~ Intense Energy Continues~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/17/2012 - 10:45

There’s Magic In The Air! Can You Feel It? ~ By, AuroRa Le. June 16, 2012.



There’s Magic In The Air! Can You Feel It? ~ By, AuroRa Le. June 16, 2012.



The solstice is just a few days away, and there seems to be a brand new vibration to everything around us.  I know it’s not just me who’s feeling it.  I’ve gotten so many messages and have spoken to so many people who are saying the exact same thing.  Over the last few days I’ve been feeling lighter, more disconnected from the everyday 3D events going on around me, and I’m aware of what I can only describe as a funloving, happy vibration of someone or something entirely new to this reality.  Truthfully, it’s going to be nearly impossible to convert what I’m experiencing into our limited human language, so I ask that you just bear with me while I try!


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Make A Wave


This is a short video honoring the service of people I have met who are making a difference in the world, in South India.  They are 'making a wave' by co-creating with the culture in India and they are devoted and passionate about serving the children and our beautiful home, Planet Earth.


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FREE EBOOK Predicted This Ascension 16 Years Ago - And I Didn't Know It Till Today


The Voice - One Path to Ascension


Hi there, Maurice Turmel here. AKA "Dr Moe" for some of you.



This is a novel I first "received" and wrote over a ten month period in 1995 / 1996. I self-published it in 2005, figuring it was time to do something with it. So I worked with iUniverse Press and the book came out as:The Voice - A Metaphor for Personal Development. That paperback version is still available at Amazon.com. I then re-released the project as an Ebook through Lulu.com in 2009 and changed the subtitle to "A Mythological Guide to Lightworker Service". Today, June 16, 2012 I was "urged" to change the subtitle to "One Path to Ascension" and give the book away. So here it is. Yes, it is Free, So Enjoy!






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Visionkeeper – Be The Light – 16 June 2012



Visionkeeper – Be The Light – 16 June 2012

(Photo: www.favim.com)

There are so many dark happenings going on in the world right now. It is imperative that we all shine our light strongly, now more than ever. Think love, give love, be love in everything we do. Be a beacon of loving light! It seems it is only when we stray away from our heart centers that we begin to doubt and question and worry. Are we going to win this battle? Is all this way of thinking real or just another fabrication from the dark ones evil plans? This is very dangerous thinking and we need to stick close to our path and not venture off and allow in the doubt.


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If you think positively...


If you think positively...



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Metamorphosis and Humanity's New Birth


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Humanity Arising Now part 1 of 3


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EARTH ALLIES 16.6.2012... Email from Drake’s People… on 6-17-12, “Drake Will Be Making Emergency Announcements”


Email from Drake’s People… on 6-17-12, “Drake Will Be Making Emergency Announcements”

I would add to that title, “Whatever that means.” Since I have no idea what that means. I have not been able to find this anywhere on any of Drake’s or Drake-associated sites.

As always, use discernment here. This does NOT necessarily mean that “it’s” all going down right now, although with all these energies and Light incoming, “it” could very well be going down (and remember, Emergency = Emerge + Ency, so this could be our “Emerging” day, out of the old into the new, out of the dark, into the Light).

I pass this along, PRIMARILY, so we may hold this in the Higher Light. So, let’s all just hold it in the Higher Light.


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Un brickable is the term needed for these general computing units..ARG! What a pain sometimes these things can be and always backing them up a more arduous process than needed.For some odd reason storage capacity exceeds the necessity to get the information back out of the machine in case of failure.Nevermind the processes involved.


And once its gone...its gone, not everything can be undeleted, and its messy...very very messy and time consuming to undo what should never have been done.


For the most part I am thankful we up there dont have to worry so much about this.But it is a constant headache down here.An interference pattern if you ask me.A stall tactic.


And amongst those, Ive discussed a few of the other challenges we face, awaiting the arrival of our Star Families. Because in many way to me, they mean more than Comrades from service, more than a brother or sister could EVER mean. So if we are in the same boat waiting for the CABAL to leave, which direction is the ship heading? Are we moving forwards or standing dead-in-water as I have several times, sometimes unexpectedly..and let me tell you the TV room goes dark with the rest of the ship at night. Its not that its creepy, just unexpected. You still train for that sort of scenario.








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Co-Creative Dance


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Humanity Arising Now part 3 of 3


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Humanity Arising Now part 2 of 3


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We are the pure Spirit behind the ‘spiritual’ ego



We are the pure Spirit behind the ‘spiritual’ ego

There is a spiritual ego in play currently that is still keeping us in the illusion- running through the New age arena and  Spiritual community like a raging  fire.   Even as there is a physical, vital and mental ego, there is a very advanced and clever Spiritual ego running rampant, viral. It is time we all recognize this  false ego and put it out of the playing field for good, cleansing and purifying the heart and Spirit to the core with  the True Sacred Fire of Love. It is time for us to fully remember we are ONE.  There is no hierarchy in the Oneness.  No hidden  motive or  organizations managed and run with control, power and  the money agenda.    We can and must recognize within ourselves this  false ego agenda and stop following false profits operating from inflated egos, stop supporting it.  The time of the old paradigm is over.  It is time to give up that way, and come back to the way of the Divine Feminine.  Co Creation, love based, kindness and humility.


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Cosmic Vision News - June 15th


Listen to internet radio with InLight Radio on Blog Talk Radio

CVN Show Summary With Links

The full summary with all links can be found here: 

The short summary:

1.  Defrocking The Vatican

2.  Euro News And Possible Cabal Surrender

3.  Galactic Disclosure at Olympics in London?

4.  Breaking 3D Addictions - Thinking Ridiculously

5.  Hydrogen Peroxide - Miracle Cure?

6.  Colostrum - Another Miracle Cure?

7.  Information On Starseeds - Sheldon Nidle

8.  Meditation for Bill Brockbrader And Cabal Surrender

Music for show:  Back To The Future ( Universal Studios - 1985 )




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Sheldan Nidle – All About Starseeds – A Free Webinar – 16 June 2012


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Zooey – On Making Choices – 16 June 2012



Zooey – On Making Choices – 16 June 2012

We are LoveLike many of you, I watched the Bill Brockbrader interviews with wonder and amazement. However, there’s one thing he said that struck me most of all: he suggested that, as we play out this year, the people of the world would start to make the same choice.

I’ve thought about that a lot.


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The Mystery Nibiru lights that appeared next to a passenger plane in Australia and in California : The Full Report



GFP Editor's Note: Some of the information presented in this message is a bit off. We're keeping the message on our site, but we don't endorse everything it says.


The Mystery Nibiru lights that appeared next to a passenger plane in Australia and in California : The Full Report..

Crop Circle's appear at Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire on 6.09.12 that match the Mystery Nibiru lights that appeared next to a passenger plane in Australia and in California : The Full Report
10 June 2012 09:19:51

Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire. Report 9th June

ATTENTION BREAKING NEWS!! : 6.9.2012 Crop Circle's at Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire ... new article just posted on 6/10/2012!

Images by : Lucy Pringle and Carter Wright June 9th 2012


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The Solar Wave ~ June 20th Summer Equinox



The Solar Wave ~ June 20th Summer Equinox



The Solar Wave Countdown to the 2012 Shift of the Ages
This is a Joyful Invitation to Participate in an
Unquenchable Spiritual Evolution!
This is a call to ALL Light Workers and Way-Showers,
Mystics and Sages, Masters, Saints and Angels!
to participate the Great Grand Mother of all Ancient Count Downs.
YOU are being called .... YES YOU ! ... to join the long awaited
Grand Universal Synchronization Celebration ... a Spiritual Pandemic ...
a Conscious Revolution of the ONE HEART.
Are you ready to raise up your hands, hearts
and wings to create a better world?
It is YOUR TIME to SHINE to create a new world!

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It's Time To Wake Up - We Are All One


Please share this video, far and wide! Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what Spirituality, Philosophy, Sages, Ancient teachings and psychedelics have been saying for millennia, that the entire Universe is One and that what we think of as "reality" is just an illusion.. And the only real thing in the Universe is Consciousness.

"If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." ~ Niels Bohr


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Fast Moving Solar Plasma Cloud Heading Toward Earth



Fast Moving Solar Plasma Cloud Heading Toward Earth


Ascending Star Seed | June 15 2012

Info From SIDC – RWC Belgium 15 Jun 2012, 1202UT

A fast solar plasma cloud – coronal mass ejection or CME – erupted into the direction of the Earth on June 14. The cloud was associated with a long duration M1.9 flare peaking at 14:35UT. The cloud was first visible at 14:09UT in STEREO B/COR2 images. A speed estimation based on STEREO B COR2 images, gives a value above 1000 km/s. This means that the shock preceding the plasma cloud might arrive within 2 days. We expect also the cloud itself to arrive at Earth. This CME might catch up with the CME of June 13. We expect the arrival of this cannibalistic phenomenonfor late June 16, early June 17. Geomagnetic disturbances are possible. The geomagnetic conditions at the moment are quiet. The sunspot groups that were responsible for the flares of the past days, persist in flaring in the C level. Another M-flare is possible.


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“Right Wing” Murdoch Asked Blair To ‘Speed Up’ Iraq War



“Right Wing” Murdoch Asked Blair To ‘Speed Up’ Iraq War

2012 JUNE 16
Posted by GLR Stephen Cook

Rupert Murdoch previously told the Leveson inquiry: 'I've never asked a prime minister for anything.' Photograph: Mike Theiler/EPA

“Right Wing” Murdoch Asked Blair To Speed Up Iraq War

Stephen: Now the real truths start to tumble… Under pressure from US Republicans, a “very right-wing” Rupert Murdoch asked former British PM Tony Blair to accelerate Britain’s involvement in the Iraqi War.

Eh? I thought he said he had “never asked a British prime Minister for anything”.  Yet here it is, tabled in evidence at the Leveson Inquiry, that he was war-mongering.

So, a media mogul was instructing a nation’s leader to ‘go to war’? Deplorable. And yet I’m not surprised to hear this. In fact, I’m relieved. It’s now out in ‘the open’ for all to hear -  and I’m very ready for more truths to be exposed. I can handle it; as I expect – deep down – you can, too.

(FYI – Alastair Campbell was Blair’s Director of Communications and Strategy.)

Rupert Murdoch pressured Tony Blair over Iraq, says Alastair Campbell

By Nicholas Watt, The Guardian – June 15, 2012


Rupert Murdoch joined in an “over-crude” attempt by US Republicans to force Tony Blair to accelerate British involvement in the Iraq war a week before a crucial House of Commons vote in 2003, according to the final volumes of Alastair Campbell’s government diaries.

In another blow to the media mogul, who told the Leveson inquiry that he had never tried to influence any prime minister, Campbell’s diary says Murdoch warned Blair in a phone call of the dangers of a delay in Iraq.


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Our dreams and yours are coming to fruition now. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



 Spanish     Portuguese


This morning we will speak with you about the abilities you are trying so hard to manifest.  You have equated the ability to see and hear with your spiritual eye, and other things such as moving objects or lucid dreaming, with your spiritual progress.

It is true that those who are a bit further along on their paths have many of these abilities.  It is true also, that intention and practice may allow you to gain many of them.  There is nothing wrong with such efforts.  Allow us to point out, however, that at his time, there might be more beneficial things to center your attention upon.  Clearing past grievances and fears would be one.  Learning unconditional love for all around you would be another.  Simply intending moment to moment the ascension of yourself and your world might be the most beneficial of all.  For if these were the things upon which your minds were centered, all the rest would fall into place as a matter of course.  Never having given any thought to it, you would find that you were experiencing these things when needed.


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COMEDY CIRCLE: Keiser Report: Con Games Go Global (E301)...


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Unknown Light Artist

Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art Of Living.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/16/12 ‘Show us you are Ready’




Planting the seeds of thought where they may take root is your task at this time here in this world. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, travel beyond the stars and travel to worlds that we feel are ready to accept the gifts that we can offer on behalf of the Creator of us and our universe. We have traveled to this planet you call Earth before. This is not the first time we have traveled here, but it is the first time that we feel your people may now be ready to accept the gifts that we extend to you in love and in friendship, to better serve you and to better the lives of each and every soul that calls this planet their home at this time.


Please demonstrate to us that you are indeed ready to receive these advancements in technologies, sciences, health and wealth, and we will do what we can to share these gifts with you. We do see many of you at this time who are demonstrating that you are indeed ready to receive these gifts and that you will use them wisely and correctly, safely and prudently. These are the prerequisites for this sharing of gifts, for each world that we travel to must first demonstrate that they have now reached a certain level of responsibility and wisdom in regards to the proper handling and facilitation of advanced technologies and sciences. We feel, based on our surveys of your societies and your consciousness levels, that you may now be ready for the implementation of a certain amount of advanced technologies in your world.



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Earthrise is here on June 16th, 2012 with a prelude update.

June 16th, 2012 We are in the prelude of what is about to happen. On June 17th, 2012 starting at 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, Drake will be live. The show will be 3 three hours long. Drake will be making emergency announcements.---Thank you Earth Allies for this information. The prelude will be ending soon! Remember to focus in the NOW. Humanity is about to get the biggest wake up call. Since the Venus transit, any ego left in me if there was any dissolved. I feel it happening. I feel it! It's happening NOW! Get ready! Many things will be happening shortly. Remember to do everything you trained for. Your moment to shine is NOW! Right this very second! Go to the Light! You are the Light! Spread the Light! Light is here! Earthrise is here!

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Aisha North: The invisible tsunami



The invisible tsunami





by GLR Aisha North •June 17, 2012 • 


Some mornings, I wake up fully expecting the world to have changed completely, especially after a night of intense energies. But then I turn on the news, and I realize that everything is exactly the same as the day before. Sometimes  I get disappointed or even angry, but other times I manage to remind myself to listen to the advice The constant companions keep repeating: “If you only look on the surface, everything will look the same, but if you look under the surface, you will see that so much is changing.”


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John Smallman – Jesus – Humanity Is On A Roll – 17 June 2012



John Smallman – Jesus – Humanity Is On A Roll – 17 June 2012

“Words, words, words . . . but when are we to awaken?”  Many are asking this question because they feel they have waited more than long enough for this wondrous, divine promise to be honored.  Time is a major part of the illusion – all of God’s divine promises are honored the moment they are made – it’s just that humanity has not yet allowed itself to let go of all the perceptions and beliefs that makes the illusion seem so real.  However, you are presently receiving unprecedented help to do so, because on the time schedule that you maintain within the illusion the moment for all to awaken is approaching very rapidly.


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Message from the Earth Allie: Letter to Father~God



Letter to Father~God


How could I start but by saying I Love You...

For me, that is You...

I Am... because You Are.

And all I=We expereinced has been of such intensity...

And You were there, with me, in me, even when I did not know, when I did not want to know.

Cause sometimes I thought it was easier to forget, so that I could go on living in the illusion I’d built ouside of me, so that I could go on blaming all but my mind for my experiences... and blame You.


~And You where still there.~


I talked to You all time, even when I tried to believe You did not exist, I kept talking to You, in silence, hoping I was wrong somehow.

I tought I hated You, for each time I build an illusion I thought was working you destroied it. And I had to face the fact that it did not work. I thought You hated me... nice projection I did.


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Dave Schmidt ~ Do You Know Who You Are? ~ 17 June 2012


Dave Schmidt ~ Do You Know Who You Are? ~ 17 June 2012

What a question! We all seem to ponder this issue from time to time, wondering who we really are, why we are here and what is our life purpose.  This 3D world defines us by our name, our sex, our occupation or our external values we place on each other.  But as we’ve seen in the recent postings, all of those things are just temporary illusions as we live this temporary life of a dream.


I was taken back today as I noticed the continuity of messages coming my way from Jeshua/Yeshua.  First, in the posted channeling by Pamela Kribbe, The Seeds of Christ Consciousness; second, from the posting by Fran Zepeda, Yeshua:  The Truth of You; and third, in my own reading from A Course in Miracles, which most of you know is channeled teachings from Jesus/Jeshua.

They were all evolving around the issue of knowing our identity, not of our current incarnation, but of who were really are in our souls, being conscious of our divinity that is within every one of us.

Through Pamela, Jeshua states:



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One small task to create a Light Miracle


We are The Pleiadians and see so many of you questioning:  “what is my mission/purpose”, “how can I, as an individual, do anything to make a change”, “in what way can my love and light assist Sacred Mother and all of life”.  We see so many of you agonizing within self over this quandry because you are filled with a sense of urgency and know that this is a critical time and that all Light is needed in your world.


All of humanity share one mission/purpose and that is for each and every one of you to each day try to become a “higher expression of self”.   This is all that is required of you – sounds simple doesn’t it and it truly is.  Each one of you is the only one who can do this for yourself moment by moment with intention. 


Your sacred intent and thought manifest action…..this is a continuous energy cycle, a continuing ever expanding circle.  Even though Starseeds and Lightworkers are a minority in numbers in your world, the combined quotient of Light and Love that you can bring forth when joined together in sacred intent and thought empowers, effects and uplifts all sentient Life, not only on Sacred Mother but also throughout the multiverse. 



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Open Letter to Our Military – posted by Drake, June 16, 2012




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COMEDY CIRCLE: Tony Blair, war criminals & breaking into the Leveson inquiry-Double Standards-06-16-2012


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Oh, Dear, the End Times are Here! (The End of Fear!) - with Scott Grace, the Spiritual Dr. Seuss


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Lisa Gawlas: As The Vibrations Rise and The Heart Expands, Discernment is Crucial!




I have started this blog twice now in the last two days.  Both times exploding in information as I attempted to type out some words.  Life and the Light shining upon it is hitting a massive crescendo at this very moment, reverberating thru space and time thanx to the conjoined CME that hit the earth yesterday.

If the sun alone does not amplify Divine Counterpart energy arrival on earth, then nothing ever will!!

So many readings this past week or two has been the foresight of coming love. For some, it showed their spouse awakening to their true heart of spirit and becoming a conscious partner on their path of life.  For others, love waits in the fields of the coming days, weeks or months.  I have not seen a single person in the field of high vibrational energy within their heart stream, left out…

Life has waited with bated breath for THESE TIMES!!  I also believe we have waited so long for this arrival that it is hard to believe it is really here!!  I assure you tho, it is HERE!  Keep in mind, Light expands in waves.  So some may be feeling the intensity today, some last week or month, other may not feel it for weeks or months to come.  Like flood waters hitting one neighborhood before the one down the street.


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Heavenletter #4223 Frequenting Heaven


Heavenletter #4223 Frequenting Heaven, June 17, 2012 

God said: 


Stay with Me, beloveds. When you don't know what to do or where to go, stay with Me. I am your Haven. Yes, your Haven, or Heaven, if you prefer. You are always welcome with Me. Welcome is not a strong enough word. The fact is that I will not be away from you. I come to you. I am already with you. Acknowledge this, and be happy. My love for you is great, and My love for you is constant.

I know you want more than you presently surmise. I know you want to see more love coming to you in the world. Dear Ones, you know, all the love in the world is not enough. No matter how much you are loved, you want more. I am the More. My love is yours. You were born with Original Love, and Original Love has stayed with you. You may have submerged your awareness of joy. Nevertheless, joy is yours. You cannot delete it, nor can you run away from it. Well, yes, you can run away from it, but not forever.


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Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 16 June 2012



Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 16 June 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

As we’ve said so many times before,e your journey here upon the earth is an exploration of love. Your desire for love causes you to seek out loving relationships and your frustrations with love upset you in the greatest ways. You want to be seen and acknowledged. You want to be understood. You want others to know your very great light. That is a natural and normal human desire. However, it is equally important that you grant others these same gifts – that you attempt to see and acknowledge others’ perspectives as being perfect for the growth they are here to do; that you attempt to the best of your ability to understand one another, and when you do not, you work hard not to judge. It is important to recognize that deep within every soul, no matter how dark or troubled they appear to be, is a very great light. When you focus upon that light, you help coax it to the surface.


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John Smallman: Relax regularly into a quiet and peaceful state



Relax regularly into a quiet and peaceful state



If you choose to pay careful attention to your intuition, your inner knowing or guidance, you can access much information and knowledge that is pertinent to your forthcoming awakening.  The illusion distracts you from your homeward path by bringing your attention and focus back to your physical bodies again and again – hunger, tiredness, thirst, anxiety, fear, pain – in an endless succession of issues that it seems you need to deal with immediately.


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Sacred Economics – Charles Eisenstein (Short Film) – 16 June 2012


Uploaded on 11 April 2012 by


Thanks to Lucas


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Scott Grace, the Spiritual Dr. Seuss, The Ego Song


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6/16/2012 -- 6.1 magnitude in Philippines + Global earthquake overview


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SRI YANTRA. Image by Sensiart.com


SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012

Dear Friends,


I am writing this while - according to ancient gnostic wisdom - Gaia is actually aligning herself right now with the Galactic Center of our Universe! Exactly on 17.6.12, at 1:50 PM, AEST. And not  on 21. 12 12.  This is not publicly known. 


In these texts one of her names is Sophia, but She has many more, She is the Goddess of ancient wisdom, also called Hathor, Isis, Kali.... She Is Divine Mother.

I just came across this information and feel very much moved as this also coincides with the latest message, I received from Her. Link


Her Yantra is the ancient and famous Shri Yantra. The Bindu in the Center of the Yantra is the Union with Ultimate Divine Consciousness. The geometric layers around the Bindu is the unfolding into the dimensions of creation.


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Spirit Science 15 – Power Of The Heart – 16 June 2012



Uploaded on 30 April 2012 by .  -Thanks to Lucas


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Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 ~ Part 1/2


Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 ~ Part 1/2

The transcript of  Stephen Cook’s interview with Cobra has arrived, thanks to Ellen.  I’ve posted it in two parts, the second to follow on Monday. Those who wish to read the second part today can do so by going here.

The actual interview itself can be heard at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/06/14/the-light-agenda

The Light Agenda: Cobra – Presented by Stephen Cook


Episode 1 – Wednesday June 13, 2012: Exclusive World First Radio Interview with Cobra – Part 1/2



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Speaking of Grounding with Gaia, Look at this Concept… “Earthing”


Speaking of Grounding with Gaia, Look at this Concept… “Earthing”

This article comes from Dr. Mercola, and I will not publish (out front) the entire article. I am only visibly posting the section on “Earthing”. The rest of the article discusses aspirin’s unrecognized connection to serious medical problems. I’ve posted the raw text. Go to the article to find all the links, etc.


But I found it very serendipitous that Beverly sent this to me tonight, just after posting here all those articles about grounding more firmly with Gaia. So see what you all get from this. Again, thanks to Beverly for sending this.


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One small task to create a Light Miracle




GEOMAGNETIC STORM ALERT: A geomagnetic storm is in progress in the wake of a double CME impact on June 16th. The hit, which strongly compressed Earth's magnetic field, lit up both poles with bright auroras. Stephen Voss sends this photo from Southland, New Zealand:


"We enjoyed a beautiful display of the Southern Lights from the south of New Zealand," says Voss. "A dull arc hung around for a couple of hours before suddenly exploding with a mixture of rays and curtains."



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My Gratitude and Admiration for their courage to encourage Greece silver exit from EU slavery.... Max Keiser and Hugo Price will with their deep incites in present money system, give full support and way of starting long waited domino effects of fake money banks and corporations and stock markets...


In this clip from Sunny Channel TV station in Greece Max went that far to rip 50 euro bill in pieces, almost not worth to use it as toilet paper... As well they suggested very gently, to write of all the citizen debts, as well with this action of todays election they will remove the shackles of troika [IMF, UE, ECB...]


While writing this, I have great smile on my face and tremendous feeling of true freedom that is birthing right here in wonderful Greece... As these two great souls suggesting, to have paper drachma backed with national gold, plus parallel system of silver bullion which will make this transition to fully backed gold/silver/platinum monetary system looks like a wonderful breeze...



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Huge Disk-Shaped Object Found In Baltic Sea


CBC News Posted: Jun 15, 2012 3:04 PM ET

A crew of Swedish divers scavenging the Baltic Sea for treasures has shared new images of their baffling discovery — a large disc-shaped object settled on the seabed.

In a press release that sounds as if it were inspired by the underwater sci-fi film The Abyss, the unidentified object is described as circular, with rounded sides and rugged edges.

"The object had an egg-shaped hole leading into it from the top, as an opening," the release said, drawing comparisons from several media outlets to the fictional Millenium Falcon spacecraft featured in Star Wars.

Full Story... (CBC News)



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Who Does The US Congress Work For?


Here in the US, a news show that doesn't take itself seriously at all is also the one that tells the most truth. John Stewart helps expose exactly who the republican party works for:


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The Arcturian Group – 17 June 2012


The Arcturian Group – 17 June 2012

by GLR Marilyn Raffaelle 



Greetings dear ones.  We come again to wish you a happy ascension process.  Although many of you are saying it hasn't been very happy lately.   We see  the Light of earth increasingly changing very quickly and it will not be long before the many changes you anticipate begin to appear. 
Try very hard to let go of any and all concepts of how ascension  should appear.  There are many  telling you that the changes are  going to happen this way or that or that you will feel and experience in a particular way.  Every person is individual and each has their own past life energies to clear and balance.  Every person's  experience is going to be somewhat different from the next person's although there will be some similarities.  The clearing  of old energies  can leave you feeling sick, tired, and discouraged.  


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Discussing Now


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Drake "Vital" Updates - June 17, 2012 by Global Voice Radio Network...

Listen to internet radio with Global Voice Radio Network on Blog Talk Radio


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