Kauilapele Message… “So What Are the ‘Energies in Hawai’i Telling Us?”

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 09:26


Kauilapele Message… “So What Are the ‘Energies in Hawai’i Telling Us?”

[UPDATE... see end of post] After awhile, and after a few hundred or more posts, there’s times when I realize there’s more being communicated to me than just the articles on the internet. Poofness here, SaLuSa there, Galactic Federations everywhere. But where’s “Today’s energies from Hawai’i…?” (That’s the subtitle of this blog).

Well, it seems that’s what is coming out right now. We’ll see where this moves, and where it goes, and what comes out.

Sometimes I feel as though the islands are speaking through me. And sometimes I feel as though I am immersed in whatever is going on with them. However, there are many other energetic connections around the world which are also communicating through myself, and through each and every one of us. And these are also important, in one way or another.

I am always quite close to the natural arena of this planet. The energies are sometimes right up front, but sometimes, very subtle. They will communicate to you if you are quiet and listening and sensing with what I refer to as “Higher Senses”. Everyone has them. Not everyone uses them, or pays any attention to them. But they’re there.

It is especially helpful to us right now if we are indeed attuning to those Higher Energies, which are perceived through our Higher Senses. Maybe it’s a “Oh… I feel a desire to go here,” or, “I sense a need to go there.” Or it may be more of a sitting in peace, with no tv or computer or anything. Just be-ing.

In Hawai’i, the energy of each particular island, and of each place on each particular island, may be quite different. On this island today, I can say I was drawn to a coffee shop near where I live, then got there and it was closed. So then was drawn to go south another half mile or so, to a new place I’d never visited before (South Kona Fruit Stand). Great coffee, and a very relaxing atmosphere. We’ve got a lot of those here.

What I was getting from today’s journey, during and after, was that there was a need for me to remain here. My work was to continue, although at a different, more localized level. The energies here have been radiating throughout the Pacific region, and in particular, the “work” done recently (see The 3-21-12 Mauna Loa Mission and March 21, 2012: A Major Corner was Turned) continues to move throughout the Pacific, and through the planet. As you may recall, a “major” seismic event had been predicted for that date, and none happened. There was a smaller earth quake in Mexico the day before, but nothing to be considered “major”.

Now I feel that we are in a period of quaking (or is that “quacking”?) going on around the planet. Indonesia was a physical manifestation of that, although my sense is that it was created, in part, due to the closing up of the cabal golden fruit trees (see David Wilcock’s “Lien” article, paying attention to the Soekarno (Indonesia) connection). They (the cabal, small “c”) were really upset and somehow had a hand in that tremor. That’s my personal sense, at least.

The other sense I have been receiving is a sense of coming together locally, to somehow assist at the local level, is necessary at this time. For myself, extended travels seem to be “out of bounds” for now. The assistance, both physically and energetically, I’m being asked for, will be here. Locally. I have not felt this for some time. The only travel would be inter-island, and only if the calling were very strong.

So that is about it for now. This was really more of a personal KP communication to myself, maybe. But somehow it’s connected to others out there. Please feel free to share yours, if you wish. Aloha, KP

[UPDATE 4-16-12 2343 HST] This post was submitted at 11:11 PM HST. At this moment, there is almost an overturning sand timer. Something is being upside-downed. There is a completely new start for this planet. And as of this brief period of time from 11:11 PM to 0:11 AM the tipping over will have been completed. I have no idea what this means, exactly, but we have reached a point where we have collectively tipped over the top of the hill, and are moving more and more rapidly towards our new home. What a ride!]



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