~ Have You Got Your Ticket?~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/23/2012 - 10:47

Greetings Love Beings~ AS Much Light there is on the Planet, everyone is remaining calm. This is A Good Sign` In the Next 12 days we will be experiencing an Intense Period of Increased Energies. Thank You for Being in joy and Spreading the Good News~ We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff

Revolution Of Love Tel Aviv (3 March 2012)


A beautiful youtube video filled with messages of love!






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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-22-2012... did you get your Ticket?



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-22-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Beloved Ones, here’s the news: Moher Earth=Heart is Shifting! She’s going back to Higher Dimensions where She belongs to. Want to Shift with Her? Wonderful, all onboard? Want to know where to get tickets? In your Heart! Only place where they’re awailable. Thus, to get there… you have to change your point of view… instead of giving something to get the tickets, you’ll have to give away something this time. All your ego. No beloved ones, not those parts you already left, ALL. All does not mean you can keep that little part that  you’re so eager to keep… ALL. You know why? Because if you try to approach your Heart from ego… you’ll find a Heart that is Not Your Heart, you’ll find a Heart that’ another illusionary ego projection. How do you recognise All ego? Here’s a hint:


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MAKE THIS VIRAL! Freedom Reigns-Mass Arrests for the cabal


Deatra hosts with guest Drake. Drake explains that The People have given civilian authority to the services to make changes to bring us back to the true government for and by the people. Drake also warns everyone to not miss read what is going on. They are NOT coming for the people the cabals time is up! Please prepare for the coming "good" change that is coming. Please make this VIRAL!
The foundation has been made. All that is needed is YOU!
Get active, get involved! Opened to all Americans. If you wish to get involved send me a message. Regular everyday people are needed to give their opinion and voice.

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Matt Damon and Gary White Ask For Your Help on Water Day


Check out brand new, Water.org videos from India made by WheezyWaiter, Strawburry17 and VSauce! http://bit.ly/GFAS6O

On a recent trip to the field in Haiti, Water.org Co-Founders Matt Damon and Gary White took a brief moment to talk about this year's World Water Day, and they want you to get involved!

Help Matt and Gary work towards solving the water crisis by donating your voice this water day: http://bit.ly/GBzWlf


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Connecting to Gaia by Shawna




by Glalactic Love reporter Shawna Bridges


Funny we are still going to be shaken up a bit more before we can fully fly so to say in higher energy. I feel connected to Gaia as she is freeing herself from the lower energies. Everyday i feel to lay belly down and connect with her as i feel the protection she gives me as i astral travel further out. I spend about 20-50% of my day in astral realm and now am venturing out further with others in astral travel groups. At night i dream she calls to me and i burrow feet first deep into her as i am protected as i child. I feel honor as i understand the feeling she has on vast levels. Almost too hard to describe. Even my blood in my body reacts to her. I know that i die a physical death again in this lifetime and will be working with releasing of old energies. I already knew of my role since a child and was scared many times of it. I feel at peace now as i am connected to the sun most and Gaia as well as i know my way to Astral Realm in an instant. Before i came back here i was teaching souls that we are leaving to higher dimentions. That was my roll there and will continue with is again as soon as the first ones go. Finally i feel balanced will all the body of energies out there. All of the planets, this is the greatest moment in my physical life!!!!!!


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Feel the peace and the joy



Feel the peace and the Joy

Wednesday, 1 February, 2012  (posted 21 March, 2012)



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~22~12 Let the Good Time's Roll on In~ We are Ready~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~22~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Let the Good Time's Roll on In~ We are Ready~




Greetings Love Beings~ The exitement is building across the Planet. The reports we are receiving from everywhere is WOW!!! People can feel the Energies we are Bringing through. They already feel these as the True Miracles we have been speaking about. Love is Here and this Planet Belongs to Love. All of Humanity are Love. Many, are Now Experiencing these Miracles and Everything we Have Promised, we were not Kidden, when we shared that 2012 Was Love's Year to make it all Real! Yeehaw~ This Means we can move Quickly now to all we have promised. Let the Good times Roll on in. The Energy Momentum we have reached is at Critical Mass. There is no stopping this Momentum, so Up, up and Up We Go!





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The Hall of Mirrors


We are living through the end of times, the closing of an era.  When we walk through a door and close it behind us, it is not that the room we have left is gone; it is only that we now occupy another place.  We have to adjust our vision a bit to this new view.


The process of focus begins sort of blurry yet eventually clears up and becomes sharp and defined.  We are in the midst now of adjusting our lenses from polarity to unity, separate to one.  Good or bad, right or wrong, crazy or sane all seem a bit fuzzy.  This is at it should be, we need time to adjust.


We are walking through a hall of mirrors.  It is important to pause at each vision of ourselves we come face to face with.  Our acceptance, frustration, love or anger for that person will tell us how we are doing.  All are mirrors. 


Will you choose forgiveness?  Will you walk away?  Are you able to love anyway?  These are the facets of your thinking that are getting an overhaul.  Our life is not ending, but our way of living is.


We have blamed these versions of ourselves for our pain.  It is not so clear now who is at fault.  When oneness creeps into your way of thinking, it touches every thought.


You’ve been the banker, the unfaithful lover, the screaming child, the brutal policeman, the war hungry dictator, the criminal, the fervent minister, the saint and the sinner.  How then, to judge?


The one thing crystal clear in this hall of mirrors, that oneness demands, is that it’s all usWe are one.



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2MIN News Mar23: US Tremors/Serious Weather, Solar Activity


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Solar Wind Will Increase Tonight.


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Heavenletter #4137 All for Love


Heavenletter #4137 All for Love



 March 23, 2012 

God said: 


Come unto My heart. Put your feet up and sit awhile. Certainly, this is in your best interest, yet never mind that. Do it for Me. Everything you do, it is for Me. Clap your hands, and come to Me.


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The Hall of Mirrors by SophiaLove



The Hall of Mirrors


By Glalactic Love Reporter SophiaLove -

Posted on 23 March 2012SophiaLove's picture


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~Love is Here~ We will Repeat~ We have to share this Overflowing Love~


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Solar Filament Close to Releasing a CME.


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My Heart full of Stars ~~~My Poem of Cosmic Love to All. by LRE Jan/2012


My Heart full of Stars  ~~~My Poem of Cosmic Love to All.




by Galactic Love Reporter LRE Jan/2012



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Tornado Watch/Gulfport to Pensacola


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Different gems on diamond beaches, different levels enjoying love’s perceptions, walking on land pushed up at different levels, all on shores listening well from different edges; swim within enlightening love, all so level on ONENESS love ocean, deep within, or fly so high that pressure from levels disappears like battleship flies and fishes. In the twinkle of an eye no more stinky eye perception differences, smell like death on bodies, rusting solid pressurized lack of similar Spirit ideas fighting. 


Same ONENESS love ocean that gets to enjoy differing edge beachheads never forgets to remember within all levels floating within love suspension. Some may enjoy timeless sublimation without swimming within Heaven’s inclusive transfigurations, but the ones who think different can still enjoy an occasional swim in love ocean living waters. Solid stands tall only on solid time line containers of physicality illusions, when ‘as solid does pretends what solid is’ edges dream like in movies always ending different levels.



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DailyOm - Words are Energy



DailyOm - Words are Energy 



posted by GLR LotusLight


Each word we speak has a life of its own, a vibratory signature that creates waves into the expanse of the universe.


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The effect of your rising consciousness is unquestionable. ~ Michael through Ron Head


 Press here for Spanish   Portuguese

You may have just surpassed the most optimistic estimates of your power of consciousness.  It is still early in the day, but it would appear that you have averted a major and world-wide earthquake phenomenon. Even if earthquakes occur now, it would appear that they will not devastate any huge portions of your populations.


You may have just surpassed the most optimistic estimates of your power of consciousness.  It is still early in the day, but it would appear that you have averted a major and world-wide earthquake phenomenon.  Even if earthquakes occur now, it would appear that they will not devastate any huge portions of your populations.  The effect of your rising consciousness is unquestionable.  Harness these energies that were producing these physical changes and direct them to produce beneficial changes that you need and desire.  You, in your millions, have merely to command that. 


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The Dreamer MUST Be Awake Within the Dream …Part 2 by Lisa



The Dreamer MUST Be Awake Within the Dream …Part 2





by GLR Lisa Gawlas

I knew something huge was underway on our beloved earth.  Until this morning, I really had no clue how huge!  I am going to recap some things here about this last week, that I now understand more clearly.  I pray my words can make it as clear outwardly as I now understand it inwardly!

The sheer amount of solar flares released thru the first two weeks of March contained energy, codes and codex’s the earth has never before received.  All of it creating an atmosphere of energy the earth, nor any of her children experienced in any timeline until now.


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 108 Changing Bodies


Todays transmission might seem to be a bit awkward, as we would like to delve into a subject that for many entails to be of a rather private character, namely the emissions and the accompanying aches and pains your physical body is currently in the process of engendering. This is indeed a rather unwholesome subject to some, as all of their bodily functions are something that needs to be kept very private, but this is indeed what needs to be adressed, as it is a very important part of your physical tune ups to call them that.


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Stretch Your Mind With The New Moon


Good Morning from Pikes Peak 22 March, 2012 (photo by Boo Walker)


22 March, 2012


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Manifesting is no Longer "Work"




 by GLR Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

 22 March 2012  



 ”You Won’t Understand the New Earth Using Yesterday’s Spirituality”


Dear Ones,
Does life not seem a bit lazy and easy? So it is that this week’s energy shift is encouraging you to transition from outer-directed to inner-directed manifestation or creation.


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3/2012 Mass Resignations up to 20,000+




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The Rectification by Gregory



The Rectification



by GLR  on March 22, 2012


Not to be boastful, but for the sake of a spreading awakening, we are doing exceptionally good. As someone who is watching and participating (via meditation and active intention), i’m constantly impressed by people who are just ever-increasingly growing and expanding at this time.


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Snatam Kaur - Earth's Prayer - The Official Music Video


http://www.spiritvoyage.com/Ras Snatam Kaur has released her first music video for the song Earth's Prayer from her new album Ras. Inspired by her deep love and sense of responsibility for the environment, Snatam says, "My intention for this song and this video is that it will help all of us awaken to our role as stewards of the planet." Directed and photographed by Robin Layton with music produced by Thomas Barquee.


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Help Gaia Give Birth to Herself -- Sanat Kumara Channeling -- Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All


Helping Mother Earth Gaia (Shan) to Give Birth =
Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All
Want to help Mother Earth Gaia and the Galaxy Ascend by
contributing 15-20 minutes per day in a shared meditation with
Project: Eagle Triad? Start your Mission today!
Please contact janisel (at) sanandaseagles (dot) com

********** THE IMPENDING LABOR OF EARTH **********

                                  Sanat Kumara

     Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles


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The Microcosm and the Macrocosm


The Microcosm and the Macrocosm


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My former mentor, Dr. Bruce Morgan, used to repeat a Jung quote fairly often in his lectures: "The inordinate number of spiritual weaklings makes paradoxical truth dangerous." While I know that many are awakening, it is still difficult for many to embrace the paradox that results from living in a world of duality (or multiplicity). There are always two or more perspectives, each being correct from that viewpoint. Unfortunately, this does not make sense to many, which is why we must expand our consciousness.


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Packets of light in rows and columns and in three dimensions everywhere swirling into all Dimensions, all the time in and through us are shimmering and loving us. All time is in each one, as all time is in me. I am in this matrix and I am the whole system everywhere and through all time. Rows and columns stretching deep forever glimmer and weave swirling together into all dimensions. We all know this is the way; we can, each one of us, sense it; when we're still and in our love. Don't move too fast or get stuck in our monkey mind swinging in our trees of fear. 


Let go and become intelligent and communicate within this matrix of light. Cooperate and travel in the stillness on your magic carpet through all time and space. Chant and vibrate and dance in the colors; become part of this matrix of love and intelligence. See the oceans and mountains inside each of us and sway in reverence and joy and Peace. Become wise with many perceptions, and practice becoming a tree. Accept ourselves and each other and see the us in me. Practice common sense and forgiveness and be the bee. Butterfly around and practice not getting dizzy and see the you in me. 



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Severe Weather Continues in the U.S.


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Oracle Report ~ Friday March 23 2012



Oracle Report ~ Friday March 23 2012




Oracle Report | New Moon Phase


Today’s energy is best described as wispy clouds racing across the sky. New things are “in the wind.” We are driven forward, almost out of our own control, and the risk is either blowing past things too quickly or becoming tired from trying to resist. We will need to allow ourselves to follow where the day takes us, and come back later to sort it all out. This is happening to set things in place for the upcoming year, but it will be hard to handle it all right now, so don’t try to.



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SOLAR STORM HEATS UP EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE: A flurry of solar activity in early March dumped enough heat in Earth's upper atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years. The heat has since dissipated, but there's more to come as the solar cycle intensifies. [full story] [video]


MIDNIGHT ROCKET PLUMES--POSTPONED: Friday morning's launch of five rockets from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia has been postponed. New date: On Sunday, March 25th, between midnight and 3 am EDT, NASA plans a rapid-fire launch of five sounding rockets from Wallops. The rockets will deliver a chemical tracer to the upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere, forming milky white plumes that reveal high-speed winds at the edge of space. The display should be visible to the naked eye from coastal areas between South Carolina and New Jersey. [full story] [updates]



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Australia's climate warming at alarming rate


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Angela Peregoff ~ The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It



Angela Peregoff ~ The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It

Hindsight from the Head of the Highway Pleiadian Renegades






Masters have no need for followers, for they are aware of the totality of all within their own being.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be True to Yourself


Be your true self


It is time for you to make your real feelings and beliefs known. Share who you are with yourself and others. Let people see your true nature. Let people feel your wisdom, and follow your heart.


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Sending your intentions for peace and light forward now would certainly be a good idea.~ Michael Through by Ron Head


Sending your intentions for peace and light forward now would certainly be a good idea.~ Michael Through by Ron Head
March 23,2012



Our message this morning is about your last minute preparations for the changes we have promised.


Some of you have put away an amount of extra foodstuffs, but many more have not. We foresee no long term shortages, but some interruptions will likely occur. You may want to have enough to get yourselves and your neighbors past those times. If you have experienced anything like a hurricane in the past, you will know what may be needed. Huge quantities will not be needed. It is possible that many will not experience any hardships at all.


You will come to know what the cooperative efforts of your societies can do. Self-centered concerns and fear will not be effective when the situation demands the cooperation of all of able body. Perhaps no problems will occur, but we must anticipate efforts to create chaos. Sending your intentions for peace and light forward now would certainly be a good idea. Be prepared for problems, then expect none.



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The Present




Today again, our eyes open to a new dream.  It is here where our power resides; right now.  We cannot see yesterday or tomorrow.  Our focus is on this moment.  This is command central, where we hold the controls firmly in hand.


There are prophets and prophecies, legends, channels, scientists and main stream media telling us something is up.  We can feel it.  This is the shift. Right now, we are altering our way of being here.  It is happening.


It is going to look whichever way we design it.  Let’s make it beautifulBeings such as us would create nothing less.  When shopping for clothing for a major event, it takes trying on many outfits.  As a result, the dressing room is a mess, piled high with things that did not fit.  When the perfect attire is found, we know.  It feels good.  It fits.  We feel beautiful wearing it. 


It is that feeling we are shooting for.  There is not much that is more important than this shift.  We are rapidly changing outfits and it can feel sort of a mess.  The perfect fit exists.  It can be found by listening.



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Visionkeeper ~ Where Did We Go Wrong?



Visionkeeper ~ Where Did We Go Wrong?

One World Rising | March 23 2012


Oh I’d love to just lay down and forget about everything going down in the world today. It is endless and exhausting and frustrating. What happened to the days when life just seemed to float along without worry? Now everything is flipped upside down on its ear and nothing makes sense any longer. How in God’s name did we get here? It is a question we best all be asking of one another because if we don’t find the answer and face our part in this tragedy we will not learn a very important lesson. We wish to reach 5D soon, but we haven’t settled out with 3D yet! We can’t just expect to move on into the rapture of 5D until we face what we are asking to leave behind. How in the world did we get to where we are today? We all played a part in it one way or the other, we have to face up to it, own it, wear it, and understand it, before we can just walk away from it all.



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Sarkozy to Crack Down on People who Follow "Extremist" Websites



Sarkozy to Crack Down on People who Follow "Extremist" Websites








by GLR Pamela [Kribbe]





This message is also available as audio file. The transcript has been slightly edited for purposes of readability.

Dear friends,


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ScienceCasts: The Surprising Power of a Solar Storm


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Ashtar - Confirmations of Arrests and Changes




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Heart Activations by The Solar Light




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Sioux Chief Speaks of Star People, 2012 and Mayan Calendar Pt.4


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SaLuSa, March 23, 2012



SaLuSa, March 23, 2012



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Thanks, But We'll Be Taking Over From Here



23 March, 2012
We may not know the fine details of what we want, but we sure know what we don't want! Over the ages we've gathered experiences of deceit, powerlessness, sabatage, helplessness, and self-hatred. These are stored within our being not for the purpose of re-living them, but as collective boundaries.
This is perhaps one of the biggest cooperative human lessons learned. We have all come here to learn, each in our own unique ways, but collectively we have all been learning the same lesson.
Now is the time to come together with all of our wisdoms and use what we've learned. Consider it graduation time in the Universal School of Higher Learning. Class is over, time to get back out into the world and practice what we know.
We know that our current global government systems are broken beyond repair. We know that love, peace, and prosperity are core values that must be a part of our new system. We know that bringing these same values to Gaia are paramount to any success. 
We know that our methods of medicine and agriculture are distorted and out of balance.
We know that limited thinking and feelings of separation from God have had their day.
We know all these truths because of the gifts of experience that the cabal has provided for us throughout history. Ancient history, atrocities that happened ten years ago, and the history that transpired just yesterday.
So, thank you for the gifts, but the "meek" are now inheriting the Earth and we'll be taking over from here...


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Lee-Anne Peters – There Goes That Sign!! –




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~ Mother Earth=Heart Has Chosen Love~ Manifested Love is Arriving~


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Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



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~In the Coming Days and Weeks~



Many things are now set to occur. How we deal with these things will be the crown in glory of our personal achievements as well as our collective advancement into the higher levels. Each one of us has the ability to help or assist others and will do so based upon our own levels of frequency and vibration. It has always been my opinion that a "leopard does not change his spots", And the coming times will show if this is correct. Those of us who are loving will assist in loving ways. Those who are not loving, will seek to save only themselves..., unless they are moved by something within to change their behavior.


The Earth has already been saved by those of a pure and highly loving attitude which is all inclusive. The suffering these beings have endured is legendary in all of the Universes, and they are about to be set free! All beings on the Earth, (and they are about to realize it), have benefitted from these loving ones and their prayers, energies, and high moral intentions. Indeed..., how many living here really comprehend what it would have been like without their energies mixed in on the planet for their sake?



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Lucifer: I stand here before you Feel my heart... ~ by 141 ~ 10.3.12




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March 19 – 25 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading



4 Angel Therapy | March 17 2012


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This only apply if you recognize that you have an ego, and if you truly want and be brave to get rid of it... than this part is for you to read... otherwise skip to next chapter about 10,000 arrests and removals..


Ego is washed simply by acknowledging it.. simple as that... When you become aware that your actions are coming from ego monkey brain [my apology to monkeys for this analogy...], than and only than you can start working toward cleansing part...

If you interested how to get rid of ego, go to 3 part of this egoless post...


What means: to be aware?... To know there is other ways of seeing and being and existing... Not to blindly believe in words from your anchors, priests, polititans, corporate bosses... Not to take all for granted: My grandpa was living like this, my dad did same thing, so I suppose have to do same...



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12 The Amazing Energies are Coming IN, to Prepare Humanity for the Decloakings~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Amazing Energies are Coming IN, to Prepare Humanity for the Decloakings~


Photo By Will Harader Cloudships Landing on the Earth Grid waiting to decloak


Greetings Love Beings... WOW, The Energies are Truly amazing today and in the last 24 hours we have ignited Energies for events to unfold very quickly. Yesterday, we could feel these energies building and then Today, WOW~ These next 2 weeks are going to be like one unfoldment after the other and there will be no denying that We are Here, We are Real and we are The Ones Guiding and Supporting Humanity through these changes. AS We Now stand at the Forefront. All On this Planet are welcome to Join US on the Front Lines! By Being Love in every moment and sharing the truth of our Imminent Arrival.



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The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


I knew, due to the intensity of Light wind within the field from March 15th thru March 17th, when we were able to read again, things would be very different… again!!  But yesterday was wayyyy beyond even my imagination of different.


I pray to God I can share this information outward with the clarity, detail and strength I understand it within.


The way I look at today, well really yesterday…but I am typing today (smile)… it is truly a new year, a new energy, a new earth in her first completed phase of change.  Two more major completions will be coming up as we move thru this year.


What I once called “The Field” is now a massive orb of reflective energy.  This orb is now the new magnetosphere of the earth.  That protective field of energy that surrounds the earth o filter out the high radiation from the sun to the earth.



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with Energy Transference to all Planetary Light Servers!

First Transmission ~ New Moon ~ March 22, 2012


During 2012, the Foundation of Children of the Sun is sponsoring Group Expeditions deep into the Amazon Jungle in which group participants will undergo an intense bodily purification program to initiate the greater metamorphic processes of physical body transfiguration.

Serving as prototypes, participants are placing their bodies in service to the collective. At the end of each shamanic program, mass energy transference will be conducted to transmit the experience, together with realizations and self actualizations, to a wider reach and network of Planetary Light Servers.

Each of these journeys will also assist to open a Portal of Light for the upper Amazon region of northern Peru and reaching into Brazil, Columbia and Ecuador.



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Adronis – Cloud Ships, Inner Earth & Incognito Extraterrestrials




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