To Hear This God Who Art Thy Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/15/2018 - 12:02

God said:

Beloved, I am a God of the people. I am here for you at your desire, yet not for your desire to rub off some kind of specialness on you, but to share My Self like the Sun to the world.

I speak now about Godwriting. It is clear now that we meet for Oneness and not for any fame or fortune, but to give. This isn’t at all like being in a fraternity together. Of course, We don’t punch Our fists together like eager sports figures exchanging high-fives of admiration of one kind or another. We are energized. We are glad and grateful, yet We are not so much hail fellows well-met. We are simply together as One.

Yes, you gain, yet you take what you gain on behalf of goodness for all. You are not propelled onto the stage like some kind of new rock star. You are as always. You are not staking out anything in your name for your own glorification – solely for Mine. Beloved, you are happy to hear Me, yet you do not assign dazzling gold stars after your name. We look into each other's eyes.

You stand near Me. You pick up something from My reverie not solely for your personal gain. You garner more than humility. You do not make a grandstand play. You come to hear this God Who Art Thy Self.

You are not on display. You haven’t been added to any hall of fame. You are here to serve Me humbly as I, God, desire with all My Heart to serve you.

You receive something great from Our meetings, and yet, you transcend Our meeting. You are glad to be the servant who serves the cake God desires to serve to all. You are an impersonal recorder of what you reap. Yes, I send you an open invitation. Enter.

Godwriting is not about status whatsoever. You admit yourself to the realms of the Holy Grail. Yes, I, God, call everyone to Me. The acclaim is Mine, and you are amazed and humbled. You just want to hear more of Me and echo more of Me.

You are like the servant who holds the hem of My robe above the dust. You keep your attention on My words so that others will also hear. Everyone stands the same. You are a commoner who comes in with many others to My delight as well. There is no pride before Godwriting. There is joy. You simply bring My Words forth.

Somehow you got here. How on earth but by some divine intervention? You are invited in through any disguise. You are so happy to be here. It has to be from My Will.

I saw something in you that perhaps you didn't see. I place you close to Me and invite you again and again. I, God, see you in plain sight. I open My door to you. Stay as long as you want. You don’t call more attention to your little self. You stay silently by Me forever.

Now, to your delight, before your very eyes, you see a place card delineated faintly with your name on it signed by God. Now you begin to know you are welcomed exactly where you are. It can’t be happenstance. Once God’s – God’s forever.

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