~Getting Ready for Lots of Love Energy~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 11:04

Good Lasco Ufos.


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UFO over London, England / May 2, 2012


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3 Large Spheres UFO captured Over Sydney.2. 5. 2012. Flying triangle formations.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-2-2012 – Mother Earth keeps expressing herself


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-2-2012 – Something is going on~


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~The Next Galactic Free Press Update~




AS We Process all the Events which are unfolding and Prepare for the 5~5~5 Day of Liberation, Our Next Daily Update will be Thursday May 3rd, 2012.


We are In Very Exciting Moments and Energies.




This Coming Sat~Sun Event Of Planet Wide Liberation Day, Your Earth Allies will Be gathering at the Specific times Listed Below in a Chat room via the Internet, this can have  an unlimited amount of people. We will Be adding Our Focused Love Light Energies to end the illusion and breakthrough the illusionary Matrix, which will assist us in triggering many events towards Humanity's Freedom. 45 Min Prior to this Event we will Post Here at the Press a Link so you can join us.




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FREEDOM PROJECT: M T KESHE ~ Transfer of Keshe Foundation Know-how to world governments






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The Seven Seals And The Angels Of Light


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Message from the Ashtar Command 5/2/12



Your friends of the Ashtar Command wish to say to you at this time that we see the changes in your world spoken of so often taking shape and smoothly progressing each and every day as you approach a new era in your history. It will be so that your world experiences changes on a grand scale, and each and every one of your planet will experience wonderful upgrades and advancements to your lives. There will be no one left out in the cold, as all will be made available to each and every one of you that chooses a new way and a new experience.


Although it is true that there will be those of you who do not make this transition, we say to you that all those who wish to make this transition will successfully leave the old paradigm behind them. How this will all manifest is up to each and every one of you to think about and ponder for yourselves, as we feel it is important for you to utilize your imaginations and think about the many possibilities and the many different paths you as individuals and as a society can travel.



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Heart of the Sun













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"Now is the time that all those who are here to work for the light join together.

In spite of differences in perceptions of spiritual matters and spiritual paradigms, in spite of differences of culture, personality, preferences and life style, we ask you to put all of that aside now and join with the unity of the heart, the one place you all share without difference. If you want to see the victory of the light and a new and Divine World to emerge, you all must sacrifice this last bit of egoity which still lives in the illusion of competition and a sense of separation."


Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3


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Greg Giles~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 May 2012


Greg Giles~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 May 2012

Your friends of the Ashtar Command wish to say to you at this time that we see the changes in your world spoken of so often taking shape and smoothly progressing each and every day as you approach a new era in your history. It will be so that your world experiences changes on a grand scale, and each and every one of your planet will experience wonderful upgrades and advancements to your lives. There will be no one left out in the cold, as all will be made available to each and every one of you that chooses a new way and a new experience. 


Although it is true that there will be those of you who do not make this transition, we say to you that all those who wish to make this transition will successfully leave the old paradigm behind them. How this will all manifest is up to each and every one of you to think about and ponder for yourselves, as we feel it is important for you to utilize your imaginations and think about the many possibilities and the many different paths you as individuals and as a society can travel.



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Selacia ~ Council Of 12 Message ~ 2 May 2012


Selacia ~ Council Of 12 Message ~ 2 May 2012


Some days are most auspicious than others, giving you expanded opportunities to grow spiritually and reach your potential for this life. Likewise, certain series of days in a cycle – with their cumulative effect – help you to greatly accelerate openings and leave behind unfinished business. One of those times is Wesak season – here right now.

You may have never attended a Wesak, but your DNA holds a memory of what the ancient Masters taught about the path of enlightenment. That’s because of what your ancestors learned and also because of memories in the mass consciousness of humankind. These things are not forgotten, even in the darkest of times.

Your true nature, after all, is divine. It is encoded within you to remember this and to awaken to your true self. Each person has his or her own timetable for enlightenment. Enlightened beings like the Buddha, the Christ, and Tapihritsa taught these things – in part by how they lived their lives. When you celebrate Wesak, you can connect tangibly with such beings, receiving their help with your own liberation. There are expanded spiritual energies present, and fewer veils between dimensions, helping you to access abundant blessings. You awakening can then move into a new phase.


The Call for Divine Changemakers


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Mahala ~ Planet Alert May 2012 ~ 2 May 2012


Mahala ~ Planet Alert May 2012 ~ 2 May 2012

It’s May already! Where does the time go?   I just love the month of May because the flowers and trees are in full bloom, and it is beautiful here in Seattle. Hope it is as beautiful where you live. May and June will be power packed months with lots of very intense energy.This is the line-up for May and June:The Wesak festival culminates on May 5, 2012 at 8:35 PM-are you ready for graduation?The poles on the Sun are reversing and this event is expected to finish in May of 2012.Mother’s Day is May 13. Venus turns retrograde on May 15 and stays that way until June 27.There is a major solar eclipse on May 20, 2012 that reaches its peak between 4:30 and 5:00 PM PDT.There is a lunar eclipse on June 4, 2012 at 4:12 AM PDT.Venus eclipses the Sun on June 5-6The Summer Solstice is on June 20, 2012 at 4:09 PM PDTOn June 24, 2012 there is a perfect mother T-cross in the heavens on 3 degrees Pisces, Gemini and Virgo. Saturn (our teacher) turns direct on June 25.That is quite a line-up of events. The Wesak festival is celebrated during the full moon of Taurus and the date is May 5, 2012 which adds up to 5-5-5.
The Druids used the pentagram, or the five pointed star to represent the Goddess. Many people gather in the valley of Tibet, on the etheric level, to celebrate this major celebration of Wesak. The ones who have raised their frequency to a higher level will graduate at this time to a different level of awareness.The poles of the Sun started turning last summer and will finish turning this month.


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Synchronicity Abounds!



What an interesting day I've had today! I was guided to go to the Galactic Free Press forum - I had not yet visited that portion of their website - and I found a post that Kem said I should respond to. It was a very nice lady who was experiencing some fear about the ETs, and she had assumed they were all of the same mindset. So I responded to her explaining some were nice, some not so nice, etc. Just like people.

After a couple of posts, she signed her name ET and said "these really are my initials!" Well that was funny, but I didn't see anything other than a cute coincidence at that point.

When I returned to my work email, I had a note from a local technical college who wanted us to participate in their PAC. If that wasn't enough, it was from...ET. I won't give that lady's name, but her initials were also ET and it actually read for her name "ET at 116." The PAC is being held on May 9. Let's sum up:


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FREEDOM PROJECT: COBRA ~ Removing the Cabal... 2.5.12...




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James Gilliland ~ May Day, No Wonder It Is A Distress Call



James Gilliland ~ May Day, No Wonder It Is A Distress Call

James Gilliland | ECETI | May 2012


The Last Harrah ~ Well folks looks like May through June on is the last chance for the dark hearts to pull whatever shenanigans they have left in the bag of nasty tricks. By this November the higher forces will be in complete control yet this does not mean humanity will not still have its process. Great masters have said there are two reasons for everything, Love and Lack of Love. We are going to see those lacking in love play out their agendas in the days to come.


Those trapped in the ego will validate their behavior self righteously yet for anyone who is enlightened it will be very clear the motives and agendas of the self-centered service-to-self souls which cannot see anything other than their own projections. There are those with a sense of entitlement, those who prey upon the manifestations of others, and those who are trying to regain their power at the expense of those who reflect back to them their own projections.


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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Galactic Codex


Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years.


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Meredith Murphy ~ Liberating The Physical Template Of The New Human



Meredith Murphy ~ Liberating The Physical Template Of The New Human


Expect Wonderful | Mary 1/2 2012
Message from Archangel Michael


Greetings Beloveds, I come to you in peace.

I transmit today the Golden Light from the City of LIght where the ascended masters dwell.  Bathing you in the energy of the 5th dimension, the realm of the Archangels and High Energy Beings.   This light feels liquid, and you sense it’s golden color as you attune to the energy coming in through your crown chakra upon orienting to me, and calling forth our connection.  This light will protect you from the denser energies being stirred up on your planet by the approach of Venus and the alignment of the June Solstice.  These are potent alignments which are already being anticipated energetically, for the planets do not move into these alignments suddenly, of course–it is gradual and thus it is felt gradually.



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~SnapShot from The Transitionary Council Meeting~




~We are Here and We Are The People~


~Love The Earth Allies~


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Orb of The Day!


Angels look after Freedom



Reblogged from Zanda K. Gutek:


I don't remember seeing one like this before. Ron


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Heavenletter #4178 Come, Do This Now



Heavenletter #4178 Come, Do This Now, May 3, 2012

God said:
When your heart feels hurt, and it does again and again, why must it undermine your honor of yourself? You are truly upset but not truly because someone offended you. You lost confidence in yourself because you based your belief in yourself on what someone else thinks of you. When someone else shows a lack of appreciation for you, you take this as confirmation that you are not worth much. Beloveds, let the whole world think poorly of you, and that does not take anything away from your worth.

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When read quote from my beloved ML King Jr. about donkey standing on his back legs, immediately I had a picture of every single human standing up, truly on their back legs...


Not that I refer humanity dumb as donkeys [and here donkey please forgive comparison...], but I use this great allegory of 4 legged creature who allow to be ridded, stacked with large amounts of luggage, yet quite often refuse to go where it has been told, or remove the weight from its back...


And they  call this behavior stubborn, or dumb... yet not realizing what this magnificent animal is showing us... what is the message in its actions?...


Simply imagine self as donkey walking on all four.... going on your  knees and hands, around through this world... though this life...


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Rupert Murdoch in "Unprecedented Firestorm" As UK Panel Finds Him Unfit to Run Media Empire


DemocracyNow.org - A British parliamentary report has issued a scathing report that finds Rupert Murdoch is "not a fit person" to run a major international media company because of how News Corp. handled its phone hacking scandal. The Parliamentary Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport said Murdoch and his son, James, showed "willful blindness" about the scale of phone hacking at the News of the World tabloid. The panel's finding has prompted a U.S. watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, to call on the Federal Communications Commission to revoke News Corp's 27 Fox broadcast licenses in the United States. We speak with David Leigh, investigations editor at The Guardian, the news outlet that first exposed the phone-hacking practices taking place within the Murdoch media empire. Leigh says the British panel's findings could threaten Murdoch's media presence across the Atlantic: "People are now beginning to say, 'Doesn't this bleed over into the man who runs Fox News and has all those TV outlets in the U.S.?' If he is not fit and proper person in Britain, then he is not a fit and proper person in the U.S. either."

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Remembering MAY




 As the Mystic Month of May expands and Anchors its remembering of... all life

with us Ascends.   Ascension is the foundation of the Universe.  The Divine Plan
of “Eternal Spring” for Earth; the Truth of Life, Light and Love Divine,
and  the reality of your truth.... Being the Bridge between Angels and
Elementals in the activity of FREELY co-creating Limitless Physical
Perfection in daily life.   It is also worth considering that when you
listen to or see the reports of “news” of disruption, that You–in your own
unique way—Demand your Power to re-Qualify the re-qualified business of old
world, ego driven reporting.  
We have come to this planet to: Master Energy, Vibration and Consciousness;
  To create and repair and completely heal, what is: altered perfection.

“...greater things shall ye do....”   




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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday May 2 2012 The Rise of the Pheonix



Oracle Report ~ Thursday May 3 2012 The Rise of the Pheonix

Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase

If you missed yesterday’s report, you will want to go to the Archives and read it.

Today is day 2 of the “descent of the phoenix” as we approach Saturday’s super-conjunction. Several people have asked about Saturday. In the metaphor of the flight of the phoenix (which is the process by which transits involving the Black Moon operate) Saturday is when we will hit “the bottom” of the energy.


Sunday will begin the rise or rebirth.


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Evidence of Otherness behind The Veil




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The Human Energy Field – Separation vs Community


The Human Energy Field – Separation vs Community

Today is May 3rd, the day the Bridge of all that brought us from there, sits us down into here: The new version of the human living life on the new earth.  Unified in heart energy.

Yes, I know there are still quite a few old versions of humans living in their own vortex of old energy earth, that is their choice and someone else can keep their spiritual eye on their progression, I am all about ours!!

I do believe I understand a little more the electrical energy coming into us, and the hazard of it knocking us for a loop.

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Natural Remedies: Black Pepper - The Fat Blocker


(editor's note: Traditional Eastern medicine has long used black pepper for various maladies. A new study reveals how this popular spice can actually block the formation of new fat cells!

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Unmasking Black Pepper's Secrets as a Fat Fighter


Despite that long medicinal history, scientists know little about how piperine (the pungent-tasting substance that gives black pepper its characteristic taste) works on the innermost molecular level. The scientists set out to get that information about piperine's anti-fat effects.



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Healing Earth News: Microsubs To Clean The Ocean & The Reappearance Of Lost Habitats And Species


(editor's note: In the "clean up" department, scientists in Madrid Spain are close to launching tiny microsubmarines designed to collect oil droplets from ocean waters. And next, proof of things promised by our Star Family! It seems the tsunami and earth quake activities are bringing "lost" habitats and species back and depositing them on beaches. These are little gifts from Gaia - a "thank you" for our efforts to help restore her grandeur.

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)


First 'Microsubmarines' Designed to Help Clean Up Oil Spills



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Stretching Science: Instant Camo Clothing & Time As We Know It Really IS Changing!


(editor's note: How would you like to be able to change your appearance in an instant? Want some peace and quiet? Then push a button and "blip!" your clothes have now camouflaged themselves into your environment. Want to stand out in a crowd? "Poof!" your shirt is now a vibrant blue!
In another story, I bring you decades of data that proove what we've all been experiencing... time as we know it really IS changing. Even the plants are having trouble keeping their seasonal timing correct.

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)


Artificial Muscle: Squid and Zebrafish Cells Inspire Camouflaging Smart Materials


Researchers from the University of Bristol have created artificial muscles that can be transformed at the flick of a switch to mimic the remarkable camouflaging abilities of organisms such as squid and zebrafish.



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The View From Down Here: The Beauty Of Orion's Belt


(editor's note: Radiated cosmic dust is a beautiful sight to behold! A recent image near Orion's Belt is a mesmerizing glow of blues and golds.

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)


Sifting Through Dust Near Orion's Belt


A new image of the region surrounding the reflection nebula Messier 78, just to the north of Orion's Belt, shows clouds of cosmic dust threaded through the nebula like a string of pearls.



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Imagine connecting with Gaia in a profound way...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine connecting with Gaia in a profound way...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
<span style="font-family:georgia,ser</p><p><a data-cke-saved-href=" galacticfreepress="" content="" imagine-connecting-gaia-profound-way"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/imagine-connecting-gaia-profound-way">Read more


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~30~12 May, Here We Come, Diving In


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Blossom Goodchild ~ 3 May 2012



Blossom Goodchild ~ 3 May 2012

What a splendid day for hooking up with your mates! Anyone home?


We are happy to correspond with you at this time. We consider it a pleasure to be able to assist the human race through offering perhaps ‘memories’ of the soulself which in turn allows so much scope for expansion of mind, body and indeed soul.

There are many people that write to me who would LOVE to have communication with you and yet don’t know how. Any advise on this at all?


We would strongly suggest ones TRUST in the self before such communication would begin. One can take it upon themselves to ‘invite us in’ and lovingly we desire to assist. Yet we would comment that the soul has to be ready in order to do so. Therein lies certain prominent issues regarding souls who believe themselves to be ready yet are not.


Issues in what way?


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The manuscript of survival – part 129


The manuscript of survival – part 129


•May 2, 2012 •

As we have so often touched upon lately, this process of separation from the old world will in many ways turn your life upside down, and as such, it can be quite a challenge. You see, you have not gone into unchartered terrain like this before, and therefore, things will seem to take on a life on their own. Let us explain.

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PERIGEE "SUPER MOON" ON MAY 5-6: Get ready for moonlight! The full Moon of May 5-6, 2012, is a perigee moon, as much as 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons of 2012. [video] [full story]


METEORS FROM HALLEY'S COMET: Earth is entering a stream of debris from Halley's Comet, source of the annual eta Aquarid meteor shower. The shower peaks this weekend; the best time to look is during the hours before sunrise on Sunday, May 6th. Because the shower's radiant is located below the celestial equator, southern hemisphere observers are favored, but even northerners should be able to see a few flecks of Halley-dust disintegrating in the atmosphere. Super-bright moonlight will cap the meteor rate at about 30 per hour.


In recent nights, NASA's all-sky meteor network has picked up a number of early eta Aquarid fireballs. This one was bright enough to shine through the glow of sunrise and clouds over Tullahoma, Tennessee, on April 29th:


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Interesting reading. Emanuel Swedenborg. Earths in the Universe.

Emanuel Swedenborg.17th century visionary,philosopher,notably new age spirituality

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5 May 2012 = World Liberation Day


5 May 2012 = World Liberation Day – 3 May 2012

I will give you the link to the World Liberation Day visualization on 5th/6th  May depending on your timezone :   link to article.

I will visualize my own version of a peaceful transition on that day. I myself have chosen, as it is my free will, not to participate in or even acknowledge nor manifest a transition where violence is possibly part of.

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Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus – 3 May 2012


Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus – 3 May 2012


My dear ones, we are at a pivotal spot in our evolution. As I speak we are delegating some additional authority to some of our delegates from Inner and Hollow Earth. As we round up the ones necessary to do what is in place to become part of the process of emergence, we will be taking many steps to see that it all goes according to plan.

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Mafia vs OWS (ft. Geralde Celente) (E283)


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss Treasury Secretary Secretary Timothy Geithner is like a monkey who sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil while Wall Street 'elks' are protected by the police from protestor 'wolves.' In the second half of the show Max talks to trends forecaster, Gerald Celente, about economic problems and years of heated geopolitical disputes to come. 

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser


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URIEL. The Transformative Nature Of Your Dreams.



URIEL. The Transformative Nature Of Your Dreams.


By GLR AuroRa Le. May 3, 2012.

For so many of you, your dreams are now beginning to present themselves as opportunities to discover a variety of new and exciting facets of yourselves.  For some, these dreams allow you to step into the shoes of, and become united with, one of the scattered soul fragments of yourselves, which have incarnated into other dimensional sectors of the human experience. 

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One heart, one mind, and with one intent. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



As we move closer to the opening of the powerful gateways of this new month, we wish to urge everyone to begin to focus on their intentions for this opportunity.  Begin now to get a clear idea of what you wish to focus upon if you are planning to participate in any of the group meditations on the fifth and sixth of the month.

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