Kauilapele ~ KP Message…For All Galactic Travelers: “Time To Stop, Drop, And Stand Up… STOP Stirring The Fear Pot, DROP The Fear, And STAND UP With The Light” ~ 13 May 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 09:46

Kauilapele ~ KP Message…For All Galactic Travelers: “Time To Stop, Drop, And Stand Up… STOP Stirring The Fear Pot, DROP The Fear, And STAND UP With The Light” ~ 13 May 2012

I’ve read some things lately, and had to stop reading them, because they were all saying exactly the same thing: “Be afraid. Be very afraid.”


You know what those “things” are, what those articles are, and what those sites are. Just go to your internet search engine and type in any of the following words, and you’ll find some of them: doom, Obama, Bush, Clinton, 2012, NWO, cabal, USA, government, conspiracy, popcorn, macadamia nuts (okay, maybe the last two don’t fit here; but I would not be surprised if someone wrote articles about how the “cabal” has rigged microwave popcorn and macadamia nut packages to explode all at once, everywhere around the world, on December 21, 2012, blinding everyone on the planet, and allowing the dark ones to take over a very shocked (although much tastier and nuttier) planet).


These articles have an energy to them that is almost always centered on “doom and gloom.” I see them on occasion, but spend no time at those places anymore, and no longer have any room in my Spirit for them to dwell.You might think, “The people who write these should know better.” I know I’ve thought that. These people… People who say they want a better world, a free planet. But so much of the information they put out is about how “messed up” the world still is, how “screwed” we all still are (pardon the strong word), and about how, even in the face of perhaps thousands of pieces of physical evidence, factual articles, galactic channelings, and so on, they still proclaim that no matter HOW good anything looks, there is always some dark thread running through or behind all of that positive information.


It’s like they are saying, “Here’s what’s going on. And dammit, if you don’t wake up to it, you’ll all be damned, you’ll all go to He//, you’ll all become part of the big global explosion that for sure is going to happen [according to them], and then after it happens you’ll all have to put up with us dark-story-tellers, telling you, ‘We told you so.’”I’d like to say to all those who do that,“It’s time for you to STOP, DROP, and STAND UP with the Light.


STOP Stirring the Fear Pot, DROP the Fear, and STAND UP with the Light.”These types of writings may have been helpful, in the past, to “wake people up”. But now, at this time, at least for those of us who are working in the Light, for the Light, to bring Light to this planet, that “helpfulness” is over. In fact, is not helpful at all.Again, I’d like to say to all those who do that,“It’s time for you to STOP, DROP, and STAND UP with the Light. STOP Stirring the Fear Pot, DROP the Fear, and STAND UP with the Light.”


The last Blossom message was so striking to me, and the message so clear. “Fear”, the holding of it in our consciousness, and the attempted use of it (shall we say, the peddling or selling, of it) to convince us that one dark thing or another dark thing is bound to happen, is absolutely useless. And it is not why we are here.Recall some points from Blossom’s last message.


  • …before you arrived on this planet and you held your Swords of Light high… You vowed you would rid this world of its darkness and bring it forth into the LIGHT .
  • The greatest asset you possess is the love that you are.
  • Your joy … your happiness …your self control is the only thing you need to make this work!
  • There is nothing to fear. Nothing at all.
  • Fear lives in your old world… By allowing fear to be a part of you … you are denying yourselves the right to be free… Fear hinders progress and has no part in the new World you are walking into.
  • There are ‘Leaders’ involved in this procedure that will ‘Enlighten you’. For most part … it is for you to BE as we have suggested. Happy and joyful …
  • The greatest ‘weapon’ of all is LOVE. LOVE to all.
  • It is so very important that you keep the vibration High. This is imperative. This will allow the transition to go smoothly.
  • All things that you know to do that raise the energetic vibration of your planet …. Do them! Do them! Do them!
  • Remain at all times in the brightest light of love that you are… It is this which will make all the difference to the way things turn out to be!


First of all, “Fear lives in your old world… By allowing fear to be a part of you … you are denying yourselves the right to be free… Fear hinders progress and has no part in the new World you are walking into.” Fear is of the old paradigm. The paradigm of duality.Second, “There is nothing to fear. Nothing at all.” Really simple. There is nothing at all to fear.Third, and this was a real striker, “It is so very important that you keep the vibration High. This is imperative. This will allow the transition to go smoothly… All things that you know to do that raise the energetic vibration of your planet… Do them! Do them! Do them!”If we are actually working with and for the Light to help this planet evolve into the next age, then let’s BE of the Light. BE for the Light. And BE the Light which we are.The most important thing we can do is KEEP THE VIBRATION HIGH. That means, for me, keep MY vibration high. That means, for you, keep YOUR vibration high. As far as sharing, that means sharing that which keeps OUR vibration high.One more time, for those who may not quite yet have “got” the point of this post, and still feel that “fear” tactics are the way to go, I lovingly say to you,“It’s time for you to STOP, DROP, and STAND UP with the Light. STOP Stirring the Fear Pot, DROP the Fear, and STAND UP with the Light.”


That is all. Kp (Kauilapele)



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