Heavenly Blessings with Archangel Jophiel

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 13:47

Heavenly Blessings, April 5, 2012, with Archangel Jophiel


GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest tonight is Archangel Jophiel. Hi, Linda.


LD: Hi, Graham. Hi, everybody. It’s great to be here tonight.

GD: So, I don’t know anything about, or very little about Archangel Jophiel. Maybe you could speak to who he is and I love how you’ve been describing the Archangels and a little bit about your personal relationship with them. I also know you want to do a meditation, so I’ll leave it up to you in terms of how you’d like to play that out before he comes on.


LD: Well, let’s start with a meditation and then we can talk a little, and then move into Archangel Jophiel. I’ve been sitting here meditating for about an hour and he certainly has a lot to share with us tonight, a lot of new information and a lot of new insights. So let’s get into that space together.



Let’s begin by taking a nice, deep breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and I want you to feel the colors, the rays of Archangel Jophiel, and it’s the violet, the amethyst, and the garnet, that deep red-plum color, for he travels on both rays. So feel that warm color, the ray that travels the universe and allow that to come into you as you relax and release the day, let go of anything that bars you from just being here, taking this time for you, for your sacred self because you deserve it.


Sometimes we forget how worthy we are, that we are a spark of the divine, each one of us. So bring that feeling and that knowingness in with your breathe and bring it down into your heart and in keeping with the universal theme of gratitude, a season of spring and rebirth, give gratitude for who you are, for all of you. For your courage and your stamina, for your light, take this moment to cherish yourself, to acknowledge yourself, to love yourself. Thank you.


GD: Thank you, Linda. Tthat was beautiful. Thank you so much.

LD: My pleasure.


GD: We don’t often take time to give ourselves that recognition, that love, that acknowledgement do we?

LD: Not enough. If we listen to the Council of Love, not nearly enough.


GD: And gratitude.

LD: And gratitude. There’s one thing that I hear the Council or peoples guides or guardian angels say repeatedly, it’s almost like a quote, it’s imbedded in me now, it like if we could see ourselves for one minute the way that they see us we would just be blown away. And of course that’s exactly what they want us to do. They want us to see ourselves and to cherish ourselves the way that they love and care for us. It’s huge.


GD: And I see how more people are coming into our power and they’re coming into their voices more, we’re seeing that all over the world; with spring, with Occupy as well, with Ascension, its building and building.


LD: You know, in the wee small hours of this morning I wrote an article about some upcoming classes and of course as soon as I sit down to the computer the Council takes over because they always have something to say. But you’re right, what they were talking about was all of us waking up and to look in our neighborhoods, they said ‘don’t look to the nightly news, don’t look to the newspapers, don’t look to the drama, look around your neighborhood and you’re going to see how things are changing, how people are lifting, how this heaviness we’ve experienced as normal is really dissipating.’ And I sure notice it in my neighborhood, you know I have a little dog, which I’m sure you all hear half the time, Eliza, and we walk the neighborhood and I just notice that people are lightening up. It’s so wonderful, it’s so delightful actually. So yeah it’s changing.


GD: Terrific, terrific. What can you tell us about Archangel Jophiel?

LD: Jophiel as you know is one of the five Mighty Archangels that I work with and channel; Mikiel (Michael), Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, and of course Jophiel and Jophiel is amazing. First I want to tell you, or share with you I guess, how I see him and he’s been hanging around here in my sacred space for a couple of hours and there’s no ignoring this Archangel, let me tell you that, or any Archangel for that matter. But when I look at the Archangels, even Archangel Michael, they’re huge, they’re very big, but their live, they’re stately, they’re incredibly beautiful, and that’s just too mild a word. But when I look at Jophiel he appears to me, of course that’s what I’m sharing, completely different than the other Archangels; he is massive but I mean massive not only in the terms of tall and big, but he looks like he could be from the World Wrestling Association.

He’s muscular, he looks like he could take on, well, he has probably, the universe. He has beautiful, shiny black hair, but it’s unruly black hair, he looks like a pirate, in fact now and then when he’s joking around with me he’ll even put a patch over his eye to humor me. But he’s got this black hair that’s unruly and sort of curly and it comes down to his shoulders almost, and he looks like he’s been windblown and he has these black eyes as well. You know when someone has really black eyes and you don’t even see the pupil, so he has these wonderful, laughing, sparkling black eyes and again, like all the Archangels, this amazing smile and the whitest teeth and it’s like you see the mischief and you see the wisdom, and you see when he looks at you, you see this feeling of ‘yes I know everything about you and about the cosmos’, he is the Archangel of the Cosmos by the way ‘and don’t take it so seriously, find the joy in it’. So he is phenomenal, he doesn’t wear angelic garb, it’s more like a Roman toga to his knees not to the ground, and his sword is like pewter and it’s like a Viking sword, it’s a massive, massive sword.

The unique thing, the incredible thing, well one of the incredible things, about Archangel Jophiel is that he is the only Archangel that has ever incarnated. And he incarnated as Joseph, the father of Jesus or Jeshua and a lot of people believe that Jospeh, the father of Jesus, was St. Germaine. But that is not so, it was Archangel Jophiel. St. Germaine in fact was one of the Magi, the Magi Melchoir, so he was certainly present at that time but when it was decided that the energy of the Divine Mother would come and an aspect of her assume a form it was a great debate about who would accompany her. And it’s this powerful Archangel Jophiel who had the strength and the wisdom and the ability, and I know he is going to talk about this, but he has been part of this unfoldment of the Mother’s plan forever, for eons.


And we don’t really know him, many of us myself included, haven’t worked that much with him. One of the reasons being, is that his area is not only creative process, creative thought, creative inspiration, bringing things into form, helping us bring things into form, but he also has been very future oriented. So many of the things that Archangel Jophiel has been concerned with are things that are now coming to fruition, things that we are now dealing with. So now, a lot like Lord Maitreya, and Lord Maitreya, as must of you know, is the future Buddha of unconditional love. And as that future Buddha, there have been many emanations, him taking form for short periods of time, brief periods of time in the last couple of decades. But again, Lord Maitreya describes himself as the Buddha of the Future, the bringer of the future. And that’s the way, not only Archangel Uriel but Archangel Jophiel describes themselves. And that’s why now we are hearing more from these two mighty Archangels because now is the time, where their stepping forward into their role with humanity.

GD: Archangel Uriel, last week when he was on the show, he said that he is the Archangel of the Future, so it sounds like they’re teaming up.


LD: They are very much a team, very much a team. The way that Archangel Jophiel describes himself is Archangel of the Cosmos. Now when we tend to think of ‘our’ Archangels, even though we know they are way out there, we also tend to think of them as ‘ours’. Like if you think of how we feel about Archangel Gabriel/Gabrielle and the role that she has, or he has, well, it’s a she, let’s face it (laughter), in human history speaking to Mary, speaking to Mohammad there’s a presence the same with Archangel Michael and his presence, not only within our Bible, but in our traditions as our protector, as our defender, as our warrior. So we don’t tend to think of, even though we intellectually know that Michael is out there in the Cosmos, we also tend to think of him as our earth Archangel. But Archangel Jophiel, the span of which he works with is massive and even tonight as I prepared for this, I came to understand, on a whole new level, just the magnitude of his role and what he’s been doing and it’s phenomenal.


GD: Well shall we bring him on?

LD: Yes, and I’m anxious to hear because I’ve asked him to talk to us about who he is before we move into the gifts, so let’s go…



AAJ: Greetings, I AM Jophiel.

GD: Welcome.


AAJ: Welcome, welcome, welcome. And I do not come from afar, I am in the very airwaves, I am in your heart, and, beloved one, I have your back. Yes, I am Archangel of the Cosmos, yes, and I work very closely with Archangel Uriel in the anchoring of the Mother’s plan. And it is not just the plan of Gaia, but I wish to speak to that as well, but the plan of the omniverse, of the cosmos, it is the plan of the One. I am honored that you have asked me to tend to each of you tonight. It is something that I have waited a long time to do. Linda has asked me to share with you, to explain in my own words who I am. Yes, I have been Jospeh, beloved husband of who you know as Mother Mary, human father of Jesus, of Jeshua, of my Yeshi; an enormous honor, an undertaking that brought to the forefront and gave me deeper and unique understanding, empathy, and yes dear hearts sometimes even sympathy for the human journey, for what that means, for all your beauty and all your might, to be held in a human body. And particularly defined by what you have thought of as the human condition.


The reason I bring this up is not because I wish to have a discussion about that life, it is so that you will understand how far back in your human ways, your human understanding, how long we have been planning this unfoldment. For when we say eons, what meaning does that truly have for you? None. And even when we say 2000, 2000 and 20, 30, 40, 50 years, it is difficult to comprehend. But I do not simply want you to know about that singular time. For when I have said to you “I am Archangel of the Cosmos”, what have I been up to? With Michael, yes with Gabriel, with Uriel, we were present during the time long ago of the intergalactic wars and that devastation and the bringing of Michael’s mighty peace to that situation, of course with cooperation of all the beings involved.


But at that time the Mother turned to me and she said “Jophiel I wish you to go and to inspire and to place creative thought in the minds and hearts of your star brothers and sisters. I want you to let them know that after such a time of such terrible devastation that there is a journey to a planet of peace, to a place where the plan of love and of unity, sharing, will be reborn; where war will not result in devastation and where peace will reign. Speak to their minds and their hearts. Inspire them with technology so that they may travel to Earth during the time of Gaia’s Ascension, during the time of the Awakening, the awakening of the human race.”


This has been but one of my undertakings. Much of what you have on earth is modeled, implanted if you choose to use that word, from your star brothers and sisters. One of the areas that I have worked on during that time of transition into peace with Michael was the development of what you would think of as the Universal Internet that has been in place for thousands and thousands of years. When it was time, before earth and for humans to come to this level of understanding and connection, to create a closer sense of community, these ideas, this creative inspiration was infused, gifted, from my mind, from my creative source connected to the heart of One into the human collective. So there are things that I have been working on that are related to the future, the bringing of higher dimensions, different dimensions, for these are all interwoven anyway, but to bring you, each of you, yes the collective but each of you into this place of full participation in creation.


I want you to know how I see you, each of you. You are like a blazing comet racing across the midnight sky, bright, beautiful, filled with energy. None of you are dying stars; none of you are caught or trapped in a vortex, a black hole. Those of you who have chosen, absolutely chosen to be with Gaia during this time are not only the most courageous but the most adventurous, the ones who understand the meaning of grace and how that translates into everything; into actions and words, institutions, behaviors, into community, for grace is the culmination of all virtues, all blessings. And that is part of who you are. So if I was to do anything tonight it would be to help you remember who you are.


You have moved full circle. You tend to think of the creator race as either beings from distant stars, and in some cases they were, or those with no names, or energies that were simply sent from the heart of One. But what you don’t realize is that each of you carry that lineage, carry that heritage. It is why you’ve come back. Yes you would always say ‘yes’ to the Mother-Father-One as we all do, but you also came back to create and to bring forward into the conscious reality of all dimensions and realities with your star brothers and sisters, with the entire galaxies and the outer galaxies, the memory of bringing forth creation not only in your own lives, but that is the perfect place to start.


And I wish to help you, but from there we branch out into magnificent ways. You, my brothers and sisters, you are the future. There is a lot of talk, oh and yes I’m always listening in, there is a great deal of discussion on your planet about the new children and it goes without saying that they are phenomenal as well. For it has never happened prior to this generation of whom I am speaking, that the seraphs took form. It is unheard of. But there are magenta children, that is the current wave you know, the children who come in wide awake, there are the pinks, there are the rainbows, there are the crystals, there are the indigos and you look at these children with amazement because they are, they are the promise and they are the fulfillment of the promise.


But you, dear heart, you are also phenomenal, you are also the rainbow, you come from every ray, every conceivable hybrid lineage mix. You are star being, you are earth keeper, you are healer, you are teacher, you are channelers, you are communicators. You are builders, yes what Raphael calls ‘light builders’, the builders of the future. We are in awe of you. I have had one short incarnation as human. I particularly am in awe of what you accomplish every hour of every day, of what you hold true in your hearts. So many of you say, “Will I make the shift? Will I make it? Will I ascend?” How can you doubt yourself? Collectively that is what we wish to completely eradicate. My energy can be very electric, and that is what I do with inspiring and placing thought or feelings, sometimes into the emotional body as well. It is how I work with you, it is how you allow me, it is how you bless me. Do not doubt.


If your heart desires to enter into the new realm of Gaia, of Nova Earth, then you will do so. Yes, preparation, particularly for you who are listening, is highly desirable. You my dear ones are very akin to your star brothers and sisters that I spoke to 10,000 years ago on behalf of the Mother when I said, “What do you think of traveling to Earth?” So I say to you, “What do you think of traveling, of Ascending, of Shifting to new earth?” It is an open invitation and there is not one of us on this side that is not prepared to bring all we have, and you have no idea how much we have, we are prepared to bring all we have in terms of our energy, our powers, our ability to influence and create, never to interfere.


But we bring it all to do this with you, to help you because you are the promise. Can Gaia ascend alone? Yes. Would that be the fulfillment of the plan? Not even close. And let me also share with you, it would break her heart to ascend alone. That is why she has waited so patiently; it is why she has taught you so gently. Yes there have been times when she has shrugged and when there has been violent movement upon the planet, but even that has been within the plan. Even that brought the awakening to so many of you to realize the sacred nature of your partnership with her. So you have given and received healing with Gaia.


My work with you is not restricted to the future because as beloved Uriel would say “The future is now.” We understand human time, we do not know how many times we will say this, but we will say it until it anchors within you; we understand. And you are coming to understand divine timing and they are lined up, they are in synchronicity right now. That is why I beckon to you.


Of course I have brought gifts. What kind of a guest would I be if I did not bring gifts? You have a saying, a spiritual, religious saying on earth, “dust to dust, ashes to ashes.” It is to remember from whence you came. But so often it is within the framework of grief and sorrow, not a true understanding particularly in this time of spring, of the resurrection, of the rebirth, of the continuation. I want to change that saying; I want to complete it for it has never been completed in human language. It is “dust to dust, ashes to ashes, love to love.” It is out and then it would be back to dust. Love is simply particles, specks of energy, what you often see as light. You all love the orbs; you love auras because you love light. All dust is is specks of light, the ashes are to remind you that you rise again from the ashes, it is the beginning not the end.


So the gift that I bring you humbly and for you to use is my dust, my cosmic dust. It is not my essence, that will be for another visit. It is the cosmic dust and the particles of love. I am handing you a sack, it is a burlap sack and it is large because I want you to have adequate supplies for what lies ahead. Open it my friends. Are you expecting a pile of dirt, of what you call dust bunnies or ashes? Open it and see. As it floats into the air in front of your eyes, that your air is filled with particles of rainbows, of gold, of my amethyst and garnet, of Uriel’s silver, of pink, of magenta, the Mother’s blue, of Michael’s blue, every ray siroun, grayelsha, and colors you have never even witnessed on earth.


I give this to you. These are the particles of creation and when you gather the creation codes as you are being encouraged to do, you are gathering these particles of my cosmic dust. Play with it, play with it. Do not take yourselves so seriously. Inspiration, brilliant ideas, breakthroughs, emotional, mental, spiritual do not come from struggle, from striving. Yes they come from consistency, but that is something entirely different. And they come with collective compassion; collective compassion is a quality of the cosmos that you are learning and anchoring at this time.

But let me get back to my dust. I am very fond of it and I think you will be too. You can use this and this sack, it is never going to be empty. It will replenish itself, I promise you. And so I want you to use this liberally, sprinkle it on your lawns, on your city streets, sprinkle it on your family, on your bed for sweet dreams, sprinkle it on your cereal so that you are eating creative inspiration, that you are inhaling creative inspiration. And inside the dust is my mighty strength. I work throughout the cosmos, of course I am strong, and I share this, there is no shortage.

So I share it with you. Put this dust everywhere because it is the dust of love and it is that simple; you can be your ‘Johnny Appleseed’. Spread it liberally, there will always be more. And when you are tired, and yes there will be times when you are tired, when you need to replenish, it is very important you not allow your wellspring to run dry. Gather this sack and see it as a mighty anchor, as a rock that you can lean upon, that will cradle you and anchor you and connect you to Gaia and help you stay in your body as you expand your field to be that bright comet streaking across the sky, streaking into the 5th, 6th, 7th and onward.


The future is not just our design, it is yours as well. I will give you whatever you need; this dust can take infinite number of forms. It is time for you to become the fullness of your creator self like never before. Do not say to me “Jophiel, I am not a creator”. Look at yourself, you create every day. With every breathe you are creating your reality. It would be absurd to say you are not a mighty creator. Do you need help in remembering? Yes, and I am offering my services. No I am not the only one, but I wish you to know me, I wish you to know me actively.


I am not an Archangel that stands still, if anything I am an impatient Archangel even when a project takes millions of years I am always streaking ahead trying to urge Uriel to bring the future into the now. That is the miracle, it is the now. This golden opportunity is yours and ours and it is not just for Gaia, for earth, it is for this universe and far beyond. You do not fully understand the ramifications of what is taking place here, nor do you need to, you have enough on your plate. But let us say, the beauty, the wonder, the love, that is why all are in attendance. It is not because of the drama or the chaos. Yes we help with that and it will be eliminated, it has no place where we are going.


But why we are here is because of the love that we witness in each and every one of you. Yes, so as the channel has begun, love yourself or let us love you so much that finally that knowledge, that wisdom, that knowing will anchor within you, that it will be beyond denial. Because denial is of the old, there’s no place for it. So use my dust, use my particles of the rainbow and create with ease, with joy, with laughter. And if you think you are lacking in inspiration ask me for an idea, I will give you one. And if you don’t know the middle step and you need the inspiration or idea, the roadmap, I will give it to you, I will help. And if you need to anchor, I will be your rock of Gibraltar, I will be your Viking boat, I will defend you when you sleep, I have your back.


I have gone on, Graham, I welcome your questions.

GD: Well, thank you. It’s such a pleasure to meet you and hear your words and receive your gift. I share the feelings of many just to extend that appreciation. You have been talking about the cosmos, am I correct in my understanding that there are many planets, most of them have ascended like Gaia is in the process of doing now. Some of them, like Gaia, have yet to ascend that have been under the control of the dark. Is that right?


AAJ: Yes, that is not the way we would put it in terms of ‘under the control of the dark’, we would say ‘under false illusions and paradigms’ and people who have really embraced those, whether they are humans or otherwise, but yes, that is correct. There are many planets in many solar systems, many galaxies, many universes that have ascended. Understand, that is why we tell you eventually dust to dust, ashes to ashes, love back to love, and then we begin again.


GD: Many of us on Gaia will be helping other planets ascend. Is that right?

AAJ: Yes, if you so choose. Now when the time comes for most of you will stay for a Golden Age, for you know that death and dis-ease is an old 3rd paradigm. So when the time comes that you relinquish your physical form you may choose to go and assist in other ways with other processes of evolution and Ascension. Or you may choose to do something else, that will be your choice the same way it was your choice to come here, because you believed in love, because you are love. But most of you are always up for another adventure, as am I.


GD: You’ve spoken of your cosmic dust and the particles of love and creative inspiration and that you want to give us adequate supplies for what might lie ahead. Please tell us what lies ahead, what you feel would be most important for us to hear about that?


AAJ: I will tell you what doesn’t lie ahead as well because in some ways that is equally important. Of course there will be some dislocation, we talk of dislocation, not devastation, and the only reason there is dislocation is simply because there are many human beings who will go running for the portal during the Shift at the last moment. So that will be a bit of a flurry but it’s nothing that you and we cannot manage. But what does not lie ahead is some of the more dramatic or scare devastation scenarios. And you need to understand, I wish you to understand, that this process of transformation for Gaia and for the humans is already well under way. I say that you will need your sack of dust because there will be so much to create. Yes the Cities of Light are emerging, but you are part of that anchoring and the recreation of earth. So sometimes you will use your dust to replenish Gaia, to clean the fields, the waters, to grow things. Sometimes you will use it taking a dust shower to raise your vibration during this time because there will be moments when uncertainly arises because no matter how much we tell you, you are moving into the unknown. You might as well be on a space shuttle and in many ways you are because you are traveling at the speed of light and the speed of love into the unknown. Into a dimension where you, the quality of the 5th dimension is the management of change and it is you that will be creating and participating in the changes. The old paradigms of earth were anchored by repeated beliefs in things that were not true; guilt, blame, shame, fault, control, lack, limitation.


Now you are creating with your beautiful Blue Flame what is of truth; compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, prudence, justice. You will need fortification the same way right now you need food. There will be times when your body, which is going through transformation in terms of your very DNA, your cellular structure, you will think “I need a pinch of cosmic dust, of love dust.” What lies ahead is more than you can imagine, but it is a rediscovery of joy. The human race has become far to content with feeling happy; to feel happy you feel grateful that you’re having a good day, or that you have a good relationship, or that you have a good job or money to pay your bills. What I say to you my friends, that is not enough. Happy is reaction, it is not creation. Each of you and us, we are taking it up a notch, well we are actually taking it up several notches are we not? to the place of joy where it lives like the flame in your heart where it is ever present. So that flame as you go, if you choose to stay in form but enlist yourself into the star services that go to the next planet, you will carry that flame of joy within you and you will carry it throughout the cosmos with me. There’s no room for small thinking. I know, because I have been human, how difficult it can be when you think but today I’m in a body that hurts and I do not know how to pay my mortgage or my bills, and I do not know if I am loved. I understand this, so for me to say we are transmuting into joy, but trust me, that is the future. Farewell.


GD: Farewell. Thank you.

Channeled by Linda Dillon 04-05-12
Heavenly Blessings on blogtalkradio



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