God Speaks on the Dark Cabal

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/11/2012 - 06:31

God Speaks on the Dark Cabal



by GLR Ree

My beloved children of light. I come through now to inform you of the tremendous accomplishments of the light. Many of you are waiting for my plan to be unveiled. As the months have passed I have seen many of you grow frustrated at the seeming lack of forward motion of the lights presence on earth. Many of you rely on the word of people working in this field.



There are souls who have agreed to assist in the exposure of what is really happening on earth. These souls have brought you truths from a political and economic level. many have put there lives and names on the line in order to firstly accommodate the changes on a physical level and also bring forward information to you dear awakened ones.


I am asking you now to place your heart centre and awareness with the countless souls who have worked behind the scenes on a physical level in assisting my plan in coming to fruition. Give thanks to those who have dedicated their lives to freedom on earth! I come through now with an update on current affairs and to confirm that which is coming to awareness amongst you dear awakened ones.


The dark cabal have surrendered to the light. As always and with all beings detained by the forces of light they were given a choice, redeem yourself in the light of God or be detained and rehabilitated until you can see the light of your own heart. Each and every member of the dark cabal on earth is receiving the appropriate assistance aligned with their choice.


There is no judgment in spirit and there shall be no judgment on earth. The prayers of The Mother for forgiveness and the return to light of the souls who have strayed have been answered. I am asking you now to view the souls of the dark cabal with the love and compassion you would give any other. 

Your loving Father God.



Guest (not verified)

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 06:48

La Cabala si è arresa alla Luce ?  Fosse vero , siamo sull'orlo del baratro....qualcuno ci salvi dai banchieri e dalla loro insaziabile cupidigia , HELP US  !


Mon, 06/11/2012 - 09:04

In reply to by Luana (not verified)



Dear still cabal Guest,

Yes you are forgiven too... If you look deep in your heart [simply look within, or inside out...] and you will find some tingly sensation that you did not notice before...

This is forgiveness feeling that you have, yet cannot fully understand... This is forgiveness feeling for self and for others, even a cabal one... especially for dark ones, as we all carried some dark spots, from this life or any other...


This little flame that is in your heart is truly God Given, and You know it... Only what to do with this is: NOTHING... simply to be aware that you are capable to forgive, darks or lights or self [and does not matter which box you put self in...]... to be aware of this little flame, this little spark of love and compassion and forgiveness to others is more than enough...


To be aware the box is not what Forgiveness can be fit in… Forgiveness see no boxes, no colors, no sides, no limitations, no corners….

Forgiveness is round like a Sun…

Forgiveness is here to be challenged…

Forgiveness is here to challenge You…

 Forgiveness is here to be recognized…

Forgiveness is here to be forgiven…

 Forgiveness is a God’s breath or Yours…

Forgiveness is all we need… yet need nothing to do for it…

We can only be Forgiveness…yet We cannot do Forgiveness…

What to do?... What to do?... and Know, there is nothing more or less to do to experience God…


Truly, God's plan is unfolding for US all to feel... God's plan is revealing for US all to experience total forgiveness for self, forgiveness for every thought, notion, action, word ever directed to self or others... God’s plan is growing in our hearts, with every single though of Forgiveness, with every single knowing compassion and every single breath of Love…


This is God's plan in a bloom, as we discovering who we truly are... Humans only?... Angels Only?...or  Both?... Are We Gods as well?... maybe... Ask self only... Yet, you can ask others, only to put you deeper in doubt, only to give you more questions than answers about You… or you can share that You see God in others, in doubt or not… They are God also…

Dear Ones, who can answer Your questions about God, about Self, about godSelf?... Not me, not your neighbor, and especially not your priest…. Only YOU dear ONE…


Only Throughout compassion to others, we are discovering true meaning of our existence...

Only Throughout forgiveness for self, we are realizing our beautiful ability to live in peace...

Only Throughout pure love to self, We are giving all love needed for others [do they see it now or later, it does matter not...]

Only Throughout care for others, we are discovering true meaning of God's plan...

Through accepting our God given Freedom, we are giving Total Freedom to All and ALL...


Dear Loving Guest, give self biggest and grandest hug of forgiveness, and then observe what is tingling in your heart area....

This little tingle, what is this?... This is God within You dear One....



With unconditional Love and Forgiveness, I AM THAT I AM Predrag Saint Germain…





THis is translation from Italian comentary:

"The Cabal has surrendered to the Light? Were true, we are on the brink of the abyss .... someone save us from the bankers and their insatiable greed, HELP U.S.!"

Yes, I think this is what this world needs most..we have fallen like the drunkards and dope fiends and crack addicts of late.(and some are still most annoying in thier mentality, very hard to deal with)....


Forgive me, God...this is some of my calling and some of these are our very own Star Brothers and sisters that need some help.


We do have rehab facilities and treatment centers, hospital stations and lage centers as it were out there. What ever dimension it is.


And I pray CDR Ashtar has similar in the realms of light.Not to familiar with that area. But as far as ET and Humanoid realms and facilites, yes, we can help in this area.


After all, if we fall, others can fall too.We need to get back up on the horse sometimes and sometimes its a slippery slope.


now I cant say Ive personally fallen this way, many MANY have. The story from where i live is that ALCOHOL,DRUGS(CRACK,METH,CRYSTAL...etc.) consume your life. You sell everything to have them, to get that high, and some drugs  you need that continuous high to feel better. For whatever reason this replaces love and light in peoples lives and depression and anxiety rules instead.


Now, ive stated my reasons for being anxious, mine are different.


I think you get my point.


Those needing mental help...AH.Forgive me, my forte is leaning torwards clinical phychology and behaviour, not treatment of those already lost in thier own mind, possibly attacking others or speaking to thier own ghosts and demons. I find those people need to work out thier own issues, but you can tell they are disturbed. They need a safe haven , not to be mixed with the general populace.


I dont judge them, but they are very hard to deal with when put with the rest of the population. And sometimes drunkenness is mistaken for insanity. i think Yeshua dealt with this at some point when he was here, but times have changed quite a bit since.


Mon, 06/11/2012 - 08:32

I forgive you cabal. Thank you for the role you have played in my life. Many lessons have been learned through you. Thank you for playing the bad guy and in doing so helping me WAKE UP.  Unconditional love was the biggest lesson of all and for that I am grateful. I have had many experiences and have hurt people in my past as well as my past lives. I know the terrible things you have done but we all have. Please I send you love from the depths of my heart, all you have to do is open your heart to accept this love my friends. Thank you for surrenderring and coming to the light. Together we shall bring planet earth, mother Gaiama back to her pristine condition. We shall have freedom and abundance for all humanity. I love you so very much. Thank you to all Multi-Dimensional Beings who have worked so hard to make this all happen. Thank you FatherMother God for this wonderful gift of life.  With much love and Gratitude. Namaste'


Mon, 06/11/2012 - 09:28

In some dark and distant past, or maybe not so distant, I have been there among the ruleing class who userped my authority to gain anything I wanted.  Nothing was to great that I could not acquire. No one was good enough for me and Money, Power, Greed, and Ego were all that consumed ME. 


This encarnation has been more about love. Having the ability to see and Know many of the lives I've lived in the past and merging those memories into the now has been a challenge but it has alowed me to understand and be compassionate.


Knowing that you and I have lived many colors of the rainbow in the spectrum of light and dark, makes it is easier to Love all aspectes of others no mater who they are and apear to be now.


So send your love and prayers to the dark and the illuminati.  Know that you too may have at one time been in their shoes.  We are All of the spark of the divine.


Mon, 06/11/2012 - 09:28

In some dark and distant past, or maybe not so distant, I have been there among the ruleing class who userped my authority to gain anything I wanted.  Nothing was to great that I could not acquire. No one was good enough for me and Money, Power, Greed, and Ego were all that consumed ME. 


This encarnation has been more about love. Having the ability to see and Know many of the lives I've lived in the past and merging those memories into the now has been a challenge but it has alowed me to understand and be compassionate.


Knowing that you and I have lived many colors of the rainbow in the spectrum of light and dark, makes it is easier to Love all aspectes of others no mater who they are and apear to be now.


So send your love and prayers to the dark and the illuminati.  Know that you too may have at one time been in their shoes.  We are All of the spark of the divine.

There But for the Grace of God go I.


If it were not for the dark we couldn't appreciate the Light as we do and will.


I'm so happy to be in a position (state of being) to be able to forgive and forget.


I gave up the fear and stress and now I look forward, every day, to What IS.


I'm so excited to know that I will be re-united with friends and relatives of the Universe.


I'm excited to trade the "lack for "abundance" and to live the life we were ment to live, as ONE WITH ALL THAT IS.


EVERYTHING IS PERFECT and my love encompases everything.


I will practice, every day, all that is in my heart. D

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