July Eclipse Energy Scope ~New Moon Solar Eclipse ~Last of The Triad~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/26/2011 - 06:59

July Eclipse Energy Scope ~New Moon Solar Eclipse ~Last of The Triad~



The last energy scope saw us at June 15th ‘s full moon in an extreme power point. The lessons and things brought to highlight in it are of relationships, of self and of the heart and ego are now carried forward into divine action from what was brought to your beings awareness. There is now an air of clarity after much fog. It feels like the sky has finally cleared. But there will yet be more clearance needed. This is the feeling when you go beyond the surface and look deep within the box. You see what is and what is not and that is exactly what the last eclipse had us understand. The following last eclipse of the three will be none the less calling for quantum response .

As this was a day of extreme power and violet energy rays. You may have felt like there was a flooding in of information with a fiery passion to clear it all. Well that was the energy and strength of the Sagittarius at work. What has taken place in its wake is a reconstruction of many areas that came to light under the eclipse and those new courses of action you have chosen are manifesting by each step you take.

At this time if you are in tune with your twin flame energy it is also a time of your flame working separately on their path and the alignment of this last eclipse gave glimpses into that union. Your own twin flame of being and that of your primordial dna blueprint match.

You may have felt their energy like a bellowing of fire from beneath the surface. This is them drawing closer to your essence . A dawn of twin flame reunion is upon us if you have worked your own flame properly and as called to do by the source in responding to what you need to cleanse of ego and open up of heart in the name of unconditional love below and above.

The dawn where you reunite draws closer . Those fulfilling their soul agreements at this time will be feeling this energy most or those deeply in tune with their hera line or line of infinite purpose. The reason you spirit was again birthed into physical form.

The energy has been playing behind the scenes and not so easy to feel, but those deeply connected to the stream of consciousness will have felt this and their dna blueprint twin working hard.
As the energies of the past two eclipses has wanted us to clear all so we are free of any lasting 3d vestiges that may hinder our ascension.

We cleared out old relationships of all sorts in recent months and the past month was no exception .clearing out the last remaining fragments of what was left over basically . Leaving total clearness of being so what is true is all that is left . This also clears out old remnants so you can enter into sacred marriage of self. Or that being uniting your masculine and feminine energies and feeling and witnessing an infinite unison working in your being. Doing this furthers your ascension and connection with the stream of consciousness oneness. That also clears the path for you to unite with your true flame . Not any more facsimiles or shadow flames. And this eclipse wants us to see more of the same but at deeper places . As you have come to understand the shape of your heart, so is the flame. Soon their will be a sharing of one unconditional love as one heart beating infinitely .

The never fading has been calling. Have you heard the call? If you have and have followed that call promptly then a reunion is manifesting in divine time.

Their old form burns away as they let go of the old material 3d attachments and belief systems or programming , so keep in mind as you work so are they. The further you ascend they do too. But keep in mind only in divine time will your paths cross. For if you have not got it, your paths will not cross. So be sure to focus on your being at this time. As this is a time of deep transition and rapid forward movement as outlined below . The art of death is working her true infinite beauty now.

There is also been an air of doubt you may have been feeling in your abilities and in your being in recent days. This is the air of confusion about going forward but be sure as the eclipse this new moon calls for has only tried to highlight what need clearing for your being and the things highlighted for you are what needs clearing. There should be no doubt about a choice, for the choices made at this time only elevate you forward in your ascension and in you physical experience further opening your heart of unconditional love and cleansing ego as that has been the role of the previous eclipses and what is at work in the energy at this time. So now we will look at what the planets have in store with this energy coming in this solar eclipse.

This eclipse is in cancer at new moon July 1 at 9 degrees cancer and is the final in the series of three since early June. It is square to Saturn and the black moon . Sun is cancer. And these two working together in unison provide a deep emotionally charged awakening to many aspects.

So as we look at the position the black moon rules your subconscious and at this time with Saturn square and the new moon in cancer you are going to feel an energy of things like a feeling of the buried bellowing up from beneath the surface . I do warn before hand some may not be pretty but in the long run you will be glad you did not shy away from seeing all that is presented during this eclipse. As any lower energy is a key to deeper upward frequency.

These will be lessons you have not yet learned and need to apply and see lights in before going forward and with the eclipse these areas needing work will be highlighted. Everything holds a light ,there is no dark, . It is only a lower energy and these are of light to if you see them as so and the light they hold. These lessons are to be faced so that you can broaden your being, clear out your being and feel all the joyful light from out of the chaos. As this may have been feeling the most chaotic time of the year. But as we keep in mind the lower energies are the keys to feeling and ascending to higher frequencies.

With that said that comes from making personal divine order of chaos . These lessons are awakening to you in remembrance so quickly in rapid wake. So, if you thought April and May were a ride ,get your seat belt on . The next month is all about seeing the light in the lower energy of what is highlighted at this eclipse and previous two from lower energies highlighted so you can transmute and transcend above and apply a higher frequency to what was a lower energy . Feeling that much more inner peace and freedom of ego and deeper unconditional love of the heart and apply this love to your being and share it with others.

This is also a time many of your talents may have come into focus and now is the time to get to work and apply your true deep seeded creativity of nature. As with all that is coming up you have felt perhaps tired and exhausted and that has been the going theme for the past few weeks and this will come to a head about three quarters of the way into July as more serene waters will be felt flowing out from all this lower energy currently at work. As you face the lower energies and what emerges out you then manifest the healing that manifests the serene waters of being.

But that serenity can only be felt if you have transmuted and transcended your own lower energies. As the previous eclipses focuses were relationships, there is still an air of clearance here of old remnants clearing out so forward movement can be made.
In this alignment given all the tension felt in the air current around us and from this energy dreams are playing a deep role and past lives are able to be seen clearly at this time. The alignment though speaks of having memories of previous lives and how we got through tough times. These would be incarnations where you felt pain, torture, and chaos and how you coped to go forward. The deep lesson of this new moon eclipse is determination and how you kept it up and the will to live through the most toughest times possible in this and previous incarnations.

These are lessons to be carried forward this incarnation as they resurrect for you. Past incarnation lessons play a large role in how we can transcend a lower energy this incarnation and in incarnations to come.

As with any incarnation the one specific to the incarnation being remembered or seen in a lucid state is a meaning that applies for your being here and now. This is why they bubble up to the surface at the times they do because they play a role for you in the here and now. When they need to be applied at place in your physical life at this time.

This is the stability of cancer working to bring a balance to your physical, emotional, and spiritual being. so being courageous and bold, and stepping without fear forward. this eclipse can be very useful in your ascension upward and forward. This is a deep time of emotion, but you can get through it and you are your own key to unlocking the golden door within . You are the conduit of the quantum receptor. It is only you that can work the stream of oneness consciousness for you, not anyone else. So this as the previous two eclipses will be very personal.

By applying the light of your awareness and the lessons solution being presented to you ,release is felt furthering your transcendence and being. You are being called. Be sure to listen.

As with cancer we are also feeling a time of heightened senses, mainly clairaudience and clairolfactory. Deeper discernment is being given on many levels and be sure to smell and hear deeper and witness what is being told to you via these deeper senses .as when you tune into to these you are tuned in with sprit, or your second emotional body. This is deeper than that of soul level or your first emotional body . As soul level is the 3d level. And by tuning in with deeper awareness your getting the whole sound ,sight, smell, taste, or feeling behind the sense with the information of discernment from the quantum receptor .

So now mercury at cancer and is in a quincunx to Neptune making things challenging . The solution here is to break free of the fog Neptune can hold. Breaking free of the air of mystery . This is when you have to look at practical reactive directives of your being. Looking a the whole .not just a small piece of the puzzle.
You will need to put aside personal desire of the given challenge and see past unrealistic ideas and concepts and apply the true awareness to the axiom or self evident truth you are being challenged by. In other words, seeing it for what it is, not what you wish it to be.

Because the biggest illusion Neptune has is having us believe something is what we think it is ,when truly it is not. Don’t let what you desire it to be get in the way of what it really is. Because you will realize an axiom of your being is just that, the experience . The witness of experience is your self evident truth. This is sacred truth. The experience itself is the self evident truth, not what you thought it was. This is how you witness ,by experience and seeing things as they are, not what you wish them to be. Things are what they are ,with no abstract analysis needed. And with thought or desire excluded from the equation you see what is ,simply is. It is the experience. This is how you arrive at a feeling of abundant joy past the air of mystery of Neptune.

Venus is in Gemini and this gives all relation a tough feel at this time. As this trend continues the two sides mentioned in previous scopes. This asks you to see both sides of all connections you have ,as they may not be what you feel they are. And if something is to good to be true it usually is. This asks you look at both sides of their being so you can witness the self evident truth for yourself as to who you are connected to and with the eclipse any area highlighted are areas where cleaning house needs to take place. As Gemini always presents two sides, so does every being. This alignment wants you to witness it is exactly their true face you are seeing and connected with sharing your heart.

As with black moon in the mix you may also notice now wounds from previous connections bubbling to the surface, these are wounds that will have to be healed and the light seen in their lower energy so that forward movement can be made. And out of respect for others it is only fair not to be in a relationship at this time if you yourself bring baggage to it. So as the running theme of the eclipse goes do take note of any wounds that bubble up of pain, torture , or trauma relating to previous relationships. As thy own being always says if you haven’t got it yourself, you will not be able to share it with another. and if you have many wounds you need healing its best to take a time for yourself and heal from traumas past.

For deeper love to grow old wounds and choices made in the past need to be faced so you can have a happier outcome in the future. As the cycle of repetition will not break until you witness its lesson. And if you continue to make the same mistakes or poor choices then you are only stopping your own self from deeper love . Not anyone else.

So if something did not work out in previous take a look at you own past choices, actions and see what it is that keeps you from having the outcome you really want and deserve. Most likely it’s your own being. So there is no need to place blame on another.

If you are placing blame on another still and its even years or months later, these will only keep you from feeling deep love with your being and others. And it will hinder you ability to express love. Issues whatever they be, trust, control. for example if you do not trust your partner or any person in which you have a connection with ask yourself who, what ,when ,where, why, and how. This will take you to the root. Then the reason you can’t trust will be found in it’s root.

The black moon is opening up your subconscious at this time so you can heal deep and go deeper forward. There is no bad here, only love and deeper love for your being to be applied and so you can feel that love for you and share it with the others in which you connect.

This eclipse emphasizes need for healing and those you blame need to be forgiven taking understanding in the lesson or action and applying acceptance and understanding and applying the opposite action that you were. This is done by getting to the root of who, what ,when, where, why, and how . Doing this healing can begin.

As this is being shown to you now so you can be clear of baggage within your being and clear to connect in divine time with your twin flame. Be it this incarnation or another. Either way, by clearing out the old and finding release within you are only ascending deeper and upward in frequency away from that of what weighed you down and feeling release which all these have been about. this awakens deeper transcendence as you apply the transmutation .

Mars is in Gemini quincunx to Pluto and given all the lower energies at work you will feel it somewhat difficult to keep boundaries as the energies playing out are all about transcendence but with a twist of chaos about them . you may also feel others in which you connect to be trying to over step your boundaries and this will take tolerance. The key here is to remind them where they stand and what is not allowed and if they can’t respect your boundaries then perhaps they are not the person you felt they were. As with mars in Gemini ,again this shows you need to witness both sides of beings equation. And with mars in Gemini you will have reserves of energy to do the work needed for the task and your ability to communicate what you want to from pure intention will be strong .

This is where you will have to use your witness wisely as to what is best for your being. As you come first. Nothing and no one else does.

Ideas expressed and subject matter will not flow as planned at this time. So its best not to plan. As with this eclipse another key aspect here is to put aside having expectations in any matter and el tit naturally flow. This eliminates the fear aspect so you attract a real experience . Not an experience you placed expectations on which attract a fearful experience.

Mars is also square to Chiron. Planet of healing . By eliminating expectation you eliminate the fear element from your being and reprogram without fear . It’s emphasis wants you stop placing expectations on you, others and a situation. just experience is the drive Chiron is pushing in this energy.

Chiron is also emphasizing not to push things ,let them be and just experience what is. not what you want it to be. Forcefulness will only manifest an ill willed energy as that is what forcefulness is . it is not a pure intention. Chiron wants you to focus on applying pure intention not sending out ill willed energy in anyway shape or form. Chiron also does not want you to isolate yourself with matters so deep coming to the surface at this eclipse and it would be unhealthy to do so. So with Canada day for Canadians upon us and independence day for americans be joyful and do get out and enjoy the celebration of festivities in your country at this time. This will help you keep balance as with all eclipses these energies are felt a month plus or minus to their date.

But do be sure to reassess things where you have put expectations and any forcing of an issue. As these only hinder ascension and upward movement and personal serenity.

Jupiter is at Taurus and is giving you ambition to make all the movements forward in this eclipse with what is brewing up from beneath the surface at this time with is trine aspect to Pluto for rapid change and rapid ambition put into the changes you make at this time as you apply your alchemy of true pure awareness of being . Jupiter ensures the changes you make now and healing you enter into will be joyful and bring a sweet release to what once caused you pain or torment. So ,from these felt is rapid advancement.

Chiron is sextile to Jupiter that has you sharing experiences ensuring as you heal you are never alone. So if you feel alone know there is always someone . You are never alone. You could also be the one helping another in guidance at this time as light working has picked up and as many new awakeners are coming forth. it is our duty to guide them ,but up to them to do the work they are guided into .

So keeping in mind unconditional love is all about loving all and rejecting none ,this applies to everything, and light work. Working from a place of pure intention. Not hoping to gain anything and expecting nothing in return is the true unconditional loving light worker showing kindness and a gentle love with empathy. Doing this in all missions you are sent.

There is a deeper lesson here too. That is not letting any of the missions you undertake get to you personally while still sharing your heart and putting your heart into your work with all unconditional love you have.
As you understand that this work is from spirit but it is your physical body doing the typing or vocalizing of guidance.
Chiron wants you to find balance in your duty as you witness the spirit and physical working in unison.
This aspect began in early march but was much more subtle ,now it is being thrown right out to you for you to witness. so do be vigilant and if something does get to you personally go to the root of who, what, when, where, why, and how. Perhaps you need to heal a root before you can continue the work. Keep in mind what you have is what you can share and that is what has been your experience , that and only that. You can not share what you do not yet have yourself. The eclipse is also highlighting these areas for you now at this time as well.

The asteroids have energy consisting of desire and truth. They want to you to see what desires you hold and what needs to be let go, seeing the truth behind them. If there is an expectation behind them ,then they need to be let go if they are ill willed. You need to see what is sacred, or not material matter, and let the material matter disperse from your being.

It is like taking what you view ugly about your being and transmuting that hate into love of being ,deeper love of self and deeper connection to the oneness stream of consciousness. This deepens unconditional love of self and further allows you to share that with others. So as the eclipse calls for deep witness within, these behavior thoughts you feel too will need to worked on and healed from their root. Why they began and how you can transform them with transmutation and transcend above.

Crying brings release keep in mind, and there is nothing wrong with crying. This is you facing yourself and there is nothing deeper than embracing who you truly are, and for all you are. You may also be feeling inferior to others at this time .
This is also something you will need to look at and at the root of why it began and how you can transcend above it and past it.

Alot of truths are coming out this this solar eclipse and some prettier than others, but in the end none are bad as again lower energies are your keys to ascending above and awakening deeper unconditional love of being within you and so you can share that with others.

So all truths that manifest now are a blessing ,some even a blessing in disguise if you don’t see them as blessings as of yet.

As it is always necessary to travel the twilight before you see the eternal summer. you will be glad you embraced all that is true and witnessed what needs to be healed at this time now and in the future when something arises.
So in conclusion, You may also feel pressure at this time. but keep in mind you can only do what you can.
the lower energies are calling for your transmutation at once with past choices, feelings, thought patterns, matters of the heart, ego and behaviors in your actions and intent of your will. Be sure to look wisely, for it is up to you to use this eclipse to maximum advantage for awakening and applying your true alchemy of spirit . You are the alchemist and the alchemist is you ,and by applying the quantum divine receptor of which you are conduit you will witness and be aware of what should be and what should not and what needs assessing.

So keep in mind and in your heart all that bellows up this solar eclipse is only for your further ascension and deepening of unconditional love for your being and to share with others. there is nothing negative or bad. There is only what is, and anything lower energy is a key to a higher frequency. The quantum divine receptor speaks doth hear thy call ?
Your response is awaited. For in the end it is all unconditional love that awaits you now.


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