~Keeping the Momentum~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 10:43

"40,000 Norwegians gather to sing song mass murderer hates..."





"Tens of thousands of rose-waving Norwegians gathered in central Oslo Thursday to deride mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik by singing a song he hates, viewing it as Marxist indoctrination.

Some 40,000 people, according to police, massed in the rain at a square near the Oslo district courthouse where Breivik is on trial for his July 22 attacks that killed 77 people, to sing "Children of the Rainbow" by Norwegian folk singer Lillebjoern Nilsen.


Inside the court, the 33-year-old accused right-wing extremist sat listening without showing emotion to powerful testimony from survivors of his bloodbath on the ninth day of his trial."


 Credit for this Article goes to "Brother Brett". :)

~Thank You Love~





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~ The Study done on Energies~


There was a study done asking adults and children to draw where they felt certain feelings and emotions coming from.


 Below is the image that resulted when all of them were added together.



anger                 Joy                  Fear            Sadness       Love


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Valerie Donner ~ A Short Message From Mira The Pleiadian ~ 27 April 2012


Valerie Donner ~ A Short Message From Mira The Pleiadian ~ 27 April 2012

On April 18th 2012, Mira from the Pleiadian High Council told our class that humanity is suffering from “post hypnotic stress”. She said that humanity has been holding on to an old third dimensional dream. The idea of having the house, retirement, a particular relationship, job, or certain financial situation are of the past. Humanity is awakening from its slumber and is creating a new dream that is far better then what it knew in the third dimension.


This new dream is one of love, unity, happiness, health, cooperation, peace, abundance, and so much more. During this transition time humanity is stressed because of the unknown. It is akin to being in a null zone. This is when one does not have a firm grip on its’ future.


Faith and trust and the ability to be present in the now moment is what works best for this situation. We are receiving bountiful blessings and assistance from our Creater and from the Light Realms.

I will be writing a new update in the near future.

In love and Light,

Valerie Donner
The Ground Crew


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Lee-Anne Peters ~ The *Stars* Are My Home!


Lee-Anne Peters ~ The *Stars* Are My Home!

I have been having many requests from readers lately wanting me to share more about my connection to the stars and my star home in Pleiades – my heart is so connected to this constellation in my sun sign of Taurus.


My conscious memory of this connection to my star home began as a deep remembering around the turn of the millennium when through several things these memories were triggered. At the time I spent a lot of hours under a telescope gazing at the starry sky. However, there was always one constellation that fascinated me – yes, Pleiades. 


Around the same time period in my life, I stumbled upon two amazing books by Solara – ‘The legend of Altazar’ and ‘The star-borne.’ Both incredible and both changed my life! As I peeled back my separation issues and the illusions I had been living under for my whole life (I was about 24 at the time) I began to remember who I was and where my true home was. Combined with the remembering of my home in the stars, I also remembered that I had another part of me out in the world, however my Twin Flame and I didn’t find each other physically for another 8 years!



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Analysis - "Did NASA satellite capture giant UFO near sun?"


Two frames as seen on NASA's Lasco c2 show similar oddities that are striking in resemblance to one another. Normally, I would simply say this is a cosmic ray hit and be done with it. However, this was compelling enough for me to take a closer look. Please leave a comment on your thoughts.

Original NASA Image One - 10/27/2011 17:00 UTC:

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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~25~12 Blasts of The Highest Light Energy Incoming


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Gregg Braden - The Holographic Nature of The Universe


Each time you think of Love, Are Love, See Love, remember you also Create and spread Love.


Each time you think of fear, become that fear, speak of fear, remember, you also create and spread fear.


You are part of One and All is affected by every thought you have. 


Think and feel only what you're looking for, or you won't find it. 




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Reverend BIlly and The Exorcism of Blythe Masters with Max Keiser





Reverend Billy and the Exorcism of JP Morgan Executive Blythe Masters

This is too funny... I needed some comedy relief after that food stamps chart.  Max Keiser presents the Reverend Billy, from the Church of Stop Re-Hypothecation, performing the excorcism of Blythe Masters. Masters is the JP Morgan executive who created the Credit Default Swap derivative that is currently bankrupting Europe.  Some rough language in this video so consider this far notice to those who might be offended....



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FREEDOM PROJECT:COBRA ~ World Liberation Day - Update



World Liberation Day - Update



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FREEDOM PROJECT: LIBERIA: Charles Taylor conviction sends warning to tyrants




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~Transitionary Government Council Meeting Report~


~Earth Allie Maia~

~Transitionary Government Council Meeting Report~



Beautiful day Star-Lights… With a warm heart wrapped around yours, may this message come to you with a week had and continuing within the empowerment in Loving the best of you, the inner-shine  radiating outward to all. 

The council meeting this week held an incredible high vibration of intuitive collective harmonic thinking, transcending a sweet guideline of what is to come and what it is we are here on the surface of this planet to impart as One unified force of Infinite Love’s breath in action.


What is on the menu? 

The descended masters are here to bring new management within a collective government as all contribute their unique qualities to the cosmic soup we are stirring as all heats up on this timeline. 


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12




One day we would like to furnish you with a list of all the worlds and the races of beings that are here in cooperation with you at this time. There are a multitude of different worlds here assisting you and watching over you, and we would like for you to have a better understanding of who these are and who you are. You are a mix of many different star races and star worlds throughout this universe. You are not just one people in the sense that you come from one place in the universe. You are one race, the human race, but your genes are a special mix of many races who have formed an alliance to better handle universal political issues and sovereignties throughout the many different star systems that possess intelligent life.


It has been this way for many eons, where different beings from different parts of the universe have come together in peaceful cooperation to better themselves and the lives of others. This is the case here at this time on your planet, as many different races, worlds and star systems have combined their talents and their genes to create a race of beings who are a true representation of this great alliance of intelligent species. Each one of you is a cherished product of this great endeavor. Each one of you is loved, cared for and protected, as each one of you are a member of our family.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12



Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12


by GLR Gregg Gilles

One day we would like to furnish you with a list of all the worlds and the races of beings that are here in cooperation with you at this time. There are a multitude of different worlds here assisting you and watching over you, and we would like for you to have a better understanding of who these are and who you are. You are a mix of many different star races and star worlds throughout this universe. You are not just one people in the sense that you come from one place in the universe. 


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~EARTH GRID UPDATE~The Star Elders with Aluna Joy







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Massive UFO Surfing Next To Sun 2012 HD


A strange object flying close to the sun looks unnervingly like a huge, metallic 'mothership' familiar from Hollywood blockbusters.

The picture was released by Nasa's sun-watching Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, known as SOHO.

The unidentified flying object, which bears no resemblance to anything ever spotted near the Sun, somehow manages to withstand the blazing heat thrown off by solar flare activity and the incredibly high temperatures emanating from nuclear fusion generated on the surface of the star. Alien space-craft or something else? As Always You Decide.

Solar UFO Collects Plasma Then Engage's Warp 2012 HDhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ulqsAgrlYI

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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ You Are The Light of the Divine ~ 26 April 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ You Are The Light of the Divine ~ 26 April 2012

April 26, 2012


Greetings,  beautiful Souls of Mother Earth and beyond. I come before you today to bring you news that will lift your heart and cleanse your soul.


Many events are about to commence, Dear Ones. All around the Universes, beings wait with baited breath and awe at what you have all done to increase the Light and raise the energies all around you. We bow before you, for you are all great beings of the Light, all you Lightworkers and Lightbearers who have come to witness the great awakening, to herald it and bring it about.


I am in no way different from you in that I want the Light to overcome and infiltrate all who is here to the degree that there is so much transformation in each being, with so much Joy and so much Love.



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Jamye Price – The Weekly Lightblast – Melt Your Walls



Jamye Price – The Weekly Lightblast – Melt Your Walls – 26 April 2012

The heart action of April is giving way to the empowered wholeness of May.  How brave have you been?  Perfectly brave is the only truth, for you are a wise Being that seeks expansion and expression through Love’s Grace, even when that seems chaotic.  Last week’s Fellowship opened us to enjoying more of Life, more of the world, more of creation. 


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A Message From The Higher Planes ~ Leave The Driving To Us!



A Message From The Higher Planes ~ Leave The Driving To Us! A Message From Suzanne Spooner Of TAUK April 26, 2012


April 26, 2012


[Good Morning Prilon.] Good morning Suzy. Let’s begin with an update on the God understanding of Oneness. The human experience has been one of duality. Many lifetimes have created similar experiences of the use of free will and the lessons of duality. This has been the grand experiment of the cosmos. 

Karma was acquired with the purpose of picturing (creating, manifesting) reasons of continuing this classroom on Earth. For many lifetimes, most of you have returned time & time again to pick up where you left off in the last lifetime.

We, of the higher planes, watch with great love and hope as you devise ways of learning and growing. Mankind is admired & respected for living the difficulties of life in 3-D.


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Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-26-12



‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,


Keep sharing and Loving as there’s nothing better you can do.



LOVE YOU, and thanks for sharing!



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Conscious Intention & The Planet ~ Planetary Peace Broadcast


In this video Matthew Karenke presents general issues with the planet and how a new method of Global Peace Broadcasting can affect the planet in a positive way, a method thanks to Masura Emoto's studies on the human effects on the structure of water. Please feel free to visit www.PlanPeace.org for more information on the Planetary Peace Broadcast!


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My Thoughts On The Mass Arrests



I don't want to see anybody arrested, even the "dark" ones. The whole idea of arresting someone, of punishing them and taking away their freedom is very much the old paradigm. I'd like to see people healed, to see them happy and whole, and I feel that arresting people will only breed more resentment and righteousness. To me, arrests are far more like revenge than justice. Humanity is capable of such a higher vision than that.

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COSMIC CURRENT With Helane Lipson & CJ Miller- Past Life Regression with Tina DeLuca


Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer and Claudia Helmke Miller (a.k.a. CJ Miller), Certified Hypnotist / Reiki Healer, team up to bring you News, Opinion and Wisdom from the Latest Waves of Information entering our Collective Consciousness at this time. COSMIC CURRENT brings into focus the challenges and rewards we are experiencing in the "here and now" in 2012. Helane Lipson & CJ Miller explore all arenas of thought and all forms of media, allowing the Listener to swim freely & openly and mindfully "plot their course" in the Cosmic Sea in which we all exist.

 In this Program, Helane & CJ are joined by Special Guest, Tina DeLuca, Certified Hypnotist and Reiki Master.

 Tina DeLuca Website: www.honesdalehypnosis.com
 Helane Lipson Website: www.insightsbyhelane.com
 Claudia Helmke Miller Website: www.wholeearthhealing.com


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Power


Allow your power to emerge with your heart energy


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An Update from Ashtar Command~ Regarding Disclosure and the Intense Energy Incoming~


Ashtar  Command
As the days went by, we can see the expectation growing within the hearts of the Lightworkers. We can see the anxiety growing in all of you and all that we can talk about at the moment is that this anxiety will be assuaged with the conclusion of the events promised for the days that will follow.
We know the anxiety of all of you, we love the way you are spreading the information by the four corners of the planet and we can talk about the love that is pouring out of your hearts is fundamental in uplifting the planet, and it makes our work even more rewarding. 


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Wesak ~ Its Importance in 2012




How You & Humanity Will Benefit from the Wesak Blessings 

Right now, the annual Wesak blessing energies are building, the enlightened Masters assembling and connecting with humanity. The great ones like the Buddha, the Christ, and Kuan Yin will be with you more tangibly again this season. At Wesak celebrations worldwide, you will be able to sense their presence and receive their wisdom.

The weeks building up to and following Wesak traditionally carry a very high potency. If you become still and invite in the blessings, you may feel them even now. During 2012, the auspicious Wesak blessings are magnified. There is also a different energy theme this year, for this June is the time of the Venus transit - a planetary cycle that typically precedes great shifts in consciousness.

The June 2012 Venus transit is part of a long progression catalyzing the return of the divine feminine on the Earth. The return of the feminine is vital to the birthing of a new type of world based on love. The conventional world you live in now - rooted in old paradigm ways - is fear based and exclusionary. That world is falling away - fast.



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~ Yes, this is Where I Am… Vortexing… ~


Yes, this is Where I Am… Vortexing…



The vortex (also there’s a portal out there, too) is to the right of the java card. The dolphins have been out there today showing where it is. They’re spinner dolphins. Appropriate enough. Strong sense that they help attune the vortex and strengthen its healing essence.


People are healed here whether they know it or not. Every moment spent in the presence of the Spirit of this space assists in reconfiguring grids and aligning energies. That’s a mouthful. Really it’s just a special way of saying, you feel better here after being here. Something like that.


This is very short. But like Yoda, Mickey Rooney, or Danny Devito, great things come in small packages…


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Meet The Children Of Ekatva (Oneness)


This story was in my mailbox this morning and I fell in Love with it. It's a short video about a group of children from India who have formed a dance troupe, telling the story of Oneness for us all. Please click the link and give it a view, your day will be forever changed!

~All my Love, Boo





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the pathless path


the darkness is over....the light is here

love floods the planet ...with gifts so dear

cherish this moment, IT'S all that you have

you're walking now on the pathless path



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World Liberation Day - Update



World Liberation Day - Update



This has indeed gone viral and reached about 100,000 people in one day. But to read about it is one thing and actually do the visualization on 5-5-2012 completely another. I would encourage as many people as possible to actually participate, although it may be in the early morning hours in your part of the world.


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2MIN News Apr27: Solar Activity, GeoMagnetics, World Update


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Healing Earth News: California's Clean Water Act A Success & Making Homes From Reclaimed Materials


(editor's note: Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.

Today I bring you encouraging new from California as their waters have significant reductions in heavy metals. Then from Texas, the story of a man who makes amazing homes using materials once destined for landfills.
~All my Love, Boo)


First Evaluation of the Clean Water Act's Effects On Coastal Waters in California Reveals Major Successes


Levels of copper, cadmium, lead and other metals in Southern California's coastal waters have plummeted over the past four decades, according to new research from University of Southern California.



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Imagine creating a wonderful world for EVERY being to experience...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine creating a wonderful world for EVERY being to experience...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)


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The View From Down Here: New Form of Lava Flow Discovered On Mars


(editor's note: I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening "outside and around" our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  

Today's view explores some amazing geometric patterns of lava on Mars.
~All my Love, Boo)


New Form of Lava Flow Discovered On Mars


High-resolution photos of lava flows on Mars reveal coiling spiral patterns that resemble snail or nautilus shells. Such patterns have been found in a few locations on Earth, but never before on Mars. The discovery, made by Arizona State University graduate student Andrew Ryan, is announced in a paper published April 27, 2012, in the scientific journal Science.



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Stretching Science: Better Understanding of DNA Activities & Self-Healing Concrete


(editor's note: In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.

Today I bring you a story of scientists who are gaining a better understanding of how DNA works and getting closer to unlocking the door to understanding how cells develop and function.

Then, using bacteria, scientists have created a method that can block the concrete’s pores, keeping out water and other damaging substances to prolong the life of the concrete.
~All my Love, Boo)


New Technique Will Transform Epigenetics Research


Epigenetics is a branch of genetics that studies modifications to the DNA which affect gene activity. The research, published April 26 in the journal Science,has important implications for stem cell research and the development of regenerative medicines.



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Heavenletter #4172 Sun and Stars


Heavenletter #4172 Sun and Stars, April 27, 2012 

God said: 


Whatever frustration may be in front of you, you don't have to kowtow to it. You do not have to give up your peace of mind because of a technical difficulty on Earth. Difficulties do not have to get the better of you. Simply take life as it comes, and don't get all fretted about it.

You really know that most difficulties are temporary. The electricity went off? It will come back on. You car stalled? Your car won't always be stalled. It will be running fine again, and you will toddle down the highway again. Your basement flooded? It won't always be flooded. It will be dry again.


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Natural Remedies: Immune Deficiency, Repairing Heart Muscle Damage & Science And Prayer


(editor's note: In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.


Today I bring you three stories; natural ways to boost your immune system, new research on the ability of damaged heart muscle to regenerate without the use of stem cells, and finally a news article encouraging scientists to study the miraculous effects of prayer.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Immune Deficiency



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*FOR N.E.W. EYES ONLY!* Sheldan Nidle Webinar 4~26~2012 Notes


*FOR N.E.W. EYES ONLY!* Sheldan Nidle Webinar 4~26~2012 Notes



- Limited consciousness beings react to the unknown by seeing reality as one thing. Fear is just a false event appearing real. (F.E.A.R.) We are treated and run like puppets. Our society is based upon fears that are imagined and not real.


  - Fall of our Consciousness: Brain was disconnected greatly. Gene sequencing was altered. The body possesses genetic memories for fear passed down through generations (Epi-genetics). Epi-genetics were added to cause you to age and eventually, die. The ultimate fear is to die and be separated from your physical reality.



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~26~12 We Have Arrived at Complete Impact


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~26~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update We Have Arrived at Complete Impact ~



Greetings Love Beings, As We shared! These next 72 hours we are receiving an Intense Amount of Love~ Light Energy. This will Increase Daily, as We Prepare for all the Incoming Events. We are getting reports from around the Planet of Miracles happening, Increased Joy, Laughter, and Unity among families, neighbors and friends. We are Here to Really Lighten things Up.



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"I Want To Know God’s Thoughts…The Rest Are Details." – Albert Einstein


The 2012 ASCENSION process and beyond, involves moving out of third dimensional density into the higher frequency and vibration of the fourth and then fifth dimensions. Financial, political, and social institutions that no longer serve us are falling away. They are being replaced with better systems that will serve us well. The same is true of our bodies. We are changing from a carbon based physical nature to a crystalline light body without experiencing physical death.


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A Message from The Earth Allie's~Divine Intervention, The Divine Decree's in Manifestation~


~Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The~Company of Heaven~ From Galactic Central. We are the Ground Crew, Medical Team for First Contact and Your Earth Allies. We are here in Service to Humanity's Freedom and For The Graduation Party! Also With You Is US, Mother and Father God, Your Real Parents of Creation, WE Love you Unconditionally, Thank you For Celebrating our Presence Here with YOU! As WE Celebrate You and Your Awakening into True Reality.  ~





 Our Decrees that have been the Set~up for Humanity's Graduation Events, All of these Decrees are Heard Across the Galaxies and all Universes, as well as the StarShips Surrounding Planet Earth=Heart. The Starships are assisting in energizing are Responding Immediately for the manifestation of the Blue Star Nation in accordance with the Divine Plan.



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Indeed, silly question: What came first?... Freedom or Truth... or what has been created first: Freedom or Truth?...


Lets elaborate a bit this silly question, and hopefully on the end of this article you will realize the answer by your self’s...


Are we Humans ready for this energy called freedom?... not only Freedom word from dictionary description, but full aspect of  what we are asking here...


Did you consider that there is no partial freedom, or just a bit free, or let me experience this freedom, so I can decide do I really want it?...



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Linda M. Robinson – Archangel Zadkiel – Embracing Your Divine Feminine Aspect



Linda M. Robinson – Archangel Zadkiel – Embracing Your Divine Feminine Aspect – 27 April 2012

Greeting My Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, my counterpart, bringing you a message from The Divine Light.

Today we wish to talk with you about the importance of embracing The Divine Feminine within.  As you know, you are composed of the masculine and feminine essences, regardless of which form is outermost in this lifetime.


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Our Animals


Thank you FatherMother God. from Updates



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Sananda ~ You Are The Light of the Divine ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.26.12






Greetings, beautiful Souls of Mother Earth and beyond. I come before you today to bring you news that will lift your heart and cleanse your soul.


Many events are about to commence, Dear Ones. All around the Universes, beings wait with bated breath and awe at what you have all done to increase the Light and raise the energies all around you. We bow before you, for you are all great beings of the Light, all you Lightworkers and Lightbearers who have come to witness the great awakening, to herald it and bring it about.


I am in no way different from you in that I want the Light to overcome and infiltrate all who is here to the degree that there is so much transformation in each being, with so much Joy and so much Love.


Many of you are feeling the Shifts so much that you are in awe; you are feeling a sense of anticipation and wonder. You are starting to forget what you have been experiencing for so many eons, and starting to remember your True Selves, your God Selves, your Divinity. It is a wonderful spectacle to behold, dear friends.


If I could take you by the hand and lead each of you personally to your final destination, I would. The truth is, you are leading yourselves. You are taking to heart the deep, deep wisdom spewing out from within yourselves, and taking it forward.



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Sun's Asymmetrically Reversing Magnetic Field


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Enlightened Beings ~ Enrich Your Life With A Daily Spiritual Experience



Enlightened Beings ~ Enrich Your Life With A Daily Spiritual Experience

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher | Enlightened Beings

Every experience in your life has the potential of becoming a spiritual experience. Even the most ordinary experiences can turn into vast, expansive, enlightening connections with the Divine. You simply step out of the way and allow your smaller self to surrender to your bigger Self. Who “you” are merges with that vast unlimited Source that you truly are.


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Valerie Donner – A Short Message From Mira The Pleiadian – 27 April 2012



Valerie Donner – A Short Message From Mira The Pleiadian – 27 April 2012

On April 18th 2012, Mira from the Pleiadian High Council told our class that humanity is suffering from “post hypnotic stress”. She said that humanity has been holding on to an old third dimensional dream. The idea of having the house, retirement, a particular relationship, job, or certain financial situation are of the past. Humanity is awakening from its slumber and is creating a new dream that is far better then what it knew in the third dimension.


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Ronna Herman – Archangel Michael – Accessing Your Personal Source Of Creator Light



Ronna Herman – Archangel Michael – Accessing Your Personal Source Of Creator Light – Message For May – 27 April 2012

Beloved masters, it is a worthwhile endeavor and often a great adventure to visit the ancient Sacred Sites around the world; however, the most powerful source of the White Fire Essence of Creator Light is within your own Sacred Heart chamber. As you move beyond the distortions of the third- / fourth-dimensional reality into the higher planes of consciousness, your human auric field will once again begin to blaze forth with radiant, purifying Light. Many of you are well on your way to achieving the radiance of an en-LIGHTEN-ed Self-master. When Sacred Love is present, all is in harmony.


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Visionkeeper – Time To Create Your Dreams



Visionkeeper – Time To Create Your Dreams – 27 April 2012

As the shift approaches, the time of preparation picks up speed. I mentioned yesterday about going within to figure out who you really are, do you have integrity? While you are in there moving stuff around looking for answers, take time to kick back and day-dream about how you want your new life to be. What would you truly want to do or be? Where would you want to be? What would your ideal life scenario look like? Think it about it, see yourself in it, feel your emotions while you are in it. What does it sound like? Are you in the country with the birds singing or can you hear the hustle and bustle of the big city and all it has to offer? What will you do with all the extra time freedom brings for you? How will you adjust to these changes? People will tend to want to say “Heck I’ll be just fine not having to work”. If that is all you have ever known, while free time is fun, being totally free will take some adjusting to. It is not always easy filling up free time if you are not used to it.


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URIEL. The Heartbeat Of The Universe. By, AuroRa Le



URIEL. The Heartbeat Of The Universe. By, AuroRa Le. April 27, 2012.

   Savor the peaceful moments when you first awaken from your nightly travels.  I say travels because at this juncture, very little of your evening sojourn is allotted to what you would consider to be sleep.  Focus on those moments, my friends;  that time before your mind fills up with countless trivialities the many tasks you “must get done”.  Do not allow these things to crowd out the last of your serenity.  Relax a few moments more, forego that first cup of coffee and simply allow yourself to lie still and be.  Listen closely and what do you hear?  It’s there if you choose to hear it, that highly-pitched ringing in your ears. From some it’s constant to the point of becoming unnoticeable, is often loud. Then, for others it’s barely perceptible.  Nonetheless, you shall hear it – the heartbeat of the universe, the songs of the angels.


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It’s Time to LIVE Beyond the Obvious and the Comfortable!




I think, pretty much since the day I was born, my life has been very much like a white water river ride with occasional rests spots along the way.  It has taken me a long time to be able to maneuver the rapids proficiently, and there is no doubt had I not had my spiritual awakening 12 years ago, I would be trashing beneath these intensifying currents.


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Begin to expect the occasional miracle. – Michael by GLR Ron Head




My friends, we will speak today about your joyous emergence into your true selves.  Your mental picture is most likely of a celebrating you at the completion of a process.  That is a wonderful picture to have.  But that is a picture of a reality that, although it exists now, is not yet your reality in your dimension.


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Oracle Report ~ April 27 2012



Friday, April 27, 2012



Crescent Moon Phase

It's a windy day for sure!  Situations and circumstances will change several times today, requiring us to adjust course frequently.  This means we should not get stuck on one thing because we will become frustrated.  Don't get blown away by this energy.  Remember that anytime there are strong winds, Spirit is close.  This energy is changeable, but it is also inspirational (in-spir-ational, with the emphasis on the spirit part).  Protective guidance accompanies all of this, so follow things through on their natural course.  Don't fight it.  Also, wisdom is going to be disseminated today.  Sometimes our lessons are hard learned, but if we stay open and don't try to come to a conclusion too soon, it will be easier on us today.  Be aware that today everyone will be trying to satisfy their needs, some more selfishly than others, and many with blinders on to those around them.  We will call them the Tasmanian devils.  Steer clear - they are unpredictable.


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It's time to push the red button


How many humans does it take to change the world?  Apparently 144,000.  There is an event, (World Liberation Day), playing out on our stage May 5/6th.  Global change will occur as a result.  Here is more information: http://www.sophialove.org/be-the-change.html and a video as well: http://youtu.be/S1Thms2mXEY


This is a moment to see if it’s true, take a step towards self-determination and grab the wheel.  It takes awareness of the time and about 5 minutes of your day, if that.  No special location, chanting, outfits or incense is necessary.  This is perfect.


The reason this is ideal is because it allows for unique expressions of one truth – the truth of Unity.  On a fundamental level we are One.  We have never taken that idea out of our sacred texts and meditation circles.  We’ve never declared our Oneness.  At one moment, all over the planet, we will next weekend.  We will speak as One.  This is our chance to tangibly experience our truth.


Some of us have known of our oneness for awhile, others of us just want to be free, yet all of understand a change is necessary.  There are forces mobilized to carry out the initial event, the arrests and removal of those who understand only domination.  They are waiting for a signal to do so; they are waiting for us to give it to them.  It is time to push the red button.


Once it is pressed, our responsibility for action does not end.  The expression “freedom isn’t free” applies here.  Our effort to press that button, although unprecedented, will pale in comparison to what comes next.  It will be time to walk our talk.



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Yesterday I was taking my daily walk when a story popped into my head.....I am an artist and I love to write poems etc but this was good:



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