HELP And Answers to all Lightworkers and Everyone who losing their PATIENCE in their wait for Ascension

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 15:48

HELP And Answers to all Lightworkers and Everyone who losing their PATIENCE in their wait for Ascension Galactic Love Reporter Alex



Hi There,

Lately many people who before and still call themselves Lightworkers or Wayshowers showing this , how should I say this , inner child that crying why certain events not taking place

And beaching all around internet that they demand of GFL or anyone out there that have abilities to finally step in and do their MAGIC!!!! Because they  are sick and tired of the promises

That were made by above Authorities and real action is necessary to save sanity of all crying children Smile


My Name is Alex I call myself AlMakedon and as long as I remember myself I always was looking for an answer why I have this feeling that something WRONG with this World!!


And that feeling that pushed me , kicked me , drugged me to study all I can find , to satisfy this hunger .. After many years of reading , Unfortunately, I realised that no one have the answer for me. All those studies and readings is just simply were someone’s opinions that’s all. And that is why I never participated in any discussion on the subject since I always believed that it is just waste of time to prove someone wrong since we all know NOTHING anyway or how.


But from my birth I did have some description of this world (inner description) and this description wasn’t matching the world I was living in.. Smile Dah!! Many of you have the same feeling and that is why we all searching for the same thing. We all know that there no right or wrong it is just a concept to keep us occupied.


Now mind you some of us took someone else’s opinion as our own and now trying to adapt and squeeze in that in our understanding of this world.

The EGO always right Smile or left Smile I don’t know …. don’t laugh.


My point is for many years just like you all, I was looking for my purpose in this lifetime for meaning why should I go on. I’ve always knew deep inside that we are all here not just to eat, sleep and fart into each other faces. We are here for something BIGGER … BETTER !!!!!


And now I feel that my time is HERE and NOW and that MY help required by those Lightworkers and Wayshowers that were caring this duty to awaken as many as they can those, during those past many years, who believed In the better life for all of us, and now losing their self in this long battle of LIGHT and DARK.

SO I am here to give Light to as many as willing to take it. We are very close to the Truth you will soon realise it.

And I am talking about YOUR TRUTH.. not Mine.. not GFL not anyone but yours.


I have wrote a response to the “children” who’s losing their sanity on the following website but I’ll post it here anyway.


And may I ask you ALL , PLEASE, if you understand the message and light that is attached to,
and please understand, That didn’t meant to teach you anything but to give you energy.. to keep going.. to believe in yourself!!

Please put/retell this story in your own words , In your own energy, and try to explain it to all around you who’s looking for an answers, to all who wants to know what is happening right now around this topic. To your children, to your family and friends.

Love and Light to you all.


Here is my Response:

Anonymous Jan 25, 2012 08:48 AM
YOU ALL Remind me of child who is crying and kicking his legs on the floor in the Toys-R-Ass Smile

“Mammy you have promised me a toy, why why WHYYYY Oh WHYYYYYY I cant have it… I WANT IT NOW!!!!”


COME ON … We can understand all of you and John specifically he was at this for many many years
and now his inner child is crying!! and that is OK! LET it OUT!! We love you all anyway without separation
since we are ONE!!! we are never separated anyhow.

Ok … look at your hands, left and right, now clap your hands.. good

Lets pretend you are left hand and you shouting at the right hand “Hey you f*** why did you slap me? ”
and Right hand shouts “No you piece of S…. that was you who slap me!!! ”

and lets pretend this fight goes on forever… Suddenly head says “Guys the mouth have a channeled message for you”

Mouth says:”People I don’t know where it comes from but hey I didn’t invented it… msg:>>Left and Right hands your fight is an Illusion!!
No one actually was doing any slapping .. You guys were simply applauding .. We saw an EVENT down the road it’s called ASCENSION!!… Oh boy!! ..
It is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! and WE started applauding.. So don’t worry we’ll be there shortly. We are One . Love and Light to you all”

Right and Left hands say “What?.. What a f…? What do you …?? What do you mean WE SAW? Ascension? How? and How we are One? Mouth ? Head?”

Head says : “Beats me!! Mouth?”

Mouth: “What? I am only a messenger! do you think I understand all this crap?” …. “Oh Oh guys.. listen.. incoming message ”


“You asking us what we mean by .. Well … You see (oh sorry you don’t).. We have Eyes that we use to see all around us.. You know the universe is much bigger than you thought… in fact there so many Universes that you have no idea.. but don’t worry soon you’ll know the truth… out there so many hands, in fact billions just like you, and many of them would like to meet you and be with you… but you should ALL know that NOT all of those hands are good to you.. but don’t you worry we will take care of all of us to make sure you meet only good and honest hands. Love and Light to you all ”

Right and Left hands : “WOW.. Wow Wow wow… Hey? can you believe it? Cool !! Hey Fingers did you hear that? We are going to meet soon our Brothers and sisters from different universes.. Hey mouth did they say when?”


Mouth:” I don’t know… they said soon.. whatever soon means… Oh Oh In coming message”

“And don’t worry about time! Time is an Illusion! What you have to understand first is that you are the One! you are whole.. you are all complete that whole.. it called BODY… and You have to start Love each other unconditionally , and forget about all this judgment and hate since you are One!!!

You see hands your higher self called arms, they are connected to this whole we call BODY.. Head your higher self called NECK it connects you to the whole we call BODY.. Mouth you are part of the Head but you are also the way that feeds the whole system we call BODY..


Get it? No? hmmm…We do understand the complexity of this message but look this the best we can come up with .. when we all going to pass Ascension You will understand us better then because DNA will change and every cell in you will be conscious and that will give you all knowledge that you seeking for! Love and Light”


We can continue this STORY until end of times .. You all know all this .. You just being kids who want the present now
And it is already here (the present) you just need to open your eyes and hearts to see it.. that is all.

And look … even if all this is BS or a big lie or whatever you want to call it and that gives you negative feeling
then stop reading , thinking , talking all of it at once and LIVE YOUR LIFE AS YOU WANT IT TOO

YOU ALL have come here to experience one thing… Life in LOVE!!! Without hate you wouldn’t know Love, without Pain you wouldn’t know Pleasure,
without betrayal you wouldn’t know friendship and etc.


Hopefully for some of you it will be wakeup call… But know this it is YOUR OWN choice how you want to FEEL!!

Don’t forget that you are here to live your life and it doesnt matter what and who promised you what!!!

Be well and prosper Smile We love you all just like you love your kids…



What I did and simply put extracted bits and pieces and presented it like this

So I must thank Allendale for his wisdom and energy .. and to be honest you can all benefit from his energy if you will alow it to.

Here it goes:

Anonymous Jan 24, 2012 12:17 PM
If you only knew how infinitely powerful your thoughts were ,Our Beloved Ones, you would realize that any struggle you experienced was simply created by a negative thought.

Your job, you and the lovely people who read this, who care about the world, who can see into the future – you all know that you can make things happen with your intentions. Focus. Focus on the outcome. A world where leaders really serve the people, where money is a servant, not a god. That’s your heritage, your true heritage. All this groveling, feudalistic crap – pardon my French. It’s time for that to go. You’re not trained poodles. You’re not meant to sit up and beg. Stand up for yourselves. We’ll take care of the rest. High level, back channel stuff. You’ll see. Brace yourselves for big changes.


It is not a matter of waiting, and suffering. It is a matter of adapting to your circumstances. A matter of you finding your right place. All is happening for a reason, there are no coincidences. So, stop dreaming of travelling to the stars, and begin becoming a receiver. Begin doing the mission you are here for, my lads! You are here to contribute to global awakening, and for that, you gotta start focusing on yourself. We know what is going on for you individually, and you have opted for the best way out of karma. This is a plan of your own making, of your own design. If you are going to be mad at someone, you’d better takE it up with yourself, because you agreed to this plan. And if you have set the bar too high, remember that you are your own coach, and you have made it very hard for yourself in this life.

Your riches are in your heart and mind and soul.Own them, use them, flaunt them! Riches of the heart and soul!

May I suggest that you send this message out and remind your lovely readers that they are instrumental in this final struggle to free their minds of the cabal brain washing. If each sends energy of hope and love to Earth and her inhabitants, this will speed the process for us a bit.


We have mentioned before how under-appreciated your power of thought is but I need to be blunt and tell you all to get over it! Be the Masters you came here to be! Find the courage in your hearts to recognize your greatness. Wake up!


The dark cabal is sending their agents online, hunting for people of weak resolve or are new to our messages. It is your individual choice whether you will listen to those out to create fear, arguments and division. You alone can be your own master. However ask yourself, where do certain comments come from, what is the motivation behind them, and how do these comments make you feel.

Weigh it all with your heart, and don’t hesitate to make your own research, investigations and if needed skip those individuals comments all together.They are designed to place you into fear mode, into your reptilian brain, as it is called, into survival mode.

Never think this is random. We all planned this to the smallest detail. Add in the 3-D amnesia and OY! Perhaps we could have planned a wee bit easier route. Ah, but where would the fun be in that? I hope this assists each tribe heart.

Love and Light to you all!

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 01/27/2012 - 18:50

 The author of this post's voice comes through so powerfully, and the humor was well......very humerous! The subject matter however is not so hilarious, it is to often that we encounter this mind set. For some reason people get a slight glimpse of this "present" and they want to run before they can walk. The reason why these brothers and sisters of ours are so upset is because they subconciously, do not want to do the work required to align their life with an expirence in which they desire. They are waiting for validation on something which is only attained through love, trust, faith, compassion, grace, and gratitude. Sometimes we forget the importance of these energies, these are not just intellectual concepts. Compassion is not an idea whose time has come. Compassion is an energy that creates great oscillations in the fabric of our universe. Grace is not a religous notion or promise, it is a palpable energy that can be witnessed and utilized in the world around you. Faith and trust are not bargains made or promises to be kept. They are the frequencies that power each breath that you take in the physical. With each In-breath and out-breath your soul takes in the divine. Gratitude is not polite statements you are taught as children. It is an energetic acknowledgment to the universe that you are in alignment with source. And love is quite profoundly the energy that powers all of creation.




Sat, 01/28/2012 - 00:04

You sent out a big Rope... hope lots will take it! 

Thanks for helping Wonderful Being!


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