~ The Heat Is On~ Love in ego's out

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 11:01


Greetings Love beings, we have ego's coming out everywhere, trying their best to stop what is unfolding. However, this is simply impossible. Love is truly here, no illusionary ego can halt, prevent, stop, or even delay what is now unfolding. We are Now truly Unstoppable. We will Have More about what is now unfolding in todays update. We Love you and We Stand with you. Be Strong Now! Love Your Earth Allies

FIELD OF FREEDOM ~ Wisdom from Laura Munson





Wisdom from Laura Munson

~Thank you to Colleen Nidle~



There is a quote by the mystic poet Rumi that goes, “Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field: I’ll meet you there.”

I am interested in that field. I am interested in the freedom of that open space. I want to breathe that oxygen. In it there is no fear or shame or guilt or the word “should.” It simply opens its spaciousness to us. Calls forth the possibility of what we can create there.



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Anunnaki and Illuminati at War NOW - Operation Human Freedom: Planetary Regime Change | Full




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UFO MotherShip Spotted by SOHO March 25, 2012


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The fruit of Silence is Prayer

The fruit of Prayer is Faith

The fruit of Faith is Love

The fruit of Love is Service

The fruit of Service is Peace


                      Mother Theresa




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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE? 03-26-12



Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




For so it is… 51% is near... very near... that's the main reason why the minions are trying to force people even more to believe our shops are here to rule over the Planet instead of being here to bring Freedom back. But as it IS a Free Planet... each one has to choose... until the Magic Number is reached! SO MAKE LOVE VIRAL!


Love You



Cloaked UFO






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posted by Indian in the machine

link to aricle


Dear world on fire… cleansing by God’s design,

As I look south for my winter destination, I find it more necessary to look at these earth changes maps… especially Gordon Michael Scallion’s maps, since they are endorsed by Hatonn who has been providing truths to humanity, that they might not otherwise be exposed to….

If you think this is new age bullshit….then consider this:


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Hippies head for Noah’s Ark: Queue here for rescue aboard alien spaceship



Hippies head for Noah’s Ark: Queue here for rescue aboard alien spaceship

A mountain looming over a French commune with a population of just 200 is being touted as a modern Noah's Ark when doomsday arrives – supposedly less than nine months from now.

A rapidly increasing stream of New Age believers – or esoterics, as locals call them – have descended in their camper van-loads on the usually picturesque and tranquil Pyrenean village of Bugarach. They believe that when apocalypse strikes on 21 December this year, the aliens waiting in their spacecraft inside Pic de Bugarach will save all the humans near by and beam them off to the next age.


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Ashtar Command Lightship Displays Colors Over Arizona


Ashtar Command Lightship Displays Colors Over Arizona, U.S 03/22/2012


Dear world, it seems that the Ashtar Command who serve as God’s Heavenly Hosts are indeed “turning on the lights”…. connect with them in the sky, continue to make our home planet a hospitable place where our visitors can land on the surface… apparently they come bearing gifts and ask nothing in return, because they are highly evolved to know that when we benefit, the entire universe will benefit.  We need not fear those who created us. ;)  Your galactic brother figuring thing out…. Dieter (Indian in the machine)




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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-26-2012 ~ Ready for the Truth? ~



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-26-2012 ~ Ready for the Truth? ~



by ANdReA



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~26~12 Today the ships are abuzz with activity~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~26~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Today the ships are abuzz with activity~




Greetings Love Beings, today the ships are abuzz with activity. This is a good sign, as this means we are close to a final trigger event in which we have been speaking about. We feel this very likely will occur before we enter the Energies of April. These will bring us closer to our Destiny Together, As One Love. Our Destiny is One Planet of Humans=God In Manifestation, in Unified Joy, Equality, Happiness, True Freedom and Real Unconditional Love. Balanced Harmonic Living, in True Harmony with each other and The Planet.


Photo Of Our craft coming from the skies By Earth Allie Will Harader


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/26/12



Think of the people of your planet as midwives, coming together to assist with the birth of your new world. Many of you have come from distant star systems and even galaxies, and you are here now at this time to do whatever it is you do to assist in this birthing. You are asked to do certain tasks to assist in this process, and nothing you are asked to do is detrimental in any way to your society. Everything you are asked to do is in the name of the light, and nothing you are asked to do supports in any way the darkness and their agenda. This you can be confident in knowing as you go forth on your missions to restore love and light to this world. This is the basis for your mission here, and although we have many shared goals and tasks we must accomplish, at the root of our purpose here together is to bring this world back to the path of light where she rightfully belongs.


Along this path, there will be detractors of all kinds who wish to impede our progress, and it is your job to recognize these obstacles and find ways to clear them from your path without allowing them to deter you from your mission or to steer you wide from your course. There are, and will always be others with different opinions and viewpoints as to which direction it is better to proceed. Allow them the opportunity to choose their own course and they will learn from the choices they make as they move ahead on their journey. It is not necessary to try to save anyone, as this is not our reason for being here. Our reason for being here is to allow others if they so choose to see another way for them to live their lives, but again, this is a choice that is entirely theirs and it is their right to choose any path they wish to travel.



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Thank you for sharing PURE Love and LIGHT :-) by Blueskygal



You know, at first I was confused by the energy I felt from this message at the beginning.  So, I put it away and read it again when I was more attuned.  Following up on our conversation from yesterday, I so appreciate your infinite wisdom and  insight for us to either embrace or not.

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Starseeds and The Guardian Code Activations


Starseeds and The Guardian Code Activations

The Guardian by Moroka323


Spiritual 'downloads' seem to come in two forms, one is a packet of encoded information and the other is an instant stream of information sent directly into your conscious mind. Its also possible that these instant downloads are simply old downloads which have been activated and decoded. Tonight is one of those nights, I sit here trying to get down the stream of information I received this evening while its all still fresh in my mind.


Ive been made aware of a particular energetic code within the DNA which I will call the Guardian Code Activation. This is interesting because as far as I can understand it at this time, this is something which has always been around but has recently been activated in many people around the planet in the last few days. This code seems to have been activated around the time of the Spring Equinox of 2012 with the new energies and astrological alignments around that time.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3~26~12


Monday, March 26, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3~26~12

Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles







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Benjamin Fulford – Full Update – Over 200 Senior Bankers Arrested Last Week As New Financial System Goes Online – 26 March 2012



Benjamin Fulford – Full Update – Over 200 Senior Bankers Arrested Last Week As New Financial System Goes Online – 26 March 2012






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Becoming Human… GLR~Lisa Gawlas


Becoming Human… GLR~Lisa Gawlas



On September 22nd, 2001, I had the pure privledge in being in the first ever Life Between Life class held by the very author of “Journey of Souls” and Destiny of Souls,” Michael Newton, PhD.   I consumed both of those books and every part of my heart wanted that experiece.  I wanted to know who I was in spirit.  Hell, I spent most of this life trying to get out of this body and go back Home…. only to constantly be kicked back to earth!


With any participatory Hypnosis event, very much like readings, you can’t go any further than the one leading the way knows how to go.

My Life Between Life experience was extraordinary, but left a lot of understanding of what I experienced and why out.  At least until now.


I seem to have spent this entire weekend really getting a birds eye view of the incarnation process and understanding the evolution of our DNA.  All, obviously very important to this very time on earth.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Rhythms


~Find the rhythms~



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The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 110


We would like to discuss the topic of self-sufficiency, but mayhaps not in the manner you would expect. We do not refer to it in the sense of gathering and providing yourselves with the means to feed and clothe yourselves, but in the sense of ascension. You see, there are so many out there who are searching and searching for someone to provide them with the means to find the clarity that will help them prevail in their quest for enlightenment, but alas, they search in vain, for it is not on the outside you will find the answers. Let us explain.



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~The ego death and Zero point Experience~ Jimmy


~Galactic Love Reporter Jimmy~


Photo through godconsciousness.com


Yesterday I released my human template. The whole thing started a few days ago when I noticed that the energy influxes entering my body were very balanced, left side/right side, masculine/feminine. I was feeling balanced like never before, and I felt that something big was about to happen. Yesterday afternoon, I was driving down the road, I felt energy rising up from my feet and peeling off me like a really tight glove. As the energy rose to my throat and passed through my throat chakra, I was choking and gurgling. It was so overpowering I had to pull my car over. I stopped my car. My body was convulsing. My head was thrashing side to side like I was possessed by a demon. I felt the energy get up to my crown, but it stayed attached to my crown. Again, I was thrashing my head side to side, trying to detach the energy, but it wouldn't release.



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Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead ~ 26 March 2012


Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead ~ 26 March 2012


Photo By mountainvision.blogspot.com

Ho-hum, just another week of sweating the small stuff on Spaceship Earth? Not likely! While for some March has been quiet and constructive, for the rest of us it brought about heightened responsibility and soul growth/infusion. More depth revelation could attempt to steer you toward frustration, anger, tightness, and friction as March comes to a close. Strive for serenity to avoid falling into a temporary stupor of disharmony and discontent. Remain sensitive to your cosmic contract of becoming multidimensional during this ascension cycle to avoid feeling the sway of the Universe is beyond your control.


Until recent times you have driven and pushed yourself to keep up with an accelerating world. Energetic events and unfoldments have been occurring with significant velocity as you set to launch your consciousness into a new system of dimensional awareness. Now comes the time when the process gets to morph into an easier, more natural state of existing. After this latest cycle, which wrapped up in earnest on the Spring Equinox, connecting to, downloading and transitioning into higher levels of your multidimensional self can simply be the norm without much concentrated thought or effort toward it.



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Be in anticipation now. All is proceeding well. ~ Michael through GLR~Ron Head



You have reached a milestone in your process.  The energy levels contained and emanating from your earth have reached a level which will both cause great change and bring it forward with grace and ease.


Open yourselves, dearest ones, to the love and light which is being sent to you in ever increasing quantity and purity.  Accept this as the love of your Creator, which it is, and shine it forth into your world with all your newfound splendor.  Allow your hearts to sing in joy.  Imagine, if you will, many hosts of beings arriving from every corner of the universe to witness the amazing progress of your awakening.  Then know that it is true.  As your light increases, more and more are drawn to both see the spectacle and to assist in any way they can.  As each of you make what seems to you to be your tiny contributions, you are, in fact, contributing to the uplifting of all.



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Amaze yourselves. We promise it will be fun.



Amaze yourselves. We promise it will be fun. ~ Michael through Ron Head repost


The time has arrived for you to begin making preparation for your new lives. They do not exist somewhere else in another time. They exist within you. You have created them.

But your manifesting will take giant steps forward when you find the confidence, faith, belief, motivation, etc. to take concrete steps in any form to make them appear on this plane.


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~Comments coming in from The Last GFP Update~ The floodgates are wide Open!!


Comment by Wayne Matthew Clarke 1 hour ago
The floodgates are wide!! As member of Earthtobegin, the 31st Planet Of The Galactic Federation Of Worlds, I am proud .... To begin to Publicly speak out and welcome the return of our Galactic Family... I am so proud to be a Galactic Human!!! Let us stand Strong in the Light and Love of Galactic Citizenship!!! Speak from our hearts and have no fear to speak openly! Do it with Love!


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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Hatonn ~ 26 March 2012 I am here today with some pressing news


Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Hatonn ~ 26 March 2012 I am here today with some pressing news

Thank you to Lucas
I am here today with some pressing news. Today is a day filled with unprecedented events. First we are taking the liberty to welcome many of your political and financial leaders to our ships. We are to see to it that they are interspersed throughout the solar system on various places of life where we have bases and means of comfort. We will be interviewing these people and will take charge of the means by which they are told to be in readiness for what is to come for them. They will be given the choice as to whether to come to a different way of seeing things and their interaction with all of you, or to be taken to other places to begin their reassignments to their return to themselves, at the deepest core of their being.
Secondly, we are part of the process that is realigning your energies with that of the Central sun. We are intervening with these energies and with the Hollow Earth beings we are including our services with them in the effort to begin the transformation of the surface of earth. As this evolves over the next months we will begin a series of overtures that will be relative to the ongoing process of restoring the pristine beauty and life to earth and all of life on and within her body.


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The Two Suns are One Dance in the Light of your Heart. 
The New Earth is born of the old. 
The Sun is now one with its' Twin. 
The Central Sun is now old and will die. 
The Sun takes its place and the Central Sun expires into one, to be born in a new Solar System. 
This is the Solar System of the New Earth. 




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Asteroid Update./ 2012 EG5


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~Remarkable Changes Coming~



~Remarkable Changes Coming~

2012 March 26
Posted by GLR~Steve Beckow

Even though the “Big Top” hasn’t come to town yet, our sources are telling us more and more as time passes about  how the energy is rising and what grand events in consciousness and in the world are either here or in the offing.


SaLuSa said in a general vein in early February that “you have done so well in bringing the Light into your lives, and anchoring it upon Earth. So much so that the mass consciousness levels have been increasing exponentially, and will continue to do so. You are well on course to complete this cycle with Ascension, and it is in accordance with the Divine Plan.” (1)



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It Is Time Now: Get To Work~ We are the Arcturian Group


It Is Time Now: Get To Work

2012 March 26

Through GLR~ Marilyn Raffaelle




Dear ones,

We are here to encourage you to have patience. We see your discouragement when nothing seems to change, but let us assure you that much is changing. You are not aware of all that is transpiring behind the scenes. Try not to be discouraged or hold preconceived concepts of how events must unfold, simply allowing the process while letting go of any beliefs you may still be holding about how the process must manifest. All is proceeding according to plan and all is perfect.



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Dennis Hill, Biochemist cures his cancer with cannabinoid oil.


Thank you to Dennis Leahy  for sharing this information.


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By Predrag/Saint Germain



This report will be about my confession, and about my views on this wondrous world that we are creating together...


Being a being with quite a lot of ego through my 47 years, who love to complicate relationships, who thought that he knows the best, who was looking down on people without education and money and power over others, who rarely gave for free anything...


I know now why... I know why I have to go through these experiences of greed, power grabbing, preaching, looking down on others, illnesses, comparison...

Simply to learn what that means when stay with no money, or no food, or no shelter, or no position, or no job, or no family, or bad health...



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SunSpot 1429 Burst with a Stong Flare


The Intesity of the SolarActivity is Being Hidden.
All Space links @ http://www.mrcometwatch.com
Free Bible Software @ http://www.esword.net


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~3~27~12 From David Wilcock… Divine Cosmos Update Notice


~3~27~12 From David Wilcock… Divine Cosmos Update Notice

Commentary from Kauilapele ~ I just received this from David Wilcock and wanted to update those who may not receive his email updates. As many may have been feeling, especially after the equinox and March 21 events, “Astounding Developments” are in process. Read on.

From: asp

Date: March 27, 2012 4:54:52 AM HST
To: Kauilapele
Subject: Divine Cosmos Update Notice



From Divine Cosmos website, 3/27/12 7:45am PT. “PLEASE NOTE: Astounding developments are coming in faster than we can cover them in David’s epic new release, DIVINE INTERVENTION. Nonetheless, we have decided to break it up into sections and get the first large section out as soon as possible, hopefully today. We had hoped it to be Saturday but information came in that absolutely needed to be included.”



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Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa Ancient Atomic Wars?? Ancient Alien


Mohenjo-Daro and Harrappa Ancient Atomic Wars. When excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reached the street level, they discovered skeletons scattered about the cities, many holding hands and sprawling in the streets as if some instant, horrible doom had taken place. People were just lying, unburied, in the streets of the city. 
And these skeletons are thousands of years old, even by traditional archaeological standards. What could cause such a thing? Why did the bodies not decay or get eaten by wild animals? Furthermore, there is no apparent cause of a physically violent death. These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on par with those at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 
At one site, Soviet scholars found a skeleton which had a radioactive level 50 times greater than normal. Other cities have been found in northern India that show indications of explosions of great magnitude. One such city, found between the Ganges and the mountains of Rajmahal, seems to have been subjected to intense heat. 
Huge masses of walls and foundations of the ancient city are fused together, literally vitrified! And since there is no indication of a volcanic eruption at Mohenjo-Daro or at the other cities, the intense heat to melt clay vessels can only be explained by an atomic blast or some other unknown weapon. The cities were wiped out entirely. 
While the skeletons have been carbon-dated to 2500 BC, we must keep in mind that carbon-dating involves measuring the amount of radiation left. When atomic explosions are involved, that makes then seem much younger


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News Corp Firm Under Fire After BBC’s Panorama Alleges Hacking Of ITV Digital



News Corp Firm Under Fire After BBC’s Panorama Alleges Hacking Of ITV Digital

This entry was posted on March 27, 2012 by GLR Laura Thyco

A News Corporation company allegedly employed a pay-TV piracy website to hack its rival’s service and drive them out of business, a BBC Panorama programme has claimed.

According to the BBC, NDS, a company who made pay-TV smart cards, funded the expansion of a website set up to distribute codes to enable pirates to access ITV Digital television for free.


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Earth and Moon from deep space – 2012 Intergalactic Space Probe Expedition


One of the effective ways to make humans laugh, is to tell them the truth bout their conditions. That triggers the ego naysayer, switch up the cognition firewall and dissolve the reality. So all columnists and comedians make pretty money with our unconsciousness. Read this, laugh about or feel the inner resonating request "we should change this conditions".



 by Allen L Roland


What would happen if we intercepted a report from an intergalactic space probe expedition that has been collecting data on Planet Earth for some time and have actually interviewed one of our inhabitants? Here’s the report and interview in all its objective glory.

To: Intergalactic council

From: 2012 Intergalactic space probe expedition

Mission: Probe and Analyze planet XY7-2 / EARTH and Life Forms 

Report: Once again, we have penetrated to within 2400 miles of Planet Earth and are currently holding and awaiting your instructions. (See telephoto of Earth and its Moon )

We have had the opportunity for some time to extensively analyze the predominant life forms that inhabit this planet and once again present the following observations ~ but this time we have also landed one of our crew members on the planet and have a rare nine minute video interview with one of these ‘humans’ regarding their government.


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This is an INVITATION TO ORGANIZE a Special MedMob in your City ♥


This is an INVITATION TO ORGANIZE a Special MedMob in your City ♥


by Galactic Love Reporter Keri Gonzato


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Many truths are presenting themseves on your planet. It is mouth watringly refreshing, We have waited long enough to see this transformation take place. It is like that of a steep mountain climb where blizzards, snow storms, falling rocks and treturous conditions have been set before you. The journey is not over yet but we say that you are well on your way to achieving greatness within the heart and mind.

This journey has been an interesting one indeed developing faith and deeper understanding of who you really are has steered you in the right direction.

The compass is your inner guidance and your determination to be all that you can be.

It is time now for you to see the ariel view of all that is and realise that you have created all that is. 

This is the adventure of a life time. Helping others through your experiences makes the tasks set before you that much easier.

Monumental events are abut to take place where all that is monetary in value shall be cast aside for a collective consciousness where value shall be placed on the principals of divineness and sanctification of all living creatures. A world of fairness and justice for all is fast approaching your reality.

The potential war being created through the endeavours of the USA shall not come to fruition for their attempts have been denied. Interplanetary intervention is changing the hearts and minds of earth's people.

Those who were co-ersed into participating in such allegations are freeing themselves of mind games and seperation. Your world is changing very rapidly now, A change in gover ment is taking place on a grand scale. Those currently in power shall become powerless. Great changes be upon the schoolastic system, the banking system and the financial instituitions. 


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ARRESTS STARTED: Dominique Strauss-Kahn charged over alleged links with prostitution ring ~ 27.3.12...




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What Are You Chasing?




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2012 - What Scientists Say - What Incas See


Many of us are aware of the Mayan calendar but not many people truly understand what it means and how it works. Yes the calendar does end on December 21, 2012, but what does that mean?

The Inca prophecy announces a time of upheaval and turmoil in the world, starting in the year 2000 and ending on 2012. This coincides with the time frame of the prophecies of the Maya and the Hopi.

The Inca believe that the doorways between the worlds are opening - 
holes in time that we can step through and beyond, where we can 
explore our nascent human capabilities. 
We can craft new physical bodies that age differently, that heal differently, 
and that die differently.

The theme of stepping beyond time that the Incas speak of can be found in every religious tradition. In Judaism, the Messiah will come at the end of time. When Christ came, time ended and a new time began (Before Christ and After Christ.) What is unique among the Incas is that stepping outside of time has not been institutionalized. It remains an act of personal power that can be attempted by anyone with the daring and courage to step through the doorways of time, escape the grip of death, and become who we are becoming ten thousand years from today.


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Let’s Manifest Disclosure! We are Ready!




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Eckhart Tolle - Openness to Life (accept what is)



The message is simple, so simple that it is the greatest problem for the mind. If you accept things around you without labelling them, then you are conscious. Looking and acting without thinking is conscious, the awaken mind is conscious and his silence gives you pure awareness.

If the mind look at this video, it will tell you "this dude is crazy, what is he talking about". If you are awaken, you can do most of daily jobs without one single thought. You can do it and additionally smirk about people that act crazy through their permanent thougts.



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SANANDA everything that you know now will soon be an upturned.



SANANDA: For know this, everything that you know now in your life today will soon be an upturned. 




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Archangel Zadkiel – Remaining In A State Of Love



 Archangel Zadkiel – Remaining In A State Of Love




by GLR Linda Robinson 




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Supporting Nature's Ascension



Supporting Nature's Ascension




by GLR Natalie Glasson



Light vibrations upon the Earth I acknowledge and love you with all of my soul and all that I am, I am Lord Merlin. I delight in the active colourful vibrations of love that you exist as; you are beauty in all its forms. Each of you is merging your energy with the light of the Creator to a greater extent with each day in your time that passes.

I wish to come forward today to speak with you about the Tree Kingdom, how you may be of service to the trees at this time and how a connection with the trees can enhance your own spiritual ascension. First I wish to speak with you about the transitions occurring in Nature.


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In some spiritual circles, admitting you are having or had a bad day is simply not acceptable. In that way of thinking, one must never admit a negative since that will only draw more negativity. To me, this is simply denial. That's not a game I choose to play. If I need a plastic smile to please someone, that is an individual I don't need in my life.


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Keeping Pace With The Shift (Solar Flare Information) 03/08/2012


Keeping Pace With The Shift, excerpt from the March 8, 2012 Awakening Zone - Sandie Sedgbeer Show. Information about the increased solar flare activity and the important part it has in The Shift.

Awakening Zone - Sandie Sedgbeer: Conversation at the Cutting Edge

03/08/2012 Episode, Guests: Jim Self, Regina Meredith

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3/26/2012 -- thank you for thinking of us ... also... yellowstone supervolcano charts here


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3/27/2012 -- Dozens of plumes erupt - 10 states at the same time -1815UTC / 215pm CDT


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Ego & Truth’s Final Battle!



 Ego & Truth’s Final Battle! 



Posted on March 27, 2012 by  


by GLR Lee-Anne Peters 


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North Pagan volcanic activity


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Heavenletter #4141 Keep Your Dreams


Heavenletter #4141 Keep Your Dreams , March 27, 2012 

God said: 


When you suffer, you are not fulfilling My Will. When you are angry, you are not. We can say that My Will is Vastness. That which is small is not vast, and yet Vastness is not a size that can be measured. Vastness exceeds measurement. Even a little deed can be vast.

Greet the day, and you are in accord with My Will. Exchange love, and you are in accord with My Will. Tip your hat, and you are in accord with My Will.

With stress and strain, you are not in accord with My Will. My Will is for ease. You don't have to run. Ambling is more inclined to My Will. My Will is not heavy-handed.


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~Angel of Emergencies~


~Angel of Emergencies~



You Are Safe, For I Am With You & The Love Of The Divine Is Surrounding You Now & Always


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The Mayans Were DNA Keepers PLUS Our Extra~Terrestrial DNA


The Mayans Were DNA Keepers PLUS Our Extra~Terrestrial DNA



If you thought the game on earth and inside this body couldn’t get any more strange… think again!  Well, let’s just say it is getting stranger for me.


It seems my crystal came back from Mexico impregnated with a ton of information on our DNA.   But this last set of information, hard for me to digest and I pray I have understood it enough to share it coherently!


But before I get to the extra-terrestrial DNA and what I am understanding about that, I want to take a minute to talk about those amazing folks who seemed to know all about our DNA… the Maya.


I want to make perfectly clear here, I know just about nothing about the Maya’s except what I have heard in passing.  I have always heard them referred to as “time keepers,”  and of course the biggest hoopla given to them was the end date of 12/21/12.



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Lee~Anne Peters ~ Ego & Truth’s Final Battle!



Lee~Anne Peters ~ Ego & Truth’s Final Battle!

Words of Wisdom | March 27 2012

Raven calls me awake on this day,
I eagerly emerge and listen to what he has to say.
He entices old wounds from deep within,
Do I have the courage to allow this healing to begin?
An hour into the day, and those wounds are stirred,
The unfolding reveals them, with Raven’s Caw!
The bright Golden Sun radiates around,
Showing my inner strength, that is there to be found.



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Visionkeeper ~ Shifting Energies ~ 27 March 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Shifting Energies ~ 27 March 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)


Can you feel the change in the air? It is blowing all around us and everything keeps shifting and morphing into new ways of being. Love is such a powerful emotion. When it gets in under your skin life becomes so different. I’m not talking about lovey dovey kind of love, although that kind is pretty nice too, but I am talking about being moved to tears and being over taken by emotions. Everything seems so heightened right now it doesn’t take much to shed a tear over just about anything. We are regaining our abilities to feel again, to sense the rightness and wrongness in things from the heart not the mind. Everything seems to be coming from the heart now and hopefully things will stay this way and we will have left behind our callous ways, hardened by all the war and hate and killing we have been spoon fed for so long now. Once you disconnect from the media horror and you begin to feel again, it is shocking to think how you were before.



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The light you invoke touches everything, heals everything, loves everything. ~ Michael through Ron Head


     Press here for   Spanish   Portuguese


We will speak of your newfound and expanding abilities in visualization and manifestation.  As you awaken, these are getting stronger and stronger.  It is also that the attempts to keep them subdued are getting weaker and weaker.  You do not yet, as a rule, see and understand the effects of  that; but we some of you do and are marveling at what you are feeling.  By agreement you are combining to create huge changes in the energies of this planet.  Huge numbers of you who have not, in your waking life, ever met are doing this.  We, of course, are doing so also.  And the effects are no longer small or deniable.



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~Space Weather Update~ Never say Die Sunspot Wind Speed 355


GEOMAGNETIC OUTLOOK: NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% to 45% chance of strong geomagnetic storms around the poles on March 28-29 in response to an incoming solar wind stream. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


ATREX EXPERIMENT LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT SKY: Before sunrise on March 27th, sky watchers up and down the eastern seaboard of the United States witnessed a strange apparition. A quintet of milky-white plumes appeared in the night sky, twisting in the winds at the edge of space. "It was pretty unreal and very exciting to see," says eye-witness Jack Fusco, who sends this picture from Seaside Park in New Jersey:




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This thing we call our ego


As you remember yourself, you may be surprised.  This ego self is very loud.  He or she is the only you you’ve ever known.  As an infant, you began creating him or her as a response to your environment.  As a third dimensional being, you understood immediately what was necessary in order to receive what you desired.  You were looking for love.


You emerged from a bath of love, swimming in the knowledge of yourself and everyone else.  You opened your eyes in a world that was not the same.  Although you felt each being in the room, there was a barrier.  They did not feel you and the understanding of each other was gone.  You began to forget.


Although you recognized love and felt love, you knew this was no longer a universal knowing.  Separation began - first you from your own body and then you from all of the “others”.  There came names and definitions - separators.


These names and ideas were taught to you by the beings you could see with your physical eyes, and so you listened.  When you did so, following the rules they taught, you received physical expressions of what you longed for – love.  Smiles, hugs, laughter, food, care, warmth and comfort seemed to come in response to things that you “did”.  You began through all of this to define and create your ego.


As a young human, you were immersed in your ego, trying on this one and that one, watching and learning and yearning for adoration from these souls you were with.  You began then to define yourself by their reactions to you, rather than by your own internal knowing.  These “others” became reflections in which you could see yourself.



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Fastwalkers UFO (Full version + DE, ENG Subtitles)


Wonderful video uncovering the governments cover-up!

Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3


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ARREST WARRANTS: Breaking -> United State’s New Hero ~ Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros! | Political Vel Craft




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Remember These ?


“Out beyond any ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field:
 I’ll meet you there.”

I ask you not to doubt your/the Self any longer...
I ask you to fully acknowledge God in You and as You...
I ask you to give self fully to FatherMotherGod, expecting nothing in return...


Speaking to myself recently I reminded it~me
At some point in your evolution here you will learn, and love:
To use your mind effectively. And you will immediately project that Feeling of ~
... Joy: It is done: Victorious Peace: Ecstatic Oneness Knowingness, or just Ah So!  

I Am, I Am, I know I AM this vibrant picture, that All can see, made tangible.

Thank God I Am, That invincible I AM., ...  What a trip , eh.

In all of this stated above we already know OR are reminded to be ever in humble or rapt awe
and deeply stilled at the great great Mystery and its Magic Presence: [as us in a World gone astray] 


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