Submitted by Joe Barnett on Mon, 06/19/2017 - 08:57




Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett


Dr. Angela Barnett

When we travel in consciousness by using the IDEA of
the crystal star merkaba (a heirophant with one triangle
pyramid with point down within a triangle pyramid with
point up and an invisible copy of the same on top of itwe
visualize the top pyramid spinning clockwise and
the bottom pyramid spinning counter clockwise - the
spinning is creating the removal of polarization between
the spiritual and physical - the spinning places us in
oneness with the multi dimensionality of all that is) in
order to move beyond the speed of light into any
dimension desired, we can travel to the deep deep
within of the Inner Core Domains of a Median Earth that
is within the Outer Earth, and then we can travel even
deeper into the Most Inner Spiritual Cosmic Domains
that have held the Original Consciousness of those who
form the Earth's Matrix.

When we travel to this deep deep within, we are
actually swimming in the Consciousness of the
Aquafarians, who are the Water Body Entities, who are
the Guards of our Blue Sphere of Amenti (the original
Human Angelic Consciousness within the Earth). Their
essence is the Spiritual Water that resembles our water,
but allows complete freedom of travel because you can
walk on it, breath it, form it into new realities or swim
in it if you want. This substance is the H2O2 HE3 liquid
light water of our original Spiritual Creation.

The Aquafarian Water bodies are always with us when
we connect our consciousness within the spiritual
substance of the water we drink, swim or live within - for
instance the mist of the air, the humidity, the rain
drops, snow, etc. They are around us whenever there is
water around. The Aquafarians always start talking to
me when I go into my bathroom, and sometimes when
we are in the mist of a cloud. They become very
present when I am swimming or in a shower. They
become so present that they can interact with the
substance of the body by making you float high on top
of the water, as if it became a different type of water.

They can make the water that you bath in become a
pure healing substance. If you breath your
consciousness connection into them and exhale into
the water that you drink, the water will turn into healing

The Aquafarians also swim around me when I sleep at
night. They have met me and sung the song All is Love.
When I recorded that song, I was channeling their
singing. They take me deep within the Cosmic Aqua
cores of Earth on Journeys to show me that I am within
the Water Firs of Earth while I am also sleeping in my
bed. They take me into Crystal Caves of the Inner Earth
and they swim with me and sing to me. They are the
guardians of the consciousness of this transition.

In our parallel realities, the Crystal Caves are also
within our brains. They are the crystal structures that
amplify the light and sound waves collected in our
dreams that allow us to remember our dreams and
project our dreams as our new realities. The DNA is
actually the collector of these movies created through
the higher frequencies found in our dreams. Our dreams
take us into higher frequencies because we become
tuned into our Plasma bodies that carry us on our
Plasma Spaces ships attached to our Plasma Brain.

These plasma waves weave and braid the ultimate new
realities that we experience at night as we actually zip
from one Universal Reality System to another all night
long. We might find ourselves swimming with the
mermaids in these crystal caves because they also
exist in the Inner Domains of the Cosmic Core of Mother
Earth, or we might be swimming in the Crystal Heart of
our Eighth Sun Alcyone, or within the Cosmic Spiritual
Heart of Eleiysha.

All of these realities begin to exist in our DNA after we
experience them in our Dreams. Our DNA can only
expand to accept these new experiences as a new
reality when the Frequencies of the DNA are shifted
into the Violet Frequency of the 15th dimension. The
DNA must shift into the Twelfth Dimensional Violet
Frequency and into the Ultra Violet Pink White Light of
the Cosmos. The shifting of dimensions takes place as
a result of the Vast amounts of Pre Light and Sound
being sent through our Sun into the Crystal Heart of
Earth and then streaming into our DNA from the Earth's
Crystalline Grids.

The album that I created called Magical Mermaid
Journey to the Crystal Caves is the journey that the
Cosmic Mermaids, known as the Aquafarians, take me
on every night. They take me to places within the
deepest of Cosmic Waters and to the other side of the
Median Earth and into the Highest Earth called Urtha.
They show me the Crystal Cities that deep within the
Inner Domains and they take me to the Crystal Caves to
allow me to hear their voices vibrating into a rainbow of
frequencies within the Etheric Crystals.

We can begin each journey to this place by tuning in to
the idea of the Crystal Star Merkaba and placing that
idea within your Crystal Heart. What I call the Crystal
Heart is the area in the middle of the chest, called the
Heart Chakra. Within this area is the Thymus Gland
and the most etheric part of the Thymus Gland is the
Seed Atom. The Seed Atom is the original Divine
Template of your original creation point. This is the
area of the body that connects back into the lower part
of the skull called the medulla oblangata. 

That is the
area that connects directly to the Mind of God in the
NORMAL HUMAN ANGELIC BODY. As we transpose the
frequencies within the Brain to become Frequency
Specific to the Cosmic Light and Sound, the Brain
becomes the Plasma Brain with Crystal Caves within it.
The 144DNA Plasma Brain Album activates the Brain at
that level of frequencies.

A little lower directly down from the Crystal Heart is
where the Soul is located. The Soul is the etheric
substance within a ganglia of cells that weighs about
13 oz. When the body dies it always becomes 13 oz
lighter because the Soul leaves. The Soul is the travel
agent. The Soul has lived in all of the dimensions and
keeps replicas of itself in all dimensional realities
where you have had past experiences.

So, we use the symbol of the crystal star vehicle and
imagine placing the Soul inside of it. We can then place
a blue sphere around the crystal star vehicle to make
sure the Soul is always wrapped inside of the oneness
with God Consciousness.

Next, we see and feel our soul travel inside of the
crystal star vehicle clear down into the most inner
domains of Earth. You can practice, by imagining taking
an elevator ride down inside of the Earth as if you were
falling into a crater from the top of a mountain. You
travel down the hole in the mountain deeper and deeper
until you reach an area that looks and feels like water.
That is the Aquafarian Consciousness. You can feel your
body take on a violet silver essence when it touches the

When I reach the liquid area, I reach out for the fin of a
Cosmic dolphin to pull me deeper within the
Consciousness of the Aquafarian Blue Crystal Sphere of
original Consciousness. The dolphins pull me deeper
and deeper and then I surface on the other side of
reality. I have been taken into a higher version of the
Earth - the Median Earth. This is the ELEMENTAL Earth
that we are shifting into. 

This is the Earth that we are morphing into. After I reach this location of the Median Earth, the Aquafarians come to me again and ask me to ride with them to a much deeper place where they show me the Crystal Cities and the Crystal Caves. This is the Inner Earth of our original creation. The process of

moving through the Spiritual Water and then emerging
on the other side of reality is the same process we go
through as we re-birth into the Higher Consciousness.
We can experience these frequencies in the 144,00DNA
Album created from the Consciousness of the original
144,000 Paradisian Children, the 1728 incarnates within
each dimensional incarnation on all 15 dimensions
combined with the elementals of the microcosmic and
macro cosmic DNA.

When we go through this process, our DNA also goes
through this process. The DNA is being given the
programming to prepare for a brand new reality to be
born within it so that it can begin to experience and
visualize the Inner Earth and Median Earth as a normal
part of reality beyond the lower dimensional confines of
one third dimensional Earth.

The symbol of the Crystal Star Merkaba Vehicle
represents in our mind the actual rotational spinning of
the spheres within the spheres of the multi dimensional
realities. As the Earth spins faster and faster we are
taken into higher and higher consciousness.

The most important step in creating new neuronets that
connect to all of your multi dimensional selves is to
dive deep within the Cosmic Core Domain. When dive
into the Aquafirs within Mother Earth's heart, we are
actually opening a star gate portal into an in between
state of Etheric Liquid Aquafirs at the Cosmic Level.
This is where the stories of mermaids and water fairies
come from. It is a very real place. It was the first
structure of the Earth's Star Dust Structure created by
a team of Sirians working in conjunction with the
Pleiadians to create the birthing place for Urtha, who
was the original etheric Earth.

I take these very REAL Journeys into the Cosmic Core
of Aquafaria every night before I go to bed so that I can
dream there all night. I have made recordings of this
journey in the past. Some of you may remember the
Foundation Journey.

We have a New Album of my most recent journey
through the Atomic Mirror where I join with my Twin
who is a Mermaid. I have recorded the Consciousness
of this journey into the original home of the Sirians who
created the structure of our Earth home. My first
meeting is always with Cinderella, who is the Mermaid
who pulls me through the Atomic Mirror. After I glide
through the Plasma Mirror into the Vapor, Hydrolaise
and Spiritual Water, I am met by Magic Sirian Dolphins
who communicate telepathically, and then we are met
by Aqua Fairies before we travel deeper into the Cities
of Light, and continue to dive deeper and deeper into
the Cosmos until we reach the magical Healing Waters
of the Cosmic Spa.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett


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