~Integrating Courage, Strength & Love~ THE ELOHIM~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/08/2011 - 09:10

~Integrating Courage, Strength & Love~
Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia Bring Forth Group Consciousness of the Ray of Personal Will & Power

~The Clarion Light Beings ~ Unified in OnenessApril 4th, 2011~
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Good evening,
This is Fred speaking.  Thank you once again for being here in theTemple this evening.  Many more souls are joining us.  We’ve been working very diligently in assisting as many as we can, so I ask everyone now to take a deep breath, and within that deep breath allow yourself to just intuit within your highest consciousness.  As we bring in that higher consciousness this evening, it’s going to help these souls that are healing greatly and assist the Earth Plane as Christine was asking for the releasement of the fear; we’re going to be working on that very diligently this evening.  Thank you so much for being with us.  I’m now going to step aside. 

Good evening, 
We have a different kind of energy coming through this evening that’s never come into the Temple in this manner.  We are a group consciousness of the Ray of Will and Power.  I am Elohim Hercules and I am the Spokes-being this evening for bringing forth this energy.  It is a great honor to be with everyone here in these moments.
We are here to bring forth courage to assist you with the strength, but also combined with the love, so we’re going to be working with those energies.  Of course, Archangel Michael and Faith are with us, and it’s an amazing time.  It’s an amazing time of continuancy to bring forth these energies.  I want to especially thank the Ray Chohan, El Morya, for actualizing this to happen this evening.  This is a big surprise for Meleriessee also.  I will be speaking for the group, but we’re going to bring forth our energies of balance, courage and strength through this adversity that is happening.  It’s going to assist each of you personally to bring forth these energies within your own Being so that we can assist the Planet.  We also want to intend to bring in the Ray deeply into the Temple and assist the Souls that are healing, because we have several in the Overlooking Booth that weren’t quite ready to be in the Temple that are going through great healing capacities, and they are being directed upon the people within the land, so we truly want to assist them also.

Each of you is truly being the frequency that is necessary upon the Earth at this time.  You’re coming forward with your highest sense of love, your highest sense of frequency to assist the Planet in a different way than it ever has been assisted before.  Within the highest sense of frequency we need each of you to be fully balanced.  I know last night during the Cosmic Oneness there was a great activation being given to each of you.  Within this activation there was also something integrated within the frequency to assist you in removing any challenges that were holding you back.  So if you were feeling any ill thoughts today and not quite sure what was happening to you, believe me tonight you’re going to be feeling a whole lot different; it’s part of the process. 
So let’s think about the process of Divinity that is happening on the Planet as each of these individuals is unaware of what is happening and how tremendous they must be feeling the changes and the transition that is occurring. 

It is tremendous and within that tremendous change there’s also great aspirations for a New World, a new way of order and bringing forth these frequencies within to allow the Divinity to come within you.  It’s a beautiful accessibility that is happening at this time, and within that everyone of you is being actualized in a different way than you ever thought possible.  Your knowledges and wisdom are fully coming forward into your Physical existence.  You may not quite know what it is yet, but it is here.  Allow the actualizations to occur for you, allow yourself to bring forth these energies as myself, Hercules and my counterpart, Amazonia are here to assist you with your Personal Power and Will.
So let’s take a deep breath and within that deep breath we’re going to ask - we’re going to intuit within this Temple that the Blue of the Cosmic energies of the Personal Power and Will be infiltrated.  As you see within the Temple, there’s this spiraling light of Blue that is going to come down through the whole structure.  As it comes down, it’s going to center outwards so it’s a spiraling light; then it filters outwards to every individual that is here this evening to each one of you.  So take a deep breath and allow yourself to open up your chakras, open up your palms, open up your Heart as the color of Blue is infiltrated within your Being.  Let’s bring it in through our Crown and let it expand and move down into our Third Eye into the Throat, breathing deeply. 

Moving down into the Thymus, then the Heart, the Solar Plexus, the Sacral and the Root.  Feel these spiraling energies being inside of you.  Allow this frequency that is occurring in this moment to come within; as it comes within you, it’s going to go through every cellular molecule and enzyme you have in your Being.  It’s going to filter into your bloodstream, your circulatory system and the glandular system, moving into the organs and all the inner workings of the fluid levels within the body.  You may feel a little bit of a tingling sensation as this energy is now going to open up for you to fully feel the essence of allowing this frequency to be within.  As you do that, go deep within your Heart.  I want you to go deep and pull up any thought forms or feelings of insecurity going on with you -- any insecurity, feelings of lack, feelings of not being sure of something, whatever it is.  Is there a blockage there?  Is there a blockage within your Being that is not allowing you to have the full focalization of the Light within?  This may not be something you’re even aware of.  Let’s go deep into the core with the Blue Flame, and as we feel that moving deep spiraling into the core of your Heart, allow it to filter and open up the Heart chakra even wider and wider.  As we do, it’s going to transcend any elements that may not be of a higher consciousness.
So let’s just breathe into that now and feel the Blue Flame going deep within you.  As you feel the Love and Will and Power coming into your Heart Center, allow that to be your guide; allow the energies to be fully actualized and feel the courage that we are intuiting within you now as we bring forth these energies from El Morya, Michael and Faith, myself and Amazonia.  Now feel it in your Throat, because this is where this Ray centers upon, and allow yourself to bring forth those frequencies within you to be able to transmit the courage that you feel - the strength.  Allow that strength to permeate your entire body; feel yourself being activated now with this strength and courage within.  It is part of you – this is your essence – this is the ability to fully walk through any doorways you are unsure of.  This will make you a powerhouse; this will allow you to bring in that frequency that you are so that you can fully walk through any areas that are uncomfortable -- any dark energies -- because you are the Light, you are the highest consciousness in body ~ this frequency as we assist you ~ and feel that now, feel that essence that we are all bringing forth to you ~ we totally understand what you’re going through because we have been there.  We have been there and we have walked through the changes of the Earth and these energies; the greatest part of this is the totality of allowing this Earth to be part of your essence.  Each of you is bringing forth your own essence upon this Earth.  For eons of time the Earth has dealt with the duality, has dealt with the darkness, has dealt with the frequencies that were uncomfortable; now Gaia can fully embrace the power -- this wheel within her -- because each of you are now going to be intuiting this more fully than you ever have before.

As you feel your essence, you see on the right side of your body there is a Sword, and Michael is now going to bring forth the Sword of the Light for you.  This is your Sword, this is your Sword to utilize for anything that does not support what you are going through - to make a change.  It’s a Light Sword – it’s not a Sword that’s going to create disastrous results – it’s a Sword that will create magnificent beauty in your life.  So take this Sword and swish it in front of your Essence, in front of your Crown, then going all the way down your chakra system and your feet.  As you swish the Sword around, you see now it has started; this is how you can activate the Blue Ray for yourself, to allow this activation to occur within you so you have the power to bring forth these activations within.  You are the manifesters, you are the alchemists, you are the frequencies of Light.  Put the Sword back on the right side of your body when you don’t need it anymore, then just embrace, embrace this frequency and allow it to come fully through you and feel that strength, feel that power.  It’s not a disastrous feeling – it’s transmuting and it’s transforming but it’s with love.  It is with the Cosmic energies of the higher frequency of this Ray; it is with love that you are totally changing everything within your Being.

So let’s just take a deep breath into that and allow that to be your guide.  Allow that essence to fully be within you.  As we look around the Temple, we see the Souls enlivening themselves with their strength; but there’s great love within that strength.  This is the beauty of bringing forth the Cosmic energies of the Personal Power and Will.  Allow it to infiltrate within your Throat chakra because you’re going to speak easier, you’re going to speak with power but also with love.  This is the problem with the Earth with the duality, people are not initiating the Cosmic energies of this Ray, they are initiating the Planetary levels.  The Planetary levels are like fire, now we bring in the Cosmic colors, and it’s the Essence of the Blue and the frequency of compassion and love, but the strength and courage!  It gives you the ability to move mountains within your own aspect.

So right now I want you to breathe deeply.  As you breathe deeply into your Physical, feel all the elements within your Physical body changing.  Allow whatever healing needs to be activated because of the courage.  Pain can debilitate us and the Physical body has been taking on all those lower emotions from your Mental body and your Emotional body, so let’s move that now through the Etheric and feel the Blue just focusing into that Etheric level outside of your body and fully activating courage.  Let it go into the Emotional body and allow all emotions to be full of accessibility of love, but the courage to speak your words, to give you the empowerment that is necessary.  Moving it into the Mental body, we ask that the Mental body be embraced with a love aspect so the Mental can fully blend with the Emotional to have a blending of the four bodies altogether as we bring forth the Cosmic energies of this Ray.  Feel the power within you now, but within that power you feel the love - you’re activating your Soul’s essence as you’re doing this; as you’re activating it you feel it deeply into your Thymus, your Heart center and Solar Plexus which is your chakra of your Will and Power.  Allow the Solar Plexus to blend with the Heart and the Thymus as they all become one; this is your empowerment stage.  Then you project it onto the Throat and allow yourself to speak from a place of calmness, a place of love, but a place of empowerment.  Allow this right now to be activated within you and feel that.

We also want to take this Ray into any thoughts that seem uncertain, or trying to figure out what it is you’re supposed to be doing, and just flowing with the moment and allowing the moments to be guided in each moment.  Don’t put any thought processes in there; allow yourself to be fully intuitive, allow the Creative Source of the emotional energies to be fully activated within you so that your male and female are divinely unified together.  This is going to assist you in receiving the God or the Goddesses that you are asking to receive, not just asking you’re intuiting it.  Your Soul is ready to receive these essences.  The Gods are not as ready as the Goddesses.  The Goddesses have been ready for a very long time, so the Goddesses have had to just sit with the energy and wait with it, and have not been allowed to activate it.  This year these activations are now being more focused.  I ask of the Goddesses to fully put your essences out there and allow the vibration of your love and the courage to fully be projected outside of your field and allow that to be your projection; not with your thoughts and not with your emotional feelings, but the accessibility of both; allowing the Goddesses to be the Creative Force.  You are the Creative Force and you allow that Creative Force to be within you.  It’s not a matter of waiting, it is the time frame and the time element that is coming right now.  More and more are coming into these aspects.  Then there are the Gods ~ those of you that are incorporating the God energy within you ~ allow yourself not to let your Mental thoughts stop you from the accessibility of your intuitive thoughts.  I want those men out there to fully access their intuitive selves.  That’s the Creative Force, it’s not the Mental energy that’s going to get you where you need to be towards the essences, because moving to the New Earth – the 5th Dimensional frequency – is a pathway of the Gods and the Goddesses working together.  You’ve all been working alone for a very long time and some of the Goddesses have been behind the Gods; it’s now time for that focus, that partnership to come forward -- that you stand together as equals and you work with each other --that each of you has gifts to give and each of you has gifts to receive.

So finding the balance within each other is a very important facet and allowing that to be your guide.  It’s also another time element – I give you courage, I give you strength to be able to know what you’re doing in each exact moment.  I know some of you are confused; this is when the Mental level gets clogged.  Some of you are allowing your emotions to take over your guidance, and this is what happens when there’s a clouding in the Emotional level.  We want to balance that, anytime you feel that way, I want you to intuit your Sword and I want you to bring forth that strength within you ~ intuit if now is the time to be patient or now is the time to move forward.  Use it in energetics, it’s very important not to actively participate in something before it’s ready to happen.  When it’s ready to happen, you will know exactly when you’re fully in balance.  This is the most important facet to bring forth this male and female energy within each individual.  It’s going to create mirror images outside of you, and within those mirror images it’s going to create more Gods and Goddesses to be fully activated.  As this occurs you will see a change happening in your lives.  You’ll see more of a synchronization; if you’re feeling something is not synchronized, look at it.  Intuit within it and use the Blue Flame of the Will and the Power to give you the courage to empower yourself to speak up.  Even if another individual is not happy with what you are saying, that individual will heal through that process, you will heal through that process.  Those of you that are the Goddesses that have not spoken up previously and are now starting to speak up will fee afterwards that the energies aren’t quite right for you, it’s because you need to empower yourself more ~ to realize you have fully activated your higher consciousness within.  Even if there were elements that didn’t seem quite right and had become lower energy, remember you’re all a work-in-progress, so it’s not going to happen overnight.  Higher consciousness relationships are the most difficult to sustain in this world, but you can do it if you allow yourself to bring forth these essences of this consciousness.

Why are we bringing up the Gods and the Goddesses?  Because you are the ones that are healing the Earth.  You are the ones that are going to bring forth the individuals to assist in their healing.  Please know that it is not meant for each of you to be alone.  There is a counterpart there for you if that is your wish and your desire.  We’re past the point of being monks in the monasteries and praying to God.  We now need to come together upon this Earth.  We are bringing forth these energies for you to assist you in this process.  As we look in the Temple this evening, there are many here that have lost their loved ones.  There are many here that are hurting deeply.  Let’s now intuit your God and Goddess energies to fully embrace the balance within you; as you do, we will all vibrate within our own courage. 

We’re all Warriors of Light and the Earth is under siege; each of you is bringing forth this Light into the Essence of your Being.  We are getting so close, so very close.  There are so many more of us, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, that are here to assist you and walk with you, walk through these challenges, walk through these avenues to assist you in the Divinity that you are.  Be at peace with what you’re going through; know that the decisions that you have been making are for the right reason:  for your own Essence.  Remember, in order to have the counterparts of your God and your Goddess in these relationships is to fully heal yourself within.  It is happening, and it’s happening quickly for all of you -- very, very quickly – things can change with a flick of a switch and they will.  Things are going to be created, elements are going to happen on the Earth Plane to assist you, doorways are about to open, the process is not to worry and allow yourself to be.
As we bring that forth, let us take a deep breath.  We want to bring this strength and courage to the Earth Plane.  We want to send it to all the Japanese people, the land masses, and the other countries that are affected by the nuclear problems that have resulted from the earthquake and the tsunami.  Many other events are going to be happening, so we need to intuit these energies within us as much as possible.  Remember you are the Warriors of Light, and we are here to assist you in learning how to use your higher gifts onto this Earth Plane and manifest them in a physical way. 
Allow yourself now to take a deep breath and feel the Essence of your Being.  Take your Sword on the right side of your body and move it around the outside of the Globe -- the Etheric level of the Earth -- and we are going to take our swords and blend them into the Infinity symbol.  We’re going to move all the way around the Globe and as we do that our Infinity symbols are blending together.  As we do that, they double-blend and triple-blend continually on top of each other so there’s a huge Infinity symbol going around the Earth in a thickness of miles and miles because of the energy we’re bringing forth with the Sword that is in our right hand.  Just move your arm with your Sword and allow that light frequency to go completely around the Globe.  Now it’s going to permeate the atmosphere and we see beautiful Infinity symbols everywhere.  We want to bring it down to the people, the animals, the land masses and the water.  As this huge Sword of Light is now moving into the elements that are dis-eased in the animals, the waters, the land and in the people, we’re going to transmute all the frequencies and move this into the Light and allow the dis-ease to be removed from every part of the World.  Feel that happening now as it goes deep into the core of the Earth into Gaia’s crystalline structure.  Now she is one huge Infinity symbol and the thickness of the symbol is completely beyond our capability to understand.  It’s millions and millions of miles of Infinity until the whole World is just one huge ball of Blue light of the Will and Power, Strength and Courage; feel that permeating through every individual upon the Earth and center it within the aspect of their Divinity.  Each individual upon the Planet starts to feel a fleck of beauty within their Hearts; they may not feel it on a conscious level, but it will go through their frequencies into their subconscious; it will move them into their dream state allowing each person to awaken one step further than before to feel the courage within them from the Light of God because this is exactly what we are – we are conduits for the Light of God to fully come into each aspect of living upon Gaia.

Take a deep breath and now bring that energy back to you.  Now we are in the Temple, and I want you to put your Sword back where it was.  I want you to put your hands out and allow any lower energies to be transmuted by the Blue Flame and allow that to be erased and moved as the lower energies are now being taken away from everyone into the Temple ~ moving in a spiraling energy through the middle of the Temple and then outside of the Temple.  It’s being transmuted by the Light of God.  Let’s take a deep breath and feel the ability within you to fully create this transformation.  As a group consciousness, this is something we have never created.  Know that there will be changes that will result from this.  Continue with your own strength within as we work with you to assist in this power.  Feel the energies in your Throat and allow that Throat area to be fully empowered with the ability to speak clearly, beautifully and with strength.
It has been my pleasure to be the Spokes-being of this Group of the Ray of Personal Power and Will for El Morya, Archangels Michael and Faith, myself Hercules and Amazonia, as we come together in group consciousness.

May the Light of God always be within your Being; remember the Sword that you have to use for your own transformation of Divinity.  Thank you to all the Gods and the Goddesses for being here at this time.
I Am Hercules at your service.
This is Fred once again.  Thank you, Hercules and Amazonia, El Morya, and Archangels Michael and Faith.  This was exciting and interesting and I’m enthralled.  I’m so happy to be here and I hope you’ll join us for the rest of the week.  Thank you for all that you are doing.
Namaste.  I am the Spokesperson for the Clarion Light Beings ~ Unified in Oneness of the Temple of 911.~

Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond
Connecting with the Souls in the Temple While Healing Mother Earth
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