Greetings from Kansas......♪..♪♪

Submitted by Tao of Jonathon on Wed, 10/02/2013 - 19:39

Hello everyone, I am Jonathon. I was on Flickr for the past 4 years. I enjoyed communicating with kindred spirits from around the world. I live in the country and have a deep bond with nature. Below is something I wrote that reflects my perspective on life.............♥

I AM thinking about how happy I AM this morning. Being happy is a state of mind. It is not based on material possessions, status or the right person to make you happy. It is being at peace within yourself. Like most people, I did not understand this when I was younger.

I had an active mind that stayed busy planning stratagies for success. Yes, I was competative, receiving lots of recognition, etc. These acheivements helped to define me. I acculuminated possessions, because they too, helped define me. I left the corporate world in 2000. It was tramatizing feeling obsolete and discarded. I knew there were no jobs to be had in my field of training, for someone my age. They say that when a door is closed, God will open a window. I made the decision that I wanted to live a more simple lifestyle. My life took on new meaning and purpose. Instead of continuing the process of defining myself, I have been busy letting it all go and just Being.

Sometimes we have to let go of the things we want, so we can receive the things we need. My cup runneth over.........



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