~The Incoming Changes are Immenant~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 10:46

We are really Moving Fast Now. These Energies are preparing the way for the huge changes that are about to take place on the Planet. This is per the Divine TImeline and cannot be changed or stopped. The Momentum has gained too much speed~ We will have more about this in our Next Update~ Love Your Earth Allies

Oldman Sachs CEO gets a raise in compensation, but performance pay decreases




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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-14-2012 – Nothing is happening on the Planet ~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-14-2012 – Nothing is happening on the Planet ~



Well, I suppose I have no updates for today, not much is going on, energies are... don’t know, you tell me... and weather is calm, no earthquakes, ring of fire is quiet and so are volcanos.

ETs are probably simply weather ballons that lost their cord and the Planet is a simple mass of dead rock, so why bother... keep up your daily life and stop asking when things are going to happen. They are not... as they are not happening... all is as it was and as it will allways be.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/14/12



Despite some of the rumors you may have heard, the relocations of some individuals who currently live in certain areas that have shown themselves prone to flooding will be a very simple and easy procedure that will be concluded well before these areas become affected. We are here to assist with this procedure, and through our experience and advanced technologies this process will be completed smoothly and efficiently. There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about in this regard, and we will do all we can to make certain every individual who lives within these areas is given plenty of opportunity to relocate to the areas we consider safe. Through our advanced technologies, no one will have to rely on their own resources for this relocation. This is what we will offer, and it is up to each individual who lives within these areas to accept our assistance or to decline it.



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Love and Kindness are Fifth~Dimensional Signposts


Love and Kindness are Fifth-Dimensional Signposts  


There are signposts that signal our arrival into fifth-dimensional consciousness. Love and kindness are two signposts upon which our foundation for inter-dimensional experience is based. Love is the highest vibration in the universe; kindness is a natural manifestation of love. Embracing and cultivating love and kindness carries us through the gates of higher dimensions.


We may have a sense of knowing and the ability to access certain forms of higher knowledge but without the ability to live from our heart, we are unable to realize this knowledge in our daily life. Without love, higher knowledge is stillborn and unrealized.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Children Full of Life (1 of 5)










"In the award-winning documentary Children Full of Life, a fourth-grade class in a primary school in Kanazawa, northwest of Tokyo, learn lessons about compassion from their homeroom teacher, Toshiro Kanamori. He instructs each to write their true inner feelings in a letter, and read it aloud in front of the class. By sharing their lives, the children begin to realize the importance of caring for their classmates."


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FREEDOM PROJECT: 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory UNDER 5 MINUTES...




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Galactic Free Press Daily Update 4~13~12 Energy and Event Update~ Announcements to Begin Shortly~


Greetings Love beings, Love is in the Air~ Love is everywhere. Vibrating through this entire Planet and all on her. If you are connected to the Planet you will be able to feel this. This energy is available to All. You will Feel this as a Vibration of Joy throughout your entire Being. What has occurred is Time has now officially stopped and the Portal of Love Has Opened for All to enter into Eternity. This is the Divine Intervention energy as a Gift from US to All of Humanity. This Energy will climax around April 21st, 2012. True Freedom is Here, Love is Here and exists in the Unity Consciousness that is spreading contagiously like wild fire across The Planet. Nice Planet, this is the Daily Planet.



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4/14/2012 -- UPDATE -- Have your severe plans ready -- TX, OK, KS, NE, IA, MN, SD, WI


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Greeks reject EU-IMF plan, want coalition rule: polls ~ 14.4.12...




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Multiple Tornado Warnings


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Swiss banks to hand over staff names in U.S. tax row: report




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Through Suzanne Lie


Fractal Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader




I keep remembering the journal of Creating New Earth, in which initial messages began via our sleep. I write this message because I write what i receive. It is a leap of faith for me to give this kind of prediction, as I have stayed away from that. However, it is time form me to be take the leap and post this message. I know that others have been talking about these changes for weeks, and I haver read every word. What if this message is true? What if are free at last? What if we are truly Going Home??


After a long dream of being in some one else’s house and realizing it was time for me to leave and go to my own house, I woke up at 5:55 with the words: “Transmissions from Home.”



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We were never far from you ~ The Lord of Sirius



People of Earth. The upheavals on your planet are progressing well and will soon be obvious to everyone. Your media will be converted and can then freely and openly report all events. The first arrests took place. Many more will follow in reaching the thousands. And they will not stop at just your leaders. Those who are already acting now for the good of their people, have nothing to fear. One of them is the American President Barack Obama. He will lead his people into a glorious future and serve as an example for other countries. Your governments are close to the exchange. As a further consequence the abundance programs will be put into effect.



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4/14/2012 -- 6.6M hits Vanuatu -- also -- 6.2M in S. America -- 6.0M in Indonesia


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~14~12 Incoming Major Events will Be Unfolding~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~14~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Incoming Major Events will Be Unfolding~


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine Sand Joy~West Coast Freedom, Love, and Light Tour



Greetings Love beings... In the next 30 days we will  be seeing some major events that will be undeniable and will contain the validations that Humanity's New Reality of Love, is manifesting before their eyes.




Love is not here to Play games or share lies. Love is here, to finally after 13,000 years, end the ridiculous illusions of pain and suffering. We are Here To bring Planet Wide Peace, Prosperity, and True Equality.



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We don't need the banks anymore! Greek town develops bartering system without euro



Che Guevara

We don't need the banks anymore! Greek town develops bartering system without euro

As Greece wonders whether its debt crisis will eventually spell its exit from the euro, one town in the Centre of the country, Volos, has formed an alternative local currency. 

It works through a bartering system or exchange of goods. 

The BBC's Mark Lowen reports. 

[To watch the video, please follow the link...][inspiring and very simple...]




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Tornado Warnings Iowa/Kansas/Nebraska


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We are all going to die ~ not ! ~ Inelia Benz


We are all going to die ~ not ! ~ Inelia Benz


Whenever individuals would ask me about December 2012, that was my favorite response.  I would say, “we are all going to die.  Every person on the planet is going to die. But not at the same time.  Some die today, now, as we speak, some in an hour, some tomorrow, some in a week, some in a year, some in 90 years… and so on. But every person on the planet is going to die.  Just not at the same time.”

And that was not quite accurate, because it was really our physical bodies that were dying at various times from the present time to decades in the future. Not ourselves.


However, when I say that sentence now, the “we are all going to die” sentence, it no longer resonates.  It appears that our physical bodies are the ones making the shift in physical existence from the 3D, where in the past it needed to die in order to be recreated, or shift awareness to a more subtle dimension, to a reality where we can help it become more subtle without dying.



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Acceleration of events ~ by Cobra



Saturday, April 14, 2012




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The President Of Iceland Tells Us How He Had The Balls To Stand Up To Britain




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~URIEL. Surrender~Let Go and Let God.





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Cobra ~ Portal 2012 ~ Divine Intervention Flash ~ 14 April 2012


Cobra ~ Portal 2012 ~ Divine Intervention Flash ~ 14 April 2012

Divine Intervention Flash April 13th


A new flash of energy has been sent directly from the Source towards the surface of planet Earth on Friday, April 13th. The purpose of this energy beam was to unstuck old energy and to ensure forward motion towards the completion of planetary liberation process. Quantum foam signature of the gluon particle-wave became more harmonious. Put it simple, there will be more light streaming towards planet Earth.

It may be significant that planet Mars went direct on Friday. Mars was retrograde since January 23rd, which resulted in many delays, impatience and apparent lack of action. Well, you will see a lot of action soon!



Also, planet Mercury enters Aries on April 16th. This also implies more action, more good news.



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Keiser Report: Too Broke To Go Broke (E275)


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There comes a time in the evolution of a planet when a new way of being must be found and lived. You live in that time. What will you do with your energy today to help create a more loving world?

Ask this question daily. Consider where you will place your focus. Remember - you can choose.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Serenity


Find the contentment

Regardless of where you find yourself, find peace in that moment.Take action based on your truth, and trust your inner guidance, and lovingly assert yourself speaking with your heart. Regardless what is happening around you, you can decide what you state of mind is and where it you want to keep it.  
Your angel guidance is to find your still, quiet center, then heal any anger, purify your emotions and trust your own judgment, and make your decisions from this point of your inner Divine-ness and from love.  True strength is based on inner strength, self worth and confidence. It is time to claim your birthright and be that powerful light that you are.
Affirmation: "I am serene. powerful and confident. I speak my truth with my heart."
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

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~Transmissions From HOME 2~


~Transmissions From HOME 2~

2012 April 14

Dear HOME, wherever and at whatever frequency you are, I did not have a dream last night. That is I do not remember having a dream about you, but today seemed like a very special day.
I have been working with groups, and we have been learning ways to create New Earth. However, we, also, know that New Earth has always been created.
So, I guess we are actually creating our return to New Earth. I realize that third dimensional language is becoming increasingly insufficient to express and/or understand timeless, multidimensional communications.
Dear ONE that I saw in my dream, your face is forever imprinted on my mind.


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~Ascension is a Universal Event~


~Ascension is a Universal Event~

2012 April 14
Posted by Steve Beckow

We tend to think of only the Earth as ascending, whereas in fact Ascension is occurring throughout the universe, as SaLuSa told us on April 13, 2012.


“The changes are affecting … not just your solar system, but Universe and Galaxy. It is a tremendous change of scope beyond your imagination, and involves Beings of unlimited power and love. They carry out the Will of God and in that lies your assurance that all will proceed according to the Divine Plan.” (1)



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Somali Style! (E274)


What Greece and rest of still enslaved world can learn from Iceland and Somalia people's action ... 

Hear Stacey and Max having fun and still deliver great message to ones who still believe in present financial system and thinking that is 'working'... 


Thank you Stacey and Max for being the beings of light in these magnificent times where dark is completely diminished...


Love, PRedrag/Saint Germain


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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-13-12



Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~


Greetings Love Beings,


Gates are open, courtains lifted, codes activated, crafts on place, lights on... asking for more?

It’s coming don’t worry.

Oh no, you’ll see and live it all.

Thus, aftewards, don’t claim yourself for not seeing it when you had the chance to.

This train in making no stops anymore.

We’re going to Central Galactic Station straight.

Not stopping even for a pee... if you have to, hold it.



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~Gillian MacBeth~Louthan Mirror, Mirror ~ A Pleiadian Message ~ 14 April 2012


~Gillian MacBeth~Louthan  Mirror, Mirror ~ A Pleiadian Message ~ 14 April 2012

On May 20, 2012, a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen between the Earth, the Sun and Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation. According to myth, the hunter Orion was in love with the SEVEN SISTERS and pursued them until the gods took them to safety, transforming them first into doves, and then into stars. Maia, the eldest of the seven Pleiades, gave birth to Hermes (Thoth).


The Pleiades are a well-known sight in the Northern Hemisphere in winter and in the Southern Hemisphere in summer, and have been known since ancient times to cultures all around the world.  Early Dakota stories speak of the ancestors as being the Pleiades. The Hopis called the Pleiadians the ‘Chuhukon’, meaning those who cling together. They considered themselves direct descendents of the Pleiadians. Navajos named the Pleiades the ‘Sparkling Suns’, the home of the ‘Black God’. The Iroquois pray to them for happiness.


The Cree claim to have come to Earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood. Some Native Americans believed that all tribes in North America came from the Pleiades. That they were actually descendents and had been given a task by the Pleiadians to keep the Earth safe.


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Beautiful UFO over Southern California


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Installing Love



Installing Love

Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love.
Can you guide me through the process?

Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?


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I would like you to feel the significance of this event coming in public view... through very public Reuters news agency... This is one of the most joyful reports today, beside the David Wilcock's amazing post about Legal Liens against all 12 US Federal Reserve banks... and beside the Iceland PM stating that he had a balls to stand up to Britain...


I will give you my readings of these beautiful and very connected documents/posts...


First, tremendous thank you dear David Wilcock for your courage and persistence despite all the challenging situations that are transpiring around you and your friends... Standing tall is the most beautiful action We can do, when we know the TRUTH... When We do not doubt... When we are not afraid...

I see you dear Brother, and I am so honored that we can stand next to you spreading your information, simply as one of our primary lights who shines beautifully upon our own conciseness and awareness asking nothing in return, but simply to be informed and to make our own choices...




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Street Wise Ascension °90 & °93



From GFP Daily Update 4/14

Yoj Chase's Street Wise Ascension



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GoldRing Astrology Update ~ April, 2012


GoldRing Astrology Update ~ April, 2012


GoldRing Astrology Update - April, 2012



The most important message is how these cosmic energies are connecting into your life in the present movements. This question is the point of beginning where your life and the creational mix of timelines of collective sentient imagination begins and follows the larger collective course of cosmic consciousness. Through the information that follows inner messages of a telepathic and empathic variety will filter into knowledge for your evolutionary alignment and passage into higher sentience. The power of momentum towards revolutionary transformation in being drawn forth and brought to awareness so in each step and statement are the simple points of connecting to the first ray cosmic collective Will to Good.



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4/15/2012 -- Explosive eruption at Sakurajima Volcano -- webcams back online


Finally back online.. the sakurajima volcano webcams in Japan show yet another LARGE explosive eruption from this volcano that NEVER disappoints (when it comes to impressive eruptions).... 


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To awaken is to have only one attitude to everything – unconditional Love



Something of great importance missing is from your lives



A Reminder




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FREEDOM PROJECT: 594 BANKER RESIGNATIONS ~ by American Kabuki ~ 15.4.12...




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Natural Remedies: Peaceful Petaled Soda Pop





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Lets Get Naked Together – It’s Too Important Not To! by Lisa






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4/15/2012 -- NOW Snow and Sleet at the TX , NM , OK , KS , CO border! Also in NE and MT


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FREEDOM PROJECT: 2012-04-14 Drake with Bill Wood on Wolf Spirit Radio VERY INTERESTING




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Wanderer of the Skies – April 14, 2012




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Is the 'Ring of Fire' Coming to Life? Earthquakes in 2012


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Andromeda: Create With Love by GLR Iliana



peaceful ocean Pictures, Images and Photos



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4/14/2012 -- Chicago north to Milwaukee west to Madison Wisconsin = BE ALERT NOW


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Linda Dillon: What’s Love Got to Do With It?


Linda Dillon: What’s Love Got to Do With It?


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine remember your yellow brick road

Linda Dillon, April 11, 2012


We live in an amazing alarming time.


We live in this incredible time of massive change the likes of which haven’t ever been experienced on Gaia. We have witnessed and been part of the shift from hunter gatherer to agrarian to industrial to electronic to information ages. Now we enter the time of the creator race – once again.


The circle is closing, and portals are opening up to each and every one of us in miraculous and sometimes challenging way. Most significantly it is a time of the Ascension of Gaia and our opportunity to ascend with her – what a gift and a miracle. The Council of Love keeps telling us to prepare, which is why they channeled my new book The Great Awakening. The Council is very consistent in guiding us that the ticket or passport to ascension is Love. Making peace with the third dimension, letting go of the false paradigms and grids of Old Earth and holding, being and taking actions (on every level) that are of Love. Pretty simple and straightforward.



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Heavenletter #4160 No One the Lonely


Heavenletter #4160 No One the Lonely, April 15, 2012 

God said: 


We have an assignation, you and I. Long ago, We made an appointment to meet. You are aware of the appointment, only you have forgotten when and where, yet I have not forgotten.


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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~14~12 Incoming Major Events will Be Unfolding~


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Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in Unconditional Love ! Dear Ones, the most powerful vortexial point in North America, is Mt Shasta. Shasta exists in 44 Dimensions and that will soon expand. From the period of June 19-25 in your year 2012, an omnipotent event occurs. It is a benchmark of the Ascension, and many are called to join the Beloved Sainte Germaine and the Ascended Masters. It is the OM Completion!



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Lee-Anne Peters – Surrendering Your Power To The Mind




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Returning what is not ours to keep ~



When my children were little, I brought them here. They were mesmerized by the wild, natural beauty and energy of this place. We left with keepsakes of our trip including a can full of sea shells. Over the years, as the dusty can of shells would show up, I remember feeling little nudges of pain shoot through me. Why did we have to take so much from what was so freely given to us? Why did I not see this as a tremendous teaching opportunity for my children that day? The point is this: No matter how light or heavy our trespasses, we are in a period of compassion and forgiveness. Take action on this theme however you can throughout the time ahead. Many truths are being uncovered about transgressions of all kinds, some that have affected Gaia and humanity in horrendous ways. This journey home begins with gratitude and forgiveness no matter what you will learn that you did not ever think possible. Hereon, move ahead in the light and with love, and if you get a nudge about something, follow up and see where it takes you. We are waking up. The language of the people and animals closet to Mother Earth is becoming clearer now, and soon we will know how to teach our children the language of love and light. The forests, trees, animals and elements are rejoicing in our great awakening. Thank you ~ Dawn.


L O V E  &  L I G H T  Westcoast Tour 2012


F R E E D O M Video: 


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4/15/2012 -- Severe going ENE from Texas = OK, KS, MO, AR, IL, WI, MI, IN, KY, TN, LA, MS


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2MIN News Apr15: Tornados, Earthquakes, Solar/Planetary Update








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~On High Alert For Disclosure?~ Our Galactic Family~Interview With Hugh Man



~Our Galactic Family~


Photo Of Our Craft By Earth Allie Will Harader


Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to Our Galactic Family. I’m Graham Dewyea. My guest today is Hugh, or the Hugh-man. Hugh lives in the US, is a retired education administrator, and works for the team of Pleiadeans who are part of the First Contact team of extraterrestrials who will make themselves known here on Earth.


In his first public interview ever, Hugh shares that he is one of the many serving on the ground crew here on Earth to help facilitate first contact, and comes on the show today to discuss his role and the technology he will help them introduce. Welcome to the show.

Hugh: Hey, Graham! Thanks for having me.


GD: It’s good to have you. I know you want to talk today about some of the technology you are helping our star brothers and sisters roll out into the world, and what they’ll be doing to help the planet get more familiar with them through first contact.



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Hilarion’s Weekly Message ~ April 15 2012



Hilarion’s Weekly Message ~ April 15 2012


Shell Creations By Gaia, Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

Marlene Swetlishoff | The Rainbow Scribe


Beloved Ones, The challenges that have beset you for such an extended period of time are now in their completion stages and the end is in sight of these rather disempowering situations. Your tenacity and sincerity in your quest for greater insight and spiritual growth has enabled you to amass great strength as you called upon your inner reserves to see you through these periods of friction and opposition that you might bring into manifestation your own unique and personal power. This you have been accomplishing and soon these situations you have experienced will be known to you as the ‘good old days’ as you move into a greater focus of your true purpose here on Earth.



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Is A Cashless Society Inevitable?



Is a cashless society inevitable?

An RCMP officer holds Canada's new $100 banknote, which is made from plastic polymer and is designed to last longer and thwart counterfeiters. (Fabiola Carletti/CBC)


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 119~ Your dreams are about to come alive


We have oft mentioned the need for patience in this work, and we will continue to do so, at the risk of getting mayhaps more than one irritiated frown in return. You see, this ordeal is far from over, but as you cannot yet see the full scope of the work you have already accomplished, it will be at times more than difficult for you to see any progress at all. So as usual, we will come to the rescue in some ways, and be on hand to try to reassure you all that you have not toiled in vain, even if you at times feel like you are lagging far behind your set goals. Your set goals are mere illusional, sweet ones, as the goals you are able to set up in your minds are nothing compared to the real goal you carry inside of you.

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~Space Weather Update~ Sun is Crackling with C Class Flares


SATURN'S RINGS AT THEIR BEST: On Sunday, April 15th, Saturn is at opposition--directly opposite the sun in the skies of Earth. The ringed planet rises at sunset and soars high in the sky at midnight, up all night long. This is the time when Saturn's rings are at their best. From the point of view of Earth, shadows in the ring plane almost completely disappear (just as your own shadow tries to hide beneath your feet at noon) and sunlight is directly backscattered by icy ring particles toward our planet.


Amateur astronomer Christopher Go photographed the brightening rings on April 12th:



"Saturn is close to opposition and the rings are brightening. This is the Seeliger Effect," says Go. "Also a Northern Electrostatic Disturbance, which was detected by Cassini a few days ago, can be seen as a white patch north of the green belt."



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Ascension by SophiaLove


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Healing Earth News - Protecting the Environment: Then and Now




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Graham Dewyea interviews 1 million year old Zeta/Grey Judy Carroll 8PM tonight






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My Brothers, Even though I am a proponent of LOVE, it may seem that today's blog post is anything but loving. The fact of the matter is this: We have been lied to so much, and in such fashion that "we" as a group and as a culture really have no idea what is real or true anymore. Far from being as simple as just "arresting" the bad guys and seeing them go away to jail..., What "WE COLLECTIVELY" are in for afterwards is going to be nothing short of a complete and total shattering of our illusion of what we thought was going on in the world. This shattering for some will be traumatizing! For them..., it will be like falling off a cliff or being slapped in the face..., so great will be their dismay and dispair. The level of the lies being told..., especially by their "favorite" news media personalities, whether on television, radio, or newpaper..., will come as such a shock..., many, many will want to just sit in disbelief. Then of course there will be the "anger"..., the immediate anger of being BETRAYED! We've all seen how a woman (or man) can act when he or she finds that their mate has "cheated" on their marriage. This is a supreme act of betrayal. It is a lie so grand that it takes away all trust in the marraige for awhile. Well, take that betrayal and multiply it by a hundred and then you might understand the level of anger some may be feeling towards ALL THOSE INVOLVED in the huge lie! The bankers, politicians, university professors, judges, scientists, doctors, media personalities, business people ALL WHO KNEW..., who had insider knowledge and said NOTHING. The shock to the collective system will be something like the weight of news that your most cherished loved one has just died. This fact demonstrates however how truly "connected" (WE) really are all to one another.

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