Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 07/19/2016 - 17:55


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

We have been through a lot over these last several months…..both within our own lives and also throughout the World.  The energies have been strong and a bit chaotic….and at times a little frightening.   The World seems to be in a bit of a mess right now…..and it can be a challenge to see the light at the end of the tunnel…….but we know it is there.  With this Capricorn Full Moon…..it feels like we are being shown the areas of ourselves that need to mature!  This is a very powerful Full Moon….. as we can see just by watching the news.  Capricorn is also about the military, authority and authority figures.  It seems that emotions could hit extremes…..both high and lows….and anything in-between during this Full Moon.  This Capricorn Full Moon is asking us to think and meditate on our future……    Grow up and realize that no one can rescue you but yourself!  This Full Moon illuminates the way…. where we are trying to balance our inner lives (Cancer)  with our outer  lives (Capricorn).  With this Capricorn Full Moon….we are also being asked to look at how we will provide for ourselves, our community and the world in general over the long haul.  The best way to do that….is through manifestations and intentions!!   Meditate on it…..and Listen!!!

Remember…..the “Shift” is not over yet…..we have a lot more to do and lot to discover.   It is time to look at the ground beneath your feet and see where it is heading.  It is time to weed out the seeds….that have started to sprout from all our down loads and activations….. that are no longer part of your future.  It is time to accept, on all levels, responsibility for your actions and your thought forms....within your own lives and how they affect everyone within the World.  Above all….remember that we are being given everything that we need…..just ask!! 

Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you.  What is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating?   It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life.

All Full Moon’s happen when the Sun and Moon are opposing each other.  With this Capricorn Full Moon we have a Cancer Sun.  The goal of an opposition is to bring into balance the 2 opposing sides. So this Capricorn Full Moon is about balancing emotion (Cancer) and detachment (Capricorn), Feminine energy (Cancer) and Male energy (Capricorn), intuition (Cancer) and practicality (Capricorn), home life/family (Cancer) and achievement/CEO/Corporate (Capricorn), subconscious and things hidden (Cancer) and bringing things out in the open and into your consciousness (Capricorn), being involved with your family/tribe (Cancer), and being directed by your jobs in the outside world (Capricorn) etc.     Meditate on the balancing….come up with some of your own ideas of what needs balanced around these areas of your life.  The universe is speaking loudly!  We need to bring ourselves, our relationships, and the world into balance……. as we continue to co-create the “new” during this shift…… continuing towards our own evolution…….while moving towards ascension

 Pluto  (planet of transformation only caring about the transformation of your Soul and the Soul of the Earth), is widely sitting with the Capricorn Moon….. With our Moon (our emotional core and cellular memory) we have Pluto bringing in transformation of things, deep in our Soul’s.  Things that are uncomfortable to look at…..but that must be release and healed.  Pluto/Moon is opposing (trying to bring into balance) the Cancer Sun (feelings, home, family)

With the Full Moon forming this connection, especially sitting with Pluto, the ability to go deep down in your Soul (Pluto) activating your cellular memory (Moon) giving us the possibility of bringing up memories from past lives and things that we need to heal.   Pluto bringing in transformation of things, deep in our Soul’s.  Things that are uncomfortable to look at…..but that must be release and healed.     There can also be hidden passions surfacing…..intense emotional transformations and changes… are all very strong at this Full Moon. The energies that are being emphasized can be felt within your family, and those that you consider part of your family, along with nurturing, health and healing. Remember that the definition of Family is changing….as some Family members live farther away and those friends that live near us, are becoming as close as Family. Within the Family or clan, watch for things that are out of balance, things and situations that are not resonating together.  What needs to be adjusted?  What needs to change?

This Full Moon also Squares Uranus which is connected to the Cardinal Square (Pluto Squaring Uranus)….making this Full Moon a very powerful one!!!   Our work isn’t over yet!!  The Universe is making a point…..activating and downloading…. many transformative energies.  For both Ourselves and the Earth.  As we continue to grab these higher energies to develop and use….they help us co-create the “new” world….and our own reality!

So this Capricorn Full Moon has now become part of the Cardinal T-Square (stressful energy, friction)…..by having the Capricorn Moon that is widely sitting with Pluto (transformation, intensity, passion, deep Soul work) and the Cancer Sun……squaring Uranus (sudden and unusual things happening, lightening and earthquakes energy, constant change, humanity, outside the box thinking).   Uranus in Aries (ruled by Mars, action, warrior, pioneer, passion)…..urges us to start new crusades….to break new ground even if others don’t like it…to think outside the box!   This only intensifies the energies….Revolutionary energies!  Uranus is saying….we already know what “we have always done before” it is time for something New! 

We have been watching a lot of this energy being played out on the news daily right now.   Things are very Chaotic and a bit volatile…..much being played out in relationships, family, friends, lovers, governments, work areas, countries etc.     This brings choice’s for you to make…take the energy to the “high side” and initiate good change and become the Spiritual warrior…..or let anger and violence take over……”Crisis or Opportunity”……your choice!!

It can also bring up issues that need looked at from the past…rather they make you uncomfortable or not….they need to be looked at now!   The energy will seem more intense, and there could be more drama and emotional upsets with this square to the Full Moon……especially in the areas of all types of Relationships!!  It is time to empower your own inner authority! 

Take time to meditate on this. Ask your guidance for direction and let them know that you trust in their guidance. Remember that we are being given everything that we need…. to move forward into our new reality. Look at what has come up into your consciousness during meditation…. What do you need to release….. so you and all areas of your life and relationships can heal?  It is as if the Universe is saying very Loudly….”Why Wait?”…..Take a step....any step.…just start moving!!!

This Capricorn Full Moon also taps into the Wisdom’s of the Elders.  It almost has a feeling of a call from the ancients.  Capricorn itself represents the Wisdom’s of the Elders…but also this very powerful Full Moon is activating Vega in the Ancient Star System of Lyre.  Therefore activating our DNA,  our cellular memory, along with the ancient knowledge and energies of a time when communication and healing methods were shared between Earth and the Ancient Start Systems.

 The Capricorn Moon is widely sitting on Vega along with Pluto.  Vega is often referred to as the Sapphire Star and is in the constellation Lyre, “the little harp.” One area Vega represents is music, and with Pluto (transformation) sitting on Vega, transforming music into the “new” in many different areas. Recently there has been an increase in the areas of “Healing with Music”.  Expect and create more avenues to open up in all areas of Music, especially around the areas of healing.  Vega was used by our ancient ancestors including those from Atlantis and the early Egyptians. Music is considered an International language including the Galactic language.

The Universe is speaking loudly here……  The instincts and rhythms of the indigenous Soul and knowledge beat strongly in us all!   Meditate on this open communication between the Earth and the Ancient Star Systems along with the Wisdom of the Elders…..and all the knowledge that has been shared…. during this Full Moon.

With this Full Capricorn Moon….the universe is asking us to start taking steps, any steps, but to just move.  Start moving towards the higher energies…..where things are vibrating were you are vibrating……start moving towards your own Soul energy.  It is now time to distance from those Souls, places, and things that are no longer vibrating where we are…..that are no longer in the same energy and vibration that we are in……that are no longer heading in the same directions that we are……and to do this in the most compassionate way possible. 

 Both Yourself and those you distance from…… need these energies and experience’s…..for their own evolution and for yours.  If they are not on the same path as you….doesn’t mean that you “leave” them behind….it means that you are giving them the opportunity to do their own Soul work……. in the energies that vibrate where they do.   It isn’t about separation….it is about allowing them (and yourself) to be in the vibration that is needed for their Soul to evolve at their own rate…. so that we can all be together in Oneness!   Mediate on this…..ask for guidance…..and Listen!!   

The Universe is speaking loudly and urgently about change, transformation…..no lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego, no judgment, no manipulation etc.  etc.  It is time to move beyond all of that “old 3d” stuff,  and move  into the “new.” 

It is an important time to take care of yourselves with all this very uncomfortable and intense energy.  If you feel exhausted….rest!  Try to be active and do things that bring you Joy.  Remember everyone is feeling these energies, and we are all in this together.   Everyone is supper hypersensitive during this time…..  Acknowledge this in yourself and in all those you come in contact with…..it will make navigating the times a lot easier.

During this Full Moon release what is no longer working.   Release the old to make way for the new.  Think and meditate on everything the Universe has given you, all the knowledge and the nudges…listen!  Ask for guidance on what you should release.  Focus on coming from the Heart (Cancer) at all times.  The “new” is about thinking with the Heart !  

Manifest seeing yourself letting go of things and areas that are not vibrating where you are vibrating now.  Do not hold on to them, but let them go……send them to the light…..and move forward with your “New.”

Release the old so the “new” can come in.  Release all the “out of balance” areas of your life…… and within community/humanity…… and work at bringing them into balance.    Connect with the Full Moon energy and Manifest and create balance in your life and all areas of your relationships.  Create balance in your community, humanity, the Earth and throughout the Universe.   Meditate and Listen to what you hear……what you are seeing, what you are feeling, and what you are “getting.”  Manifest a beautiful reality and world.  Manifest peace and Love.   Meditate……be silent, focus and Listen!!!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2016  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved. 


Astroeyes Evolutionary AstrologyCathy Lindsey









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