~Illuminating the Power of One~ Now On Planet Earth=Heart~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 11:47

JKM, 5-24-12 (Judith in Chimayo) 5:00 am

Illuminating the Power of One



J: I open to the Source of Infinite Wisdom of Creation to the Masters and the Guides, my heart open to the light, the vessel of love that.

(long pause)


Children of Light, you have come upon this Earth time and time again building, always building the geometries of light seeking the way of the Great Wisdom and the pathway of peace. Now is the time of times, the Illumination that you have long waited for. Open to the passageway of the Great Solar Source to the Venusian Temples of light, illuminant, the source of radiance on Earth.


Everything is purposeful now. You have prepared yourself, guided by the Ascended Masters and the Wisdom Keepers. You have prepared yourselves. Open to the inner voice that guides you, the inspiration of Divine Intuition. You have surrendered in faith and opened your heart, that you may see beyond the limits of the physical reality, and that you may truly respond to the pulse of Galactic Oneness. You are guided now by the Central Intelligence of Creation from Galactic Source and assisted in the Realms by the Brethren of Light in many dimensions as you are cosmic beings of light.


You are ready. Various, a specific harmonic overtone generated now from Galactic Source, your light body is (?) to this harmonic overtone. It is not audible with your physical ears, but your light body receives the vibration and transmits it into a harmonic frequency that you will generate into your aura. Your aura will open with the brilliance of light and an overtone of pure Oneness generating frequencies that are specific to the Council of Light vibration of your individual, your unique vibration of your soul consciousness, the Councils of Light that you co-create with and to the Earth itself during the Venus Transit.


Each vibration that is transmitted from your light bodies into your auric field is as one note in an overture of light that is a superconductive energy field transmitted to humanity through the Venus Transit. The living body of the Earth itself will receive and transmit the Gaia tone.


At the time of times, (?) the illumination of the passageways of light in specific points on the Earth that have been opened to the Cosmic transits will reverberate with the vibration like crystal bowls. The immortal temples of light on the world grid then will activate what they were built to do as superconductive energy vibrations, superconductive energy sources.


As you reach Heaven and Earth with your light body, the Venusian Principle of Global Harmony, the Venusian Masters of Light have long awaited this transit of cosmic power through the power of the Solar Christ knowing that the very nature of reality on the planet will shift.

You are Venusians. Gaia III is a Venusian system. This is the hour of power. This message is given to you from the Infinite Wisdom through the Venusian Councils of Light. The Cosmic Christ Councils are readied. Your Brethren of Light in the Cosmos, your Star Brothers and Sisters are readied. You have pulled your team and you have opened the inter-dimensional grids for the harmonic flow, the perfect resonance of the Harmony of One.


Remember, the adversarial forces of discord and chaos will seem, they will (?) be prevalent, but this is an illusion that Earth is moving through. It's an illusion that Earth is moving through. It is, in itself, not an end. This is a time of this great illumination of Venusian love.

All that is in discord still, be permeable on the path of (?),

locked into a grid of fear, and adversity.


Now, the power of the Venusian vibration permeates the consciousness of discord and duality, awakening the Venusian heart of humanity in an interdimension of Oneness, and as Master Jesus spoke, "that which was hidden shall be brought to the light" truly to be illuminated as love.

Stay in your heart at all times. The adversarial energies of chaos and discordant frequencies will become very intense in these days.

Your heart is the key and you know this. Focus on the peace that your soul desires to manifest in the consciousness of the world. You will know the beauty of these days. You will experience the epiphany of love when through your heart, the heart chakra of the Earth itself will vibrate with the epiphany of love, and this is the Venusian power. As you enter the Aquarian Age now the Piscean values of logic and cause and effect are no longer purposeful for humanity.


The one purpose for existence is to love and be loved, and another . You are a community, you are a beloved community of faith and light and through your collective experiences in small groups you have built a system of conscious union, a psychic field of communion, and it is crystalline in nature. It is a pure crystal heart vibration, and thus because you are prepared, (walls ?) of these times of times, you are ready for the day of illumination. It quickens the force of the Power of One, and the quantum harmonics will rise on this into a new Venusian vibration that supports life, that supports the principles of peace, and that manifest union, the sovereign principles, identity of liberation, identity of freedom, and yet a co-creation of "the" common principle, "the common Principle of Light" that is a collective (?) of Peace, and in these days of days and in this Time of the Coming, you have felt the emotional body, the chaos of the Apocalyptic Power and you have brought that energy to your heart to faith, to faith, and surrendered it to love, and look around you, look around you, for you are the Mirror of Oneness.

Each of you on this place of love, each of you in this center of Oneness who are a mirror for the Venusian power in this Venus Transit, and as you receive the vibration as it is transmitted from your light body into your auric field, it expands into rainbows, rainbows of light illuminated with the Harmonics of Oneness and mirrors, mirrors this power to other light principles, other ports of light into the world grid and into the cosmic grid; that there truly will be on that day, one Overtone of Love.


You have awakened to the Power of One. You have prepared for this purpose. The time of Illumination is at hand. (?) with your heart open to Joy and love fully. Nothing now will hold the Earth from this place of peace. It is the promise, it is the prophecy of One. Remember that each of you will be in specific areas of light on the planet, that if a harmonic frequency energy system orchestrated from the highest realms of light and love, and there is a map on this world grid, in the Venusian Temples of Light, and the power of it is unfathomable, but you are the receptors, you are the triggers, you are the keys.


Your light body triggers this force, and wherever you are, you are together because you are sovereign beings, and you respond to the inner guidance of the Infinite Oneness, and yet through your sovereignty, through your sovereignty, you are the purest vessels of love and light for the Beloved Community and the Collective, the Collective vibration, that each unique overtone forms a Harmonic light in the orchestration of love for the Venus Transit. Because truly you do not place another between you and the God Source, that you are awakened to the inner God self unless the power, the power of Love quickens.


This message is given through the Omni Source, not just as an instruction of peace, but as a force in and of itself that unifies the field of consciousness in preparation for the Venus Transit.

If you are awakened in the morning, do so with gratitude and appreciation for this mystery, this miracle of miracles, and the community beyond the veil, know that you have formed a community of light with the community beyond the veil, and you will be sending love and vibrations through the realms from the physical to the non physical reality, and from the non physical reality to the physical reality strengthening the Harmonics of Oneness and the power of Illumination.


Take time to contemplate the majesty.


This is Halleluiah. This is Hosanna! This is the time of times, and the whales and the dolphins have opened the Whale Codes. They are ready, they are ready with you because you have built a conscious community with them and with the Elementals, and the Ancestor Spirits, with the Masters and Guides, and all is ready now. Let your heart smile and cast off the sorrows of the past, let them fall from your heart and lift your spirits to the light. Each of you are a crystal heart vibration, and the Masters have well prepared the crystalline energy fields, the crystalline frequencies, and the Master Skulls have done their work to prepare for this message.


All is ready for the Illuminant Light and the force of the Aquarian vibrations upon the Earth in preparation for the 7/7/12, the Epiphany.


And thus it is given in the Age of Ages, of the Prophecy.

So be it and So it is.

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