the great secret

Submitted by cosmicwarrior on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 18:20

                      a world of wonder
hostility and mistrust are gone everyone  is calm and understanding.
the time of soldier  is over they see there old enemy as alie.
peace is no longer a word but our actual condition humanity is awakened.
man realize something previously unsen there is no race  all come from the same unity.
only consciousness exist.
humanity as wakeup from their human hypnosis.
the time of platitude is  gone people are so nobel.
masquarades for selfish  ambition are of the past.
they see thing as they realy are a manifestation of the divine.
its a brand new   world of wonder and happiness.
the conquest is now inward outward conquest is over.
the world is now ours.
life is freed from strain and anxiety and hurry.
the cosmic patience of god reflet the new nature of ours.
man as walk out of his strange hypnoze the greatest nightmare is gone wich we use to take for reality earth as become paradise.
people are now spiritualy awake disappointed with pride fame wealth and social success.


                      the great secret
what is the cause of human problem on earth.
this question most be on your mind for a while if you read this.
all proplem start in the human mind that is not master.
if a tel you that a long time ago mankind was like a lage party.
this can be likened again if you find truth within your self.
humanity is lost searching for a new home site not realising the only place to look is within  oneself.
they board a lage board thinking it can take  them to a beter land seeking to escape misery  opresion and starvation of there city.
the travel guide assure them they will find freedom love and liberty forever if they listend to the wild man they will meet in there new land.
the greater there capacity  to see and enjoy the miracle of the contryside.
somewhere along the part of the journey  they made a fasscinating discovery: though the trip has its challenge  the farther  they go into the new land and learn a new way of life in harmony with nature the easiest it becomes.
patience and persitence present sure reward.
they reach the peak of happy and unworried living with full abondance of delice to eat.
genuinely happy people are much rarer than one supose.
most people wear a variety of masks to hide there worry and fear but sooner or later , when it hurt so much  the play must end leaving the actor alone and efraid.
what does  those man search freedom and love but from what? from heartache and suffering from his compulsive desire and mask.
he carried shames and guilts over past folly.
he want self liberty but dosen`t know where to find it.
the impatience  alway seek outside of him self to alway endup in the wrong place.
trying to find freedom in the haystack dosen`t  even know he is searching in the wrong place.
is only change is in a few exterior surrounding.
but he still the same old house not knowing how to escape his hauted house the prisoner must plunge  into it self  to be free  again.
man take is shadow for reality falsely assuming that the shadow he see  is real.
what is the solution to despair and fear.
the only way out  is finding our true indentity that is the  only way to escape and shed  the ache of separation only singularity exist when realise you find you self away from isolation and loneliness.
all the problem  can only be fixe by knowing our true indetity.
only folly man try to take the kingdom by force and retain by force what is already inheritance by birth right only evil man need security.
with  this kingly consciousness there can be no fear  no threat only quite dominion the only reason we don`t find the holy land is because we dont know who we are.

                              real road

let the sun shine on your city.
waiting for the one who heal the world.
be free to search within you you be sure to find all the answer to heal the world. keep on finding.
he got a place on paradise road  where he see the whole human race but no one see him.
never see the good side of  a city fear the forest till the three sing to the ocean.
never have to worry again cause we dont have money.
the moon is rising there problem for the wolfman.
who seeking enlightment might have to pass true hell before reaching the holy land.
he here huracane falow is footstep anoncing the end is coming soon.
river over blowing never forget to take a nap.
sick of our search for truth seem they took our friend somewhere we lost conection.
bad experience shape our caracter seeing the other side of reality hanging there back to the mother of all life.
this light is so bright we fear true our blindness.
back on the free way to seek for our self again no more comotion.
say your way so much in the land of the free rushing to save and get where we belong,


                       the great time

the entire secret rising in emotion your emotion is the key you feel good not because the world is right but you feel good  cause your feeling make the world right.
it is the intuitive self which explains everything to us.
your world turn right because you feel right.
the intelect raise the question  show the problem but never give a real solution your  ego block the light and solution.
have faith that the solution is withing you and the divine will give the answer.
people think life as a million proplem it hasn`t  there only one problem  if you dont see the solution you are sleeping thinking you are awake.
let your mind be quite mental gymnastics cannot help you know it.
examine your action if they are harmfull you are a walking dead not alive you dream not living.
man who wakeup from the dream world work in harmony  with nature and people his only  true guide is inner voice.
he reconize there can be no justice as long humanity remain hynotize how dreadful  not dreadful for you if you are awake you are at peace with you self out of hypnoze there can be no condanatio


a young man visit a wise magician to complaint about is life.
the magician  answer if only you can go back  through the year and start again you life can be better a tel you you can do diferently time is maniable.
start again now make portal through time but change only your present in a way that will turn your reality toward the life you want.
make a difference in your past will not make a slightes diference.
time is only a illusion for the mortal mind for events to be different your inward nature must be transformed made new.
then everything will be different the mystic way lead to a total transformation of our reaction toward life now you will realise how amazing everything in life realy is.
seing with new perception reality as it realy is in different light.
what you used to ignore  is now your treasure  now you know that riotous social conditions do not disturb you.
you have peace and harmony as you plunge inward.
in our everyday we see a need to place everything in order.
happiness can only follow a sincere effort as discovering  the self within it is imposible to have happiness  if we ignore our inner self.
understanding of our inner kingdom is the key to quietude.
dont try to change the world change you self and you will see that everything is in divine order.
be loving and you will be loved.
destroy self negativity and pesimist attitude and your world will change.
do not attack you crisis or you disease  it will only make it worse rather  connect it  with everything.
suppose that you life shalow  spining  in a pointless circle seek first the kingdom of heaven  and all you miss will be added to you.
living in harmony with divine principle is like playong music  we know when we fallow the truth when feeling discod in our live mean  we have failed the cosmic principle we are not made for failure look again and  pratice divine will we can learn to do everything right yes there will be time when  you get weary about result because of your  attachement to result of your action you will be set for deception.
do  your best with love and intergrity  and have no expectation.
take not everything literaly take a look back and learn the lesson everything  is meant to teach us something about our self.
if your  intention is right we are naturaly drawn back inside our self and back to inner peace.
all we need  is a decision to seek light and truth.
resit not evil  conect with the divine law god need no worship there is nothing outside of your self.
when we resit something we  give it our power and it can harm us.<
nonresitance expose  the bluff and destroy the falsity.
persitence endurance and happiness come gradualy.
let thing flow naturally be like a pebble carried effortlessly with the stream of life  we must willingly let go of pride and vanity to be free.



When a prophecy is implanted in the subconscious mind of people it manifests

progressively. The reality one experiences is holographic and obeys a precise

law in karma, belief, and emotion. When a hologram is split, each part reflects

the entire object; changes made are also accurately reflected in the human reality.


People who manifest hell on earth the most are of Christian, Jewish and Muslim ect

faiths; in their subconscious belief hell and fallen angel demons are real and part

of the reality of life. the one who help the most earth is sufism ,falung gong, boudist, yoga,

shiatsu, wicca ,reiki ,holistic,ect

Conscequently, if one believes that life in a universe is not

safe, this will inversely also come true.


All it takes is to make people believe that global warming is real, implant it in the

collective subconscious by a credible entity, and, reinforced by the mass media,

reality is manifested more and more rapidly without the need to be aware of the

population's subconscious beliefs. In order to observe statistics on reality, one

achieves the same result by scanning the subliminal belief that was implanted in

peoples' subconscious minds.


If the masses did not have a subconscious belief system, physical reality could not

exist and everything would be light and energy with different vibration. That is

already the case, but people are unaware of this. We are gods with amnesia.


Now that you know the obvious secret that manifested a New Earth where people

are at peace and in harmony, rejoice and have trust that God is in control. Your

salvation depends on your ability to activate what the scientists call junk DNA and

unveil your DNA activated by your thoughts and positive emotions, your true divine

nature and inner kingdom. Exterior material-based technology and tools will only

mean enslavement and the end of humanity.




I too am focusing on looking inward to find the Divine.  In particular I'm working on release from desires for outward pleasures.  This is from an unknown source:


"Be attentive, you who are able to listen.

Listen all you who have been sent,

all of you who have woken and risen again from sleep.


Many are the beautiful forms that constitutes

the great illusion,

the empty sin, and the elusive desire,

that humans embrace until they become spiritually sober

and take off for their destination.


There you will find me.

then you will live,

and never again taste the death."


I'm looking foward to reading more of your Wisdom, young lady.



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