~ How 'Not' to Explain to Someone About Galactic Federation First Contact ~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 12/23/2011 - 06:08



~ How 'Not' to Explain to Someone About Galactic Federation First Contact ~






You may find that explaining to a friend or loved one about our inevitable first contact with our galactic families may be a bit difficult, to say the least. In this light, some helpful tips might be of great service to you if you should find yourself in such conversation.


You may wish to avoid using movie references such as:


(1) ‘Hey, did you see War of the Worlds?’

(2) ‘Remember in that Twilight Zone episode when the aliens just kept saying they wanted to serve man and carried around that book 'To Serve Man', but after that greedy guy boards the spaceship the book turns out to be a cookbook! "It's a cookbook! It's a cookbook!"

(3) ‘Remember that really funny part in Independence Day?’

‘What really funny part?’

‘The part when the giant spaceship is blowing up the White House.’

‘Oh yeah, that was pretty funny!’

You may also wish to avoid using one-liners.

(1) ‘Knock knock?’

‘Who’s there?’


‘About two million spaceships.’

Using historical reference may also be a bad idea.


(1) ‘Did you read in history class about how the people had finally had enough and stormed the castle gates and sent Marie Antoinette and Louise XVI to the guillotine? Well, it’s just like that only with extraterrestrials.’

Nostalgic reference may fall a bit shy of the mark also.


(1) ‘You know what cereal I used to love? Quisp.’

Biblical references may not always find success as well.


(1) ‘Are you familiar with the Book of Revelation, where Satan is described as a reptilian, and at the end of days Christ will descend from the Heavens with his Legion of Angels to defeat the army of darkness?’ "Well... Knock Knock?"

Even though that last example may have a lot of truth to it and be a suitable approach if you were speaking to those familiar with the New Testament, I have always been a firm believer in a more direct approach. Perhaps you may agree, and would like to try this approach the next time your chatting with a loved one and a recent news story about a UFO conveniently enters your conversation.


‘Have you noticed all the recent news stories about UFO’s lately? Would it surprise you if Earth turned out to be a colony of another world? Well, turns out it is. As a matter of fact, our planet is a shared colony of many different worlds working in a peaceful cooperation. A social experiment has been conducted here over the last few thousand years, and we have been left alone to work things out for ourselves. Everyone on the planet today volunteered to participate in this experiment, which involved the interaction between a citizenry and a tyrannical ruling class. The aim was to discover what could be learned from this scenario, and to find out if the public would awaken and rise up to free themselves, or fall deeper into the clutches of as fascist dictatorship. This experiment is now over, and has been a tremendous success. The people have awakened. We are uniting to free ourselves and return our world to the utopia it once was, and we are not alone in this endeavor. The original planners of this colony and of this experiment have returned. They are not strangers to us at all, as we are the colonists and they are from the mother land. We are their ancestors, all of us. As they are many worlds that go by many names, it is easier to refer to them by the name of their peaceful alliance: The Galactic Federation. They have returned to help us peaceably remove these tyrannical rulers from power, as they are no longer required for this exercise. They are also joyous to reunite with us, their family, once again. Soon we will have the veil of forgetfulness lifted from us, and all have a big laugh as we remember just who we all are and where we come from. There will be no more secrets, no more cultural experiments. All the problems of our world will be quickly and smoothly brought into the alignment of our new Golden Age society through the leadership of souls of pure hearted intent. Advanced technologies will also be reintroduced to us, and through a worldwide community effort all wars, hunger, poverty, illness, and pollution will soon be a thing of the past, as will our lives of daily servitude. Light technologies will replace our need to labor our lives away, and everyone will be free to pursue every creative dream they have ever had.

Now, if that doesn't work, you could always try:

'Hey, remember in E.T. when all he wanted to do was phone home? Well, if he made that call today, it wouldn't necessarily be long distance.'

Greg Giles


Guest (not verified)

Mon, 12/26/2011 - 08:31

"Orion's Galactic Federation" are those of the Creators Negative Polarity in this Galaxy.  For support of this, refer to "The Keys of Enoch" with multiple references to "Orion, the Father of the Gods", his pecking order "Hierarchy", his "Lords of Light", his "Fifth Density Light Workers", and their "Galactic Federation".  The "Confederation of MAN" are those of the Creators Positive Polarity in this Galaxy. For support of this, refer to the four volumes of "The Teachings for the Fourth Density Aquarian" by Chief Little Summer and the four volumes of "The RA Material".  Of the 38 million Wanderers inhabiting earth's surface, 25 million are the elite Empire, 10 million are their loyal servants, the Fourth Density Laggards, and the remaining 3% are Confederation and compassionate volunteers from other Galaxies.  This collection of Light is commonly referred to as "The New Age Movement".  93% of the total New Age Movement is comprised of Empire Hierarchy and unevolved, uninspired 4th Density Laggards.  Though they exhibit a facade of Love and Light, their true inner core bristles with the power to disrupt the Earth Mothers Transition into Fourth Density.  A Harvest without inconvenience is taught - No lessons, no karma is involved.  Nothing is earned - all is automatic.  They teach no method of preparation to native Third Density.  Those Light Workers/Love Bearers were given an opportunity by the Confederation to convert their ways.  A handful of 5% accepted.  Out of 35 million only 85,000 did.  95% or 1,750,000 will freely join their arch-enemy Orion, and become Negative.  Over 33,000,000 Positive Light Bearers, found mostly in the New Age communities are destined to reside in a specially prepared black porous cinder in as asteroid, as small worms who will feed off their environment for an Eternity.  We share this knowledge at this critical time of Harvest.  We are one of the 3% Confederation on the Earth's surface.  vb/Elder Race. 


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