Keys to the Living Library - Part 1

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 06:44

The Pleiadians have provided us with an expansive library of information on subjects ranging from ascension to human sexuality and so much more.

Since we are representatives of our home of origin and not a "native" species found only on earth as taught in yesterdays' school books, some of this may be new to you or provide you with a different perspective.

Even if you've seen this particular video in the past, I urge you to view it again with your new eyes and fully awakened heart. I have also provided a written transcript found below the video post.

May you come to a deeper understanding and remembrance of who you are and how you fit into the great project we call "The Cosmos."
~All my Love, Boo



Keys to the Living Library - Part 1
(narrated by Barbara Marciniak)

Greetings dear friends, We are Here. It is our intention to assist you in creating a new vision. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel buried in dark layers of soil and stone, earth radiates Her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. We ask you, as seekers of the great story to proclaim an allegiance to earth. Pledge a transformation of your selves, which is the journey through light and dark and honor earths' momentous role in setting you free. Your task at this point in time, is to activate the living library of earth, to restore earth and the human version of life to the forefront of creation. This is the journey you are on.

We ask each of you to open your mind and heart, for within your body and earth Herself lie the answers to the great mysteries you seek. Although we appear to exists from without as a collective of Pleiadian energies calling to you from the future, we also exist within you. We are your ancestors, existing within you as well as without. We ARE you on the golden spirals of time, cycling the epochs of existence, calling to you yourselves to reconsider all you thought Holy. We ask you to re-evaluate the purpose of your life, to redefine the forces that rule you, to resurrect the codes of consciousness stored in your being. It is time for you to reclaim your knowledge as a creator through thought, to recall the purpose of the living library of earth, to restore beauty through value of life, and to remember who you are. Journey with us now, through the mysteries of your world.

Picture yourself on an excursion through the image of twelve, and lay the concept of twelve out in your mind. Imagine yourself experiencing the numerical symbols of one through twelve -as in the twelve months of the calendar, the twelve movements of the signs through the zodiac, or the twelve hours around the clock. And then add to these symbols, your own personal avenue of twelve. Imagine you have twelve strands of DNA, and that these activate and connect to your twelve chakras, which are energy doorways through which you access your spiritual heritage. Herein lies a key. Your challenge is to know yourself through your imagination, accessing your inner networks and bulletin boards of realities which are invisible to your naked eye.

We are here for the game, the codes, and the master numbers. Our ancestors created events that presently stifle our development on the Pleiades. And as Pleiadians, we are seeking to discover the solutions to this grand dilemma; a predicament that you share with us. Our ancestors came from a universe that had completed itself, and understood universally that is was Prime Creator, as the journey of Prime Creator through time. They had come from a universe that had discovered its essence - creativity. By discovering that essence, they found out that they were creators. They came into the Pleiades because that star system would someday be able to help you at a most challenging time. A time when you would be ready to reconnect with Prime Creator.

Our ancestors are also your ancestors. They gave their DNA to the original planners, and this DNA became part of the DNA of the human species. The plan was to create an intergalactic exchange center of information within your planet earth. It was an extraordinary plan involving a beautiful place; for earth is located on the fringe of one galactic system and is easily reached from other galaxies.

It is our intention to assist you in coming to a greater understanding of the Pleiadian experiments that have been influencing earth. During times of chaos and confusion, times when the human species was suppressed, various factions from our home system came to different locations around your planet and made very subtle openings. They worked with small clusters of consciousness to leave a glimmer of energy upon your planet. For many in the cosmos knew your planet was headed towards tremendous calamity and great suppression. Earth is in dire straits at this time, there is no doubt about it. Yet great opportunities lie within this state of confusion. We applaud your intentions and honor each of you for choosing yourself to go into the unknown. We honor you for being willing to look at the portions of yourself female and male that for all practical purposes you have not understood at all.

It is time for each of you to be noticed in your own way. To magnify energies as they pass through you, and to make these energies available to multitudes of others as you casually pull light rays into your body and onto earth.

There are many families of consciousness that cluster together based upon evolution, intent, and a particular plan. The family of light, to which you belong, comes from such a lineage of consciousness. The family of light is a collection of entities coded to bring information to this planet. The coding is inside each individual. Once you are able to question, and see beyond the current interpretation of reality, you are guided to create thought forms to fire the codings in others. Members of the family of light are able to integrate and survive reality shifts without destroying the bodies or life forces they occupy. As a member of the family of light, the ability to change reality exists innately inside you. You must create the belief system by where you can do this because your mind is structured to evolve and form your experience based on what you command no matter what paradigm platform you spring from.

The family of light acts as a stabilizing factor for dimensional shifts, and its members serve as carriers of a frequency used to awaken many. Members of the family of light have pushed themselves past the laws of third dimensional reality - through to another dimension, so to speak, by uncovering the coding within themselves.

Many of you may have the feeling that you have done this before - you have. You lost your memory of this process because you came here to operate under the same laws as everyone else. When you incarnated into the earth plane, you received certain matched pairs of recessive genes that hold light codes that gave you the highest opportunity to develop psychic and intuitive abilities. In addition, these genes carried some memory that separated you from others, even though you could not name it. With these powers and talents it has been your task to build on your life and allow the momentum to lead you into something different and most humans. As an extensive mutation occurs on the inside of humans, also stimulated on the outside by those who are assisting you in this genetic upliftment, you must act and integrate what is awakening within you.

It's time for you to make a commitment to create joy, creativity and love for yourself. Only then will you benefit others. For if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. Humans are considered by some in this universe to be priceless, though in actuality you yourselves have no idea of the value stored within the human body. Your human body is the most valuable thing you will ever own and encounter. You are priceless.

Your language is encoded, and sounds create reflective images that stimulate and structure consciousness. Spoken words carry different vibrations than written words. We like to play with both forms of language. When we speak, our intonation has its own signature to it, and we use subtle variances with emphasis on particular sounds. When you come into our vibration, you are getting many many instructions triggering layers and layers of knowledge.

(end of part 1. To be continued...)


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