Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 01/12/2017 - 21:53

JANUARY 12 2017 - FULL MOON IN CANCER                                                             FIRST FULL MOON OF THE NEW YEAR

As we say good-by to 2016….and look towards 2017……it is time to think back on how far you have come in the year of 2016…..and where you would like to be at the end of 2017.  The year 2017.…..it isn’t over yet!

2017 continues to carry out the theme of Transformation and Change on all levels. It is also a year to expect and be surprised by the unexpected!  There will also be some Chaos and Urgency….along with the feeling of unsettling uncertainty!  This year also has the ability to enhance a higher connection to our Higher Self and all our Guidance.  Expanding our Psychic and ability to connect with Source as we move towards “Oneness!”    But we are Co-creating the New and realizing that before we can build a firm foundation for the “New”….we have to purge all the things that are no longer needed, move away from the things/people/place’s that are no longer vibrating with us, and bring the “old” down into ashes…..before the Phoenix….the “New”… can rise and be rebuilt!  We need to strongly meditate on this and Co-Create through manifestation’s…. the “New” !

We are just entering the New Year of 2017…and what a powerful and intense entrance this Cancer Full Moon makes!    It is sitting right with Pluto…… making this Full Moon part of the ongoing Cardinal Square…..which is actually a Cardinal Grand Cross (which means that there are planets in all the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, and Libra) all squaring or opposing each other.   This is a time of activations….especially in the areas around your home, family and clan……. relationships of all kinds.  Emotions, intense at times, rise to the surface….sometimes without warning. Things are being put right in our face’s…..right in our faces!  We can no longer dodge them….we have to deal with them…we have to make choice’s…. and then move on those choices.  This Cancer Full Moon is asking us to review our emotional patterns and realize the ones that are not working for us anymore…..and then Release the old emotional patterns that are connected with our families, partnerships (love and work), and friendships.     We are being asked to make sure that all our relationships are based on Integrity and Respect…both giving and receiving!   That they are not out of balance with power or control…..but that they are surrounded by the energies of equal give and take…..no one is better than anyone else”.    Have there been family or relationship situations that have been ignited lately?   What are you being asked to look at?   Have you been in a situation where Authenticity and integrity were not used?  Either towards you……or towards someone close to you?  How did that make you feel? If it doesn’t “feel” right…it is time to speak your Truth.   With this Cancer Full Moon…..we are being asked to review and release.  The Universe is intensely serious…..it is time to make choices!

Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you.  What is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating?  With this Full Moon in Cancer….you may find that relationships issue’s on all levels… and of all types…. are being brought to you attention at this time.

The Full Moon happens when the Sun and Moon are opposing each other. With this Cancer Full Moon we have a Capricorn Sun. The goal of an opposition is to bring into balance the 2 sides. So this Cancer Full Moon is about balancing emotion (Cancer) and detachment (Capricorn), Feminine energy (Cancer) and Male energy (Capricorn), intuition (Cancer) and practicality (Capricorn), home life (Cancer) and achievement/CEO (Capricorn), subconscious and things hidden (Cancer) and bringing things out in the open and into your consciousness (Capricorn), being involved with your family/tribe (Cancer), and being directed by your jobs in the outside world (Capricorn) etc.     Meditate on the balancing….come up with some of your own ideas of what needs balanced in these areas of your life.  The universe is speaking loudly!  We need to bring ourselves and the world into balance to set the stage….. as we shift into the “new”, and also for our own evolution.

With this Full Moon in Cancer (water, the mother, family, that which births, intuition, nurturer), we are being asked to Feel.  To feel the feelings between each other, our families, our tribes, humanity, and the Earth.  Cancer traditionally is the Mother, and Capricorn is traditionally the Father energy….the nurturer and the non-nurturer…..we are being asked to bring these into balance within families….. We are being asked to notice if all interactions with family and friends, and within work areas and with the Earth… are being done with integrity and respect. We are being asked to Let Go of those things and people and places that are no longer vibrating where we are vibrating.  While we make room for new relationships and new support systems, as we move forward into the “new”……and co-create a new way to be in relationships……as we co-create our own reality.

With this Full Moon in Cancer we are also being asked to remember the importance of honoring our mothers and the honoring of Mother Earth herself!  It is shinning a light on areas where we need to find our power….areas where we need to establish healthy boundaries……while operating in integrity and with respect. This Cancer Full Moon also is illuminating where we need to soften our “shells” and be willing to show emotion and nurturing where others are concerned.  Open your inner and outer homes to others, to your tribe, to community, to humanity…..so the nurturing and healing energies of Cancer can help the world and ourselves come into balance.   As we tune into the nurturing  energies of this Cancer Full Moon….we begin to realize that

--as we nurture and support our inner lives…..our Soul light begins to build and radiate out so that others can see and feel our inner light.  We then begin to realize that our true “home”  is the light and Love of our own Heart!!

This Cancer Full Moon has also moved in and become part of the ongoing Cardinal Square….forming it into a Cardinal Grand Cross….adding even more energy for change, transformation, birthing of new ideas and ways of being…with a bit of Urgency!  

This Full Cancer Moon/Cardinal Grand Cross….will be bringing up many “lessons” from the past, especially surrounding all relationships…..to see how far we have come in the healing of those “lessons”.   Watch for these “lessons” to be activated suddenly and out of left field…..maybe by someone in  your tribe or community…… as they push some of your buttons……in the most loving way……to help you grow through those “lessons” so you can purge them and let them go!   It is time to move forward……take a step….any step…Just Move!!!!!

This is a time of activations….especially in the areas around your home, family and clan.  Relationships are the main focus…..relationships of all kinds.  Emotions, intense at times, rise to the surface….sometimes without warning.

Below I am going to briefly describe the Cardinal Grand Cross (which consist of Pluto and the Sun, squaring Uranus/Eris, squaring the Moon, and then squaring Jupiter)….so you will have a better understanding of the energies.  First…in a Cardinal Grand Cross we have 4 Squares… the Square energies are about friction and stress…. The symbol in the chart looks like a Cross laid out over the chart.

  1. Uranus (is the constant of change, thinking outside the box and into the future with a focus on community and humanity, revolution and freedom) and Eris (chaos, discord, jealousy) are in Aries (the warrior, crusader, the initiator, action, the pioneer, ego).  So Uranus/Eris are in Aries and they are saying… that we need to change and think outside the box so we can see the big picture and move into the future. We need to focus on community/humanity; we need to move from the “Me” to the “We.”  Both of them are about change with some chaos.


  1. Pluto ( transformation, evolution, natural shamanism, Earth Spirituality, sex, death) and the Capricorn Sun (part of the Full Moon, our live force, our core energy and described above) is being squared by Uranus in Aries and Pluto is saying:… that it only cares about the transformation of your Soul and the Soul of the Earth,  Pluto does not care about Ego, what kind of car you drive, how much money you make etc., it only cares about your Soul, and it demands integrity and respect for all. Pluto is in Capricorn (which rules Corporate America, the Government, the Banks and the Military etc.).


  1. The Full Cancer Moon (our emotional core, natural intuition, Mother energy… described above)  is saying…..it is time to release and move away from people, places and things that are no longer vibrating where you are.  It’s time to purge…..emotionally especially  in relationships and in and around family….the Cancer Moon is asking us to do this with compassion and love (Moon).  Balancing this Cancer Moon with the Capricorn Sun….


  1. Jupiter (the Master teacher, questing for knowledge, the gypsy energy, Joy, expansion, optimism) in        Libra (equal give and take, balance, the “other”, love, Peace, creativity). Jupiter in Libra is talking the language of Love and relationships.  Libra is about love and the “other” with equal give and take and Jupiter is about the Joy and optimism of the relationship.  In the Cardinal Grand Cross Jupiter is Squaring Pluto/Sun and the Moon.  It is also opposing Uranus/Eris.  The Love, optimism and Joy of Jupiter in Libra is also going to be brought into reality….activating many things that will be brought up…to be seen.


  1. So when we are talking about the Cardinal Energy….it is the energy of birthing of new, change and urgency!


It is time we realize that we are now actively engaged in a collective shift….much larger then we realized.  We each have a role in this collective shift…..Meditate and ask….what your role is… not only in your own personal shift…..but the shift of the collective.

These energies of this Full Moon are…..revolutionary energies….working through change and transformation.   The breaking down of old structures that are not working anymore, in the world and within yourselves…..and as they are breaking down……..being able to see through the chaos and emotional ties ….the beautiful big picture that the Universe is presenting to us!  Remember….Out of the ashes rise the Phoenix. Transformation isn’t easy…..if it feels easy to you…..then you are not doing the Soul work!!   These are deep transforming energies that are available to us during this Full Moon/Cardinal Grand Cross!!

Venus/Neptune (Love and unconditional Love) are also sitting together in Pisces (high intuition and unconditional Love) at the Full Moon.  Bring some beautiful loving….highly creative, channeled creativity, energy to this Cancer Full Moon.   Pull in this Venus/Neptune energy to surround yourself with during the many activations that will be happening…..as this energy does last longer the time of the Full Moon.

The Ancient star systems ( the wisdom’s of the Elders) are also being activated during this Caner New Moon:

When these ancient star systems are being activated ….it also activates the knowledge that we already have within in our DNA……giving us the ability to re-connect with their energies and wisdoms.

Pluto (which is part of the Cardinal Grand Cross), is sitting on Vega (which is in the constellation Lyre, the little harp) and represents music. Music is the international and Galactic language and Music has grown rapidly in recent months in the fields of sound healing.

Venus is sitting on Skat….which is “The Wish” star….this star gives good fortune, lasting happiness and safety.

Jupiter  (part of the Cardinal Grand Cross) is sitting on Arcturus… the fourth-brightest star in the sky.  Edgar Cayce mentioned Arcturus more than 30 times in his readings, calling it “the highest civilization in our galaxy” and “the way, the door out of this system.”   Other channeled sources identify Arcturus as one of several extraterrestrial groups who seeded life on Earth and who continue to aid humanity’s evolution.

Mercury (the messenger of the Gods, communication) is sitting on the Galactic Center.  The Galactic Center is a portal to the Universe and the center of our Galaxy.   When the Galactic Center is activated by major astrological configurations, it widens….helping with the birthing of the “New”, which is still in progress.    We receive down loads of knowledge and a lot of energetic support from the Universe, through this portal…..to help humanity, the planet, and ourselves, release old belief systems in all areas……so we can move into and co-create the “New.”   It also helps us to discover the “Oneness” and how we are interconnected…..throughout all Galaxy’s.    We begin to actually see and feel the “Bigger” meaning of life…..and through the activation of the Galactic Center we can feel the level of the collective consciousness expanding!

This Cancer Full Moon is about the power of your emotions. Feelings let you know if you are on the right track.  Allow your feelings to guide you.   It is also a time to realize that it can be a difficult time for many….Grief, sadness, longing….can also bring about emotions that many are dealing with.  Be aware of others that are having a harder time…..open your Heart up to them….it may be exactly what they need at this time….remember we are all one.  

With this Full Cancer Moon/Cardinal Grand Cross..…the energies that are being emphasized can be felt within your family, and those that you consider part of your family, along with nurturing, health and healing….within the Family or clan.  Watch for things that are out of balance, things and situations that are not resonating together.  It is a time to purge.  Move away from what is not vibrating where you are. What needs to be adjusted?  What needs to change?

With this Cancer Full Moon…...we are being asked to become aware of our power, as we create and manifest with every thought we have.   Direct that power from the Heart…. as you mediate and manifest at this Cancer Full Moon.  Meditate on how things are transforming and changing in the “Real World” to the “New World” that you are co-creating…..and how we are now moving into areas that we have never been in before.  Remember to focus on the Heart and create from the Heart!   The Heart is the new brain!   Create a beautiful World for you, your tribe, your community and all humanity. Create and manifest your future.  Sit with yourself, in quiet if you can…….Meditate and Listen !!!!    Call your guidance in and then Listen to your guidance….Listen to your Soul. 

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2017  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved. 


Astroeyes Evolutionary AstrologyCathy Lindsey











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