Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 06/03/2016 - 23:30



Cathy Lindsey  AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

This Gemini New Moon is one of the most complex New Moons of 2016!  It links up with a very important alignment that is called a Mutable T-Square and then forming it into a Mutable Grand Cross (explanation below).   It is a very important New Moon…. one that can bring opportunities or setbacks. This is not easy energy!   The energy feels very Chaotic…..and there really isn’t any way out….except going through!   Change is coming and we can sense it…..we can see it…..we can feel it!!

New Moons bring new beginnings.  New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. They are the Moons that bring in the Magic of creating and manifesting…. and they also allow you to feel the Magic in the connection to “all there is” as you sit outside in the darkness of the New Moon.   It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. The New Moon energy is all around you, while also being inside of you…..feel it?   Sit in quiet and just Feel it!  It is also a time of setting intentions….visualizing them…creating them…manifesting them.   Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World, and set the intention during this powerful New Moon.

This Gemini New Moon is also sitting with, conjunct, Venus. Making all relationships a main focus especially Love relationships!  Venus also brings in creativity….if you want something (love, money, etc.) you have to make it happen!  Venus (is our love, attraction, beauty, creativity, the feminine energy, abundance and attraction).  On the high side of this Gemini New Moon conjunct Venus ……it is learning about the Twins….dualism within your life, your reality.  It is about the co-existence of both Spirit and Matter.  Learning to stay in the physical, while absorbing the highest Spiritual knowledge.   Gemini is often referred to as the bridge between Spirit and Matter. Bringing the information of knowledge Gemini has collected from the Spiritual side, back to the physical plane.  Gemini….the Twins, is about the acknowledgment of being able to exist in at least two worlds at once…bringing them into balance.  This Gemini New Moon is asking us to meditate on and manifest this balance between the Spiritual world and the physical world, accenting the major theme of balance…..between the feminine and the male (Venus with the New Moon), the right brain and the left brain, the yin and yang, intuition and logic, and Spirit and Matter.

This Gemini energy can also be a little more uplifting…. fun, and child like. Gemini is about communication, teaching, sharing information, writing, multitasking….with a hunger for gathering knowledge.  Gemini is also about youth and the Peter Pan syndrome (never wanting to grow up).  Gemini energy has the enthusiasm to explore many areas of knowledge, and Gemini’s are often part of several social networking groups. Gemini’s are often referred to as “workshop junkie’s”…and the knowledge and energy they receive from these “workshops”…they excitedly share with others.  This energy can be flighty, excitable, flirty, and restless…..along with being known as the “Social Butterfly’s” of the Zodiac.  One of the more fun aspects of Gemini energy… is its infinite curiosity and ability to shape-shift and explore. The shadow of this however, is to dissipate one’s energy in misguided or fruitless pursuits….along with being stuck in chatter, chatter, chatter and never really talking about anything of substance.

With a New Moon, we are reminded that in everything there is the light and dark…. and bringing them into balance and merging into one is the ultimate goal. When we look at the shadow side, it can bring up some fear…. some of our “shadows” that we would rather not look at.  Some of these shadows and fears can be…speaking (Gemini) to others about things that are not of Truth..   Also the chatter of Gemini can at times end in gossip …..where you find yourself talking without really thinking how it is effecting others…..   Again…navigate away from the gray side of Gemini.  Remember that the high side of Gemini is the Wisdoms that you learn and then sharing them….

It is time to bring into balance your gray (shadow) side with your high bright side in all the Gemini ways.  Meditate and pay attention to what is brought up to you, what you hear, and what visions may cross through your mind. 

Mercury rules this Gemini New Moon.   Mercury is now direct and moving forward…..communication is getting better and we don’t feel quite as held back as we have the last few weeks. This active Gemini New Moon conjunct Venus….is opening the mind (Gemini) up to who we really are….who we really Love….and how we really want to be loved and understood.  With Mercury ruling this New Moon and Venus….part of our Love and being understood, comes through our words….both the giving and receiving.  Comes through communication…..and we are supposed to be communicating through our Hearts (Venus)! 

So….this New Gemini Moon is actually lining up with and forming a Mutable Grand Cross.  In the chart of this New Moon this line up actually looks like a cross. It consists of 4 squares (stressful energy) and 2 oppositions (opposing energies).  There is so much happening with this Mutable Grand Cross that I will try to explain it in the simplest way I can… that you get the idea and the feeling of what it is all about.

First Mutable energy is about….going with the flow, adapting to things easily, change, movement, sharing, giving, and sharing of information.  In this Mutable Grand Cross we have – briefly:

Jupiter and North Node in Virgo -   we are asked to look at and to try and perfect our Belief systems…to be true to what we preach… walk our talk…seek our Truths….and purge what is no longer true for ourselves as we move to our Souls purpose!

Neptune and South Node  in Pisces – we must continue to believe in our dreams, we need to trust in our guidance and our faith. Some times it is best to surrender to the unknown and trust that you are being taken care of regardless of past life memories. We need do this for ourselves and the Collective.

Saturn in Sagittarius -  a belief in our work, in our structures and in our future.   Seeking the truth in all that we preach and in the way we think the structures of our future should be.

Sun, Moon, Venus all in Gemini – talked about this in the above paragraphs.

A bit of Chaos…..will get us motivated to make changes and shift our perspectives. 

This mutable Grand Cross is like a challenge….as we need to believe in ourselves.  We need to have faith.  We need to do the work and then…go for it!

As confusing as a Mutable Grand Cross can be… demands that we adapt, in order to survive. 

Remember also that the back drop of this Gemini New Moon and Mutable Grand Cross…. is the ongoing and  continued Cardinal Square between Pluto and Uranus (which is still very strong)…. which continues to  put us on the path of accelerated evolution. With the added energy of the Gemini New Moon and Mutable Grand Cross….., the Universe is saying that we need to transform and change the way in which we communicate and share our wisdoms. We need to bring in more nurturing, caring and love when we communicate, and above all…we need to think with our hearts!  No lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego.  We are all one…no one is better than anyone else!

The combination of these 2 configurations is what is causing the Chaotic and exhilarated energies that we are now experiencing as they involve 6 planets, the Sun and Moon and the Nodes!    There is no ignoring this…..things are being put right in our faces so that we have to deal with them!  Again, the Universe is speaking loudly…… we can’t get out of this…..we have to do the work…..and  move through it!!!

The Gemini New Moon is activating our Ancient Star Systems and is sitting on Rigel in Orion. Rigel is the brightest star in the constellation Orion. It is 18 times bigger than our Sun and has been used for navigation.  Rigel in Esoteric astrology & wisdoms is about the integration of spirit within matter.    It is time to bring together and balance the ancient knowledge that our ancestors used, with today’s knowledge. The Orion constellation is a pattern of stars that is repeated in monuments throughout the ancient world, from Egypt to Mexico, and was the center of the skies for our ancestors.    This New Moon also has Pluto (part of the Cardinal Square) sitting on Vega in the constellation of Lyre which is obviously musical and can be alluring.  Music is also the international language.    Communication in all forms….. and knowledge from all levels….. is the theme of the activations that this Gemini New Moon is making to the Ancient Star Systems.

Listen to your inner guidance during this time, and ask that you connect with your intuitive side and that you speak from your Heart.  This New Gemini Moon is  bringing up information and knowledge from deep in your Soul!  With the added chaotic energies of things needing to be dealt with Now!   Things you really don’t want to look at or deal with.  The universe is asking us to look at it, think about it , and take a step, any step but acknowledge it (Gemini) so you can work through it.  It can also be a time of sudden insights and new ideas… channel the energies of this Gemini New Moon, welcoming in the higher knowledge…… from all realms…… and then sharing it in the most nurturing and loving way……

It is time to speak our truth….walk our talk…..and share our knowledge with all who will listen!  

Praying for Peace, communicating/Listening, for ourselves, our relationships, all humanity, and the governments……is of prime importance right now.  With the main energy coming through communication on all levels.…..there will also be a continuation of this being played out in relationships of all kinds and family interactions……and also between governments etc.  

 It is time to meditate on all the things that have come into your consciousness during the last several months.   Seeds were planted and will continue to surface and grow…it is time for us to start weeding out the things that are no longer vibrating where we are.  Meditate to understand what has been planted and which direction to move. Which areas do you need to distance from, because they are not vibrating where you are vibrating?  Tune in to your psychic, connect with your guidance, and watch your Spiritually flourish!  Meditate, sit in quite, and Listen.  Manifest and use these highly creative energies to co-create your future…to co-create a peaceful world….to co-create a beautiful reality….

Remember that we are being given all the help that we need…..the Universe shows us how to navigate these powerful energies…. and then lets us discover why we want to.  Remember that the energies affecting us don’t “make” us do anything…..they give us opportunities to make our own choices……. as to how we will navigate the energies.

 We are also co-creating our world with our thoughts and our intentions daily.  The choices you make….are creating your future.   We are learning to look at the big picture.  To get a “picture” of how things can look down the road.   But we don’t have to see the Big Picture in detail or know exactly how it will turn out….to move forward! 

So this Gemini New Moon sitting with Venus is saying that the changes and actions we make need to be done with Love, integrity and respect…. no lies, no secrets and no out of bounds ego. We need to continue moving from the “Me” to the “We” now!  We need to come from our hearts….think with our hearts.   We need to ask for guidance in how to navigate these Chaotic energies in the best possible way for ourselves….so that we can communicate on a higher level …Wisdoms and Knowledge .… for our tribe….. our community….. and for all humanity.  We need to look at the big picture with optimism for the “new” we are creating……so that we can enjoy and embody the “Joy” that is the gift of the “new”.

This is combining a lot of energies into one boiling pot.  It is time to make the changes you need to make.  It is time to move forward.  It is time to take a step….any step…..just start moving!   .   Meditate…..Listen to what you hear (Gemini)……Manifest and Create!     Enjoy the Magic…….

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2016   Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.

Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey  515-779-7154






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