~How to Send Light to People, Places, and Things~ ATMOS VICTORY~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 13:43



 ~How to Send Light to People, Places, and Things~

Divine Love is the All-enfolding Flame of Creation. It is the Spark of Life - the Unfed Fire within each one which can be kindled into a roaring conflageration when the attention is turned within and above t...o the Blazing God Presence - the I AM Presence.

That Blazing Presence is Love, and only from the Heart of Love can more love come forth. To send this Love and Light, you will need to stop, go within, and recognize the I AM Presence of your being. This will cause a ray of light to proceed from your mind, which will form a mental picture of that desire.

While holding this picture consciously in your mind[HEART CENTER] and remaining within the I AM Consciousness, you call forth another ray of light from the feeling world[CENTER] (heart) and direct that into the mental [VISION]picture. The two rays combine into one electronic stream which goes forth from your I AM Presence (God-Self).

When you do this divine activity, your command gets amplified by the Great Hosts of Light as it goes forth to bless the person, place, or condition held by the light of your attention. In the desire to give service, one should lose themselves and become selfless. If there be any trace of a desire to benefit oneself, then to that degree, it will it not succeed.

The individual must be willing to be cosmic in comprehension. Entering into ones I AM Presence is Oneness. Oneness with all things. From that unitive space an idividual has the ablity to serve with the full power of divine love. For only in the selfless state does one become the I AM Principle that generates and amplifies the electronic stream of love and light.

Use the following command to point your attention: "I AM the Presence pouring into this condition! I AM the Pure Electronic Body of Light, illuminating ___________________ through the activity of Divine Love. I AM the Mountain of Light that brings all into Divine Order with the Light of God that never fails. Let Thy Mighty Mariad Rays of Love encircle this situation and raise each one into the perfect outcome. For I AM the action of life. I AM the Presence of Life. And I AM the Victory of Life now and forever!" Atomas Victory

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