Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/10/2011 - 06:35

Galactic New Earth Update. By Mark Stearn. 9th May, 2011.
Email: markstearn@gmail.com
Website: http://buildingnewearth.webs.com

Here is an account of what I sense when I tune into the Earth's unfolding as it is happening at this time. When I asked my archangel oracle cards a while ago I drew two cards which had to do with the Earth's ascension process. I drew 'Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion and see underlying order.' With regard to the Earthwork I do I received the card that read 'Victory! Your prayers have been heard and answered. Have faith!'

Both cards carried great truth for me also and I feel that we always draw the right card. My personal thanks to Doreen Virtue for these blessed and special decks of cards as I am sure many will agree with me. On a personal level I am now experiencing the now on a more profound level. In this energy all is already healed and whole and at times I am drawn back to the Earthwork when I feel purpose to spread my wings and create.

I would love to hear from any light servers that also experience these two sides of our experience. Again I am learning that all we have and all that exists is the present moment where I never feel that we need to be rescued by a galactic source. I am sure this is also up for discussion in many light worker circles. I feel that we are growing all the time. I am having the time of my life just being me.

Sure I get agitated or wound up however that is just life. Anyway onto my reason for writing this article. Here is what I sense when I feel into Earth and New Earth at this time. Our world is ever so gently softening all the time. Acceleration of our progress comes in stops and starts. The galactic energies from the centre of the cosmos are picking the Earth up all the time. We have infinite support however it is ultimately up to us.

The light community have through collective intent formed a new light consciousness grid that strengthens New Earth's influence throughout our gently but swiftly awakening world. We are already approaching the summer solstice which will herald an infinite expansion of consciousness for one and all throughout the Earth. All positive planetary grids will expand exponentially with the vast influx of infinite light intent on behalf of the world and the mass consciousness of this ascending orb of New Earth light.

Lightworkers are with their intents of infinite scope all the time fully bridging the Earth's grids with the unlimited grids and matrixes of the higher dimensions. Light servers and Light workers you go! This insight dropped into my awareness just now. There is more now happening with the best interests of the Earth and one and all at heart than has ever occurred in recorded history.

This is as you no doubt can guess is due to the collective intent of the light community and all hearts the world over who live with love as their intent. This may sound too rosy to be true but I am receiving all the gentle nudges from our friends that we are indeed making great headway as we continue to progress along into infinity! My regards and gratitude to one and all who read these words.

Love, Mark Stearn.


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