Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/05/2011 - 07:40

~Christ’s Light: Blue Ray~


~June 2011 UPDATE~

A lot of you may be seeing blue dots and patches in your field of vision for the last few months, maybe even years for some. You may be seeing sparkles in the room or around people. Some are seeing orbs and auras. This is because the illusory of the 3D reality is breaking down faster and faster. You are seeing the energy of Love leak into the fear based 3D reality. Many of you have walked far in the process of creating a New Earth. Many of you are sensitive to the in coming waves of Light and then the bursting of and breaking down of the negative and fear based fields within the 3D reality. Until you get used to this process you will feel as if you are a piece of seaweed caught in the ocean tide. Many of you are walking this walk more Peaceful now and can feel the Peace that you are, allowing it to bubble up more and more to the surface. Soon you will be entirely Peaceful and Loving because that is your true state.

You are all doing such a beautiful job. For the young walkers who still feel like they are caught in the tide stay true and your “time” will come. Many of you may be “having” or seeing negative thoughts come to surface in the mind. Let them pass and bless them. They are not powerful and now you are finally seeing what has been creating your 3D reality. You are helping clear your own darkness and all of humanities. You are helping your Mother Earth make her spiritual walk to a higher place as well as your own.

You may see events and people that you want to judge as “bad” or “wrong”. This is not correct. Be understanding toward them and realize they are an expression of the negativity that all of humanity has created. The people you see as “bad” or “wrong” are your Brothers and Sisters and in a sense yourself. When you condemn them you are condemning yourself and helping hold your negative 3D reality in place. Forgive. Love and Understand and let the darkness drop away. Do not hold or condemn any Brother or Sister. This is not your job. This is not to say that you do not understand something negative has taken place and that some people have not made good choices. Many people make very poor decisions much like we all have. It is time to let God make the “judgment” and it’s time for you to live in Peace and let go of condemning your Brothers and Sisters. Hold them in the Light always and forgive them when they know not what they do.

You may not find yourself desiring the foods you used to eat. You may even find yourself eating entirely different foods and these foods are not to be judged. You may find your self eating and desiring less for at this time because you have become accustomed to living off of Light to a degree. Allow the Light to sustain you more and more. Never force your diet to be other than it is. Follow God’s guidance not your own. The ego / thinking may tell you after hearing this I have to eat less to be spiritual. This is not what I have said. You may find yourself being called to change your eating habits and you may not.

We are all spiritual and we are all equal. We are the Brothers and Sisters of God. The “bad” or “wrong” Brother or Sister in your mind is equal and as great as you. The “bad” or “wrong” thoughts are actually bad and wrong and not created by God and must be let go of.

Many of you have moved to different areas within the last few years and you may find you need to change areas again. This will be your last move before a major shift into Christ Consciousness happens on a larger scale. You do not need to know and cannot know what this looks like until it happens. Remain open to letting more and more of your Peace and Love rise to the surface each day and help wash away the negative dream created by humanity. Soon you will be completely resting in Heaven on Earth.

There is no need to struggle so release any and all struggle. It is time to rest where you have always been and can never leave, in the Love and Peace of God. See with the Eyes of Love, Hear with the Ears of Love and Peace and Speak with ease, Peacefully and Lovingly the Truth. Choose to be an Instrument of God's Love.


Brother Christ





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