International Criminal Court Convicts Pope And The Whole Establishment

Submitted by Ra-Raela on Tue, 08/06/2013 - 16:15

I would like nothing better, for than to see the Vatican and it's ilk arrested. Question is: Is it possible? Does this hold weight in the eyes of the world? Nostradamus, a long time ago, saw the downfall of the church. Perhaps, it's not so far off!

In December they showed me a video of Nostradamus writing's written down back then and while listening I was writing down a parallel link to the info transpired from the writings in the video. It was, well seemed completely unrelated, but I think it was to get me out of the core? I was writing it on this site at the same time the parallel. I'm telling you weird things happen when your involved with ??? Well it feels like alien technology, maybe its just something we can get to within us, it was so intense I had these idea about 7 or 8 souls in me and they got it down to 2, plus in another day something to do with a trinity conscious field also? a balance to not do a re-run and screw everything up. I remember each morning waking up a new... and something caught up from the experiences and had to re-fix everything. They showed me two videos on TV, when I say they I mean the telepathy and projects going on with the brain cycles and waves frequencies. The endings of both videos, the main theme in the end was that the subject was going to appear to die but makes it in the end, the other of the two was a fox as a subject and a girl brought it in her home, and he went crazy and jumped out the window and she looked at the fox and he looked dead, with blood and just laying there she was so shocked, because she became friends with him, so she went back to the fields, pick up flowers and such and she seen him again, on a hill he had survived and she smiled. It was weird, they where speaking to me from everything, the deeper we go the lest we can navigate within, so it all depends on our surrounding to help us get out once again. By they I meant ones with advance technology. The only explanation was a looking glass and its pretty close to the accuracy of what I experienced can be explained by. By which I mean they knew what was going to happen and had arrange it to be able to reverse the process? Is all I can think of again. Also videos on You tube some kind of brain washing stuff, it was a map of the earth and they drew lines... like the layout of faces and hands and most of it pointed to groenland Iceland and there was a bear face also, it was like 1h something long and just had this Lines drawing out on earths land showing pictures and trying to make me understand something. Another one was in the future there was going to have a leader with his left eye missing as the anti christ and aliens would come down from the sky with jesus and he fought the one eyed leader?? they where intending it for something to do in the future?? I was like what the hell, I knew it was some kind of brainwashing program, and I wanted to see how it worked I guess thats why I just whent with it but I dont think it worked like they wanted it to, anyhow haha they tryed everything on me... I mean on the psychological side of things from far away, maybe thats why paranormal events was going on. It was intense anyhow haha the main message is if you can master it, you become like super psychic and all moments of your life within, is so incredible its like the impossible goes on constantly by which I mean you know things that are otherwise known impossible by experiencing incredible events. By which every time you try to explain it just is never enough? hmm I don't want to do a re-run lol I'm leaving it like this


Thanks haha I see how it gets confusing, don't worry I did my part in it, you think your confused by what I wright haha be thankful you never experienced it, its quite a ride of death lol haha 

Namaste bud

Co-Creation, law of attraction, what you focus on you bring into your experience. The order fulfillment system, the Universe, faithfully brings us whatever we "wish for". All we have to do is focus on what ever we want or don't want, doesn't matter, and we will experience it. Talk about "make a wish" hahaha. The real trick is to be able to steer your mind like a pro, and therefore the ego must go. The ego is the worst kind of psychopath because it is willing to do anything to preserve it's miserable existence including killing its host, your body. All this dark intent is cleverly hidden through a matrix of double-think, paradoxes and projection.

One cannot use logic or "reasoning" to conquer the ego because thinking is the ego's domain and you're most ingenious plans are no match for the ego. The only thing that can dethrone the ego is Love.

By being Love, the mind is freed of the ego and once it is released the mind becomes a powerful ally for Divine will instead, which is what the mind was originally created for.

Blessings on your path

"By being Love, the mind is freed of the ego and once it is released the mind becomes a powerful ally for Divine will instead, which is what the mind was originally created for"

We now see Creations to awaken the Minds Lost to all of the Kinds~

Many do not realize the full potential of the human being, it is a complex structure, but with time everything is possible.

There is Many sub categories of awakening and, teaching in a way that not only teaches the reader but also the creator, it is how we master life itself, it's amazing.

Be at One




Fri, 08/09/2013 - 14:34

Bingo! And my brother, YOU are amazing. Thank you for your expanding suffix; I feel the creative energy as our minds join across time and space with the help of the 3rd density equivalent of unity consciousness, the Divinely inspired internet. We are coming into our own now and very rapidly. It IS amazing on so many levels.

Blessings on your path. We are One.

Where I said agreed I was going to say BINGO but held it back and you posted it afterwards talk about oneness two minds as one after looking into that which you wish for co-creation

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