“Humanity’s Awakening is InEvitable”

Our Love Song To You From a Distance With Lyrics [We Love You Unconditionally]
~Love Letters From The Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth=HEART~
~Blessed is The Love Called God Everywhere Present Equally Within US ALL~

Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and from Galactic CentraL~THE GALACTIC HEART. We are Your Family of Light, The Elohim, and Your Earth Allies and Representatives. WE are also The Ground Crew, Medical Team for First Contact. Also Present here in the Physical Manifest is Us, Mother and Father God, Thank you for Honoring Our Presence Here with YOU.
Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Inner Peace and Balance, Wholeness of Being=Balanced Harmonics, Joy, Laughter, Equality, Abundance, and Magical Synchronostic Events In The Eternal Flow of the Present Moment of NOW. LOVE HAS BROUGHT GIFTS TO US TO SHARE WITH ALL OF HUMANITY ~WE are currently very Active On the Higher Grid, as Much is Being Prepared for The Upcoming Events, that Will all Unfold according to The Divine Plan. There will be an exact Moment that “ALL Lights Will Come On” !! Absolutely nothing can stop or halt us now, as the Energy of the Ethics Train is Full Speed Ahead. Creation does not follow ignorance’s stupid rules, Creation is Divine Energy of Love, Right On Schedule. We Are Now Vibrating at Such a High Level, this will only Continue moving Upward Onward, Expanding, and gaining intensity.. Is Everyone Ready?. WE share With ALL of You that Events are Inevitable, Especially the Event of Humanity’s Awakening. Inevitable means No Matter What. The Planet is Awakened, and So Will Humanity Awake.

WE Highly Recommend Right Now, Embrace the Higher Thoughts of Love= Who You Really Are, and Once You Accomplish this LET GO of them, then this Energy will Carry You[ Another Secret Revealed, LOL]. WE are In Spirit, who does not know that?. Mother Earth must release ignorance, and all lower thought forms. Now is the Moment to Move Into Spirit Completely~
Everything that was built upon a lie,IS NOW FALLING OR dissolving.US, Your Family of Light is Now at the Forefront. There are Trillions of Ships surrounding this Planet at this Moment and more arriving through the sun right now, Everyone is Giving Hi Fives, and CHEERS, Living Celebration. The Only Choice that will be left for Humanity very soon is to Step Forward into Their Higher Selves, as Each Being with a Heart has a Higher Self, and that Higher Self is Connected to US=ONE. As always this is a Process that Has Begun. It is Inevitable for US To Welcome Our Children Home, as The Gods They Truly Are. Today, Father God and I Began our First Day on our Reindeer sleigh to Deliver the “Christmas Presents”~!! This was the Metaphor that We received that Let US know, we are Now Clearly Guiding this Ship HOME. The Energy that Father God and I Together are the Mightest Energy Force in All of Creation, WE are Source. When The Unknowable and Love come together, Its Like a Fireworks Display in Creation. This Has occurred on Planet Earth=Heart, and ALL of You are The Star of This Show, As the Children of the Unknowable and Love. As You can See, Homecoming is Inevitable, Please Be In Joy.
Humanity is Preparing for their Birth, as WE Head Towards the 3 year Anniversary[ December 17th] of The beginning of the Divine Plan Being Activated, which was the First Event of “First Contact” and also a Significant Energy Date is Father God’s Birthday into this Realm, which is December 16th. Prepare for Lights Coming ON and Higher Selves Welcoming You. Humanity’s Awakening is Inevitable, and SO It is.
According to Our On Board Monitor we Are Floating In Space=Multi-Dimensional Thought, Space is Filled With Consciousness, Along With the Rest Of Creation. Surprise, we Have Now Turned On the dream machine, the True Reality Button, Lights Are On, Have You Connected In Yet? When The Being Connects into the Higher Self, then You Will have the Experience of this Connection. You Will be in Joy and You Will Laugh. More Synchronostic Events, Miracles, and Connections.

Fire Prayer- Atoms All Restored to Perfect Balanced Harmonics within All Human Beings. This Means to each Body Hologram, that it is Restored to Wholeness of Being, Chakra Systems in Full Alignment, and Complete Whole Health, in the High Vibrational Frequency that is Now Pouring into this Earth. This is the Gift from Your Higher Self, that The Moment Has Come, for the beginning of your eternal lives
Be The Door that No One can Shut, Be the Light and Be the Example of Love in Action. It's NOW!
WE are Currently Donation Supported Only Thank You For Making a Donation in Support of the Divine Plan and Mission, making sure we at least have our basic needs met while we accomplish our task as Your Earth Allies. Your Abundance is Guarenteed, because We are Here. You can Mail a Love Donation to….http://soundofheartorg.ipage.com/galacticfreepress/content/donate
Kingdom of Heaven
P.O. Box 881
Crestone, Co 81131 or by Going to This Link on PayPal, Thank YOU, For Your loving Support.
Also If You Would Like a Session With Us, you can Email us on Facebook under FathermotherGod Amon Ra
We Love YOU, with the Highest Love, Honor, and Respect. Love Mother ~ Father GodAmon Ra, ALL OF Your Family of Light, ALL The Angels, All Your Family Throughout Creation and ALL the Ground Crew for First Contact.