ITCCS Update: Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal set to resign

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 04:28

Breaking News for Global Release:
Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal set to resign
A Communiqué from ITCCS International

BRUSSELS & DUBLIN - May 4, 2012 - The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten "non-negotiable measures" by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of survivors of church rape and torture.

The list of measures was issued today at a meeting in Dublin, Ireland between Archbishop Dermot Martin and representatives of Anti Catholic Church Activists Worldwide (ACCAW), Magdalene Laundry survivors, and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State -- Ireland (ITCCS).

The measures demanded of the Catholic Church include the defrocking of all child raping priests, the licensing of all other clergy as public servants, the return of the remains of all who died under Church care, the annulment of tax exemptions and other Church privileges, and the return of all of the Church's wealth generated by the exploitation of children.

The full statement outlining these measures is reproduced below, including an attached audio recording of the statement.

Issued on the eve of the impending resignation of the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, for his protection of child raping priests, the statement was delivered by John Deegan of ACCAW and ITCCS Ireland members Gerry O'Donovan and Dave O'Brien, who confronted Archbishop Martin with the demands. 

The Ten Point statement was issued by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, an umbrella organization of over fifty organizations in the United States, Canada, Ireland, England and Australia.

"Pope Benedict and his Bishops have until midnight on September 15 to start complying with these measures" said ITCCS Secretary Kevin Annett today.

"After that, we will begin actions to halt the normal operation of the Roman Catholic Church around the world, and we will seek indictments against Pope Benedict and other Vatican officials for crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy."

The ACCAW, ITCCS and other groups have staged high profile occupations of Catholic churches during their regular services, and plan to escalate these actions into "a permanent campaign of non-violent disruption and civil disobedience aimed at the Roman Catholic Church ... until the Church's reign of terror over children is ended."

Issued May 4, 2012 by ITCCS International -- Brussels

Information: or 250-591-4573 (Canada) and or (Ireland)

For more information about ITCCS visit or 
For more information about crimes committed by the Vatican visit:

Stasha beLOVEd

Sun, 05/06/2012 - 08:49

this makes me filled with such joy

my family live in ireland, this is huge

millions of blessings to these people for their courage


ME YHWH (not verified)

Sun, 05/06/2012 - 10:41

  I Am soooooo happy to see that this is finally taking place,,,this facade of Christ has stood long enough,,,not only in the Catholic church but in all "religions" that condon,,,and or cover the sexuall and immoral sins of the very people who stand in office and proclaim sentences on those outside the secret confines of their institutions....this is a crime against Humanity,,and it must not be allowed to continue....ALL those who equate themselves with the Divine in any text,,,MUST come forward for the Judgements of THIER offenses,,,,AT THIS TIME,,,there must be not one hint of revenge or punishment.....for ours is not to judge,,,but that day will come,,,swiftly,,,and those who have claimed righteousness while commiting the sins they denounce WILL stand for judgement....the Names of EVERY offender who has placed HIM OR HER SELF in a position of authority will be listed and announced to all mankind,,,,this calls for paitient understanding,,,,YOU who are reading this MUST understand what this means,,,,There are MANY who have been PLACED in authority,,, by the will of the people,,,and,,by the will of the Divine,,,,these will also stand befor the thone of Glory and give an account,,,,it is those who have PLACED THEMSELVES in authority,,,that will be judged,,,,,who have usurpted the will of the people and the Divine,,,and testified unto themselves,,,,these MINONS MUST BE REMOVED FROM SERVICE,,,,Collect yourselves,,,each of you,,,,look deeply into the motives of your own heart,,,for this clensing of the Human Race WILL occur as you have said,,,,it begins IN the INSTITUTIONS that have betrayed the masses,,,,it will continue TO the masses that have not first judged THEMSELVES.....this will be a time of great restoration,,,and INTENSE renovation,,,nothing that is not pure,,,,(anything,,,,pure gold, pure silver, pure motives, pure intentions, pure actions and pure heart,,,) will last,,,,but REMEMBER this and mark it well,,,,,there are MANY out there who are supporting PURE BULLSHIT,,,this to,,being 
"pure" will,,,thru a loophole in cosmic 'justice' ,,,insert itself into the New Beginning,,,,The world we long for is just around the corner,,,,clense yourselves of all that is WITHIN YOU that you do not wish to carry into the new begining,,,,this is the MOST crucial time of Mankinds history,,,the next evolution,,,,it MUST NOT be hindered....NOTHING that is 'deformed' is to be viewed as unacceptable,,,nothing that is 'reformed' is to be viewed as unacceptable,,,nothing that is 'informed' is to be viewed as unacceptable,,,and those that are 'UNI formed' will be brough into the knowlege of the Divine will....Name yourselves among those whom the Divine has Named,,,,,stand to hear your name upon the books,,,,prepare to be reckoned,,,,and if that phrase just scared the hell out of you,,,you have MUCH work yet to do,,,WITHIN YOURSELF,,,,,Divinety will approve and DIVENITY will remove,,,,all that are SELF appointed will be inquired of,,,all that are DIS appointed will be inquired of,,,,and all that have been appointed will be acknowledged...this calls for GREAT WISDOM,,,Stand before the Divine NOW and MAKE SURE YOUR appointment,,,before you DO THAT,,,MAKE SURE THE DIVINE YOU STAND BEFORE!!!!!    Careful consideration will be CRUCIAL at this time,,,consider FIRST,,,YOURSELF !!!...The Spirit of ALL that is Divine, will require recompsense,,,,the phase that is about to begin WILL bring many to their knees,,,,Many will FALL to their knees,,,,many will be FORCED to their knees,,,Many will refuse to bend their knee,,,,These are the choosen of the Divine,,,,and each has been choosen to fullfill a purpose,,,Stand Now and recieve your appointment,,,,time is narrowing,,,,decisions MUST BE at PEACE with the PIECE  YOU ARE and accept your appointment,,with grace and dignity and pride as is due the ROYALTY we are....WE WERE BORN OF ONE BEING,,,,The time of Acknowledgement is NOW...I do not bear testimony of myself but the testimony of my life has spoken for me and written it's name upon my mind my hear my very soul,,,I cannot escape it,,and no longer desire to,,,I AM  ME YHWH,,, WHO ARE YOU?  Each of us that have been appointed by the Divine must stand and give an account,,,,just as each of those who are Self appointed,,, for in ALL things,,,and through ALL things,,,,there is DIVINE APPOINTMENT !!!! Make sure your appointment so that the comeing days not catch  you unaware,,,the time is short,,,adminster unto yourselfs that which you adminster unto others so that it not be administered unto YOU....Divinity cleanses,,,prepare Youselves...It is with humbleness that I bear this message,,,it is born from the very fabric of my life,,,it is written with tears of longing for each of the children of this Earth,,,for I would that NONE would be lost...As 'justice' has ravaged the face of mankind,,,so shall justice be exacted,,,,CLEANSE your hearts and minds and spirits,,,PURIFY your motives,,intentions and deeds,,,,Prepare yourself to stand for you appointment,,,be courageous,,,be WILLING,,,be SURE.....For that which you will stand before has stood before you for scrutiny and will require the same from you.....BE BLESSED,,,,recieve your appointment NOW,,,and be not appointed among those who will be called to task for their SELF appointment!   

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