Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 09:51

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

This is a very powerful Gemini Full Moon….the energies of transformation, change, birthing of new, and Urgency are intensifying.    Over the last couple weeks…we seem to be surrounded by useless tragedies.  Throughout the world and within our own lives.  Since the beginning of the “Shift”…. around May of 2010…the energies have been intensifying.  The Universe is getting urgent about change and transformation… lies, no secrets, no judgments, no manipulation, no control, no out of bounds ego!    Integrity and respect for all…..we are all one!    The world right now is in chaos!   Remember out of chaos….comes creativity!     We have to see the ashes of the “old” blow away… we can start laying the foundation of the “New”.   This all…. shows in the Gemini Full Moon Chart.   Those that are thinking with their Hearts are also shinning through…….the people helping strangers and friends in Paris…while themselves being put in dangerous situations and those refusing to give into the “fear”, as they continue on with their lives.   This Full Gemini Moon is about communication and the sharing of  knowledge.  The energy is also revolutionary and we are being asked to make choice’s.  We are at another critical turning point in our evolution.  It is time to move from the fear to the love that always present.

Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations, your old perceptions, your Soul and observe what is no longer working for you.  It is time to move away from people, places, and things that are no longer vibrating where you are, and do it in the kindest way.  It is a time of almost constant purging!!    What is no longer vibrating where you are now vibrating?  What areas of your life do you need to release?

At all Full Moons we have the Sun exactly opposite the Moon.  So with this Full Moon we have the Moon  in Gemini and the Sun is in Sagittarius.  Full Moons are about bringing the sign of the Moon into balance with the sign of the Sun.  This Full Gemini Moon is asking us to bring into balance the polarity of the Gemini (enthusiastic chatter, communication, teaching, multitasking, youth etc.) Moon……..with the Sagittarius (higher communication, higher learning, master teachers, the truth seeker, optimism, joy etc.) Sun.  Gemini loves to gather information and then share this information with others.  Sagittarius loves to quest for the “Truth”…...along with the Universal Truth.  It looks for “meaning”….instead of just information.

This Gemini full Moon is sitting with Saturn and Mercury (Mercury ruling Gemini….emphasizing  communication, the mind). Mercury is sitting with the Sagittarius Sun…..emphasizing even more…. the theme of high communication in all areas, and how we use our mind for speaking our Truth!  This Full Gemini Moon is asking us to review and examine our thoughts and our motivations and the many ways we communicate them and live them. Mercury in Sagittarius is about questing for the higher knowledge….and succeeding in the many different ways of communicating  it.  

 Speaking and finding the truth……being flexible with new information that we discover and that activates us…….involving all areas of communication..….is the goal of this Full Moon.  Remember that during this shift and our co-creation of the “New”…….we are trying to bring Balance into all areas of our lives. Balance is extremely important now.   We are being asked to move away from the chatter of Gemini towards the more meaningful ways of presenting our truths (Sagittarius).  Therefore bringing the polarity of Gemini and Sagittarius into balance.   Full Moons are a time for releasing…release what is no longer vibrating with you, especially in the areas of communication, truths, knowledge, and how you share them through various ways of communication. 

Part of communication is Listening!!    Listening to those we Love…..Listening to the Universe……this is the highest form of Love!   In the busyness of life, we tend to “tune” others out……sometimes thinking we know more than they do....sometimes just to involved in our own “stuff” to take the time.   When we listen…we can then communicate at a higher level…..realizing that we can then open up to the “other/Universe” and actually learn from them……….while  we are hearing information from all levels.    

During this Full Moon, and through the Winter Solstice (on December 21st at 10:49 pm CT), and throughout the Holiday Season…….try turning off the cell phones, and devices that have ear plugs, and objects that consume your attention (computers, I pads, I phones, etc.)……and give the greatest gift you can give….the gift of full attention, and the art of higher communication… those you Love, and to the Universe itself.  In what areas of your life do you need to release old ways of communication?  In what areas do you need to release your old ways of Listening?

Mercury is also squaring (friction, tension, stress, and important turning points) Chiron (the wounded healer) during this full Moon.  Chiron is in Pisces…. emphasizing that we need to change the way we think and speak…on many levels….we need to begin thinking with our hearts….part of the Spiritual revolution.   By questing for the higher knowledge and sharing it….. and by shifting into communicating with your heart…thinking with your heart… will be helping to heal the collective wound (Chiron in Pisces) of the persecution for speaking our Spiritual truths in the past.

Saturn is also part of this Full Gemini Moon as it sits between Mercury and the Sagittarius Sun….and it is also squaring Neptune. Both Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces can guide us to seek our spiritual truth.  Saturn is more about where our beliefs are authentic, and Neptune is about oneness of everything. Saturn wants limits and Neptune seeks infinity!   This square between Saturn and Neptune also asks us to follow our intuition rather than outside authority.  It asks us to let go of victim hood, addictions and illusions…..then strive for the higher manifestations and mediations…with integrity and faith.  This could bring about stress over what is true and false in peoples individual belief systems. 

During this Gemini Full Moon we also have a Cardinal T-Square that has formed with Venus (love, creativity, feminine energy, romance) now squaring Pluto (transformation, Soul, shadow) and opposing Uranus (constant change, explosive, outside the box, humanity).  This brings a major focus on relationships….romantic, family, work and world relationships.   Again we see this playing out in the world daily.  Communication being a major theme here.  With Venus a part of it now…..communication with a smile on your face…showing respect, compassion, and love…. is what the Universe is saying here.  The internal duality here is… I concentrate on just me and forget about the others…..or do I listen to the needs and viewpoints of those around me?  Again…this duality is playing out in the word daily also.   This T-Square…. along with the rest of the energies of this Full Gemini Moon….is bringing about the feeling of a “Crisis in action…….Revolutionary Change and Transformation….with the feeling of Urgency.  All of this giving us the energy to Birth and Co-create the “new”.

This Full Moon is also happening on the Ancient Star System of the Pleiades.   The Pleiades represent a major cluster of stars that the Mayan’s and the Egyptians orientated their temples and there pyramids towards. Many believe that this was done as a means of communication between the Pleiades and Earth at that time.  The fact that this Full Gemini Moon sits on the Pleiades…brings a focus of open communication with our Ancient Star Systems .  They also used the Pleiades to make predictions.

Praying for Peace, communicating/Listening, for ourselves, all humanity, and the governments……is of prime importance right now.  Things are really being put right in people’s faces right now.   This includes the leaders of governments and countries throughout the World.   Remember that people need to “See” what is no longer working……before they can begin to change it…..heal it!   Fear is being ramped up by those that feel they are losing control.  We need to stay out of fear…..we need to remember the big picture…. and remember that things need to fall….or collapse….before the new can be built.  We need to pray that the shifts, changes and transformations…..happen with ease and grace.   Make intentions and visualize (as if it has already happened) that the world is healthy and thriving in peace…   Relationships between countries and our communities and humanity are healing…… and that we are thinking, listening, and loving through our Hearts.  Think Peace!

With the main energy coming through communication on all levels.…..there will also be a continuation of this being played out in relationships of all kinds and family interactions……and also between governments etc.   Being careful in all that you do….and say.  This can be an explosive time. Watch where you walk……watch how you drive and watch out for others.   It is a time to be extremely cautious and careful.  This is a lot of energy that we are being triggered with.  Release old ways that are not working with the “new” powerful energies of Transformation and Change

Remember that we are being given all the help that we need….. as we navigate these powerful energies.   Remember that the energies affecting us…. don’t “make” us do anything…..they give us opportunities to make our own choices……. as to how we will navigate the energies.  

The Universe is speaking loudly and urgently about change and transformation.   It is insisting that we move away from those that are not listening to its message lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego, no judgment, no control etc.  etc.  The Universe is again asking us to move away from things, people, places and that are no longer vibrating where we are now vibrating and do it in the kindest way possible.  It is time to move beyond all of that old “3d” and into the “New”, which we are co-creating.  Manifest and create a beautiful world and reality for yourself, your community, and all humanity.

Spread and “Be” the energy of Love and compassion …….. for Ourselves, the Earth, the World, and all those around us!    Meditate…….Listen……Manifest and create!!!!     Think Love!  Think Peace!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. 

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below). Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2015 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved.

Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology Cathy Lindsey    AstroEyes    515-779-7154




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