~Getting Ready for Saturday InFlux of Love Energy into the Planet~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/11/2012 - 10:25

Love and the End Times - Terrence McKenna




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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~10~12 Love Energy is Gathering Behind the Scenes



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~10~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Love Energy is Gathering Behind the Scenes


Fractal Art By Earth Allie Will Harader Cleansing Waves of Energy


Greetings Love Beings, We are In Some Very calming Energies today, as we are all experiencing the Solar Wind Stream, hitting our Magnetosphere sending in cleansing waves. While this is occurring, The Love Energy is Calmly gathering behind the scenes, as we prepare for the upcoming events. All 12 million Ground Crew Members, are either moving into position or already are in position.





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So, lets ask these silly questions and see how long you are going to doubt when this events happened?...


When You see George Bush get arrested in front of the cameras, are you going to:


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The Seven Day Mental Diet How to change your life (and the world) in a week



The Seven Day Mental Diet

How to change your life (and the world) in a week



by Emmet Fox

The subject of diet is one of the foremost topics of the present day in public interest. Newspapers and magazines teem with articles on the subject. The counters of the bookshops are filled with volumes unfolding the mysteries of proteins, starches, vitamins, and so forth. just now the whole world is food-conscious. Experts on the subject are saying that physically you become the thing that you eat that your whole body is really composed of the food that you have eaten in the past.


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Sunspot 1476/M5 Flare/5.10.2012


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The Mysterious Sounds Heard All Over the Planet Linked to UFOs - Evidence!


Remember the strange sounds heard all over the planet? There has been a very wide speculation range (HAARP, military testing, NASA's Project Blue Beam, etc.), but for the first time we have evidence to link their origin to something...and it's a UFO!


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2012 Ascension ~ Earth Changes and Cleansing ~ Birth of the 5D Earth ~ Loving Galactic Beings


Ascension Teacher and Author Free Spirit speaks about how he was beamed aboard an Intergalactic Ship and spoken to (telepathically) by deeply loving Beings from Source who spoke about the coming Earth cleansings and how urgently humanity needed to raise its vibration in order to stay on the Earth. How the Earth provides haven and sanctuary to those who align themselves to Source - Dimensional Reality Bubbles and the Birth of the New World..


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~Incoming Codes~ The Colors of The Wind~


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Portals Exist On Earth

This is coming from a 15 year old, me - Our journey isnt over. Even though we have lived long lives, we still have much more to discover on earth, in ourselves, and even higher dimensions. A journey is supposed to be adventuerous, fun and educational. So Males , whenever you feel like approaching this girl you like, buying a dog from your local pet store, dont think about doing it... just do it, because it is a journey and you dont want to avoid it. If you approach the girl, you and her could have a wonderful and connective relationship in the future. Or if you buy the dog, your dog could be your new friend who makes your days brighter. Journeys are portals, Portals are everywhere. The decisions you make carry on in the future. Like going though a portal to a timeline or event. I prefer Positive Portals. Be loving to one another and the portal could take you to Positive Timelines or events. Be negative and the portal could take you to negative timelines or events. Again i prefer Positive Portals.

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Renew Your I AM and Increase your vibrations NOW



I tried to input the embed code several times under video but it woudl not take it!!! ughhh






I found this today just in the nick of time :-)  I am finding it very very hard to live in this 3d right now with no money and a broken 1995 car.  I allowed myself to start to feel hopeless. I mean what do you do when you cant get your kids to school!  I am full of power but now I feel powerless.   I began to feel despair.  I lost my LOVE vibration and I was so so sad and frustrated for the last several days.  I didnt vibrate anymore and was beginning to not glow or love anymore. I became so so sad because I knew I was in the black hole - a bad spot.   Then, I found this and it totally restored me.  Thank you so much :-)


Love,  Blueskygal


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COSMIC CURRENT:Patricia Cota-Robles, Bashar, Veronica Lee- Resetting Physical Codes


Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer and Claudia Helmke Miller (a.k.a. CJ Miller), Certified Hypnotist / Reiki Healer, team up to bring you News, Opinion and Wisdom from the Latest Waves of Information entering our Collective Consciousness at this time. COSMIC CURRENT brings into focus the challenges and rewards we are experiencing in the Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer and Claudia Helmke Miller (a.k.a. CJ Miller), Certified Hypnotist / Reiki Healer, team up to bring you News, Opinion and Wisdom from the Latest Waves of Information entering our Collective Consciousness at this time. COSMIC CURRENT brings into focus the challenges and rewards we are experiencing in the "here and now" in 2012. Helane Lipson & CJ Miller explore all arenas of thought and all forms of media, allowing the Listener to swim freely & openly and mindfully "plot their course" in the Cosmic Sea in which we all exist.

 Helane Lipson Website: www.insightsbyhelane.com

 Claudia Helmke Miller Website: www.wholeearthhealing.com


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Fran Zepeda - Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven - Feel Your Bliss - May 10, 2012


Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Feel Your Bliss ~ May 10, 2012

We speak to you today about Bliss. Bliss is your natural state. You go in and out of this state many times in the day. Many things bring you out of it. You are learning to monitor this, and not allow your thoughts to drift into lower vibrations, more and more.


You may not recognize Bliss at times. For it is becoming more and more a part of you in these days of parting 3rd dimensional thought. Breathing in that feeling of Bliss in the moment will help you to sustain it.


The love in your hearts that you are cultivating more and more is expanding your reality of Bliss and Joy, dear ones. When it comes into your heart, revel in it and feel it deeply. Be still and take it in. You can even see it in your minds-eye and feel it in your body. Take note of it and expand it and allow it and just be in it.


We are all watching you expand your repertoire of experiences in the 5th Dimension. You go there much more than you realize. Sometimes you stop yourselves because it doesn’t feel real or it takes you out of your body and this makes you uncomfortable. Just go with it. You are learning to integrate these experiences into your physical being. Always staying connected and grounded with Mother Earth will help you with this.



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i love you.


please dont try to achieve any state of consciousness, ie enlightenment,
so as to liberate yourself from the feelings of bondage. any
attempts to free yourself from any feelings of bondage, will infact
become your very shackles. this includes dealing with thought,emotions
feelings, all internal experiences, and dealign with everyone elses
interactions with you as well. simply breathing is effecting , its
through the simple act of breathing that you free yourself from all
attempts of becoming free from bondage. this includes tension within
yourself, and tension with others.

all thats taking place on our planet, the safegaurding of specific
information, and in detail, is done so as to ensure that a massive
riot or protesting in the streets doesnt take place, however
even with this knowledge and actions being taken, as far as i know
isnt stopping beings from taking a stand in specific areas on the planet.
this again is a part of the plan. their actions to protest and so on
is not only the acting out of conditioning, but also the beings stepping
out of their complacency, and into their passion for an ethical life.

all beings have their place on this planet, whether theyre conscious
or unconscious about their place, even those beings questioning their place
and searching for the truth and such, is their place. and all in between.

What isnt taught in schools , but is spoken about in books, but not as far
as i know, spoken about in proper detail, is what it is like to truly
experience being the love we are. those desires that one have about being
psychic, read beings energy signatures, their thoughts, their desires and
so on, is actually a natural occurence, the desire to even have that experience
comes from the souls calling to the being within that is unaware that
theyve been conditioned to think,feel,speak, and live a life that isnt

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Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Feel Your Bliss ~ 10 May 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Feel Your Bliss ~ 10 May 2012

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:

We speak to you today about Bliss. Bliss is your natural state. You go in and out of this state many times in the day. Many things bring you out of it. You are learning to monitor this, and not allow your thoughts to drift into lower vibrations, more and more. 

You may not recognize Bliss at times. For it is becoming more and more a part of you in these days of parting 3rd dimensional thought. Breathing in that feeling of Bliss in the moment will help you to sustain it.


The love in your hearts that you are cultivating more and more is expanding your reality of Bliss and Joy, dear ones. When it comes into your heart, revel in it and feel it deeply. Be still and take it in. You can even see it in your minds-eye and feel it in your body. Take note of it and expand it and allow it and just be in it.



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Beloved Mother & Father God


Beloved Mother & Father God



Beloved Father & Mother God

I hereby give You back all of what I was

my thoughts

my beliefs

my mind

even what I think of my body.

I give them back to you

and ask you

to bring them back

into nothing,


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The Power of Forgiveness -Rakhealle



by GLR Ree

I am Rakhealle. I come through now with information regarding the coming earth changes. There is much speculation amongst you regarding what is about to unfold. Many of you are waiting for the mass arrests to be televised. I would like to take the opportunity to inform you all that this event, as magnificent as you all perceive it to be, will be dwarfed by the many splendours about to be revealed. The focus on the mass arrests, although valid, is a focus upon the old paradigm and in some cases is driven by the desire for revenge.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Flexibility



Life is filled with changes

Change happens, it is the evidence that you are expanding and evolving. Your angel guidance is to clearly set your intent and then go with the flow of spirit. Ask your angels to open your mind and your heart to new options and fresh ideas. When you are flexible in how things come your way, new and previous unseen doorways begin to open and help you move easily through the changes.

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Obama~Choosing Freedom For All~


 Through~Ree Rakhieale Rainbow



I am Zeal and I am a seraph being from the higher dimensions of Gods light. I come through now with information regarding my incarnated aspect-Barack Obama. My path of enlightenment has only just begun. I followed my heart in becoming the president of the USA. The drive to become president was driven by that of greed and power. The circumstances surrounding my position of power were not for the greater good of all but the path I am walking is my highest path. It was agreed in spirit that I would assume such a role and the drive of my ego, as hard as it is for some of you to comprehend, was in alignment with Gods divine plan.


At present my incarnated aspect is fully aware of the situation on the planet. I am in open communication with the beings that are here to assist in the shift to the higher dimensions. The situation right now in the white house is one of fear and discord. The reality of the dissolving of the dark cabal is as clear as day. We were given a choice to redeem ourselves by choosing the light or be removed from power. Many chose to stay and have changed their ways.



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The Rainbow of Creation Creating! Part 1: Blending Desire with Passion




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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Freedom And Love ~ 10 May 2012


Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Freedom And Love ~ 10 May 2012

Freedom And Love are synonymous, yet how many in relationship don’t feel free?  It’s a tricky one.  We all have different definitions of what Freedom means and what Love means.  How we communicate that and relate with that is the work of life.  You make agreements continually.  Your Lightwork is to make agreements that support Love’s expansion in your life (and thus the world around you).  The tricky part is not satisfying the ego when you really need to satisfy the heart.  When you just satisfy the ego, you shape a moment/experience into filling a need.  When you satisfy the heart, you shape the world into a moment/experience that feeds All Life – even if you are the only one involved.  For example, if you forgive yourself for thinking negatively about yourself, there was no one else involved and it seems that no one else would be harmed or helped.  But as you forgive yourself and release that thought-form (thoughts forming the world around you!), you are actually stopping those around you from having to live that negative thought form with you.  It causes them to either act it out for you or to receive it as you release it upon them.  This is the Fellowship of Life in which we all participate and Creation Responds.  Your relationship with the world around you is a reflection of your in

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Ascension of the Physical and Energy Body by Tobias Lars


May 8, 2012 by tobiaslarsgunnar

Tobias Lars on Real Ascension on Stepping up the Frequencies


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Sometimes it seems to me that humans have been programmed to block rather than to allow love into our lives. As I observe people arguing about whose point of view is the right one, my heart breaks. It's not about being right. That's what our ego tells us is important, but it lies. If we would simply allow each "other" to simply BE wherever he or she is, without judgment, choosing love, we could transform ourselves and the world. That is true Christ consciousness.


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Council Up-Date May 9,2012 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ


Gracious day star-light’s… We embark on yet another week of the council meeting up-date, with the collective message of…

… Simply by participating in these council meetings, we are being action, love in action… When we are together, we both see and feel things taking place as an active participant within oneness energy. As long as we are being Love, we are in presence.  When we are in presence, then we are part of all unfolding.  We are shining our freedom together, as one.  We are within gratitude to all who join us, as we all begin to walk our talk as a “symbol” of Unity Consciousness, here, now… together.


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Ashtar ~ Ascension Preparation with Freedom, Peace and Love


Ashtar ~ Ascension Preparation with Freedom, Peace and Love
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference ~ May 8, 2012


"Well, Good Evening, Family! We are so delighted to be here! We are absolutely bursting with Joy at the wondrous news.* Yes, you heard the grand headline, did you not? And there’s a lot more going on. And now if you have any little concerns or thoughts that perhaps it’s never going to happen, we hope that you are in a much higher state by now. And you know it is all unfolding.



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World Banking Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-10-2012 – Love's pouring in~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-10-2012 – Love's pouring in~




Greetings Loved Beings,


Just as I decided to write an update only about the sun as it seems to be the only one truly active today we had another M.3 Flaire, what a syncronicity!

Thank you Sun!

Wind speed is still increasing and reached 610Km/s, and with all these Flairs coming in the Energy is just Bursting in every atom!

I know we all say this, and I know we repeat ourselves, thus it is of most importance that all keep centered and focused.

These Love Energy will come in, no matter what you think, believe, know... it’s a fact as Decreed by Divine Plan.

This means that it will kick out a high amount of illusion, wheather you want it or not, and that what is not Real, will leave your life. Be it a believe system, a relationship, friends, money, no matter what, if it’s based on illusion... you’ll face hard times in trying to hold on it if don’t simply let it go.

Don’t be afraid of these changes, they have to happen in order to Grow Truth, as the seeds of truth cannot grow onto a ground that does not exist.

Enjoy whatever happens so that the New can Manifest as soon as the old is gone! For it’s already here Now. The only thing it takes to Live it... is Allow it!


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Use Your Energy


Love is the most powerful force.  We all have an abundance, but it is useless unless used..






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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/10/12




I am up here where I can better visualize your future paths and just where each choice that you make will lead you. We of the higher realms enjoy this advantage and attempt at all times to utilize our advantageous point of view to better assist you along the footpath of your journey. We do not overstep our bounds and direct you on courses that you do not make clear you wish to travel. We only respond to your requests for this type of assistance, and it is then and only then do we respond to your call and help steer you so as to allow you to maintain the heading that you wish to travel.


There have been many times when you have veered from the course that you have chosen, and we have responded by blowing wind into your sails to help guide you back to the route that you had intended to travel upon. Let us at this time help steer you to the harbors you have advised us you wish to dock your ships, by feeling for our breeze and adjusting your sails. This at times is not an easy or a simple task, but an art all in itself and a skill that must be learned, honed and maintained throughout your long journey at sea.



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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 11 May 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 11 May 2012

So much is happening, but we are not always at liberty to give you the details. It must be sufficient to say that we are well in control and our allies are close to commencing a series of actions, that will show everyone that we mean business. No longer will we put up with being obstructed, and we will quickly deal with those involved. There are a number of trusted allies that are in the forefront of releasing information, that makes clear what our intentions are. In short time we will also play our part in bringing out the facts directly to the public. You are looking at weeks rather than months, for the mass arrests to take place. However it is a big operation that cannot start until everything is in place. Having come this far we want it to run smoothly, with as little trouble as possible.


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Lee-Anne Peters – Smudge It Baby – Smudge It!! – 11 May 2012



Lee-Anne Peters – Smudge It Baby – Smudge It!! – 11 May 2012

Every few weeks I send a smudging wave around myfacebook pages, and every time I do this someone asks me HOW they can smudge… so, I felt that it is a perfect moment to expand on this. I am not claiming to be any expert, everything I share here and everywhere is based on my experience, so just take on board what does feel right and let the rest go.


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You may choose to experience love and light. – Michael by GLR Ron Head




We will speak today on the subject of negative and positive energy and the effects of your past teachings and beliefs.  Many people are encountering negative thoughts and thought forms.  They do not understand and therefore are forced to interpret this in the ways they have been taught.  The energies of your bodies, your entire world, your solar system, and your entire galaxy are being lifted by incoming frequencies of a much higher order and purity.


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Stretching Science: Men In Black On Ancient Mayan Walls & More Exciting Science With Lights


(editor's note: Wow and double-wow! We are moving so fast now into the Golden Age. Science is announcing "new discoveries" at an exponential rate. Today's first story is about a recent development in an archeological mural found in an ancient Mayan city. Get this... not only does that calendar extend beyond 2012 (well duh!), but there are paintings of men in black uniforms!

And lastly, in an ever-expanding science of light, researches are using light-activated molecules to turn certain genes on and off. The hope is that they will soon be able to target the off switch of diseases like cancer.

I'm so excited as each month passes to see the tremendous advances in our world. Soon, all of this information will be public knowledge, no more secrets, no more hiding and I will be moving on to yet another project :)
~All my Love, Boo)



Mural Found On Walls a First for a Maya Dwelling; Painted Numbers Reflect Calendar Reaching Well Beyond 2012



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BREAKING NEWS - 2012 "End Of World" Date Cancelled After New Mayan Secrets Uncovered


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~The Collective Field of Love~


The Collective Field of Love

By Monica Mody



Excerpted from the article:- Love as the Force of Revolution: The Occupy Movement and Beyond


The Occupy movement is the most recent example of how, as a species and as a society, the collective mind we have been developing over the last several centuries — the morphic field that surrounds us — is beginning to center on love-consciousness.

The energetic vibration of thousands of years of spiritual, heart-centered practices by members of the human species and society, including those carried out in the face of brutality and repression, adding up in the collective memory and vibration, are beginning to influence current spiritual, heart-centered patterns of activity. Transformative activities are spontaneously spreading among contemporary generations. Mystical, metaphysical, and spiritual teachings, principles, and methods are becoming more easily available, learned, accepted, and known. 


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Visionkeeper – Beauty Is Everywhere – 11 May 2012



Visionkeeper – Beauty Is Everywhere – 11 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

I am facing yet another day of rain and the earth is so soggy you can’t do a whole lot outside without creating mud. Having just moved with visions of all the things I want to create and plant, I have had to rein in my energy and accept a momentary stall of plans until things dry out. I was looking through pictures this morning and was reminded of how one can find beauty and positive feelings if one just takes the time to look around them and expand their minds to see things from whole new perspectives. My situation is a classic example. I can see the rain as an obstacle in my progress or I can accept it for what it is and try to find the positives in it. Just like the picture reveals, there is a beauty one would not ordinarily see unless one has their eyes and mind open to life. Much truth to the saying ” beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”


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May 2o, 2012 – The Beginning of the End!!




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URIEL. Sports, Competition and the New Earth. By Aurora Le.



URIEL. Sports, Competition and the New Earth. By Aurora Le. May 11, 2012.

Aurora:    My favorite clients to work with, by far, are the children.  As the newest generation of Starseed begin to grow up, I’m finding more and more of them seeking answers to their questions about God, their own origins and the apparent changes they see taking place all around them.  I had the opportunity, recently to work with Julian, an outgoing and exceptionally bright 12-year-old Rainbow Child.  He had just completed a rather exciting past life regression, during which he learned that he is one of the “blue people”, a seasoned Arcturian warrior who has incarnated at this time to help implement the new balance between work and play, and to “save humanity”.  He recovered memories of many past lives as a soldier here on Earth. But most exciting of all were his recollections of having fought in the Galactic Wars!  When we sat down to do his reading, it seemed that Julian had questions about one topic, and one topic only…soccer!  What about soccer?  The Ascension is coming and does that mean there won’t be any more sports?  Competition is negative, right?  He really loves sports (just like me – I come from a big sports family!), and he was worried that he wouldn’t have a soccer team anymore. To do his reading I used a mixed deck of about 160 cards, and of the 7 pulled we got Gabriel, Uriel and Michael (twice)!  When it came to Julian, these guys were not messing around!  Below is Uriel’s message as given to me, regarding Julian’s dilemma and how sports, play and competition factor into our Ascension.


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Imagine a safe new world...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine a safe new world...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
What are YOU


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Healing Earth News: The Mother Tree


(editor's note: Mother's Day is this Sunday so I thought I'd broaden your thinking and celebrate one "Mother" of a tree system. In this video, you'll see how trees communicate. As our environment continues to be cleansed by all the incoming energies this year, I've noticed that the trees in my own yard are speaking volumes!

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)




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The View From Down Here: The Sun


(editor's note: Most of us know that our sun is not what we've been taught in school. It is more than a blob of flaming gas, it is a very important portal. Scientists are discovering discrepancies in the magnetic field boundaries of the sun. As their old theories give way, they too will uncover the marvels of it's unique and powerful magnetic field.

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)



Missing Boundary at Edge of the Solar System, NASA's IBEX Reveals



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Galactic Free Press Update~5~9~12 We Have Broke Another Record Of Focused Light


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Telling my story... its TIME


Hello My Beautiful Blessed Children of LOVE!!


Wow, these energies have been pretty crazy, huh?


Days and hours fly by like a busy buzzing bumble bee!


My emails are piling up so fast I have been leaning towards getting

rid of all technology I currently own.


However, I will not be so drastic, as I know many of my children need me, especially those who are far away...


I have been working on the editing of my first sacred pipe ceremony video series, which I filmed in February of this year after I received the call from the White Buffalo Calf Woman.


I hope that you enjoy this series. It is far from the whole story, but will give you an inside look at how it began.


I hope you enjoy them. It is a 5 part series and can be viewed here on Vimeo:




I love you all and hope that you are riding these enormous waves of change!


TEAM LOVE is being created now.




Beloved Eve


p.s. plot twist (LOVE WINS)



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Djwhal Khul ~ Venus Retrograde



Djwhal Khul ~ Venus Retrograde

Terri Newlon | May 10 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. Broadcasting to you today during a thunderstorm: lightning and pea sized hail. So we have all this lovely cleansing energy coming in.

What I want to talk about this week is Venus Retrograde because we have a very important occurrence coming up that I think is a dynamic that will affect everyone, and especially so where your feminine side is during that particular retrograde.


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Oracle Report ~ Monday May 11 2012





Friday, May 11, 2012


Disseminating Moon Phase

Today, wise old owls will need to rise above troubled waters to find safe ground.  In the process, we are going to guide others to do the same.  In this context, "safe ground" refers to emotional stability.  Strong solar activity is stirring up emotions and we need a place to stow them.  People will tend to feel aggressive, anxious, and worrisome today.  Because you are developing the ability of clear vision, you may be called upon to guide someone else through an emotional situation and into calmness.  


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Natural Remedies: How Attached Are You To Illness? (Part 2)


Yesterday I most likely pushed a LOT of buttons and stirred up a host of "bad" emotions. Some people most likely projected these feelings and fears back towards me (which is ok, I understand..) and some brave superhero people actually began to ponder their own values placed on illness and disease.

As you ask those pesky "why" questions and learn so much about yourself, there will be those other voices. You know, the ones that tell you "it's all hocus pocus", "after all the crap you've done in your life, you deserve this illness", "yes, but...."

Welcome to the wacky world of doubt. Just when you think you're strong and able to try some self-healing, doubt sneaks in and tickles your ear. 

Resist the temptation to become frustrated and quit (doubt wins), or to beat yourself up for letting these thoughts get anywhere near you (doubt wins).

The secret, as the Buddha says, is to embrace doubt as you would a little child, then let it go.

In other words, embrace the doubt. Say hello to it, thanks for stopping by, but now you have to go.


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I've met a Genie


I've met a Genie ,in a bottle today ,i've pick up an empty bottle on the ground left there by someone,with no respect for mothers earth Gaia.To my amazement as i thru that bottle in the trash.A beautiful violet and blue flame appeared in front of me,and in a blink of an eye transform into a Genie,a bit like the one in a lamp.The bottom half was a beautiful violet and blue flame and a beautiful golden flame intertwine forming the upper body,i felt so blessed from above,and then he says,unlike other Genie ,i only have 1 wish for you,so what will it be.It didnt take long for my answer.Fill the heart of all humans,with the never ending wave of love.And the Genie ask,before i grant you your wish,why didnt you just wish for yourself.My answer was,many years ago,Dark Genie came on this planet ,and exchange gift with the elite of the world,and they only thought of themselves,and look at the mess we're in.But i know that if we think with our hearts first,how can you go wrong,and so it is.

Lol i was listening to St-Germain flames video,i was having a little fun.

Thank you.


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The manuscript of survival – part 134



The manuscript of survival – part 134


As you have already ascertained, much is going on at the moment, both on the surface, but most of all hidden from view. You have certainly felt the stirrings of the new energies already, as they are not shy in announcing their arrival. This was only the first of many visits, or rather, encounters, as these visitors certainly aim to stay permanently in your system from now on.


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From Janine Jansma – 5/11/2012





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Our Galactic Family with James Gilliland: Transcript


Our Galactic Family with James Gilliland: Transcript


Posted by Graham Dewyea

Graham: I very much enjoyed my discussion with James Gilliland. He talked about some of the many contacts he’s had with our star brothers and sisters since age 5.  He discussed being aboard ships, the ECETI Ranch, the different galactic civilizations he’s experienced, how they’re assisting with humanity’s healing and awakening, free energy and healing technology, aircraft-carrier-sized motherships, the importance of staying out of fear and in love, how he can feel different energy signatures of ships and galactic races, escalating earth changes in the month of May, and more.  Thank you very much to Ellen who did the transcript.

Show link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio


Our Galactic Family, with James Gilliland, May 6, 2012


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FREEDOM PROJECT: JP Morgan Derivative/Props Desk 3+ Billion Losses. WHY did they release this info on a Thursday after market not Friday after market, as normal bad financial news is? Worse news to come?...




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Phil Ochs - The Ringing of Revolution


Phil wrote this song in 1st person, telling the story of the last of the bourgeois during a revolution, very creative and inspiring song.

Phil Ochs - "The Ringing of Revolution"

In a building of gold, with riches untold,
lived the families on which the country was founded.
And the merchants of style, with their red velvet smiles,
were there, for they also were hounded.
And the soft middle class crowded in to the last,
for the building was fully surrounded.
And the noise outside was the ringing of revolution.

Sadly they stared and sank in their chairs
and searched for a comforting notion.
And the rich silver walls looked ready to fall
As they shook in doubtful devotion.
The ice cubes would clink as they freshened their drinks,
wet their minds in bitter emotion.
And they talked about the ringing of revolution.

We were hardly aware of the hardships they beared,
for our time was taken with treasure.
Oh, life was a game, and work was a shame,
And pain was prevented by pleasure.
The world, cold and grey, was so far away
In the distance only money could measure.
But their thoughts were broken by the ringing of revolution.

The clouds filled the room in darkening doom
as the crooked smoke rings were rising.
How long will it take, how can we escape
Someone asks, but no one's advising.
And the quivering floor responds to the roar,
In a shake no longer surprising.
As closer and closer comes the ringing of revolution.

Softly they moan, please leave us alone
As back and forth they are pacing.
And they cover their ears and try not to hear
With pillows of silk they're embracing.
And the crackling crowd is laughing out loud,
peeking in at the target they're chasing.
Now trembling inside the ringing of revolution.

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Ron Paul Who is laughing now...


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~Space Weather Update~ Chance of X Class Solar Flare Earth Directed~




CHANCE OF FLARES, EARTH-DIRECTED: NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance of M-class solar flares and a 20% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Any eruptions are likely to be geoeffective because the source, sunspot AR1476, is directly facing our planet. X-flare alerts: text, phone.


Yesterday, May 10th, amateur astronomer David Maidment of Sohar, Oman caught the active region in mid-flare during a strong M5-class eruption:


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‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-11-12



‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~


Greetings Love Beings,

Well, it seems that sightings are increasing after all, and that someone is intrested in it out there...


Thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.




National UFO Alert: Four states report 197 April cases

Roger Marsh

National ufo Examiner


  • The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated May 1, 2012, with California, Texas, Pennsylvania and Florida moving to a UFO Alert 3 as the highest reporting states during the month of April 2012, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).


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FREEDOM PROJECT:Maine GOP Conventioner Describes Romney Tricks...


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Maine Republican Delegates: Ron Paul 21 - Romney 3! Romney side says "Will not recognize Paul Delegates at GOP Convention," Video of Proof of Romney cheating at the Maine Convention...



Maine Republican Delegates: Ron Paul 21 - Romney 3! Romney side says "Will not recognize Paul Delegates at GOP Convention," Video of Proof of Romney cheating at the Maine Convention


The Maine GOP State Convention happened this weekend (5/5-5/6).  Ron Paul walked away with 21 delegates to Romney's 3 delegates.  

Ron Paul got the majority of the delegates from Maine.  The Romney group is saying since rules were not adhered to they will not seat the delegates at the GOP convention nor recognize the delegates for Ron Paul.


Charles Cragin, a Romney supporter who lost Saturday's bid to chair the convention, called the turn of events at the Maine convention "bizarre."



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Lawsuit in India to get their Gold back from The Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements [BIS...]




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Thousands of British police join anti-austerity protest...



Thousands of British police join anti-austerity protest

LONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of off-duty police officers took to the streets in London on Thursday in a rare display of anger against government austerity, joining a protest by public sector workers including immigration officials, healthcare workers and prison officers.

Unions predicted some 400,000 public sector workers would walk out, a smaller protest than in November when Britain saw the biggest strike in years, but a significant show of discontent just afterPrime Minister David Cameron's government took a drubbing at local elections.

The government said only about 150,000 had taken part and dismissed the action as "futile". Cabinet Office minister Frances Maude said, "public services were mainly unaffected".

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