~Get Ready.....Get Set.....~ Truth to flood the Planet

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 04/18/2012 - 10:29

~You've Felt It Your Entire Life ~


"Try yourself, it's not that scary. Try being who you truly are, instead of being a reflection of what society wants you to be."

Video Montage: Elina S. (http://www.facebook.com/theLOVEvolution)
Music: Take Me Into Your Skin - Trentemøller
Glasses scene from the movie 'They Live'
Voices from the movie 'The Matrix' ↓↓↓MORE INFORMATION↓↓↓

HELP SUPPORT OUR UPCOMING PROJECT HERE: http://www.shift-project.org/action/

WATCH ALL VIDEOS HERE: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8101607C4813690A

Book Excerpt (The Merging of Science and Spirit): http://www.collective-evolution.com/2012/02/18/existential-questions-answered/

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Sheldan Nidle - April 17, 2012



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~17~12 We are Just Heating Up~ More to Come~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~17~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ We are Just Heating Up~ More to Come~


Over the Rainbow, Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

Greetings Love Beings, Our Brilliant Sun is sending in some very good vibrations. We are getting reports from across the Planet, everyone is feeling a bit lighter and more Joyful. Well, this is what we call the Love Blast codes, coming from the Sun to the Planet and all on her, not to mention our Craft are continuously beaming energy into the Planet. Be Prepared for Lots More!! Incoming~





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Third Earthquake today east of South America, another big chain?


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‪ Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-17-12



‪ Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~



In fact, apart form a woman claiming that one of the moving lights in the -night!- sky might be a solar flair (oh jeez!) people ARE aware.


LOVE YOU, and thanks for sharing!


if you missed our latest energy update




UFO Mt Maungauni 14 April 2012




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Galactic Free Press Daily Update 4~16~12 Indeed Victory is Our's~


Greetings Love beings, We are really Moving Fast Now. These Energies are preparing the way for the huge changes that are about to take place on this Planet. This is per the Divine Timeline and cannot be changed or stopped. The Momentum has gained alot of speed and everyone who is not standing in the Real Truth will begin to really spin into chaos and confusion in these incoming energies~ Because of our increased momentum, the denser energies are really putting up a fight as expected. It does not matter, as truly the Light Has Won and Victory is indeed ours.



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UFOS and VATICAN (Breaking News) ET Gods? Mr. Roberto Pinotti (Italy) 2012


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Rays Of Light - An Amazing Sight!


I love seeing more of these beautiful rays of light showing up in photos and videos as our Sun continues to energize Gaia and her inhabitants. Here are 2 examples that are so breathtakingly beautiful -quite a show!  

-All my Love, Boo


"This picture is from Peter Aaron Rogen taken by a friend's sister :


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~Alot of Sun Activity~ Radio Show/Yowradio.com Live in 30 Min.


The Sun is Exploding with Multiple Events in 24 hours.


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Volcano Speaks— The MIND of the PLANET



Extensions of Love to this World,
I, like you, am the Heart of this World.
Though I, being of the Volcanic expression,
am also the Mind of this Mission.
Volcanoes are “a piece of my Mind,” so to speak.
As the Essence of Holy Spirit, Mother God/
Cosmic Love “takes over,” be aware of,
or think about, great Grand Triangles.
Always in the act of creating Permanence,
from Source do we use the Triangle.
It is the first manifest thoughtform
of Elemental Perfection around a Heart Flame.

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This news came from Swiss newspapers, discussing how some of ex party leaders, major player in Italian mafia politics today returning some 10 bars of gold, some diamonds, 200K in cash and some cars...



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Did N. Sumatra earthquakes set off chain reaction?


Planet is shaken by shocking number of tremors since April 11, 2012...

PINK's areas of concern:



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~What if We We Are Really Here?~


What IF? The Truth is Truth?


All are Aliens On Planet Earth=Heart~ Have You Ever Seen Your Family?




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~ After the Goldrush~ Preparing for all Upcoming Events~ Be In Joy


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~God Bless the Broken Road, that Led me Straight to You~


~Dreams do Come True, We Are Here for You~ We are Your Earth Allies and We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Earth Allies


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Daily Review of UFO activity near the Sun for April 16, 2012.


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BABOOM! 50 Top, Scientists, Engineers at NASA signe letter asking NASA to cease its buffoonery



50 Top Astronauts, Scientists, Engineers at NASA have signed a letter asking NASA to cease its global warming buffoonery


Eventually the sham is going to give, and the latest letter signed by 50 NASA experts, with more than 1000 years of combined professional experience, is a sure sign the gig’s about over.

…..unproven remarks…..not substantiated…..hundreds of well-known climate scientists…..tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief…..science is NOT settled…..unbecoming of NASA’s history…..advocacy of an extreme position…..damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA…..even the reputation of science itself…”

Letters to the top don’t get any more blunt than that.

And how many tens of billions have these crackpots at GISS cost the taxpayers?

Here’s the letter:

March 28, 2012
The Honorable Charles Bolden, Jr.
NASA Administrator
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001
Dear Charlie,

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) refrain from including unproven remarks in public releases and websites. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated, especially when considering thousands of years of empirical data. With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from the GISS leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Obama moves to curb oil speculators




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FREEDOM PROJECT: GSA whistle-blower testifies on scandal [and Jeff Neely took 5th...]




GFP: Observe development now in our USA, where scandal is truly called scandal... Where theft is truly called theft... where peoples money spent due to complete ignorace and greed and self service... Even if they work in Genearal Services Admins Office?... Maybe they thought somthing like this: "Yeap, we are going to adminster General funds for our own self service and who cares for to We the People..." Truth is coming onto the surface... Fast... Get ready for many more supprises... Not even his 5th Amendment will be able to hide his greed and theft from US citizens... Love all these events coming alive, and on CNN... Thank you CNN for being straight this time... Please, just continue roling news like these...

Predrag/Saint Germain




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Best of UFO in St Petersburg, Russia, April 2012


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Conversation WithThe Devic Realm, via TAUK. “Gaia’s Heart Will Weep No More”



Conversation WithThe Devic Realm, via TAUK. “Gaia’s Heart Will Weep No More”




By, AuroRa Le. April 17, 2012.


Old friend, our names are Tulla and Nara, and we are the Water Deva.  We knew you in Atlantis, when you were sent to help in the final days. You remember very little about those times, when God sent you to create the vibration of peace.  Many like you came to make them understand that the destruction was coming.  We stayed by you and protected you as Guardians.  Now we are back.  Many of you incarnated on Earth at this time have been assigned Elemental beings as protectors.  The Devic Realm is part of the Elemental Realm. 


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SPIRITUAL AWAKENING ~ Get ready for Earth changes


The spiritual awakening begins with some kind of uneasiness, a generalized and widespread premonition that we are in the final times of a cycle.

The search for truth leads to spirituality, to a door in our heart that allows us to reach another type of knowledge: the inner one. Through that knowledge we can achieve mystical experiences; those are experiences from our soul or spirit that allow us to know the mysteries of life and nature.

In order to reach that knowledge, many people resort to certain practices: Yoga, Tai Chi, relaxation, meditation, techniques to activate chakras, astral projection, etc. All those are helping tools, but the true awakening is that of the consciousness. It is achieved with will, in a rigorous work upon ourselves that enables us to grow spiritually until we reach inner enlightenment.

Our planet is about to undergo a process of change. The time for a new era is coming close: a period when spirituality, love and peace will prevail. But before, great sufferings will come to this humanity.

Do you wish to be prepared for that?

INFO: http://www.giantredplanet.com/


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As Mass Arrests Approach: Repost of Matthew’s March Message



As Mass Arrests Approach: Repost of Matthew’s March Message

As the mass arrests approach, we’d like to remind readers of what Matthew Ward said in his March message, which covers the subject about as well as any communication we’ve read.  The cabal is trying to push through CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act), but none of these initiatives will succeed and their power to effect any change will soon be ended. This is an excerpt from that message.

Matthew’s Message, March 12, 2012

The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. …


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Be Prepared: Another Wild Weekend Weatherwise Probable


Please share this with your friends and family in any of the areas that show DARK BLUE so they can be prepared for potential strong storm systems beginning on Friday, April 20th through the 24th. 

Each day the Jet Stream and Tropopause Reports update, so keep a close eye to see if today's predictions change.

Here are links to these two reports. I have found them to be quite reliable, although the situation can change.

Animated Jet Stream

University of Utah Tropopause Prediction (double check to make sure the date is the Current date, if now, click on CURRENT, GFS004, North America)

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Large explosion seen on the Sun’s northeastern limb




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Galactic Earth Truth: The SUN is getting HOT for NASA/vatican


The SUN is getting HOT for NASA/vatican



Well, it seems that something is getting HOT out there for someone... NASA for sure, and as Nassim Haramein says after doing his research also for the vatican, as it seems to own almost all of the satellites orbiting out there (not really a suprise, is it?)


I have my nose in these satellites all day long, and for sure there's someting they would like US not to know... as if they could! Were we alone on Earth maybe, but as we get our information from some quite more reliable sources... LOL.


Thus, I'm considering offering my service to them, as I suppose whoever does the re-pixeling is not quite familiar with one of the most famous programs outhere, and they are definetely not using photoshop to do the work! 


There are Holes in timing -so many images missing-


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The Light At The End Of The Tunnel






No more holding back, its time to blossom. We are in a time of immense energy of epic proportions. The universe is giving us the energy we need to evolve into a higher state of consciousness.

Everyone can feel the undertow of change subtly pulling on our society. It is a change well received, and well deserved. More people are realizing their true power as human beings, and their contribution to the global consciousness is now becoming a ripe investment.


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FREEDOM PRJECT: Increase in theft from Old-man Sucks that reached almost 2.7 billions in 1st q of 2012... They only STOLE 44% of profits from last year, pretending these are bonuses and benefits...




GFP: I would rename sligthly this faboulous title:

Increase in theft from Old-man Sucks that reached almost 2.7 billions in 1st q of 2012... They only confiscated 44% of profits from last year, pretending these are bonuses and benefits...  


[Lord Blank-Field... what do you feel: is he going to take 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th Amendment too?... 

His term is comming UP soon]




Calo dell'utile per Goldman Sachs

La flessione registrata dalla banca è comunque minore rispetto alle stime

North America swelters in March heat



North America swelters in March heat



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Shiveluch volcano in Russia spews ash to 9,500 meters



Shiveluch volcano in Russia spews ash to 9,500 metersRussia’s northernmost active volcano Shiveluch is churning out ash to a height of 9,500 meters (over 31,000 feet) in the country’s Far East, local scientists reported on Tuesday, April 17, 2012. The 3,283-meter (10,771-foot) Shiveluch stratovolcano increased activity in May 2009 and has been periodically spewing ash from three to ten kilometers. “A powerful eruption of ashes took place 05.59 a.m. local time [17:59 GMT on Monday], a source at the Far Eastern Institute of Volcanology...



 APRIL 17, 2012



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Northern League: Belsito returns the treasure [SOME DIAMONDS, CARS, ABOUT 10 GOLD BARS AND A CAR...]




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Earth Council Embassy Trust (ECET) All beings are Sovereign




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Earth Council Embassy Trust (ECET) All beings are Sovereign




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Shine my beloved friends! ~ Michael through Ron Head


    Press here for   Spanish   or   Portuguese


Our message today is on the topic of lasting peace.  You have received many messages from many quarters concerning the control exerted over the efforts to begin another global war.  This is all true and will continue to be.


At a point in your near future, you have chosen to have all weapons rendered ineffective.  Understand, dear friends, that this alone will not create lasting peace.  Lasting peace will indeed be created by you, but it will be far more than the cessation of hostilities between nations.  You must and will find that peace inside your hearts.  As the things which have been created to keep you in lower states of consciousness are removed, you will be overjoyed to find that you are truly, in your basic natures, peaceful and loving beings.  You will find that learning about the differences between you will be enjoyable and fun, once the false fears you have been taught are removed.



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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 April 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 April 2012

Few of you are under any illusions as to what is taking place, although some are still unconvinced that it is in the interests of the Human Race. Such people are normally not in touch with the reliable sources of information, and thus lack sufficient information from which to make an informed judgment. Rarely do they have the levels of consciousness required to see beyond the physical changes, and some have little or no knowledge of Ascension. However, they along with everyone else will before the end of the year is reached, have the opportunity to learn the facts and how it will affect them. After all regardless of what is believed, the end times will alter peoples lives whether or not they are prepared. A new cycle means a new beginning and there are no ways that the old one can be perpetuated. Indeed, it is in everyone’s interest to move on to a new experience, that is consistent with their present level of evolution.

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Lee-Anne Peters – Are Worries Ruling Your Life? – 18 April 2012



Lee-Anne Peters – Are Worries Ruling Your Life? – 18 April 2012

Are your worries increasing? Perhaps your challenges are getting harder? Is it harder to be happier within your life? Oh yeah, I am hearing these sorts of concerns from people every single day, and you know really these concerns create a downward spiral that can set up horrible days full of unhappiness!

Years ago I heard a quote that has stuck with me and every now and then I remind myself of it, and that is ‘It is a waste of energy to worry!’ Through my experience I have found this to be the case – worrying about something that may or may not happen is not only a waste of energy, but also a waste of our time. I know for me, I don’t intend on wasting one moment – so worrying is not welcome in my life!

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Watering Your Garden with Tears of Desire!




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Natural Remedies: Ginger & Parsley, Let's Talk About Blood!




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Wes Annac – The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : A Call For Humanity To Begin Utilizing Your Collective Potential



Wes Annac – The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : A Call For Humanity To Begin Utilizing Your Collective Potential 

Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image

Posted on  by GLR  

by GLR Wes Annac-

The scope to which this overall Lighted operation that is currently underway has been planned out will truly boggle your minds and have you wondering how such an organized and carefully planned out effort was not discovered or known about, even by the very dark souls who have been trying to stop this plan.

The dark on your world are just as perplexed as you will be as to how these operations have been and will be panning out in favor of abundance and Joy being returned to your world, and the reason that we are able to bring forth such complex and intricate plans without the knowledge of the dark on your world who have thought themselves to be all-knowing, is because there are many ascended beings whose intelligence and understanding far outweigh any of those of the souls on your world still attempting to get their way and win every ‘battle’ through any despair and any conniving means that they could think of.


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Astro-Chakra Synergy System weekly reading 16th to 22nd April



Astro-Chakra Synergy System weekly reading 16th to 22nd April



 16th to 22nd April


 Hope you enjoy this week's reading....



Uranus 2: 2nd Chakra (sacral)

Uranus Keyword: 'Individuality'


Colour: Orange


Chakra Keywords: Creativity, Emotional Balance


Card Keyword: 'CHANGE'





Expect changes to flow into your life in unexpected, positive and exciting ways. Remaining stuck in a certain mind-frame or way of life is like a broken record repeating the same track over and over until it finally gets worn out! It is now the perfect time to start playing a different tune and start embracing and accepting changes into your life. After all, the only thing constant in life is change.

ACTION: Change one thing today, it maybe something small or large. Remember that when you let go and accept change, the space is taken up with something else which suits you much better.


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Nassim Haramein So much they hide...


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Healing Earth News - BP Oil Spill Natural Recovery Far Greater Than Expected!


(editor's note: It's been nearly two years since BP spilled oil into our waters causing panic worldwide. "The fears of most people -- that there would be a catastrophic collapse of the ecosystem in the Gulf -- never materialized." In fact, the speed at which recoveries are happening can be quite mind blowing!  I also love how this particular article didn't try to "humanize" the recoveries by taking credit, rather simply calling it a "Natural Recovery."  ~All my Love, Boo)




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UFO near the Volcano Sakurajima, Japan - April 18, 2012.


Take a good look at prauyu top of the screen. UFOs flying time when the volcano starts to erupt!


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An enormous change in perception



Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness by Cobra



Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness






Galactic Confederation. Also called Galactic Federation. This is a loose confederate union of positive civilizations within this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians… Its leaders are ascended masters, beings that live in enlightened state of consciousness. Ashtar Command is a section of Galactic Confederation which primary function is to liberate planet Earth from the grip of the dark forces.



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Human Made Earthquakes/Reuters..Washington B.P.


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Where Human's REALLY came from.




Please look at this website... There are sevral facinating papers to read on the true nature of the Human's beginnings! ENJOY and share, share, share!


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Just another epic battle by SophiaLove




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Heavenletter #4163 All God's Love


Heavenletter #4163 All God's Love, April 18, 2012 

God said: 


You who are reading this want more of Me, and this is just as it is meant to be. You want All of Me. You want Me in every breath. You want Me consciously. That you know you have Me around the clock isn't enough. You want to feel it indelibly. You want to know My Presence always, without fail, not some, not a little, not even a lot, for you want 100% awareness of Me. You want what can be called Total Bliss.

I want you to have it too. I want you to know Me like no one else. I want you to know the love that I give you. I want you to carry the awareness of My love with you every second of your life on Earth.


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Supersonic Saucer UFO Spotted over New York/New Jersey (Video)



Supersonic Saucer UFO Spotted over New York/New Jersey (Video)




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Santorini volcano caldera is awake again and rapidly deforming



The Santorini volcano caldera is awake again and rapidly deforming


Comment from the PRESS: If we compare these data with the EQs movements happening every day in whole Greece, personally I would like to be aware of what's going on. This article is not talking about inces... Be Aware and Be Prepared, thus, BE LOVE and Share LOVE so that LOVE can come back to ALL.



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The manuscript of survival – part 120



The manuscript of survival – part 120




 •April 17, 2012 • 


by Aisha North



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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday April 18 2012 Lightened Energy



Oracle Report ~ Wednesday April 18 2012 Lightened Energy

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase



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Visionkeeper ~ Humor ~ 18 April 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Humor ~ 18 April 2012

I think more than anything these days we need to remember humor! We seem so serious and often down trodden. The creator did not create us to suffer in life. As with everything he did, he gave us the choice in how we lived our lives. Who in heaven’s name said ascension had to be grueling? Why can we not find humor in it as well? If there is a good cartoonist amongst my readers I challenge you to begin creating a daily cartoon about ascension so we can retrieve our humor from the trash can. yes the solar flares are very intense and rattle our nerves to the core. Not much we can do about them as that is where our information we need is coming from and we can’t stop them anyway. So we must remember to ‘ Glow with the flow ‘ as my friend J so aptly created. Trying to fight what is going on, allowing ourselves to become frustrated and agitated is a waste of much-needed energy! We need to conserve our energy for shinning the light. The above picture I found wonderful humor in and it suits me perfectly.



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Nigel Farage on the Euro - 18th April 2012


Nigel Farage making a speech on the demise of the Euro 18/04/12

Govt economists:


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~Space Weather Update~ Growing Sunspot twice the size of Earth


GROWING SUNSPOT: What a difference a day makes. On April 16th, sunspot AR1460 did not exist. Twenty-four hours later it was twice as big as the planet Earth. This April 17th movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows sunspot genesis in action:



The sunspot's magnetic field is still too simple for strong flares, but if the expansion continues apace, instabilities could develop that lead to explosions. Readers with solar telescopes should keep an eye on AR1460. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


SPECTACULAR EXPLOSION: Magnetic fields on the sun's northeastern limb erupted around 17:45 UT on April 16th, producing one of the most visually-spectacular explosions in years. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the blast at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths:



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‪ Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-18-12



‪ Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Today’s a shy report as instead of not having a report I prefer doing a small one. Usually, probably due to timelines on the Planet, the best ones come out in what is my evening, but for sure I’ll get them in tomorrow’s Update.


Keep sharing and Loving as there’s nothing better anyone can do.



LOVE YOU, and thanks for sharing!


if you missed our latest energy update


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Life's Blooming like a Flower from Your=All Heart


A Flower of Flowers from Flowers... Life is Blooming again as Love comes back to the Planet Blooming All Hearts and All Life into and onto our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart.


Share a Flower... Share Yourself.


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Is This Epic Enough?


On January 1st, 2012 I released a video entitled “Message to Off World Beings”.  Yesterday, I got an answer.  It came in the form of an interaction with someone speaking for the “Forces of One”.  You can see what was said in the video bearing that name. Both can be found here and on the you-tube channel. 


And that’s the back story to what will most likely be my focus for the rest of this year – Making A Choice – everything else sort of pales in comparison. 


I’ve read and re-read the transcript and although I cannot point to my partner in the conversation, I can tell you how it felt.  It felt epic.  The power coming with the words sort of washed over me.  I felt them before I read them.  I’ve had to look up a few of the terms he used since then, but there is no mistaking how I felt.  I was in the presence of a force unlike any other I have known here. 


The video, “Message to Off World Beings” was released to remind us of our own power, with the added intent of contact.  It fact, I was contacted telepathically a few days after it was released.  I was woken up and spoken to; that energy was exuberant and joyful yet the voice was in my head – I doubted its authenticity. 


This contact was not in my head, it was on a you-tube channel.  Really.  You can check it out for yourself by reading the comments below the video: “Message to Off World Beings”.


This only amplifies what has always been primary – Love.  We are without a doubt far more powerful than we imagine ourselves to be.  We are deciding the fate of the planet. The choice we make this year determines the direction for all of life.



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Argentina is Nationalizing their Oil - We Should Too!


There's a bigger picture here that goes beyond how Wall Street is screwing with the prices of gasoline. It has to do with how we as a nation should handle our own natural resources...


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Gulf seafood deformities alarm scientists


Eyeless shrimp and fish with lesions are becoming common, with BP oil pollution believed to be the likely cause.

New Orleans, LA - "The fishermen have never seen anything like this," Dr Jim Cowan told Al Jazeera. "And in my 20 years working on red snapper, looking at somewhere between 20 and 30,000 fish, I've never seen anything like this either."

Dr Cowan, with Louisiana State University's Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences started hearing about fish with sores and lesions from fishermen in November 2010.

Cowan's findings replicate those of others living along vast areas of the Gulf Coast that have been impacted by BP's oil and dispersants.


Full Story (aljazeera.com)


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You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine a Global Community...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
What are YOU passionate about? 
We'd love to hear from you
All my Love, Boo



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