The Galactic Solstice – June 2019

Submitted by AdiGaia on Fri, 06/21/2019 - 14:39

This is it!

 The long foretold “turning point” we have waited for is here.

 At 8:54am PDT on Friday June 21, 2019 – please check it for your time zone.

 What we’ve been anticipating as a “turning point” is actually a profound moment of brilliant illumination – a moment of revelation beyond anything we’ve ever experienced.


So - this is a global moment! This pathway allows energy to flow freely with no obstructions – it’s a full spectrum energetic amplification of our connection with Presence, coming in from above, from below, from all around - coming right through our “normal” reality.  

 This influx of cosmic flowing energetic coherence is ruthlessly revealing, yet, it brings a deeply encouraging reassurance - bringing with it the illumination of a way to live that is loving, caring, resourceful, creative, connected and worth celebrating.


 And what will this look like?

 Everything will look exactly like it really is!

This transmission is going to be saturated with the highest frequency energies in the universe, and it is meant to trigger you into remembering your time in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions. Some of you already have a sense of who you have been in those realms. Some of you already know yourselves to be angelic or know yourselves to be aspects of your Oversoul, and you can feel more of that Oversoul energy running through you than the average person can.

This transmission will go even further than what you have already been able to uncover about your pasts. You can expect to feel much more Divinity running through you, and you can expect to receive feelings running through you of mastery over the physical realm. You can also expect to feel more whole and complete, not only as the fullness of your higher selves, but also as the fullness of the Oversoul being that you also are at your core.

Reaching the Ascended Frontier



Now that we are approaching the Summer Solstice, we are approaching the ascended state of life and living that is in its final preparations of being the new way of life for those who are serving the planetary/universal ascended life of creation and civilization.


This new way of ascended life and living is to continue developing into the planetary-wide ascension of all life and living to fulfill the planetary destiny.


This is the New Earth and New EarthStarNation Ascended Planetary/Universal Creation and Civilization of this Creator Avatar Race planetary nucleus for the ascension of the entire greater universe and its inhabitants.


And this is including the ascended spacelife and its ascended spacelife creation and civilization which is now being created by theEarthStarNation Ascended SpaceLife Masters of Creation and Civilization.


The Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization is the most advanced aspect of the New Ascended EarthStar Life, and is the empowering and sustaining source of the planetary/universal life system that is now developing.

LORD METATRON MESSAGE – JUNE SOLSTICE OF 2019 ~ The Marriage of the Masculine and Feminine Selves

We have arrived into the Solstice of June as of 8:54 AM Pacific, 11:54 AM Eastern and 15:54 UTC on June 21st, 2019. This brings to us a new set of vibrational energies into the planet to help humanity to become more aligned with the forces of light

The charges of energies that have been integrated are assisting each of us to move into the higher part of our own acceleration phases even if individuals are not consciously aware of it. The most important element is to ride with the tide, allow the changes to occur, make note of them, work through your mental self to change the thought patterns into the higher level of awareness and allow the body to heal no matter what the challenges may be.

Infinite LoveLight to all as we experience this profound and transformational passage. Every day is new, different, brilliant and challenging us to BE the Higher Self in this Now. This purer, intensified experience of our Ascension is the 2020 energies anchoring in and assisting us in creating whatever we choose. Divine Love and Zero Point rule the moment, and the timelines (at last). We are out of the fray with the completion of this eclipse week, dear hearts. Gratitude to all assisting; we got this.

The Zero Point energies of the latest timeline shift can make us feel as if everything is happening, and nothing is happening at the same time. The Eclipse energies fully support our trajectory choice – right now. Deal with the Now. Make the heart choice for the moment; this is training us to be – and trust – the Presence within.

Stars, Galaxies and Universes are capable of running multiple realities – multiple torus fields – at once. The Solar Cosmic Christ template does the same for HUmans, providing multidimensional awareness, operating through Source/Heart coherence of LOVE, in service. We are a reflection, a fractal representation, of the Universal operation.

Photonic light penetrates these torus fields during the Ascension cycle. It breaks apart the illusion of duality: right/wrong, good/bad, here/there. We clear the dense thought patterns and emotions which create intense memory imprints on personal and collective torus fields, which held time dynamics in the dense loops of the lower realities.

This is why we lose the charge of memory during Ascension. We rise out of those fields and are no longer entangled in the denser magnetics.


Our DNA holds the record of all we have been and will be across the dimensions and densities. Christ/Crystalline/Unity consciousness – both personally and collectively – supports a stronger experience of this awareness.

For some this presents as the merging of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects. For others it may be visions or lucid experiences of Galactic aspects. These are no longer interpreted as *the other* or the twin, but rather as parallel realities or dimensional aspects of Self.

We are receiving collective DNA activation, which brings us closer to the truth of no separation. Our perception shifts, our heart becomes more coherent, and the DNA can provide a more direct experience of unity consciousness.

Embodiment of the Royal Aspects: Sirian Energies

The Sirian Gateways are wide open during this eclipse passage, providing light codes, harmonics and unique geometries for our next phase of Embodiment. This Royal House is open to support Divine HUman embodiment right now. Royalty in the New Light requires responsibility and Spiritual Maturity. Play with it, ask for it, meditate on it, create with it, own it, express it in thought, word and action.

Sirian codes are ancient and powerful, and effect Solaris (our SUN) as well as the ancient structures placed here for this passage. Remember we have a fully unified multidimensional Crystalline Grid system now.

Remember you know how to use it to connect to the star energies through the activated heart center. Gatekeepers who connect with the Solar Beings, we are unified through this passage to bring in the strongest influx allowed at this juncture.


Sirius is a conduit for reunification of multidimensional aspects. Many of you will feel more like your True Self than ever before. Follow the flow of the New, and open your heart for rediscovery.

Any kind of change, large or small, in the direction of your highest creations, dreams, projects or freedom will open the door for support from the Sirian codes over the next week. Claim your Royal wisdom and freedom codes in this Now.

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