Keshe: Italy the latest nation joining the Space Program

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 10/27/2012 - 11:14


Italy the latest nation joining the Space Program

GFP Comment: We did get a confirmation of the fact that Keshe did give his technology to the Italian Embassy, we do not have confirmation so far of what the Italian Government will do with it.


Post subject: Italy the latest nation joining the Spaceship program Posted: Today 10.27.2012


According to the Keshe Foundation’s principle of transferring its technologies to every country on earth, we are proud to announce the nation and government of Italy has accepted the transfer of technology of the spaceship program of the keshe Foundation.


On the 26.10.2012 at 4 pm as per pre-agreed appointment with the officials of the Italian embassy in Brussels in Belgium, The Director of the Keshe Foundation M T Keshe handed over to the officials of the Italian government, the representative scientific attaché, all full patents (public and hidden patents) of the Keshe Foundation, the blueprint of space reactor, the assembly unit of the reactor and the design of the space craft.


The transfer of technology as with the government of Sierra Leone was in the format of electronic data saved on a USB stick.


The official of the embassy immediately checked the content of the USB stick and confirmed that patent files and blueprints drawings are fully on the USB stick which they have recived.


The session was video recorded and according to diplomatic protocol, as the video was taken within the premises of the Italian nation territory, it will be archived and will not be shown in public unless otherwise instructed by the Italian embassy and government.


Now the nation of Italy has become the first nation in Europe which has accepted the full transfer of technology of the spaceship program of the Keshe Foundation for bringing peace and prosperity to the nations of the world.


We welcome the scientists and officials of the Italian government and the nation of Italy to the Keshe Foundation spaceship program.


We have offered our full expertise and technical support to the nation of Italy representatives in the meeting, if they call upon the Keshe Foundation to see this development through.


As per previous discussions, we will bring all nations joining the spaceship program soon together that they can exchange know-how and knowledge on equal bases and scientific grounds.


We would like to thank all the Italian people and internet community groups which encouraged their government representative to attend the 6.9.2012 meeting at the Keshe Foundation center for the world government ambassadors, and now we see the fruit of your hard work.


The knowledge transfer has been done on no economical charge bases and it has been freely given to the nation of Italy by the Keshe Foundation as we have done with nations of Iran and Sierra Leone.


We will announce names of more nations as they will become part of the spaceship program in the coming weeks.


We welcome the Nation of Italy to the most advanced space program at the present, which will allow this nation to be able to put men in space before the end of the 2013.


The Keshe Foundation welcomes fellow Italian scientists to peaceful open spaces of the universe and to our space program.


Surely in the coming weeks and months your nation and the Keshe Foundation will make ground breaking technologies for the prosperity of your nation and mankind.


M T Keshe


Director of the Keshe Foundation




Post subject: Re: Italy the latest nation joining the Spaceship program


Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:56 am


I have got confirmation that an italian embassy officer has received directly from Mr. Keshe a USB containing many files among which it was possible to identify patent applications and many parts drawings. I was told that the files are now under review for further processing and decision making.
Thank you very much Mr. Keshe.


Jon (not verified)

Sat, 10/27/2012 - 11:38

sorry but will believe all this about the keshe foundation when the public has acces to it, like any high tech, its still being hidden, why is it not in the media?

As we said in the comment, we do have confirmation of some of these facts and do not know what the embassy will actually do with it. We also are in contact with a team of Italian ingeneers and scientists that are actually building the anty-gravity system right Now. We cannot give information about it so far as they have not finished and even though they also seem surprised by the fact that it all does seem to fit and work, as long as it will not be finished AND working they are not able to release a bottom line about it either. We will all see I guess, though we keep the Vision for the Highest outcome.

Well, HUmanity Is Shifting right Now and anything that is involved in the Shift is part of the information we post. Thus I may did not understand your question?


This is great news!  Is it not obvious, why this is not being reported by MSM? Ask your self who stands loose and who stands to gain from this technology?  Similar technology has been around for decades and was hidden. Tesla, Rife ect ect ect...


Here is another source of excellent news from the American Kabuki blog site: The Noble gas Engine will be revealed to the World on Dec. 11, 2012 at the Power-Gen conference in Orlando FloridaInteligentry,


Very exciting news indeed!

We're waiting to see them too. Keshe is saying that they sealed their lab last year the day before the presentation and that is why now they give the technology to others in order for them to buld them. I guess the only thing we can do is go on asking, inquiring, researching and finally find out one outcome or another.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 10/28/2012 - 00:14

Mr Keshe has offered many countries his patent for free and unlimited clean energy but has been rebuffed as too many vested interests are at stake



These are exiting times and the big oil , gas and corrupt banking cartels have had there day. They have had so much power and monopoly in the past but there days are numbered.


Our world will be transformed with clean free energy being available to all.


Belgium was the only country who welcomed Mr Keshe Italy has. Guess which countries will be first to benifit...


Mr Keshe's technology is able to disarm nuclear weapons.


Read his letter to President Obama on his site (Keshe foundation)

What I love is that his foundation is a non-profit organisation.


If I won the lottery I would send a large donation as thats how much faith I have in this

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