen. All Higherselves Plus All of Our Craft, The Planets, and All Of Creation Will Be Participating with us in this Energy! We are READY!!! Love is Rising!!!


Quoted from Steve Beckow about the One Billion Rising Event Mass Global Meditation [Party~Celebration] February 14th" We are... days away from our greatest opportunity to date to realize our common humanness, our global citizenship, and our Team Earth membership for the purpose of building a world[Planet] that works for everyone.

We are ....days away from taking up the opportunity to express our love for and gratitude to Gaia, the archangelic spirit who moves and motivates this physical form we call Earth.

We are... days away from declaring that we’ll no longer allow inequality on this planet....We are days away from taking cognizance of our existence and being as a human collective, united in saying “no” to oppression and exploitation, wherever it is found.

We are... days away from standing up as a world[One Planet] and telling those who’ve instituted and institutionalized such arrangements that we’ll no longer live under their rule and that we’ll bring such a social order down, if we need to, and build a new one based on unity, peace, and equality.

We are  days away from coming together as a world[One Planet]...Such a gesture is recognized in the higher realms as an expression of global free will. Such a gesture frees the hands of higher-dimensional beings to help us bring in and realize global abundance, world peace, and total equality.

We are... days away from asking for our inheritance of love and compassion from a willing and joyous Creator who simply awaits our doing so before opening the floodgates of beneficence and abundance.

We are days away from acknowledging our power[ with in True Equality] as a world[One Planet], our willingness to forgive, and our desire to move forward into a new era as a galactic society.

We are...days away from expressing our desire to unite with our star brothers and sisters who’ve come here and midwifed this successful evolution of love that has liberated our planet and set it on the road to galactic citizenship in the federations and councils of love." End of quote




We Have shared in previous updates alot of shifting is taking Place now at a fast Pace. Many are Awakening to the Higher Grid or are now walking upon the Path, which Magnifies the Grid and Awakens More of Humanity. As This Occurs the Light Intensifies and Strengthens. We have Many Stages of Awakening or in some cases sleeping, Occurring simultaneously amongst the Collective in these Moments, ranging from Full Consciousness, which is the Unified Field of Energy to of course the 3d duality. This incoming energy and Alignments is Bringing US much Movement to the Higher or next Stages and into the next Higher Frequency. This will intensify for many in the next 72 Hours and forward. All Are Now Beginning to Align With The One Unified Field.


Quoted from Gaia Portal Update "Sentience among all Gaia components is increasing. Such components include, as 3D representations, earth, air, water, plant, animal, human. Communication with Higher D Aspects of each of these is now enabled so that all of humanity (small h) can discover their Hue-manity (aka, “Rainbow Body”).

Discomfort may be experienced by some as alterations and adjustments to perceptions are carried out. These are necessary (required) for the “humanity” to “Hue-manity” group transition to occur.

Occasional periods of intense tiredness may also be experienced. These are caused by DNA transformations and adjustments to incoming Higher Energies. We suggest pauses in daily routines as these arise. Resting, napping, and/or meditation are helpful....


Gaia energetic influx limitations have been declining gradually over this past year. Subsequent to the 12-21 to 12-31-12 upgrade period, limitations were at minimum level. These limitations have now been removed.

Ascension of humanity consciousness levels as well as Hue-manity ” release of limitations” has permitted these removals of energy influx limitations.

Gaia is now subject to the full impact of Cosmic Higher Light.

Hue-manity is aware of this. humanity (small h) should prepare to be surprised."


Quoted from Meline Lefont "Welcome the next chapter : the chapter of enlightenment, renewal and communication. We are all One and I now expect[intend] a massive change to occur on the Earth plane which will clarify much on Earth, leading up to a smooth evolution and to a world[Planet] of Being based on clarity." End of Quote


The end of the road for the illusion has finally arrived, a New Day is dawning. One Based On Truth, Unconditional Love, Peace, True Abundance, True Equality, Joy, and Authenticity! There is no where left to hide for the ones in the shadows.


Decreed by Heaven~ Its the end of the road for all lower frequencies on Planet Earth=Heart. Massive Energy Movement is Underway. Transformations to Dna are also occurring. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


You can Join us Live Thursday for the Mass Global Meditation Room Opens at 9:00am Pacific. We Will have 2 Meditations First One Beginning at 11:11am Pacific and Then 1:11pm Pacific! Lets Blast The Light and make way for an easy transition Into the New Earth=Heart! Here is the Link:


 Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!


  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!

Total Funding for February 477$

Total Funding Goal 3000$

If Everyone shares a Little we all have enough!


  Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party.  Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays[ Council Meeting] and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

At this Same Link We will have a One Hour Staff Meeting Every Monday at 10:30am Pacific. All are Welcome! We are also in the Planning stages for a Live Room for people to come into to receive Love and Support.

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:


If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us At


~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~

 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~









An interesting thing happens when you pin all your hopes on someone or something outside yourself; in one instant, you have given all of your power to that one person/thing in the hopes that it will create something you desire.  The Universe invites you to look within; give yourself the things you most desire because no one knows YOU quite like you do.  Once you are in that perfect space, completely in tune with The Divine Spark that exists within, nothing is out of your reach. ~ Creator





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