A KP Message… as I Await the Benjamin…

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 09:56

A KP Message… as I Await the Benjamin…

I’m not sure what this is all about. Or why it is coming. Or what, if any, the title will be. I’m currently “waiting” on the Benjamin Fulford post to come, soon, I believe. Last week it came in around 1 AM. So here it is at 11:19 PM. I am awaiting… expectantly.


That seems to be running around these days. “The Expectancy” of things to start happening. Whatever it is, and however it manifests. A bright flash of light, maybe a few arrests, detentions, changes on the surface of the planet, yet also deep within. In fact, that’s where it all started. Deep within.


All that “consciousness stuff”. Change in awareness. Suppose could call it “awareness stuff”. We’re involved in many ways. Individually, each “getting” what they are to be, do, feel, sense, where to travel, to be “mission”-aries, some are even “mission-faeries”. I’ve even known several who are “Castro-Fairies”.


I love the Castro (San Francisco), especially for shopping! Found some wonderful crystals over there. But also have found some wonderful sacred stones in another sacred space of mine… the Kona Wal-Mart parking lot. Amazing where “sacred-ness” lies. All in the perception, I suppose.


There is so much “stuff” going on out there, and in here. I’ve felt a grand opening within, that’s for sure. Opening to stuff, and ideas, and pathways that I’d never really seen, until now. Almost exponential, how it’s increasing, this awareness thing. So I suppose all of that is common for those who are currently “on the path” of moving upward in consciousness.


I also feel that expansion is the real theme here. Expansion of Consciousness. Expansion of Awareness. I’m quite amazed how, just 3 1/2 years ago, I was playing music full time, and really seeing myself as a “Hawaiian” connected being. I was Hawaiian, I played Hawaiian music (still do), I was just a local Hawaiian boy (note: on the islands, you can be 80-90 years old, and still be a local Hawaiian boy (or girl)!). But that was kind of how I viewed my life. Local.


Then I got “messed up” in an Expansion kind of way, as I started listening to these conference calls, with MarkH, Rama, Tara, and a bunch of other “strange” folks. They called themselves “Galactics”, and referred to each other as “Commander”. When I called in a question, they even referred to me as “Commander”. Wow. I felt so honored, and accepted into that community. And I shortly after began doing “operations”, to assist in clearing the planet of “stuff”. Worms, underground, underwater tubes, all energetic type stuff, visioning things, seeing things in my mind, and reporting back to the group. Feeling drawn to and then going to neighbor islands, to do “stuff” over there. Bringing the Lemurians back to Hawaii, and to the world.


And what was driving all of this? It was a NEW UNDERSTANDING. A New Awareness. That I WAS A GALACTIC CITIZEN. I was now “being” what I really was. I was now “doing” what I really came here to do. And that was to assist this planet, and assist this Galaxy, yea, assist this Universe, into moving to the next level. The only tools I had were my Awareness, and my 3D body (I needed that, to step onto planes, drive rental cars, sleep under the stars, get up at 2 AM to bring some Light here, or there, or throw a ball of Light over hyah (South Park Cartman-ese, for “here”), over nyah (South Park Cartman-ese, for “there”), and wherever it was requested.


All this stuff flying around now, about arrests, financial tyranny, and the end of it, the demise of “the cabal”, and all that. It’s all almost like a side show. I feel like I’m here to be (sort of) a part of it, but feeling almost like I’m completely detached from it, and free from any pressure about the results. That’s a strange sentence, but there it is.


This planet has been a pisser. Not because of me, personally, of course (well, not completely), or anyone I know personally that’s here now. There have been so-called “dark ones”, reptilians, whatever, who have been here for who knows how many thousands of years, that have been trying to GMO us and I mean, really, doing a GMH, I suppose is more accurate acronym (Genetically Modified Human), zap us with microwaves, chemtrails, underwater/underground weird frequency generators that get everybody ticked off at each other, and media that tells us nothing at all about who we really are.


But now that’s over, I’m hearing. The “dark ones”, whether reptilian, human-eptilian, or just “ass-hole-ian” (pardon my Galactic French) apparently have been kicked out of here by a mass uprising in planetary consciousness, some Andromedan and other galactic DUMB-blasting groups, a bunch of “Tree-hugging Hippies from Outer Space”, some UFO guy named Wilcock, a Japanese-English-Spanish-and-who-knows-what-else-speaking former Forbes financial editor from Canada who lives in Japan and runs around with White Dragons, and a guy named Drake.


Who could come up with a better world scenario than that!



You make me cry... dear One... Cry from laughing, and rolling over my sofa...


Thank you for this one... wow.. You are definitely discovered who YOU are: 
VHHGH [read: Very Hilariously Humoristsic Galactic Human...]


You discovered the secret of being Galactic ONE.... Humor and Joy.. no matter what transpires around You, You stay in Your field of Centered Laughter... and You are set... 


You do not have to go anywhere, do anything... simply Laugh...


Thank you for sharing this secret with US ALL... Thank you for Tears of Joy... These are much smoother than the 'sad and pitiful ones' ... tears I mean... 


Love you and Know your humor is Blessing for our 'sad an worried' souls... 


With Laughter and Joy, Predrag Saint Germain

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