~High Council of Orion Update 6~24~11

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/24/2011 - 05:06

~High Council of Orion Update 6~24~11~

Welcome beloveds, once more we are blessed with this communication. We guide and support you during this time of major change and upheaval across planet earth. We wish to guide you more about your fears and how they can manifest rapidly if not weeded out. The illusion is such across planet earth that many of you are feeding into the illusion without realising that you are still being swayed by it.

Much more change will come into form over the coming weeks and months and whilst these changes happen it is vital that you do not lower your vibration and fall back into the very illusion that you seek to leave. We watch as human nature still appears to be to pour very negative emotions through all dramas that come to the fore. Drama is a key tool in illusion, with drama hooking humans back into their fears and anxieties almost instantly. Please dear ones be aware of how illusion works in your lives.

Drama is created as a smokescreen to fool you into thinking that illusion is real and that what you are beginning to experience as truth is not. This is a time of trusting dear ones, trusting and having faith that the truth you have begun to reveal to yourself is reality. It can be very difficult and we fully acknowledge this difficulty for humans to detach from drama without being pulled into it. Some dramas are powerful and sweep over many of you before you have even realised what it is that you partake of. Many of you will have experienced dramas over the past few weeks that seemed to come out of nowhere and then they left you almost breathless.

Know this is in direct response to you touching the truth within your hearts. Illusion will seek to snuff out that flame of truth in any way that it can. It uses smoke and mirrors to create more illusion, that you are alone, that you have “made it up”, “ that you are somehow failing in creating a better, more truthful life. Know dear ones that you have not “made it up”, you are not failing you are CREATING. As you begin to work with creation you must also dig out any fears about creating that you may have as you go along. Some fears as you are beginning to find out are rooted DEEP within your BEing. It is by uncovering the layers of your very BEing that you are able to reach this level of deep seated fear and ultimately to root it out and replace it with LOVE.

Know dear ones that this is a time of great undertaking by all of you. There is hard work involved but undertake to do this hard work with joy and compassion in your hearts. Know that you move towards greater human consciousness at each step you take. We guide you all once again to detach from the media during this time of clearing. Much of what you take in is on a very subconscious level, your media which is a tool of the illusion will have you believe that drama and trauma are around every corner, that each human is out to get the other and so it goes on. Notice dear ones that there are hardly any ever “stories” of people working together, of creating, of sharing. All that is fed to you through illusion is heartbreak and fear. Even watching this illusion and being aware it is illusion may still filter through to deeply held fears dear ones, please be aware of this.

Such is the level of deep rooted fear throughout the human race that this is the trigger for many at this time. Many of you will have thought that you had worked out what “pushes your buttons” only to find out that a recent drama pushed those very buttons. This may have left you frustrated and confused. Know dear ones the universe just seeks to show you where you need to garden next. It should not be taken as a sign that illusion is correct, take it as a sign that you are doing well and going deeper. As you go deeper and deeper into your BEing the illusion will seek to sweep over you in an attempt to dissuade you, please dear ones detach when drama springs up around you.

We realise how difficult our words are for many of you. To detach means not to react, to try to view the drama unfolding as being completely separate from you, in reality it is, it NEEDS you to participate to continue with the illusion. Dramas that are not participated in fade away, many of you react instinctively and we guide you to look at this. These are “buttons” that need work dear ones. The same drama may rear its head slightly later on to further test you, once again detach dear ones. Each time pouring love and compassion through the situation and all those involved. Many of the humans involved in the drama will still be asleep, illusion uses them more readily as they react without much thought, they do not see the patterns of illusion yet.

Many of you will live in neighbourhoods where you feel that you are isolated, that people don’t understand you, when this happens please hold yourself in love and compassion as well as those around you. You carry a high vibration and this may well unsettle those around you but it is not your responsibility how they react to this vibration. This process is about everyone raising their vibration, know that the illusion will seek to have you lower it by any means it finds.

Keeping your vibration high means that you come from a place of love, of compassion and you are able to view those still asleep as your fellow humans and hold love for them. They like you were once are still asleep, many will wake or stir over the coming weeks, many will not. Once more we guide it is not your responsibility to awaken them. If they have made the decision to awake at this time then they will do, if they have not then nothing will rouse them. Many humans spend a lot of time and experience a lot of frustration around this issue.

Each individual human across the planet has a different interpretation of what it means to live, as you all individually create your own realities as well as hold the pattern for creation of the larger reality you cannot be aware of another humans’ experience. No two experiences across the planet are ever the same, yet we watch as many humans try to put their experiences onto others, try to convince other humans that their way is the only way. There is NO one way to enlightenment dear ones, you each have your own. It is futile to try to enlighten another by allowing them to follow the exact path you have. It will cause frustration to all parties involved in this scenario.

For each of you to experience freedom you must begin to live and think freely and independently of all those around you. You must learn to trust and have faith in YOU. Process all through your heart and then come to YOUR decision about YOUR life. No other way of BEing will work dear ones, for too long humans have handed other humans their power and asked them to work it out for them. That is illusion dear ones, trying to fool you into believing that another human knows more about your life than you do. This cannot be dear ones, YOU are the experts on your own life.

Many around you will try to convince you that THEY know better, this once more we guide is illusion working through them. Be wary of simply following dear ones.

We leave you with our messages of love and bestow our blessings on each and every one of you. Continue to raise your vibrations dear ones and continue to have faith and trust in your abilities, slowly the illusion will begin to fade before your very eyes and your truth will be revealed. Once more we guide you to detach from ALL drama, this includes dramas that appear to be on world wide scale. Know that all drama is simply fear that has been triggered, that is fear that needs to be transmuted by love. We are the high council of orion, we are your brothers and sisters from the stars. We love you, we have always love you, WE ARE ONE.

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