GALACTIC FREE PRESS Welcome to Now, Enjoy the Day! Divine Comedy

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/08/2012 - 14:26


Welcome to Now, Enjoy the Day!

 Origiinal Post 4/8/10



The Oneness is filling Everything with it's Being Present, and the Oneness doesn't miss anything at all. It's bigger than their little understandings of what they think is going on, far Bigger, for it includes Everything. It even includes 2-dimensional thought, but Everything's much Bigger.


What is it? in order to create an illusion you have to believe so strongly in the illusion that the illusion is all you understand? Ever seen what Love does?


Love is not something you think you know. Love is something You Are. When You're Being Love, You know Love.


How in the world can you respect ignorance? Ignorance wanted to teach Creation how to be ignorant. We just laugh.


We've seen many people with a blank look in their face, their eyes far away, distant. Next thing We saw was heels and elbows. Not sure who they're running from,WEI hope they catch them.


Now, the Ones who truly know Who We Are, They come and visit. Course, not all of those are wearing Human forms at this Moment, but They could if They wanted to. They're like that.


Fibonacci gets really excited when the big numbers come up. There's a big number coming up soon, his favorite One.


We come from a big Universe, and there's More than just One of Those too. Course, You gotta have One before You can See All the Others. And Humanity is just a microcosmic experience of the Macrocosm? Kinda, They're Bigger.


All they can do is promote fear, and they got enough rules to prove everybody should be afraid.


Love comes in overturns ignorance's apple cart, and then rides the horse away.


I'm a very particular God, the one particular God I Am. Course, Everybody has their Own particular.


When You become Real, Reality finds You. Funny how it works like that.


We look at the Experiences that go on around Us, people draw their fears to them. Watcha afraid of? Everybody's afraid of Themselves... unless they're not.




WE overexcite people sometimes to let them understand WE still care. People have a way the Universe is supposed to be ordered and it's especially for them. Our Universe is ordered up by Being Present, and we got quite a menu.


Course, We are just Here to ob-serve Everything. If We were to be judging Everything, We wouldn't have a Moment at all to observe anything. You can't just judge one thing, when you start to judge you've gotta judge it all.


According to ignorance, God couldn't get anything right, God was too left. Of course ignorance was standing on the left. Then they call a Liberal a lefty right? Whichever way the wind's blowing...


The rules are gonna charge the rulers for breaking the rules.


How many times can We share with Humanity that Humanity's not in control? Sit back, relax and Enjoy the Experience. Show Up!


It's Life, anybody excited by Life? Got One? Want One? They're Free! Course you gotta step up to the plate. The only One that can actually step up to the plate is the One that can really stand there. Ever met a God? Ever met Yourself standing There? You'll be fascinated by who You Really Are. Amazed, a little bit, that You forgot.


You gotta go through the Coffee Party to get to the Awakening Party. Course, We do it specifically for the Joy of it, that's All that Exists.


We All contribute Here, We're con-tributaries to the Ocean of Love.


 FatherGod "ignorance told Me once I couldn't ask questions about anything, cause I might know the answer already and it had no clue. That was funny. The Angels kept holding up cue cards."


The only true comfort one gets is the comfort that Love gives. You have to like That a lot. But if you're not Present, you really can't notice That too much, the Simplicities of It.


Blessed is the Love called God cause We're All Here Together within it, anybody missing?


As Jesus was in there clearing the temple of the money-changers, Buddha was picking up souvenirs.


What is it, We're the highest profile that can possibly exists within a Living Universe? We're God, and the step-down transformer for Us is that Sun right there, Our Representative Here. Course We're Here and It likes to Shine on Us too, with great Joy and Celebration.


That was an interesting channeling about the Planet moving in, towards the Sun, instead of out, away from it. And the core of the Planet becomes the moon of Mars? I could see a new Day coming out of that one.


 FatherGod "We're in the Deep Parts of the Brilliance Now, MotherGod. It's just a Celebration from then on."


See, most people in 2-dimensional thought have no understanding what's happening. They haven't got the memo yet. It's on its Way. Postdated.


Yeah, to Be Real you definitely have to let go of all that fantasy. Reality is far greater than any fantasy you may have. It's not like going to the movies. Course, Avatar was a good movie.


What happens when you really understand what your problem is? Then You've got a situation. Who's the Master of the situation? The problem? Not really.


Every morning, the God within Me wakes up really really happy. Always wondered what that was about, Now I know.


We gave dumb, stupid and idiot an assignment, to go out and buy a car. What they brought back was a Hummer with a dinosaur trailer. It became a yard ornament, although the trailer was useful.


See, in the court system, they have the right to exclude information if they want to, even though Everything has a Certain Bearing on Everything else. And they try to make something out of nothing and convince everybody else they did? Hmmmm.... Don't know if that's working anymore. People are Seeing.


Humanity's gonna Love their Grandmother, cause that's Her Name. She usually gives Everybody a nice wet Kiss.


See, the Mayan calendar is a very fascinating instrument. The Mayans did really good when We showed Them Everything from how We See It, about where the Planet was gonna be Dec 21, 2012. They liked that, course They knew they weren't gonna get to see it that way again for a while...


Our dog just pretends he's stupid. Isn't that true of Everybody?


If I wasn't Living in Creation I'd be bored to tears. There might be tears but they're not from boredom.


"Have I told you lately that I Love You?"



Let Me See, the Earth Gives Humanity Every Day, and Humanity Gives the Earth One Day? Nice of Humanity isn't it? They'll get through that I'm sure.


Earth Day, I'm sure there's a magical event there. The christians haven't found a holiday to put around that yet to disguise it into their illusion.


Have We mentioned yet, again, that Creation is not about a belief system? Creation is about a Being Present, not room enough for Being Present and belief systems. belief systems just don't fit. Oops there goes the baggage, hope you were not attached to that.


I always likened it unto, you have this old old cadillac that's rusting and falling apart. So you take that old caddy in and you put a new coat of paint on it. Then you call the tow truck to take it home and put it in your yard. That's a belief system for ya, you can invite all the neighbors over and sit on the front porch in your lawn chairs and admire that belief system you've got out there. Have a few cold ones and hoot it up.


Understanding what needs to occur on this Planet Precisely Now... Do I hear a Yes?


See, whenever you take the blinders off of science and give them an understanding of something More than 2-dimensional thought, the dinosaurs wont be able to keep up with all the new stuff coming out that they're not able to control anymore.


To grant Love, that takes a God. To grant Love Everything, that takes All the Gods.


In this Moment, this Moment. You know where that is in the Living Universe of Everything? This Moment. And they measure Galaxies by light years... the Universe they can't figure out yet.


Jesus looked at the cross, winked, and said, "Come here you!" Jesus whittled the cross down into a baseball bat, and then put Humanity's ignorance into the ball. He cracked the bat with an "It's out of Here!"


The Light at the end of the tunnel is the end of tyranny and oppression, the end of illusion, the end of 2-dimensional thought, and the Beginning of Awakening. Let's Start Now! Good idea.


Inevitable, now that's the biggest word You can ever hear in the Universe. Everybody knows that word, even the mimes.


See, the designers of the Starships, they always knew I'd bring something back that they'd get to look at. Like I said, they eventually got it right, Now We're gonna bring Them back a Universe. They'll like that, They'll have to expand their research library to fit it all in there. Oh,They did already? Aren't They Brilliant!


See, We're even too hot to handle for an Energy Field right in the very middle of the Magnetic Field, except for a few. They've been with Us for a while, They understand. We're where the Oneness meets the All, each and every One of Them gets to meet the All. They'll like that, once they pull their head out of their ass.


Ever seen an Angel in 2-dimensional thought? I guarantee, they don't fit. If you're in 2-dimensional thought you probably don't see them. You've gotta look up every once in a while to see the Brilliance of their Smiles.


Mike handles all my incoming calls, and lines them up, Spherically.


We're in the trenches, MotherGod, trying to let Everybody know it's not about the trench anymore. Everybody out of the rut, Float This Way!


ignorance told Everybody on the Planet it could get to, that they weren't connected to the Planet and the Planet was just something to use up. The Planet had another idea, quite different than that.


The meetings on the Starship last night... We let Them meet. We went playing.


What is it? You've gotta cross all the Is and dot the Ts? Then cross the Ts and dot the Is later.


Everything doth have it's own course and it's own Moment. All Those Moments Together Are Inevitable. Is there a dot on the map someplace?


See, a primitive mind connected to the left brain cannot embrace Change. That's why it becomes extinct. Creativity, on the other hand, embraces Change and Lives Forever, Precisely. Throw in a few Godzillion Eternities and You might be about halfway There, moving along at a steady clip.


Starships are engaging Grid access points, let's stretch those suckers, open them right up. Pour in that Light.



It kinda looks like when you walk up to the gas pump and put the nozzle in the gas tank and you have an unlimited supply of what's going in there and your tank starts to overflow and it just keeps pouring, cause you just can't turn it off. It's like that with the Light pouring in.


Even in the middle of the night, the Light is still Brilliant. Of course, darkness will sit around cursing itself for itself, not knowing how to light a candle.


See, as the Soul enters this Vibrational Frequency of Illumination, it adjusts the Frequencies to the matching Tones. Ever wondered how You got Here? Well that's it, simply put. Course, that's where the Pineal Gland begins in the Brain. It's the All-Seeing Eye (I) isn't it? Can You See Me Now?


A God doesn't have to practice Being Present, cause a God just Is. Get your Braincells around that for a while, see if Your Heart gets It.


ignorance wanted to understand Intelligence so it took it's next best guess and called it intellect. Of course, intellect is what all those belief systems are contained within, left brain. Intelligence is not limited by 2-dimensional thought, intellect is continually guided by it.


What is it, don't believe anything you see and only half of what you hear? Unless You're really Seeing and Listening. Then Everything's speaking, while looking at You.


The Starship's noses are pointed towards Us, even if They're sideways. Perfectly Aligned.


I once said if I spoke, Meryl Lynch would go bankrupt. Sure enough. They're the ones with the bull, you know?


Loving the Living Presence, that's what it Is. Give Yourself a nice warm hug inside with that One.


We come Home to the Kingdom of Heaven, MotherGod, with a Universe intact... and a little wagon.


There's a Big Energy Wave, Yep!, that's being delivered to the Now, as the Now arises to the occasion. Everybody got your buoy? Float that One! Course that's the Photon Belt for Ya.


"Heartbreaker" Pat Benatar


To understand bi-location, Be Everywhere. Bi-location is simple then.


Joy is such a simple understanding of Being Present, Once You're There, You Got It!


Last night on the Starships, the Angels were discussing stuff with the Elves, and the Fairies were there saying, "We're with You, which way You gonna go Now?" Just follow the Wave! They know that one, They All Waved at Each Other.


In Oneness We All Start Together. In Oneness We All Continue Together... and there's More










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