~Intense Quickening Underway~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 10:35


Greetings Love Beings... Today we have entered and Intense Quickening. We Can Thank Cobra for this as He released an intense amount of Truth in His First Interview Yesterday. WOW, There Are No SeatBelts, and Enjoy. We Love You, Love the Earth Allies

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~13~12 Incoming Fire Energy of Transformation~



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~13~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Incoming Fire Energy of Transformation~


The Planetary Crystalline Grid and Rainbow Aura of the New Earth  Thank You to Indian In the Machine


Greetings Love Beings, We Come with a Short Update. The Fire Energy of Love=Truth is Arriving in Quickly Now, Enveloping the Grid surrounding Planet Earth=Heart. These Excited Energies arriving in yesterday continue today, to get into Alignment quickly, for our Global Event of the Solstice. We are currently In Process of Bringing in the Masculine Energy into Balance with The Feminine.These are the Energies of the Balanced Harmonics which are required for our Next Facet of the Divine Plan.




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The Light Agenda

by InLight Radio

On Air

1 Hr 17 Min Remaining

Call in to speak with the host

(323) 784-9697



Stephen Cook presents the Premiere Episode of The Light Agenda - a special program featuring the Exclusive World First Radio Interview with COBRA of the Portal 2012 blogspot.

Since March 31, when Portal 2012 went live, Cobra has become a strong and sometimes controversial voice within the Lightworker community - organising a series of mass meditations and posting intel to assist the liberation of our planet from the dark.


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Many Diversions on The Road Home by CmdrAleon of the Ashtar Galactic Command


Many Diversions on The Road Home by CmdrAleon of the Ashtar Galactic Command


Many diversions exist on the cosmic road home to who you truly are.


On the Internet,in your daily life,and the many spiritual area's that are in front of you like a sign saying look at me here I am.

Many of these diversions are ment to confuse you on the journey back home to where you have come from.


Its truly everywhere.

When your heart finds the cosmic truth the mind keeps on looking at other things.


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Earthrise is here on June 13th, 2012.

June 13th, 2012 Make sure to stay focused. Don't slip back into ego at the last second. Make sure to stay hydrated with pure water. This will help a lot. Get extra sleep when you need to. You can't forgive others until you forgive yourself. Remmeber, you had a long time to experience what Earth has to offer you. Now it's time to finish your mission. One week to go until the summer solstice. Earthrise is here

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Be aware of false leaders on this planet- Reptilian bloodlines


Jesse Loya

I have receive this thought, :

It is not us who wants to declare war to other countries,
It is not the people of Iraq and Afgansitan who took down our towers,
It is not the people of the U.S who wanted to invade other lands,
It is not the people of Iran whom wants to wipe out the people of Israel,
It is not us whom wants to declare war,
Or we call it human civil war on planet Earth,

Because we dont make the decisions,
We dont want war!!,

It is our false leaders whom are bloodlines of an evil race who wants all this to happen,
It is our false leaders who walk manipulated by this evil scaled skin race,
It is our false leaders the Illuminati, Elite and Rothchilds whom wants war!! and decalres war!!

They suck our power, whithout us they are powerless,
We should not vote for any of them,
We should not support them,
We are the peace and love, not them!!
Becasue we have the power, we just need to take it back!!!!! u.u


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Harold W. Becker – Ever Expanding Love – 14 June 2012



Harold W. Becker – Ever Expanding Love – 14 June 2012

Love is such an amazingly simple, elegant and universal expression of the very nature of life itself.  It is present in every life-giving heartbeat and intrinsic in nebulas swirling with potential in far distant galaxies. It is felt in the beauty of each sunrise and in the gentle embrace of a smile. It is the sublime connection that does more than connect. It is the essence of all that we experience and in that which we have yet to imagine. Love knows no bounds and creates no conditions. It is what it is.

From a very narrow perspective, it would appear that somewhere along the way we may have forgotten (or ignored) this innate wisdom and awareness of love. Our present world is seemingly filled with an absence of love when viewed from a singular perception that we are somehow separate from love. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yet, for reasons we don’t even remember, we strive to maintain this well established stance and continue to find or invent ample evidence to excuse our disconnection from that which we ultimately are.


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Heavenletter #4220 Expressing Gratitude to God


Heavenletter #4220 Expressing Gratitude to God, June 14, 2012 

God said: 


It is in your best interest to express your gratitude to Me. For some of My children, this is a necessity.

It is an absolute necessity if you are someone who pours an overflowing amount of gratefulness on people, and the people you pour your gratitude on begin to believe what you say to them and seemingly drop you by the wayside. Frosting on a cake is good. Too much frosting on a cake isn't so good.



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Today is The Day By CM thru Johan Jun 14, 2012 - 6:58:54 AM




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~Language through illusion or Reality~


Earth Ally Will Harader~

~Language through illusion or Reality~


All written and spoken languages have major issues that people don't notice most of the time. There's huge gaps in communication, though people are so used to this dysfunction it usually goes unnoticed. Word don't quite mean the same thing to different people and even words that mean the same thing have different connotations. When people speak to each other their facial expression and tone assist greatly in communication, but even this can be misinterpreted. We have even less freedom of expression within the written language and the reader is able to project all sorts of their own stuff onto the writing.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Lauren Lyster and Heidi Moore infiltrate JP Morgan's Mafia Hearings in Washington DC!


Follow us @

Welcome to Capital Account. We come to you live from our bunker deep within the newsroom's "fortress balance sheet," because Jamie Dimon was on Capitol Hill testifying about JP Morgan's multi-billion dollar trading loss. We headed to the hill with the protection of a full body suit that repels cronyism and dirty deals...we tried to enter through a revolving door so as not to raise any eyebrows, but there was not one to be found! Perhaps this is only for the seasoned politicians. In any case, Lauren did manage to infiltrate the Capitol one way or another, and she brings you the real story from inside the lion's den!

Now, we were hoping we would see a repeat of the Valachi mafia hearings of the 1960s, where the country really got some insight into the workings of organized crime: the mafia. Because, as our guest Wall Street correspondent for Marketplace Heidi N. Moore put it, "the mafia has better disclosure than the banking industry." Sadly, this type of scrutiny was not applied to Jamie Dimon today. Instead, what we saw was lawmakers who have JP Morgan to thank as a major contributor, asking Jamie Dimon how they should better regulate JP Morgan! We interview Marketplace's Heidi Moore on Capitol Hill, fresh from the hearings, to assess everything of value that came out of the Don's deposition!

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Tornado Sweeps Through city of Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia


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Former Prime Minister Testifies On Rupert Murdoch's Manipulation Of UK Government


Sir John Major has claimed Rupert Murdoch demanded his government change its policy on Europe or his papers would oppose him at the 1997 general election.

The former Conservative prime minister told the Leveson inquiry on Tuesday that Murdoch delivered the ultimatum at a private meeting with the News Corporation founder on 2 February 1997, three months before the election in which the Tories lost heavily to New Labour.

Full Story... (guardian.co.uk)


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I have reposted a copy of my "short story" on my new blogsite which can be found here:




It is an attempt by me to envision the NEW EARTH, it's people and what actually transpired in the run up to the ASCENSION.


It can be read in about 15 minutes of time and encapsulates many of my personal theories as to what happened behind the scenes.

Take it for what it's worth, read it with a pinch of salt..., and have fun!


All my love,





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Greeks pull $1 billion out of banks and stock up on food prior to destiny-shifting election




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RAPHAEL. ~ You Are In The Adolescence Of Your Growth Cycle. ~ By, AuroRa Le



RAPHAEL. ~ You Are In The Adolescence Of Your Growth Cycle. ~ By, AuroRa Le. June 13, 2012.


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Who are You?... Who are the Masters incarnated on the Earth in these wonderers times?... Who are these standards, who are setting the path for rest of Humanity?… Who are Ones setting the path of truth, love and compassion?... Why first 144,000 Masters for that many People, 7 billion or so?...


Yes, it is me, Predrag Saint Germain again… with unlimited silliness and unexhausted number of questions… I guess, this is me… this is what I like to do… being silly and questioning a lot…


Indeed, can you at least try to answer on this first and easy one: Who are You?... But wait, can you answer it without blinking with your mind, and blacking out your memories?... and please, do not give me titles, your job descriptions, your resumes, your relationship relations, your gender preference, or your age… Transpire over this notion to put self in any of these old energies boxes…


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~ Our Long Lasting Solar Flare~


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DNA Activation and the Angst Continues


DNA Activation and the Angst Continues

by Deborah Lindsey



I had sort of thought that this overriding angst that people have been feeling would be letting up by now. Afterall the Venus Transit was three days ago and the energies of the eclipse using last about 3 days. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead I’m hearing report after report of people who feel like they want to “crawl out of their skin.” Others have reported very high levels of anxiety and one person said that her body felt like it was “popping popcorn inside.”


I’m also hearing about a ton of people who have come down with a cold that just won’t quit. I’m one of them. The cold started with a sore throat on the night of the annular solar eclipse (May 20), taking hold of my throat, and now settling in my lungs. Its gotten so chronic at this point that I even considered taking antibiotics and I NEVER take antibiotics!



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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – You Are Vast Beyond Your Ability To Measure -



Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – You Are Vast Beyond Your Ability To Measure -

As We come forth to unseal the envelope of your light, We ask you, as you sit on this threshold of starriness, to see each and every one of your separate selves as a galaxy, as a constellation, as a star in the heavens.  For one day, each one of you will be exactly that. Just as Mother Earth is on her way to becoming a star through all of her earthen children, you too are programmed to become more than you can currently see.. One day you will become as a planetary event that ascends through all of your life forms.


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Ute: Message From Gaia (3): You Are Home Everywhere – 14 June 2012



Ute: Message From Gaia (3): You Are Home Everywhere – 14 June 2012


Posted on  by  | Leave a comment


Dear Ones, I AM Gaia!

Have you been enjoying My Pristine Beauty while living your life? I have created this beauty from the depth of my Being, from the depth of my spiritual consciousness! I Am That.
Go and visit the Beauty of my Nature and you will recognize Me, feel Me, your hearts will be elevated. And I have created all of it, to show you the path of Truth.

How could you ever believe one moment that there is no God, no  Divine Mother, but that rather only emptiness exists, and death and hate, when you at the  same time, even in your apparently ugly and dirty cities have been able to discover at least traces of my perfect Beauty?


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Participating in the Unfoldment



Participating in the Unfoldment

 13 June 2012 - posted by sensipeter

May 31, 2012 

Neil Kramer is an English writer, philosopher, and teacher, specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, and mysticism.
Kramer has made a lifelong independent study of philosophy, mystical traditions, shamanism, religion, inner alchemy, occultism, and esoteric world history.
He returns to Red Ice to discuss his new book The Unfoldment.
We examine the authentic life and distortion of reality. Neil talks about the importance of remembering the divine and moving past negative states of mind.

It's time for action, not complaints. 
We'll discuss remaining in a higher state of consciousness within the control system.
Neil also talk about how there is an intimate relationship between light and shadow, creation and destruction.
He talks about being a participant in the unfoldment as we each play a significant role.

The Unfoldment is a natural human process; a journey of growth, realization, and ascendance.


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Trickling Water Flows




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Blue Star UFO Report: 06-14-12


Blue Star UFO Report: 06-14-12





Filmed in Syria... comet or?





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Take Flight  will






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Natural Remedies: Cancer killing fruit- soursop



Cancer killing fruit- soursop


 This fruit is freely available in Malaysia.

Please read about this miracle fruit that can kill cancer cells 100,000 times, more effective than chemo that gave you side effects.
Why are we not aware of this?
Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on years of research by trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale.

So, since you know it now you can help a friend in need by letting him know or just drink some soursop juice yourself as prevention from time to time.


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Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Reliance On Another – 14 June 2012



Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Reliance On Another – 14 June 2012

Balance is key in life.  Our body seeks homeostasis relentlessly.  Atomic structure seeks a balance of positive and neutral charge within its nucleus and a balance of negative charge in its electron shell.  In experiential life, balance denotes the poise to remain stable while opposite forces swing.  This is a broad foundation of allowing and directing as the full spectrum of life occurs around you.  One that is balanced is able to maintain homeostasis even through change.  Within the atomic structure, the nucleus relies on the electron shell and the electron shell relies on the nucleus – and form is created.  Life is about sharing.  We share air, we share information, we share strength and we share vulnerability.  How is your sharing?  Are you balanced or radioactively throwing off negative electrons or melting your inner core of positivity? ;o) 

Reliance on Another is a point of balance.  If you rely too heavily on others, you are not enabling your own strength and capability.  If you do not rely on others some, you are not honoring the sharing of others’ gifts, the emerging of your vulnerability to teach you how strong you are or receiving the Love of another flowing to you.  Relationship with people is important.  Each person has different levels of sensitivities to others, but as Lightworkers we are tasked to shine our Light, which means sharing it with the world around us.  As we empower ourselves to find our Love within, we then allow the charge of others (both positive and negative) to create new form, new life and new experience.  Reliance becomes sharing and beneficial for All.


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The Shift is You. By SKULL BABYLON




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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~12~12 Exciting Energies are Surrounding the Planet ~


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Astrology Forecast for June 13, 2012


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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~11~12 Rest Period, Then The Icing on the Cake~


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Saint Germain ~~Twinsouls and Twinflame ~~ 14/06/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont



Saint Germain ~~Twinsouls and Twinflame ~~ 14/06/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont


Comment from the GFP: it states that Archangels have twinflames, though Archangels do not have a soul and therfore do not have twinflames. Archangels are God's Support System.

Dear Ones,
I Am Saint Germain and today I would like to explain the difference between twin souls and Twin Flames. It is generally understood by now that everyone has only 1 Twin Flame but has several twin souls. A twin soul, or soulmate, is a soul with whom you already have had several incarnations and pretty much always the both of you were very close to one another. The kind of bond can vary from a relationship with a partner, it can take the form of a family member or even a very tight friendship. Twin souls are always close to each other and have a tight bond with one another. In each incarnation you both will meet and share life’s experiences together. Every twin soul has made the choice in the higher realms to be connected with each other in specific incarnations. It can even take the form of some sort of guide, someone who helps you get through a tough situation, someone you are inclined to ask advice from when things get hopelessly complicated and there seems to be nowhere out.


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The Illusion of This World: A Follow-Up


The Illusion of This World: A Follow-Up

2012 June 14
 by Dave Schmidt


It’s amazing to see how Spirit will develop themes that come our way for a week or two.  Two days ago I wrote an article regarding the illusion of this world.  It had been brewing in me for a couple of weeks through my own reading and noticing the messages in various posts.  Then yesterday Saul follows my message with what seems to me like a masterful response.


In my post I talk about the world we live in as nothing more than a perception of our thoughts. That’s why it’s an illusion. It’s not real.  It’s our ego mind that keeps us from being in the divine moment all the time.



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When The Foxes Run The Henhouse


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). (photo: WDCpix)

What happens when the banks regulate themselves? They award themselves 4 trillion in loans courtesy of the American people...

"This report reveals the inherent conflicts of interest that exist at the Federal Reserve.  At a time when small businesses could not get affordable loans to create jobs, the Fed was providing trillions in secret loans to some of the largest banks and corporations in America that were well represented on the boards of the Federal Reserve Banks.  These conflicts must end," Sanders said.

Full Story... (Reader Supported News)


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Comet Sundives - M Flare Coronal Mass Ejection


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~Space Weather Update~ Sun is HOT~~~ And Active


ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2012 LZ1 is flying past the Earth-Moon system today. At closest approach on June 14th (23:10 UT), the 500 meter-wide space rock will be 14 lunar distances (3.3 million miles) away. A team of astronomers led by Ernesto Guido photographed the incoming asteroid on June 13th: images.


CME TARGETS VENUS, EARTH MARS: Active sunspot AR1504 erupted on June 13th at 1319 UT, producing a long-duration M1-flare and hurling a CME into space. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud will deliver a glancing blow to three planets: Venus on June 15th, Earth on June 16th, and Mars on June 19th. This animation shows the likely progression of the cloud:


NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% - 30% chance of geomagnetic storms when the cloud reaches Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.



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Lisa Gawlas: The Golden God Light of Your Soul Vibrating to The Love Frequency!




These days are changing so rapidly… YOU are changing so rapidly!  I watch you in a field of de-Light, changing, acting, becoming genuinely empowered with the strength of your own soul.

It is so easy for us to sit in the passing minutes of our day and feel like nothing is changing and come close to loosing hope that anything ever will truly change.  My vision, the Light of your soul reflected thru my eyes paints a very different story.

The Light of Life is no longer a passive energy around you, but a true wonderment being emitted thru you.  Thru your heart!

Instead of writing my second blog for the day yesterday, I spent the time I had for the writing receiving a download of clarity, of such profound understanding that I could not write a word.  I tried!

For the last several days in the readings I had seen a profound change take place that I did not understand at all.  Yet, person after person started to display the same image.  A tall golden flagpole in the field of life.  I finally understand what this new, vibrantly intense imagery is saying.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Intention Set your intentions daily



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Intention

Set your intentions daily



After a night of restful sleep and just as you are awakening, ask to remember your dreams and night travels. While still in the energy of awakening, you are still carrying the energy of timelessness that you are in during your sleeping cycle.  Then set your intention for your day. List and consciously plan your day, leaving room for plenty of activities that feed your creative side. Set your energy and intention for meetings or work. Ask the angels to set up events and opportunities to be in just the right place today to meet or be inspired on your journey, and ask that you will immediately know that this is a sign from spirit and offer your gratitude for the sharing.  Start expecting them every day, and look for them, consider the message and more will come your way.  After your morning meditation, take a few moments to journal about the events of your night and meditation. This is a great gift to yourself. 


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A delightful song to mellow the moment...




Heaven ~ Chris Rea


I see a turning wheel

On a dusty track

Caught in the void and empty space

In between there and back

And the paradise of going somewhere

Happy, boy you bet I am

Holding on to this smile for just as long as I can




It's all bright in front

And it's all dark behind

Livin' for the now that's in between the bridges and the signs

And getting there is still a long long way to go

While the others dream and wish

This is everything I officially need to know


Happy, boy you bet I am

Holding on to this smile for just as long as I can

Livin' for the now that's in between the bridges and the signs

And getting there is still a long long way to go

While the others dream and wish

This is everything I officially need to know


Happy, boy you bet I am

Holding on to this smile for just as long as I can






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Blossom Goodchild - June 14, 2012



Blossom Goodchild
 June 14, 2012

Me again! I have felt a definite shift in the last few days … so I am looking forward to our chat today.   There is a particular question I would like to ask regarding Ascension. I feel that we don’t actually go anywhere. We still stay on planet Earth, yet move into a Higher dimension upon it. Can you clarify this for me please … or am I way off target here?


This would also be ‘our’ perception of what is to come about ... as each one develops their own understanding of themselves and who they are. You see, for so many they are desiring that suddenly on a particular given date ‘Everything will change for everybody'  ... and they will  … ‘out of the blue’ … find themselves in a magical land where everything that no longer serves them will be long gone and only images and feelings of ecstasy will engulf them every minute of the day.


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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, June 14, 2012



Thursday, June 14, 2012


Third  Quarter Moon Phase


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